Compilation of prophecies from God's servant, Mitt Jeffords
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Mitt Jeffords
A Visitation
I was seeking the Lord one morning when the Lord spoke to me and said, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, and I never change. Even to this day I am the beginning as well as the end, and I always will be". Then the Lord quickened to me that which is written in Revelation 1:10 "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day...". Then the Lord said to me, “All that which John witnessed in the Revelation, he did not see it by vision or by dream, but rather I took him in the spirit to the beginning where he actually witnessed Satan and his angels fall from heaven (Rev.12:7-9). I also took John to the end where he witnessed the great white throne of judgment (Rev.20:11-15)”. Until this moment, I had never really given any consideration as to why it was written that Jesus was the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, but now this was taking on a whole new definition for me.
How can any man comprehend the power of God, a spiritual being who is not limited to the laws of time and space as man is? I have learned that most unbelief is well rooted in man trying to comprehend the spiritual things of God with natural understanding. It can not be done, and this is why the Lord is willing to give any of us the gift of his Spirit so that we might be able to understand and know God. For it is as it is written in I Cor.2:11 “For what man knows the things of man except the spirit of man who is in him? Even so, the things of God no man knows, only the Spirit of the Lord. Now we have not received the spirit of this world, but the spirit which is of God so that we might know the things which are freely given to us of God”. I then myself experienced a new thing, for after a few thoughts, the Lord allowed for me to quit trying to reason out what had happened to John, and I then believed that it was so. I then realized that the Lord was preparing me for something by revealing unto me how he was the Alpha and the Omega. I then became very excited, realizing that the Lord was about to do a new thing for me.
Then the Lord led me to read all of Revelation 5, when "And I saw, in the right hand of him that sat upon the throne, a book written on both sides, and then sealed with 7 seals. And I saw a strong angel, proclaiming with a loud voice, "Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?" And no man in heaven, nor in the earth, neither was there any under the earth, who was able to open the book, or who was able to look inside. And I wept much, because no man was found worthy "to open and to read the book", neither to look upon it. Then one of the elders said unto me, "Do not weep, for behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David has prevailed to open the book, and to loose the 7 seals upon it. And I beheld, and lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb, as it had been slain, having 7 horns, and 7 eyes, which are the 7 spirits of God sent forth into all the earth. And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat on the throne. And when he had taken the book, the 4 beasts and the 24 elders, fell down before the Lamb, everyone having harps and golden vials full of odors, which are the prayers of the saints. And they sung a new song saying, "You are worthy to take the book, and to open the seals there-of; for you where slain and have redeemed us to God by your blood, out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation. And you have made us to be kings and priests unto our God; and we shall reign on the earth. And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels, who were around the throne, and also the beasts and the elders. And the number of them was 10,000 times 10,000, and 1000's and 1000's; and they were saying with a loud voice, "Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing...." Wow! Even though I had read this chapter many times before, I had never before realized just how big of a heavenly event this was, seeing that there was at least 10,000,000 heavenly creatures witnessing this event.
The Lord also confirmed for me again that John did not witness this event by vision or dream because one of the 24 elders actually came over to John and spoke to him. All of a sudden, I then felt the presence of the Lord come upon me, and in the quickest of moments, I felt like the heavens just parted for me, and suddenly I found myself at this very same event described in Revelation 5. The Lord then showed me the events that occurred from the time that Jesus was crucified on the cross until he appeared as the Lamb that was slain in Revelation 5. I then perceived that there was a lot more about these events that what I had previously understood; and I also perceived that I was about to learn more about Jesus Christ than what I had previously known.
It was then that the Lord spoke to me and asked, "When did I get the victory?" I thought about this for a moment, and I answered with that which I had always believed saying, "Lord, did you not get the victory when you suffered and died on the cross?" But the Lord then asked me, "Were there not thousands of others that were also crucified on those same Roman crosses; and did they not also suffer greatly before they died also? I then answered, "Yes, Lord, they did". Then the Lord said, "So then, if the victory was gotten through the suffering and the death of the cross, then why did not all of those thousands who suffered and died in like manner also get the victory? Should not they also be worshipped and served as "Lord"?” I then answered very timidly, "Lord, I suppose that the reason that I do not worship them is because they did not die for my sins like you did?" Then the Lord answered and said, "This is truth; for I willingly offered myself up for you so that by my blood your sins could be forgiven, and that you could be sanctified by this truth. I shed my blood so that the guilty blood could be redeemed by with the innocent blood. Surely the new covenant is established in my blood.
Let my blood signify unto you that you have a Lord whose love for you is so great that I willing suffered and die for each one who comes to believe on me. Let my blood always be a sign unto you, a sign that my love and my forgiveness is greater than the sin that dwells in you. When I died on that cross, the veil in the temple then tore completely in two, from top to bottom, signifying the end of the old and the beginning of the new. No longer could the sins of any be atoned for by the blood of bulls and lambs" says the Lord, "but by my blood only. But still, if the victory was not found the in the suffering and shedding of blood on that cross, then where was it? Was not the only victory that was found on the day of my death that which the wicked thought that they had won because they were able to crucify me? Again, the cross is a symbol of the greatness of the love that I have for all sinners, but truly, it is also a symbol of the hatred that the hypocrites and the wicked have towards all things that pertain to God.
Do not forget this truth, the only victory that the cross signifies is that which the hypocrites and the wicked thought that they obtained when they crucified me; for it was here that the heathen of this world united with the religion of the self-righteous to murder the Son of God. Have you not yet perceived that even the people of God found more value in choosing a murderer and a thief unto themselves rather than the Son sent to them from their God? In this is found the enmity that rules over all those who are kept in bondage to the thoughts and desires of the carnal mind; a mind which lusts to hate any thought, or any man, or any doctrine that allows for the God of life to have any reign over it. This is the blindness of this world, the ignorance that keeps those who are carnally minded separated from the life that I created for men to be partakers of. Have I not revealed unto you that my will for you is that you may all be partakers of abundant life? Is it not written that when I rule in your hearts, you will experience a peace and joy that those of this world could not possibly experience?
I have no desire to reign over the lives of men through force, or by intimidation, or by cruelty, or by oppression. In truth, I was crucified because I came into this world to free the minds of men from the misery and oppression that has ruled over them. Do you now see more clearly how that the victory that the world thought that they had won was to rid the world of all of my influences, my ways, and my thoughts? For my Spirit, my ways and my thoughts free the souls of men from the corruption and oppression of worldly governments and false religions. Of course, the victory that these thought they had won, it was only an illusion in their own minds. These are they who are blinded by the darkness, ignorant of how great it is for me to be your God. Let the cross always be a symbol to you, believing in hearts that you truly are the object of all of my love and affection, for all the thoughts that I think towards you, they are thoughts to do you good, to give you abundant life and peace of mind.
Then the Lord asked me, "If then the victory was not at the cross, then where was it? Was it in the tomb when I arose from the dead?" Seeing that I had erred so with my last answer, I thought the better of it this time, carefully considering what I might say to answer the question that had been asked of me. After I considered it for a time, I then said, "Lord, I know that it is written in I Corinthians 15:26 that "The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death"; so I suppose that if you had trumped over all of your other enemies, then the victory would have surely been won when in that tomb when you arose from the dead, seeing that your overcoming of death would have been the last thing that you had need to triumph over. Then the Lord answered me and said, "If the victory was in the resurrection, then why did not the victory go to Lazarus or to Jairus' daughter after they were raised from the dead? Why was not the victory given to the son of the widow whom Elijah brought back to life? If then the resurrection is truly where the victory is found, then why are none of these worshipped as your Lord and Savior?" I then answered, "Because Lord, it is written that you alone should be worshipped”.
Now my curiosity was peaked, and I asked, “Lord, if the victory was not won at the cross or in the tomb, then where was the victory won?" Then the Lord answered and said, "It is true that I overcame death, as well as all of the enemies that oppress my people; for it was with me just as it is with all men, that my fight was not with flesh and blood, but with powers, principalities, rulers of the darkness, as well as with all manner of wicked spirits. I overcame all of the forces and the powers that rule over this present evil world. Surely, each one of these triumphs was a great victory, for in each one of them I overcame an enemy that flesh and blood are powerless to overcome. In each of these triumphs, I experienced a victory that no man before me had ever experienced; but still, the victory was not yet. Yes, it is truth that the last enemy that I overcame of this world was death, and it was this triumph that I experienced complete victory over the principalities, the powers, the rulers of darkness of this world, and all wicked spirits, but still the victory was not yet.
For having overcome the all of the powers of this world, and the death thereof. For having overcome this evil world, I was then found to be without blame and unspotted with the filth of this world; and it was then that I was accounted worthy to appear before my Father’s throne; and being found worthy, I was then able to take the book from my Father that no creature before me, not in heaven, not on the earth, nor beneath the earth, had been found worthy to before me to do; to take the book and to remove the seals from off of the book. It is here that that the victory was won. When I suffered and died on that cross, or when I arose from the dead, did 10,000,000 heavenly creatures fall upon their faces, rejoicing and singing praises saying, “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain?” Do you not think that if the victory had been won at the cross, or in that tomb, that these same heavenly creatures would have rejoiced and praised all those who had previously been raised from the dead as well as unto all of those thousands who had suffered and died on the cross? But who among any of these was found worthy to take the book from my Father and then open the seals thereof?
I alone was found worthy. I alone was found worthy among all the creatures in heaven, among all the creatures on earth, and among all the creatures beneath the earth. I alone overcame the world that is compassed with lies. I alone overcame the worldly man that is perverted through the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the pride of this life. I alone overcame the corrupted judgment of this world. Only I alone was found worthy to stand before the glory of the incorruptible God, and then take the book that was sitting upon his lap. It was I, the Lamb of God, who all of these heavenly creatures bowed before and worshipped, singing, "Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and blessings”.
I sat there completely speechless and numb concerning these things that my ears were hearing and my eyes were seeing. Never once in 25 years had I once heard or even considered that the victory was found in the events that are described in Revelation 5. Seeing that I had not once ever considered that this is where the victory was, I then realized that I did not even understand as to why the victory was here, and what was in the book that had been sealed? Then the Lord continued and said, "It was when I was found worthy to take the book and open it that my heavenly Father then gladly gave unto me his prize, his entire heavenly kingdom. Even though do not yet perceive the truth of these things that I am speaking to you, you will shortly", says the Lord. “For I did not win my Father’s kingdom for myself, for why would I win that which I previously had? I won my Father’s kingdom for all those who would come to believe on me, desiring for me to be their Lord, their friend, their king, their brother, and their father. I won my Father’s kingdom for those who allowed for me to reign in their hearts and their minds with peace, and with truth, and with joy, and with wisdom, and with love.
You know that it is written that no eye has seen, nor has any ear heard, and neither has there been any heart that has been able to perceive the things that are of God; for who has seen and heard and understood that these are the things which have prepared for the church, my bride. Now hear and understand; the words that are contained in the book from which I removed the seals from off of, these were the words that reveal Father’s heart unto man. It is because these words were sealed that man was kept in bondage to his own ignorance of God; the ignorance that allowed all the things of darkness to rule and reign over the hearts and minds of all men, keeping the knowledge of God veiled from the eyes and the hearts of man. John wept because he knew that only he who could be found worthy to open the seals of the book would also be he who would receive authority and power to open the eyes and the ears of the faithful to see and hear of the things of God; the things which God has prepared for man from the beginning for all those who would come to love God.
Since the fall of Adam, man has been alienated and separated from the things that God has prepared for his people: the life of God. Are you able to hear and understanding that which I am speaking to you? The life of God is not like any manner of earthy life, and neither is it like the life that is experienced by any of the heavenly creatures; for the life of God is that life which has only been experienced by the Father and the Son. Is it possible for a man to be one with his heavenly Father’s heart and not be in the very likeness of Father’s heart? Is it possible for one to be a son of God and not be completely equal with God? But who can see and hear these words?
In the darkness, man has been kept in bondage to his ignorance of the life of God; that is, he has had eyes to see, but has not been able to see the things of God; he has ears to hear, but he has not been able to understand the truth of the words of God; he has a heart, but he has not been able to perceive the nature of the life of God. For as high as the heavens have been above the earth, so also has the nature of the life of God been above the nature of the life of man. Though you have sought to understand and to know the truth of these things, and though I have allowed for you to taste of the power and the truth of my life, you still have yet to come into the fullness of this truth; the truth that reveals the nature of the life of God.
Even now, your heart has remained veiled and your eyes have scales upon them, keeping hidden the glory of my life from you; but you are drawing closer and closer to the fullness of time when all of these things which are written in the book shall be seen and heard, and then fulfilled. I am now doing a new thing, and all things shall be changed; and my life is that new thing. Remember, until the fullness of time comes, you are still under the blood that I shed upon the cross for you. Let my blood continue to be a witness unto you of the great love that I have for you, as well as a witness of my faithfulness; for I am the faithful and true witness, and I will perform all those things which I am revealing to you. I yearn to fill your heart with words of truth, words of life, and the words of my power. I yearn to fill you with the fullness of me; the fullness of the kingdom that I won for you. As a bride takes the name of her husband, so also do I yearn to give to you my name: my character, my name, and my power and authority. I yearn for your companionship and fellowship. If you can believe, then the zeal of God shall perform all of these promises and words for you.
You have heard that my word is living and that it is powerful, and though you have tasted of power, you have yet to experience the fullness of this truth yet. Yes, my word has been unto you as the word of correction; as a hammer that has broken your pride into pieces. Yes, my word as been as a sword that has pierced your heart, to reveal to you the hidden things of darkness as well as all of those counsels which are not of me. Yes, my word has been unto you the truth that has revealed unto the lies of Satan, so as to sanctify you. Yes, my word has been given unto you to increase your faith, dissolving your doubts, your fears, as well as all of your unbelief. In these things, you have asked to see and to hear the truth of my words; and I have opened your eyes and your ears to see and hear these truths of my words.
You have witnessed my faithfulness as you have allowed for me to build up your faith so that the gates of hell have not been able to prevail against you, nor have any of the powers of darkness been able to overthrow you. As you have asked to see the truth of my words, you have witnessed me freeing you from the miserable thoughts of the carnal mind; you have seen my power as I have delivered you from your bondage to Satan’s lies that have kept you in bondage to the evil desires of pride, of hatred, of iniquity, of anxiety, of hypocrisy, of all manner of fears, of unbelief, of worry, of your cares of this life, of your rebellion, from your own righteousness, from your own judgments, and your finding fault with others. You have seen how I have sent unto you the truth of my words t deliver you from the deceitfulness of your opinions, which you have used to mask the truth about your ignorance. As you have asked to see these things, I have opened your eyes to see the truth of these things. But why have you not yet asked for me to open your eyes so that you may see the truth about my life?
As you asked of me and you witnessed my word coming to you to teach you all knowledge and give to you all understanding. As you asked to see my words, you have also witnessed my power as my words have brought to nothing your worldly wisdom; the worldly wisdom from which all of your fleshy and evil desires have been birthed. As you have asked of me, you have seen me send to you the truth of my words that have delivered from false doctrines, from the ungodly counsels of men’s interpretations, and from the traditions of men. When you have asked of me, you have even witnessed my power in the word that I have sent to you to destroy the evil works that oppose my will for your life. In your seeking of me, you have seen my faithfulness in the word that I have sent unto you to open your eyes to see spiritual things, to open your ears to hear the truth of my words, and to open your heart so that you might receive the blessings of God. Could I have performed any of these works for you had you not believed the instruction of my words? If you had asked nothing of me, then could I have sent any of words unto you?
All things must be fulfilled just as they are written in my words. I was first necessary for me to prepare your hearts and your minds to receive the glory of my life, for the kingdom of God that is coming unto you. You know that it is written that new wine cannot be poured into an old wineskin, lest it tear and all falls to the ground. Now hear and understand, it is impossible for the natural heart to receive the blessings of my Spirit; my power, my honor, my wisdom, my strength, my love, my riches, and the glory that I have won for you. Yes, in your correction you have been prepared to receive the fullness of my word, the truth about the life of God. In your correction, your eyes have been opened to see much that has been hidden from you, but what your eyes have yet to see is the life of God. It is of these things that no eye has seen, or that any ear has heard, or that any heart has been able to perceive. You have not known of these blessings yet because you have not yet asked to see the truth concerning the life of God; yet, you know that it is written that when I appear unto you, you shall see me as I am, and you shall be changed into my likeness. Now ask for to open your eyes to see the life of God, and then it shall be given unto you according to your belief.
You have not asked to see and hear these things because it was hidden from your heart till this day to ask to know these things; that is, now is the appointed time. Now is time appointed for my people to ask for me to open their eyes so that they may see Father’s heart, the life of God. For this is the day of the fulfilling of all my words and promises; this is the day that your eyes will be opened to see all things, that your ears will be opened to understand all things, and that your heart will be opened to perceive all things. Now are your hearts being prepared to see all things, to receive all things, and to believe all things. Now is the time that your eyes will see and your ears will hear the fullness of those things that have been written of; those very things that many righteous men and prophets have desired to hear and to see; and have not heard not seen. But blessed are your eyes, for they being opened to see these things, and your ears for they are being opened to understand these things.
Even so, my words will always remain sealed to the disobedient because they do not seek me or trust in me, but rather they trust in their own wisdom and they lean to their own understanding for interpretation of my words. The unbelieving will never be to see the truth of my words because they believe that how they see and interpret my words is the truth of what should be believed. How a man sees and interprets my words is how a man sees and interprets me; for I am the word, and my word and I are one. The words that are birthed out of men’s opinions or reasonings pertaining to the things of God, they need not to be veiled because they are words that are powerless to perform or to change anything. Only the truth of my words have power to perform the wonderful works that I send them to perform.
Hear now, and understand; in the presence of my truth, there shall no evil thing dwell. I have spoken in parables, in metaphors, in secrets, in visions, in proverbs, in dreams, and in mysteries to keep my truth hidden from the eyes of the disobedient and unbelieving; lest they also see and hear my words and believe them, thus allowing for them to be made partakers of the life of God. I reward only those who diligently seek after me, who desire to know my truth. Have I not appointed for all to seek and to labor for my kingdom? But where are those who have honored my words, who have believed them to be my truth, and not as words that should be twisted and shaped to conform to the desires of men? It is for this reason that my words have been sealed, to keep the truth hidden from the eyes, the ears, and the hearts of the ungodly and corrupt, lest they should also be made partakers of the inheritance that I won for those who overcome the world through faith in me. When my word is unveiled, it heals your heart and transforms the thoughts of your mind.
When John wept, he was not weeping just for himself, but for all men; for seeing that there was no man in heaven, or on the earth, or beneath the earth that could be found worthy to take the book and remove the seals from off of it, he knew that man would forever continue in bondage to the darkness of his own ignorance, and not be allowed to enter into the kingdom of God. John wept because he knew that as long as the book remained sealed, then the truth about all things that pertain to the life of God would remain hidden from the eyes and the ears of man. You know that it is written that eternal life belongs only to those who know God; for the true knowledge of God is the entrance into the kingdom of God. I am the Word, and the Word is God, and my Father and I are one. I am the truth, and no man can come into my Father’s presence except by me. No man knows the Father except those who I have revealed the truth of my Father unto. Only by the revelation knowledge of my truth shall the darkness of your ignorance perish and Satan’s habitation be destroyed. It is not possible for ignorance to inhabit the place where the knowledge of the truth dwells. Satan cannot dwell in the light of my truth, only in the darkness of man’s ignorance. He that sees the truth of my word sees me. He who sees me also sees my Father. He that see my Father overcomes the world and is made free from all of the powers of darkness.
Those who see me, they see that my word is living; they see that my word is truth; they see that my word is powerful, always able to accomplish the purpose that I send it to perform. Those who see me, they see that my word is able to change the desires of the heart as well as transform the thoughts of the mind. Those who see me, they see that my word is able to give life to the dead, purging their consciousness from all dead works. By my word do the fruits of life spring forth in the hearts of the barren. My word brings love to the hopeless. My word heals you of all of your sins. My word makes all things new. My word is able to perform all those things that are impossible for any man to do for himself. By the word that proceeds forth out of my mouth are my people sanctified, made holy, and justified. My word destroys all that profanes, all that corrupts, and all that defiles. By my word, the hidden things of darkness and the secret counsels of the heart are manifest. By my word, your sins are forgiven, never able to come into my mind again. All of the blessings that I desire to give unto you, as well as all of my promises that I desire to perform for you, they can only come to you through my word. John wept because he thought there was none worthy open the seals off the blessings of my word.
Until this time, you have asked, and I have shown unto you the words whereby you have become crucified unto this world; the world that consists of the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. Just as it is written, you must first be a partaker of my sufferings before you are prepared and ready to be a partaker of my resurrection. The victory has been won, the seals have been opened, and the words have been unveiled, but who will ask for me to open their eyes so that they may see the words that written in the book? Who will ask to see the words of life that give life? Who will ask to see me? Who will ask to see the heavenly Father? Who will ask to see the goodness, the desires, and the love that is in Father’s heart? Who will ask to see the life of God? Because of the great love that I have for all, I came into this world and overcame all the evil that is of this world; I overcame all and I won the kingdom of God just for you; but who will believe to ask to see glory of that which has been won for you? You do not have because you have not asked.
Do not be deceived, for I am not like unto man; as your understanding of the things of God are on earth, the true understanding of the things of God goes beyond the boundaries of heaven and earth. You have seen according to your earthy senses, I see all things. The life that you know, it has an end, while my life is without beginning or end. Your belief is limited, my belief is limitless, making it easy to do all things. You love only those who love you; I unconditionally love all men. As your love is on earth, my love goes far beyond the limitations of man’s love. All of your thoughts are vanity while all of my thoughts give life. You judge others while I judge no man. You wonder what meekness really is while I am the very substance of meekness. The glory of man is as the grass that perishes, while my glory is everlasting. Can you perceive the truth of these things that I am speaking to you?
Have you asked for me to open your eyes to see any of these spiritual truths, that the life of God is not in any form like unto the life of man? I have given unto the kingdom of God that I won for you, but why have you not asked for me to open your eyes to see the kingdom that is within you, seeing that this is the prize of the victory that was won for you? Those who ask not for me to open their eyes, shall they not remain captive to the blindness of their ignorance? Until there came one who could preach the truth of the words of God, then there would have been no man who could have been made freed from the powers of death and hell; for until the appointed time, death and hell had the victory over all flesh. Do you perceive that I, having come into this world in the likeness of sinful flesh, was also under the same sentence of sin and death just as all men are?
Hear, and understand. I came in the likeness of sinful flesh for two purposes. First, so that in the sight of all men, my heavenly might show the greatness of his power and his love working in me, a man whose habitation, was a weak earthy vessel. For to overcome the world and gain the victory, it was first necessary for I to come in the likeness of sinful flesh, subject to the same desires, the same wills, and the same pleasures that all men are subject to. I did not overcome any of these things through any wisdom or power of myself but rather it was through faith in my Father's power, and belief in his great love for me that I overcame all things. Though sinned dwelled in me, it was powerless to stand against the love that my Father had for me. By the greatness of my Father's love, I was able to receive of all of my Father's goodness, all of his power, and all of his Spirit, even though sin also dwelled in the same fleshy vessel. As it was with me, so also is it now, that all those who overcome the world, they will do so through their faith in my power and their belief of my love and mercy.
Secondly, I came in the likeness of sinful flesh to trick Satan; for had I not come in the likeness of sinful flesh, I would not have had the sentence of death upon me as all men do. Without the sentence of death upon me, then I would not have been able to gain entrance into hell, that which had the victory over all men before me. Had I not been able to enter into hell, then I would not have been able to preach the words of life that were given to me when I appeared before my Father as the Lamb who was slain. Without this gospel, the words of truth, the saints of old would have continued in their captivity in the land beneath. After I died on the cross, I ascended into heaven as the Lamb of God that was slain. Then being found worthy to take the book and remove the seals thereof, I then received authority and power to ascend into hell beneath, and then I preached the words of life to those saints who were held captive to death and hell. By my words, the souls of the saints of old were all saved from eternal damnation. Then on the third day, I not only arose from the dead, but so also all of those saints who believed on me; for I am the resurrection and the life", says the Lord.
It was then that I also appeared before my disciples for a time, and I opened their minds to understand the truth of my words which had been hidden from their eyes; for having gained the victory, I then gave unto them the words of life; the words that had been veiled from their eyes. Then on the day of Pentecost, I once again returned to my people as that Spirit of truth, the power of God that frees you from all of your bondages and reveals the heavenly Father to those who desire to see him. Then my disciples began to preach the gospel, the words of truth that are always accompanied with my power; and they became witnesses before all men of the desire that I have to save all.
Yes, you have perverted my words with your natural understanding and with your worldly wisdom, but do not be afraid; for as my Father taught me, worked in me, and saved me, even though I was compassed with sinful flesh, so also will I do the same for you; for I have received from my Father this power and authority. Do you believe that I am able to give unto you a new heart and a new mind; a heart and a mind where the Spirit of life is law that is written therein? Will trust me and follow me? Will you humble your hearts and ask for me to show unto you the Spirit of life? Again, you have seen my words that have destroyed or brought to nothing the old kingdoms, the old principalities, the old powers, the old ways, the old laws, as well as the strongholds of old, but will you begin to ask for me to open your eyes so that you may behold the new thing? Do you not desire to see the glory of the living God filling your temple? The kingdom of God is coming. The glory of God is coming. A new heaven and a new earth is coming. Life is coming to swallow up death. All things are going to be made new.
Ask for me to open your eyes to see me; to show you things that have been hidden from the sight of your eyes and from the hearing in your ears. Ask for me to show the things that my love won for you. I am not coming in a manner that natural man will be able to see, but in the manner that you will surely know. Believe on me, and I will perform all of my words and all of my promises. Ask of me and I will change your heart and your mind, making them both beautiful in my sight and in your sight", says the Lord.
When the Lord finished speaking these words to me, he instantly took me in the Spirit to the very moment that the events of Revelation 5 were unfolding. I suddenly found myself among 10,000,000 heavenly creatures, and for a moment that was quite overwhelming. I then became aware that we were all like standing as if we were all in a very large and tall circular stadium, but there was no physical stadium. I felt as though I was positioned about half way up the stadium, but it was as if my consciousness I was sitting on the very front row. The first thing that I really became aware of was the electricity and/or the excitement that was in every creature that was there. The most excitement that I had personally ever experienced until this moment was before a college football game between instate rivals. But the electricity and the excitement that was at those games was no where near the electricity/excitement that I found myself in the midst of. Not only was the excitement level much, much higher in those around me, but I was in the midst of 10,000,000 creatures who were all excited and joyous. Each one was intensely focused, as I presently understand it, on “the greatest event that will ever happen throughout all of eternity”.
I then saw the heavenly Father sitting on his throne, but for some strange reason, no one, including myself seem to be putting any attention on him at all, but rather on the floor that was just before his throne; for just in front of his throne was a circular area that was only about 10 feet in diameter. Can you imagine the drama of seeing all of these creatures pressed in and ascending up as far as my eyes could see; and all there eyes were focused on that space before the throne of God? It is not possible to describe the drama that I felt that was unfolding before me, knowing that at any moment, all of us who were there, were about to witness an event that no creature in heaven, nor any creature on the earth, and that no creature beneath the earth, had ever been found worthy to do, to take this book from off of the Almighty God’s lap, and to remove the seals that had been put upon it by the power of God.
Then, without me even realizing, the Lamb who was slain, suddenly appeared before the throne of God. It is not possible for me to describe to you what I actually saw before me; for Jesus appeared in this moment as though he had just died on the cross in the previous moment; certainly before Mary even had a chance to clean up his dead body. It was at first strange for me to see Jesus to appear before his holy Father in this manner, seeing I was not expecting for him to appear naked, filthy dirty, bloodied from head to toe, and greatly wounded from the scourging, the beating, and the crucifixion that he had had just gone through. My first thought when I saw Jesus appear before his heavenly in this fashion was how man, in his ignorance of God, believes that he must clean himself before he can come before God. If Jesus had physically appeared before a group of humans in this manner, every man would have gasped in shock at his appearance and/or would have been surprised to even see Jesus appear in such a manner. Yet, there was not one gasp or look of surprise on the Father’s face or on any one of these 10,000,000; for everyone was still filled with only excitement and joy. I felt as though I was the only creature there that was even aware of the outward appearance of Jesus’ body.
Again, it is hard for one to imagine the drama that was playing our before my very eyes, not only seeing Jesus but also observing the faces of 10,000,000 creatures who had been waiting and waiting to see that which they have never before witnessed. But then I saw that which I will never forget, the most incredible thing of all, and it took place the moment that Jesus walked over to stand before his heavenly Father; for the love, the joy, the compassion, and the thankfulness that was in the heavenly Father's face as he gazed upon the face of his Son was indescribable; and the same love and joy was in the Son's face as he looked to his Father. Even though I heard no audible words spoken between the two, I was sure that Jesus said, “We did it”. I then remember how the Jesus had told me previously that he overcame all things through his faith in the power of God and his belief in his Father’s love. The love that I witnessed between Father and Son cannot be described. Then it was over for me, and I returned from being in the Spirit.
As I sat down and tried to write these things which I had seen and heard, I felt that the Spirit of the Lord directed me to use that which I have never been familiar with; to write and describe these events as though I had actually been in a fairy tale. Well, I never recall my mother, or anyone else, reading a fairy tale to me; and the only ones that I knew were the Disney versions of Snow White and Sleeping Beauty, which I saw when I was a kid. The Lord then confirmed for me to write in this manner when he then spoke to me and said, “Of all the stories that have been written of on this earth, is it just the fairy tales that have endings which all wish that they could be partakers of? Is it not these stories that end with the words, “And they lived happily together everlasting”? Do you not think that those who allow for me to rescue them, that we shall not live happily together forever and ever? Do you think that any fairy tale can have an ending/beginning like the one that I desire for you to have, seeing that my ending/beginning far exceeds anything that any man could even image in his thoughts? Write these things that you have seen and heard as though it was the greatest story ever told; for my story is fiction to those who do not believe, but for those who will believe, they will experience that which far exceeds anything that they could have hoped for”.
I think that most people are like I am, in that the only time that we have ever really heard of a prince coming to the rescue of his beloved princess was when she had taken captive or was in distress; and all of these types of stories seem to be either a fictional story, or a fable, or in our imaginations; for I certainly cannot remember any fairy tale story that was true because in this life, everyone dies. I know that at sometime or another, if not many times, we have all been in some circumstances or situations in which that some prince or superhero would come to our rescue. I may not completely understand all that which I witnessed of Revelation 5, but after seeing the love that I saw beaming out of the face of God and the face of his Son, I am now persuaded that we have a Lord who will go to any lengths to deliver us, or save us, out of any distress or trouble that may come upon us. Surely, at one time or another, have we not all had the desire to be either the prince or the princess in these fables?
As I was thinking on how many times that I have desired for someone to come and rescue me in the time of my trouble, I then remembered that which was written in Psalm 107:13 "Then they cried unto the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them out of all of their distresses". I then realized that this is no fable at all, but that we truly have a prince or a superhero that is willing to rescue us out of his love for each one of us. Does not the prince love his princess so much that he is more than willing to battle dragons and witches, as well as all of the powers of darkness, to rescue his love from her peril? Is it not written in Ephesians 6:10 “Be strong in the Lord and in the power of “his might”…for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities, against rulers of darkness and wicked spirits in high places”? But who is engaged in such battles where he or she is only relying on the strength and the power of the Lord to save and deliver them; seeing that he alone has already triumphed over all of the very enemies?
I was now beginning to perceive that what the Lord had spoken to me, as well as all that which I had just witnessed, it was somehow a great love story that I just could not grasp the depth of; a story about the love that Father/Jesus had for his church was far greater than any love that even existed in these fairy tales about princes and princesses. For in these stories, you find a Prince madly in love with a princess; so in love that he would do anything to rescue or save her. But these princes only had love for one woman, while Jesus had this love for all men, and none of them, not one, had any love at all for him. How can we understand such a great love? In truth, is not the real prince the Prince of Peace? Is not the love of his life, the object of all of his affection, his bride the church? Is this then not a love story that not only crosses the boundaries of earth and heaven, but across all of eternity?
So in truth, has not our Lord, the Prince of Peace, then set out to do whatever it takes to win his bride back from all the powers of darkness, the lies that have held her captive and tormented her life? Has she not been in great distress because of her bondage to the flesh? So when the Prince considers the journey and the ordeal that lays before him, is not the length that he is willing to go for his bride then measured by the greatness of the love that he has for her? Recognizing that if he is going to rescue his bride, and win her love, then it is going to be necessary for him to first disguise himself just gain entrance to her; appearing just as all those who are around her? Just like the prince in the fairy tales, there is no distance nor any obstacle that he even considers to be so great that he is not willing to travel or endure; caring not how many dragons, or how many wicked spirits, or how many evil powers, or ungodly principalities, or how many rulers of the darkness that he may encounter and engage along the way; for because of the passion of love that burns in his heart, he is more than willing to take on all comers, for the love, and for the sake of his beloved bride. Yes, the prince in the fables, he is also willing to fight dragons and travel distant lands for his love, but this is where the fable ends, and the true story continues on.
In the fairy tale, the princess, the damsel in distress, is always waiting to be rescued by her beloved prince. But in truth, most of the church is not waiting to be rescued by her Prince because she is not even aware as to what she needs to be rescued from. For the princess has been deceived and brainwashed, believing that the lies of her captor are the truth. The Prince knows that when his love sees him, that she will not find anything about him that will attract her to him. In fact, he knows that it is going to be quite different to the fairy tale; for his love is going to despise him, reject him, ignore him, persecute him, and possibly even hate him. The Prince knows that his princess has no love for him in her heart, nor does she trust any of his promises, and neither does she even believe any of the words that he has spoken to her. Nevertheless, for the great love that the Prince has for his bride, he is not only willing travel distant lands, battle all the forces of darkness, but he is also willing to suffer rejection and scorn from the hand of his very bride that loves so much. He even knows that when he manifest his name and his power before her, that this will still not be enough to win her heart. Yet, he is still willing to exhaust all that is at his disposal to win her love. Because the Prince of Darkness has seduced her into believing that the Prince is her enemy, she rejects the courtship of the Prince's love, but she does indeed begin to persecute him and mock him. Then, by reason of the Prince of darkness’ lies, her prince is slain by her own hand; and even as it was then, so also is it even now.
In all of his pursuit to win his bride, the Prince himself had faced many temptations; temptations in which it would have been easy to turn his love away from his bride, as well as from away from his Father the King, who was in heaven. But when the Father had seen how his Son was treated and all that had happened to his Son, in his attempt to win the heart of his love, he then sent forth of his own power, and he brought forth his Son the Prince before him. And when the King examined the Prince, he saw before him one who had been rejected, one who had been ridiculed and mocked, one who had been shamed, one who had suffered greatly, and one who was so grieved in his heart that it passed the point of unthinkable agony; all for the sake of his beloved bride. The King saw his Son as a Lamb who had been despitefully slain at the hands of his beloved. This is he who was willing to give up all of the kingdom and the glory that he had, and then come into this world in the likeness of sinful flesh, just to have the opportunity to win his beloved’s heart.
And when the Son stood before his heavenly Father, clothed in the garments of rejection and scorn that were patterned in blood and filth, he said unto his Father the King, "Father, be merciful, for she has been deceived and she is not aware of any of those things which she has done. Forgive her and have mercy on her, for she is still the love of my heart". When the King heard these words and remembered all that his Son the Prince had battled against, all that he had endured, all that he had journeyed through, all that he had suffered, and all that he had overcome in his attempt to win the heart of his beloved, at whose very hand he was even slain by, the King then said, "My heart greatly rejoices, for the love that is in your heart towards your bride has been proven to be sure; seeing that no amount of rejection, or scorn, or shame, or threats, or sufferings, or persecution, or beatings, or cursing, and not even death itself has been able to cause you to waver in your love towards your bride. Therefore, he who is standing before me is without any fault, or any spot, and neither is there any blame in his heart; for his love towards his bride is pure. Can there be any greater love that one can have for another than the love that is willing to endure all things, bear all things, suffer all things, and lose all as this love that my Son has for his bride?"
Then the King removed his hand from off of the book, and said to his Son, "You are worthy to take this book and to lose the seals from off it. For in this book are the words of life; words that have the power to win your bride’s heart; words that have power to redeem the heart of your beloved from the lies that she has been seduced to believe. These are the words of truth that will win the heart of your bride unto you. These are my words, and they are powerful and living words, and they shall break into pieces the lies that your bride has been held captive to believe. These are the words of life that will free your bride from all of her captivity to death". Then all the host of heaven fell upon their faces and worshipped the Lamb, for by his great love, he had been found worthy to win that which no man had ever won before, the power and the kingdom to win the hearts and the minds of man; the beloved of God.. And they sung a new song, a song that could not have been sung before, saying, "Worthy is the Lamb who took the book and opened the seals thereof".
Then the Lamb who was slain took the book and opened it, and all of words of the glory of God, and the power of God, and of the very life of God, they came forth from out of the book, entering into the Lamb who was slain; and the word that had been flesh then became words of Father’s heart, full of truth, and power, and love, and grace, and life. Then all the heavenly creatures continued bowed before the Lamb, praising God and glorifying his Son, saying, "Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive the kingdom with all it's glory, and wisdom, and power, and strength, and honor." It was not the cross that gave the Prince the victory, and neither was it the resurrection in that tomb that gave him the victory, but rather it was the great love that was in his heart for his beloved that gained him the victory; for if it had not been for the greatness of his love, he could never have endured and triumphed over all that he encountered.
By no other means could his bride be freed from her captivity except by his love and his Father’s power. By no other means could she have escaped the terrible end that was awaiting her except by his love and his Father’s power. By no other means could her heart be won except by his love and his Father’s power. If it were not for his love, there would never have been any hope to escape the miseries of this present evil world. And then the Prince, as the Spirit of the Lord, returned and entered into the hearts and the minds of all those who were Jerusalem waiting on him, just as he has been doing for 2000 years since, entering into the hearts and the minds of those who would receive him and believe on him, to win their hearts and their minds with the blessings of abundant life. When he wins her heart, she will no longer have any love for this present evil world, nor will she have any affection or desire to believe the seducing lies that are therein.
It was not until she fully learned and understood all that her Prince is willing to do for her before she allowed for heart to be won; but she now believes with all of her heart that she is truly the object of all of the Prince's affection. She is the beloved, the bride who has continued faithful to her Prince, trusting on him, that through his love and great power, she shall be delivered; she shall be redeemed; she shall be healed; she shall be taught all truth; she shall be forgiven; she shall be changed; and she shall receive the kingdom that her Prince won for her. For he has come to rescue her from death with the words of life. She now eagerly awaits for her Prince to come to rescue and redeem her.
Now, the Prince is about to return again to the world that rejected and slew him; and he will surely return riding on a white horse. He is coming for his bride; she who allowed her heart to be won by his love. He is going to receive his bride unto himself, the love of his life. He is going to have a sword in his hand, and with the word of truth proceeding forth out of his mouth, he is going to destroy all of the lies that Satan has deceived her with. He is going to avenge his bride, destroying all lying words, all false doctrines, and all of the laws of man that have kept her in bondage. He is going to destroy all spirits and all the rulers of this present evil world who have tormented her. He is going to destroy all powers, all principalities, all darkness, all lies, and even death itself, so that he might save his bride. He is coming to her rescue. Then shall there be a great celebration feast in her honor; a feast so great that no man could ever imagine the likes thereof. Then the Prince is going to give unto his bride all that he had won for her; his kingdom, his power, his riches, his wisdom, his strength, his honor, his life, his glory, his blessings, and his name. He has become to her the Prince who truly rides in on a white horse to save her. Then she shall receive the reward she has desired to have; a happy ending/beginning with the love of her life. To those who are of this world, who do not believe, eternal life is nothing more than a fable that ends before it ever begins; but to those who do believe, it is "The beginning that never has an end".
It was then that the Spirit ceased speaking, and I sat in my seat simply overwhelmed and dazed at all that the Lord had just spoken to me. I am a 57 year old contractor, and I do not write or read love stories; so it was quite a new experience for me to write these words, and I sure hope that I have written and testified of that which I experienced so that it is encouraging and edifying to the faith of all who read these words. I myself felt like I had entered into a realm that I had never had any perception of before; for truly, my understanding of the scriptures could have never revealed such an incredible story. When the Lord said in Jeremiah 33:3 "Call upon me and I will show you great and mighty things that you do not know"; I had no idea that the Lord was going to show me anything such as that which I just finished testifying of.
Surely, I knew and I believed that Jesus Christ died on the cross for me, as well as for all men, but the reality of what he had done had never really entered my heart until I witnessed these things. I then wept at this reality as his love entered into my heart. He did all these things just to win the opportunity to win my love, as well as the love of all men. I knew from this moment that I would never be the same again, nor would I ever look at my brethren, or any man as I had before; for Jesus had done all of these things for all men. Sadly, it will only become effectual for those who come to know and to believe on him. With one story, my whole perception of who Jesus Christ was/is has changed; for where is religion in this story?
I have come to know the truth of that which Paul spoke of in Ephesians 3:17-19 “And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge-that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God”. There is no height, or depth, or width, or length that can be used to measure the love of God; for how can that, the love of God, which has no boundaries or limits be measured? I have seen sin in my own heart that increased so greatly that at one time I thought that it could exceed the love that God had for me. But the Lord proved to me that it was nothing but a lie when he reminded me of that which is written, “that when sin abounds, his grace abounds more”. I was/am a sinner; and I had great pleasure in doing those things that were natural to my flesh and that seemed right in my own eyes; but the Lord won my heart when I proved his love, and saw him open the windows of heaven for me.
As I continued to meditate on these things, the Lord again spoke to me and said, "I have given my all for you, but are you willing to give your all for me?" I answered, "Yes, Lord. What I have, I freely offer unto you, for I know that what I give unto you, I am going to receive you in return for it. Take all of my life, Lord, so that I might receive all of your life. Amen". At that moment, I became greatly humbled, and ashamed, for I saw clearly that I had been his love that had not trusted him, nor believed his words. I also felt compelled to bow my knee and acknowledge, "Truly Lord, my thoughts are not your thoughts, and neither is my heart your heart. Forgive me, Lord. But Lord, I offer you my thoughts and my heart so that I might receive your thoughts and your heart”.
I thought that I had a great desire to know the truth before, but that desire now paled in comparison to the desire that is now in my heart; for I now know that Jesus is that Spirit of truth that reveals all things unto them who seek for him. I do not know what awaits me, but whatever comes upon me in my walk, I know that the Lord is going to be there with/in me; for he went through so much just to gain the right to win my heart to not be with me in the trials, the temptations, the afflictions, the troubles, and the powers of darkness that I may encounter on my journey with him. I am now willing to let him have mine, regardless of what mine may consist of, so that I might receive his love.
Not long after the Lord revealed these things to me, the spirit of the Lord entered my mind and I understood why the scriptures were filled with so many parables, mysteries, metaphors, proverbs, allegories, and secrets. Simply put, this is how all of the scriptures appear when the word of God is sealed, when our eyes are blinded and we try use our own understanding to interpret these words with. Jesus told his disciples that it was given unto them to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, and all they had to do was to ask the Lord to open their eyes to see the truth of his words; and it would be done.
When man looks at these scriptures through the eyes of his own natural understanding, it is not possible for him see anything other than parables, or mysteries, or secrets; powerless and lifeless words. But it is not so with those who continually ask for the spiritual understanding and knowledge so that they may “see” the truth of God’s word. I was considering this truth one day when the Lord spoke to me and said, "I did not come to change the law, but I came to change your understanding of my laws. You cannot understand my truth until you can see my words. Is it not written that when one turns to Christ, then shall the veil be removed from his mind and his heart? If you believe that I am the Christ, then turn me I will open your eyes to see the truth of my words”.
Then the Lord confirmed this for me when the Holy Spirit quickened again to me that passage which was written in II Corinthians 3:14-17 "But their minds were blinded, for until this day the same veil remains untaken away in the reading of the old testament, which veil is done away in Christ. For even until this day, when Moses is read, the same veil is upon their heart. Nevertheless, when one turns to Christ, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is that Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty". How can any man even understand his captivity if he does not understand his liberty? Does not the rescued princess receive liberty from her captivity? The victory has been won, the seals have been removed, but who will ask the Prince to open their eyes so that they may see that which Jesus has won for them, the kingdom and the life of God that that has been hidden from their eyes; for it is in the opening of the eyes that our Prince rescues us from the blindness of darkness.
Have you seen God? Have you seen the life of God? Have you seen the love that he has for you? The victory has been won, and the seals have been removed and the heart of God is ready to be revealed to all those who know him. Do you know his meekness of the care that he has for you? What is that you are waiting on to be rescued from, that which surrounds you or that which compasses your heart? He is coming. Many who are called will not be ready, having no oil in them, but the chosen will be ready, having seen those things that have been unsealed.
John 17:3 “And this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent”.
Matthew 11:27 “….And no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son, and he whom the Son reveals the Father to”.
Matthew 22:14 “For many are called but only a few are chosen”
Acts 22:14 “The God of our Fathers has chosen you that you should know his will, and that you would see the just One, and that you should hear his voice”.
I John 3:6 “…whosever sins has “not seen him”, nor known him”
III John 11 “Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that does good is of God, but he that does evil “has not seen God”.
A Man Is As He Thinks
Mitt Jeffords
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus,
The Lord has given me many dreams and visions over the years. Some have been like those dreams seen by Daniel, and some of the visions have been similar in style to the visions that John saw in Revelation. Many the Lord gave me immediate understanding of, and in others the understanding was revealed more clearly as I walked my walk with the Lord. This vision that I am sending to you is without a doubt the most simple vision that the Lord has ever given to me, but the interpretation that the Lord has given to me of this vision has revealed deep things about God, deep things about my own heart, but the Lord also reveals in this word that there were some things about the darkness that I had been completely ignorant of. Of course, the powers of darkness really only have power as long as man remains ignorance of what is in the darkness; for as soon as the things of darkness come into the light of God’s truth, its stronghold has been exposed, and the darkness immediately begins to lose its power.We all know that the Lord is so soon to return, and when he does, he will find some of the members of his body to be wise and ready for his return, while some of the members of his body he will find foolish and unprepared (Matt.25:1-13). Only a fool would be confident that he could not be counted to be among the foolish. Who is there who does not believe that he is ready for the return of the Lord? There is only one thing that is foolish in the sight of God, and that is the wisdom of this world (I Cor.3:19). So when the Lord returns, he will find some of the members of his body have filled themselves with his wisdom, while some members of his body just continued on being wise in their own eyes. It is with this word, that the Lord made clear for me the difference between these two wisdoms. I can only speak for myself, but I desire to be found among the wise when the Lord returns, and I am so thankful for this word where the Lord really distinguishes the difference between the two.
I know many will say, “I am under the blood of Christ” and that is all that I need to be ready. But even the scriptures say in Hebrews 9:14-15 “How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?” I too am under the blood, as well as under his wonderful grace that allows for him to purge my conscience of dead works. I cannot imagine the feeling in those who thought that they were wise, suddenly finding themselves left behind. It is for this reason that I am so thankful that the Lord has given to you this word; a word that makes clear as to what wisdom is guiding our thoughts.
The Lord is coming to be glorified in his elect (II Thess.1:10/Rom.8:18,19 / I John 3:2); he is coming in all of his fullness. But who understands that before he can increase, we must decrease? Who can understand that we must first be emptied before the fullness of Christ can come? There is not a one of us that would not love for the Lord to fill us with all of his fullness, but who is willing to decrease that he may increase, and who is willing to be emptied before he can be filled? Just what is it that must be decreased in us, and what is it that we must be emptied of first? Again, I am so thankful for this word because the Lord has answered in this word these questions.
Lastly, not long after the Lord began to speak his words to me concerning this vision, the Lord spoke to one morning while I was praying and said this: “Mitt, this is the most important revelation that I need to reveal before the actual revelation of Jesus Christ comes to pass”. I knew from the beginning, when the Lord began speaking this word to me, that it was truly a deep word, but I could not see how this could be the most important revelation before the revelation of Jesus Christ in his elect….that is until the night before last. I was praying just before going to bed when the Lord spoke to me and actually spoke to me that which is written in II Thes.2:1-5
“Now I beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, that you be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God”.
Immediately my heart was filled with excitement and joy when the Lord spoke this to me because it is with the word that you are about to read that the Lord exposes fully just what / who the man of sin, the son of destruction is. But then I ask, “But Lord, what do you mean when you say, “that day shall not come”; what is “that day”, Lord?” Then the Lord said, “Well what is written just prior to this word?” I then thought back to what was written in II Thessalonians 1:7-10
“And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power; when he shall come to be glorified in his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe (because our testimony among you was believed) in that day.
I then knew, that the only thing hindering the Lord from coming in me, or anyone else was that the man of sin, the son of perdition must be revealed. Again, I thank God for revealing these things to me, and to all of you who will receive this word as though it was coming from the Lord, and not from Mitt (I Thes.2:13).
If you are not prepared to ask the Lord to be with you in the reading of this word, or if you do not think that you need to ask the Lord for his understanding and wisdom to be applied to these words, then you are going to waste your time in reading it. I encourage you to remember that which Paul said in Rom.7:17, “If I sin, then it is no longer I that sins, but sin that dwells in me”. Have you ever noticed how Paul spoke of sin here as though it was in his temple, but it was something that he had somehow become separated from? Just as there was present with Paul 2 distinct laws that had no agreement with one another, remember also that which is written that says, “Greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world”; but remember, that the world here is not in the physical, but that which is written in I John 2:15-17.
The Lord is putting together the pieces of his puzzle, and his mystery is about to be revealed to the world (Isa.61 & 62). Hope to see you there. You are the beloved of the your heavenly Father, and there is nothing that he has done for one that he will not do for any. Grace and peace be multiplied unto you in believing all the Lord’s words so that he might make you the great and mighty thing that he is about to reveal to this world.
Much love in Christ Jesus,
A Man Is As He Thinks
Vision of the thoughts of man: “A man is as he thinks”
PROVERBS 23:7 “For as a man thinks in his heart, so he is….”
ISAIAH 55:8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts…For as the heavens are higher than the earth are my thoughts above your thoughts”.
PSALM 94:11 “For the Lord knows the thoughts of man that they are vanity”.
ROMANS 8:5 (AMP.) “For those who are according to the flesh and are controlled by its unholy desires set their minds on and pursue those things which gratify the flesh; but those who are according to the Spirit and are controlled by the desires of the Spirit set their minds on and seek those things which gratify the Spirit”.
PROVERBS 16:3 “Commit your works unto the Lord, and your thoughts shall be established”.
During praise and worship, my head was bowed and my eyes were closed when the Lord suddenly gave me this vision; and then later this word. At first I thought that what I was seeing was simply a vision of my own imaginations, but then I realized that I had never, nor would I ever, image any such like thing that I was seeing. I found myself sitting in some type of room that resembled a home library; for all the walls had bookcases full of old and new books. There was a old desk and chair at one end of the room, two very nice looking sitting chairs in the middle of the room, and there was a very comfortable sitting chair at the other end of the room next to a window; and it was this chair that I found myself sitting in. The only light coming into the room was the sunlight coming through the window that was next to me. The curtains on this window were only partially pulled back, and I found myself just sitting there staring at the dust particles that were made visible by the sunlight. They seemed to be just drifting around in the air, neither falling to the floor nor rising to any higher elevation than that which they were. It was not until then that I realized that this was not a vision of my own imagination but a vision from the Lord, because I would never even consider imagining myself doing such a thing.
So I then began to examine these dust particles more closely to see if I could discern what it was that the Lord might be trying to show me; and when I did, I saw that there were not only particles just floating and drifting about, but there was also another type of particle that did not drift but appeared to be swimming rather swiftly through air. In fact, these particles seemed to swim in the same fashion that I have seen sperm cells swimming about in science films; always moving quickly about and never being still. As I examined these particles even more closely, I could see that they were not only livelier but they also appeared to be much healthier than those drifting particles; for they appeared to be about 3 to 4 times thicker in size than them. These healthier particles also seemed to move around as though they had a purpose and a direction while the thinner particles seemed not to have either purpose or direction as they just drifted about. It was only then that I began to wonder what I was really witnessing in this vision. I then began to ask the Lord to explain this vision for me so that I might understand his purpose in giving this vision; for without understanding, the vision itself would have no purpose.
Then the Lord spoke to me and said, “All of the particles that you see in this vision, they represent the words/thoughts that dwell in the mind of a man; they are the words that form the thoughts that men think upon. The words/thoughts that you saw that appeared skinny and that seemed to just drift about aimlessly as though they had no purpose, these are those words/thoughts that dwell in the mind of man that have no life or purpose in them because they are thoughts that are not regarded or believed on; but they are still there. The reason that these thoughts are not regarded or believed on is because they are not considered worthy enough to esteem or honor; or they may simply be words/ thoughts that are not pleasing or desirable for one to think upon. It could also be that these thoughts are regarded as foolish or evil thoughts, or thoughts that are impossible for a man to do. These thoughts may also not be regarded because they may seem as though they are not able to bring forth any satisfaction or gain. It could also be that these words/ thoughts are not believed on because they may appear as though they are counsels that are not able to bring forth any glory or praise to self. It could be for any of these types of reasons that these words/thoughts appear as those particles of dust that just drift lifelessly through the air without having any purpose.
Though these words/thoughts appear not to have any purpose, they still continue to drift around unnoticed in the imaginations of men’s thoughts; but they are just waiting for the that occasion or circumstance that will give them the opportunity to present themselves as the right instruction or counsel that should be regarded or believed on in that moment. If then that word/thought is chosen to be “believed” on, then shall those words/thoughts be birthed into life because they have been chosen as counsels for that man to live his life according to. It is in this awakening of “belief” that can suddenly give life to those words/thoughts that had never once been regarded or considered before. It is this awakening that can quickly transform those skinny, lifeless dust particles into those lively healthy particles because they now have a purpose to live for. It is of these lively and healthy counsels that men live their lives according to; words/thoughts that will them give then direction and instruction as to what to do, or how to act, or what to speak in every circumstance and situation that arises in their life.
It was at this point, while the Lord was speaking these words to me, that the Spirit of the Lord brought back into my remembrance another experience I had with Lord which I testified of in the “The Darkness & the Light”, where I saw that the darkness compassed the entire earth, and the darkness consisted of nothing but words, and the words turned out to be nothing but lying spirits from Satan; each word was a spirit; and each spirit bore the nature of the word that it was. And each spirit dwelled in the hearts and minds of all those who believed on them. I also saw that each man’s nature was determined by nature of the words/spirits that he believed on. Though I saw there were many different kinds of spirits in that vision, I saw that they all had one common characteristic among them, and that was that they all had insatiable desires and affections to think only on the being of “self”. And the Lord continued….
Do you see and understand how these healthy, lively particles got their status? Do you see that they only get their status when they become the words/thoughts that men choose to believe on and trust in? Can you comprehend that it is when these words/ thoughts are believed on, that they then become the counsels that each man establishes his righteousness on; and that righteousness then becomes the law that each man then lives his life according to? How to raise your children; how to conduct your business; how to treat other men; what type of clothes to wear; what foods to eat; what type of job to have; how to stay healthy; how to make decisions; and how to worship and serve God are just a few examples that reveal what words/thoughts that a man has chosen to believe for himself; words/thoughts that he believes and trust to be right enough for him to live his life by. Do you understand and comprehend it is by the deeds that men do and the words that they speak that the righteousness of a man is revealed?
Now consider this; how many words/thoughts pass through the thinking of a man in the course of one day; whether they drifting or swimming through? How many words/thoughts pass through his mind about his dreams, or his plans, or his job, or about his family, or about his own desires and pleasures, or about his future, or about his finances, or about his religion, or about the cares and worries of his life? And many other words/thoughts pass through his thinking that he hears spoken by others? Multitudes and multitudes of words/thoughts passing though; and so many to choose from as he decides which ones are the right counsels for him to believe on. How many words/thoughts pass through his mind that he would love to believe on, but by reason of his fears of what others will think of him, or by fear of consequences, he is hindered or prevented from making many of these words/thoughts the counsels to believe on; though he desires in his heart to do so. Even with so many, many words/thoughts to choose believe on, is it possible for him to choose any that are able to bring forth life when all of the words/thoughts that he is able to think on come forth from death? Is it possible for him to do good when all of the imaginations of his thoughts are only able to think evil?
JOEL 3:13-14 “Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe: come, get you down; for the press is full, the fats overflow; for their wickedness is great. Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision”.
GENESIS 6:5 “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth; that every imagination of the thought of his heart was only evil continually”.
Now I ask you to consider the counsel of my word which speaks this truth, “Your thoughts are not my thoughts; for as high as the heavens are above the earth so are my thoughts above your thoughts”? If your words/thoughts are not my words/thoughts, then whose words/thoughts have you been thinking and meditating on? Do you really believe my words which testify that none of your thoughts are right or good? What about all those words/thoughts that pass through the thinking of your mind in the course of one day, are you not confident in many of them that they are right and true? Does not my word also speak on this wise saying, “Righteousness belongs only to God”? If your thoughts are not my thoughts, then surely it is not possible for your righteousness to be as my righteousness; and if your righteousness is not my righteousness, then whose righteousness are you living your life after? Surely you are not living your life in the manner that I created for you to live your life. Again I ask for you to consider, if your words/thoughts are not my words/thoughts, then whose words/thoughts are you believing on and trusting in? Did I not tell you that you were not your own?
ROMANS 3:10 “As it is written, “There is none righteous; no not one”.
DANIEL 9:7 “O Lord, righteousness belongs unto you, but unto us confusion of face….”
If your words/thoughts are not my words/thoughts”, says the Lord, “then how is it possible for there to be any agreement between man and God? What communion can there even be between two who have differing thoughts, and each one believes and trusts that his thoughts are right and true? Do you really believe me when I tell you that not even your most righteous word/thought has any agreement with the least of any of my thoughts? If then my words/thoughts are right and true, and they have no agreement with your words/thoughts, then who has been instructing you to believe that your words/thoughts are right and true? Who counsels you to argue, or to reject, or to strive against, or to make light of, or to fight, or to resist, or to hate all words/thoughts that you hear that do not agree with that which you believe and trust? From where come the seducing desires within that burn within you to believe that your words/thoughts are right and true; deceiving you into believing that there cannot be any other words/thoughts that are more righteous than your own? Who/what is dwelling in the tabernacle of your mind? How is it possible that all of your words/thoughts, which seem to be so right and true in your own eyes, have no agreement with any of my words/thought? Is not every man captive to the words/thoughts that he believes on, to serve and to do them because he believes that they are right and true counsels? What man is there who has any thought that there truly may be other men, or other spirits, or another God who can be more righteous in his thinking than they? Who can even believe God when his word testifies that he sees all of man’s imaginations to be evil and that all of the thoughts of man are nothing but vanity?
AMOS 3:3 “Can two walk together except they be agreed?”
ROMANS 3:4 “God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar…”
PSALM 94:11 “The Lord knows the thoughts of man that they are vanity”.
GENESIS 6:5 “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thought of his heart was only evil continually”.
JOB 35:2 “Do you think this to be right that you said, “My righteousness is more than Gods”?
I have seen the thoughts of man, and I have seen death; and I see that they are one and the same. From where comes all of the vain, miserable, and evil words/thoughts that men continually think upon except from the death that rules over all of the imaginations of those who are carnally minded? I have seen the death that brings into the thinking of all those who are carnally minded such carnal thoughts as these: bitterness, envy, confusion, worry, cruelty, contention, pride, anxiety, loneliness, covetousness, hatred, greed, doubt, murder, arguments, self-glory, unbelief, malice, spitefulness, hypocrisy, impatience, strife, depression, arrogance, boredom, corruption, hopelessness, meanness, revenge, dread, stress, disappointment, self-condemnation, as well the various kinds of fears that torment the mind. Do you believe that I created man to live his life in bondage to these types of words/thoughts? Again I say to you that my thoughts are not as your thoughts, for I would never bow my heart to entertain for the slightest of moments to ever think upon any such vain and miserable words/thoughts as these; lest the same death that has overtaken man should overtake me; and I would myself would become like death. How deceived is the man who establishes his righteousness for living on the counsels of any of these words/thoughts?
ROMANS 8:6 “For the carnal mind is death but the spiritual mind is life and peace; for the carnal mind is enmity against God, and is not subject to the law of God (the law of the spirit of life/Rom.8:2) , and indeed it cannot be”.
ROMANS 8:2 “For the law of the Spirit of life has made me free from the law of sin and death (the words/thoughts of the carnal mind)”.
Do you believe that I am as you are, that the same words/thoughts that you think upon are the same words/thoughts that I think upon? Do you still think that I said in vain that your thoughts are not my thoughts? Do you think that a man who is led by the counsels of any of these words/thoughts is a man of a sound mind? Do you really think that I would allow for any of these words/thoughts to lead me in the decisions that I would make? Do you really believe that I would ever allow myself to be transformed into the images of darkness? Did you not know that Death is the very image of darkness; and that the darkness shows itself in the image of the words/thoughts that appear in the carnal mind? Do you believe that the abundant life of God has any agreement or communion with the death that rules over the imaginations that control the thinking of the carnally minded. Do you really think that the life that I have promised to you consists of any of these wicked and miserable counsels?
II TIMOTHY 1:7 “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind”.
ROMANS 8:14 “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God”.
PSALM 50:21 (NKJ) “These things you have done, and I kept silent. You thought that I was altogether like you; but I will rebuke you, and set them in order before your eyes”.
PSALM 1:1 “Blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law (Rom.8:2,6) doth he meditate day and night”.
I say again to you that my thoughts are not as your thoughts. I see the words/thoughts that men believe in their hearts when they blame others, when they curse others, when they find fault with others, when they have evil suspicions one of another, when they accuse others, when they threaten one another, when they revile one another, when they judge others, when they slander others, when they speak falsely one of another, when they spread rumors about one another, when they condemn others, when they do not forgive one another, when they speak evil of others, when they backbite, when they intimidate one another, as well as the revenge they seek one against another when one has been offended or sinned against. Where do such evil and wicked words/thoughts come from that instruct the thoughts of men to do such things? And again I ask you to consider this, do you think that any man who is led by any such counsels as these is a man of sound mind? How can any man think to himself that he is a man of a sound man when he judges and accuses others without mercy seeing that it is in the same manner that he has judged others that he is going to be judged on that last day? Should not a man take heed to the counsel of this word seeing that the day is fast approaching when his own judgments are going to judge him? Do you not know that all who judge in such an evil and unmerciless manner are only storing up wrath against themselves in the Day of Judgment? Do you think that I created man in the image of these words/thoughts; words/ thoughts that would then lead my creations to do those things that would bring about his own destruction and condemnation? Who is doing the thinking for all those who would do such a foolish and insane thing?
MATTHEW 7:1-5 "Judge not, that you be not judged; for with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me remove the speck from your eye'; and look, a plank is in your own eye? Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye”.
ROMANS 2:1 “Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge do the same things (commit sin)”…5 “but after your hardness and impenitent heart you treasure up unto yourself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God”.
Have I not given unto each one of you the good instruction that says that you are to cease from walking after the vain words/thoughts that the rest of the Gentiles walk after? Have not I asked you to put off the old man which is corrupted by the words/thoughts of death and that you are to put on the new man which walks after the words/thoughts of my Holy Spirit; words/thoughts that are full of life? Is it not as it is written, that the knowledge of the life of God can only be found in the consciousness of those who are spiritually minded; those who follow after my Spirit in that strait and narrow path that leads to life? Do you desire for death to do your thinking, or do you desire for life to do your thinking? Which thinking is right and true unto you?
EPHESIANS 4:17,18 “This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that you henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart”.
ROMANS 6:4-6 “Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of “life”. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection: knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin”.
EPHESIANS 4:21-25 “If so be that you have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus, that you put off concerning the former conversation (words/thoughts) the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind. And that you put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. Wherefore putting away lying, speak the truth every man with his neighbor: for we are members one of another”.
I came into this world to set my creation free from their bondage to death. I came into this world to destroy the death that entered in at the fall. I have come into this world as the spirit of life. I am spirit and I am life; my words are spirit and life; my thinking is spirit and it is life. I am the words/thoughts that inhabit the spiritual mind. I am the Spirit of the spiritual mind. I am the life and peace that dwells in the spiritual mind. I have come to give life, and to give it abundantly. But who will give to me their thinking in exchange for that thinking that I desire to give? Who will let me redeem the death in minds with the Spirit of my life? Who will give to me the words/thoughts that inhabit the place that I desire to make my dwelling place; for I am the words/thoughts of life? A man is as he thinks.
II CORINTHIANS 3:17 “Now the Lord is that Spirit; and where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty”.
ROMANS 8:2 “For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death…6 …and the spiritual mind is life and peace”.
I see all of the lively and the lifeless words/thoughts that inhabit the thinking of the carnal mind, and they are all death. I see all of the vain and foolish words/thoughts that dwell in the thoughts of all the carnally minded, and they trouble me. I see all of evil and wicked words/thoughts of the carnal mind, and they are all abominable. I see all of the fearful anxious, and dreadful words/thoughts that torment the thinking of the carnally minded, and they are all miserable. I see all of the deceitful words/thoughts that hide in the darkness of the carnal mind, and they are all lies. I see the words/ thoughts that men choose to believe on as well as the words/thoughts that are rejected and scorned. I have see all of the thoughts of the mind, those with purpose and those without purpose, and they are still all vanity. I have seen best and the most righteous words/thoughts that the carnally minded can think on, and they are all illusions. Is it possible for anything that is vain to bring forth anything that is profitable? Is it possible for anything that is evil to bring forth anything that is good? Is it possible for anything that is dead to bring forth any life of itself? Is it possible for any amount of wrongs to make anything right? I have all seen all of the words/thoughts that inhabit the thoughts of the carnal mind, and there is no life in any of them. I came into this world to give life to the dead. I am willing to give life, but where are the dead who are willing to give themselves to me in exchange?
PSALM 39:5 “….Truly, every man at his best state is altogether vanity”.
ECCLESIASTES 1:14 “I have seen all the works (deeds of the words/thoughts) that are done under the sun, and all is vanity and troubling of spirit”.
JEREMIAH 13:23 “Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots? Then may you also do good who are accustomed to do evil?”
ROMANS 12:1,2 “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God”.
It is written, “In the beginning was the Word; and the Word was with God; and the Word was God”. I am the Word; I am the Word of life. I am the truth. I am the Word of truth and life. I am the Word made flesh, full of grace and truth. I am the Word of life that appears in the flesh of all those who give to me their thinking. Now hear and understand: In the beginning, I created Adam after my own image; that is, after the image of my words/thoughts; words/thoughts of life and truth. I did not create Adam after the image of any of these carnal words/thoughts. These words/thoughts had no dwelling place in the minds of Adam or Eve….that is, until the fall; until the day that Adam and Eve freely chose to forsake the counsel of my words/thoughts in order that they may believe the lying words/thoughts of Satan’s counsel instead. On that day, through the deceitful and enticing words of Satan joined with the desires of their heart, they freely chose for death to be the ruler over their thinking. For it is as it is written, “No man can have 2 masters”; either choose death or choose life. On the day that they forsook my counsel, then the image of my words/thoughts, the words of life and truth, departed from their thinking to make way for their new master: the death that rules over all of the words/thoughts of those who are carnally minded.
JOHN 1:1 “In the beginning was the Word; and the Word was with God; and the Word was God….14 “And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us…full of grace and truth”.
GENESIS 1:26,27 “And God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth”. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them”.
ROMANS 8:6 “For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace”.
MATTHEW 6:24 “No man can serve 2 masters; for either he will hate the one and the love the other; or else he will hold to the one and despise (make light of) the other. You cannot serve God and mammon (that which is trusted; riches; treasure)”.
PROVERBS 8:36 “For he that sins against me wrongs his own soul; all they that hate me love death (the thoughts of the carnal mind)”.
On the day of the fall, the life of God that was in the thinking of their minds, that which was created after the image of God, departed from their thoughts; and all of the words/ thoughts of the righteousness of God that had given unto them abundant life, were then transformed into the likeness of these lifeless dust particles that drift about because they have no purpose. Until that day, Adam and Eve had daily eaten of the tree of life, and the words/thoughts in their minds were continually renewed in the image of the words of life. It was also on that day the desires and the affections of a man’s heart were given over to submission to the lies of Satan; the lies whose complete focus is only on the vain image of the being of “self”. It was on that day that all fellowship and communion between God and man ceased; and the purpose that God created man upon the earth was corrupted. On that day, the darkness of corruption and mortality took it’s place to rule over the world with death; the world that God himself had created. A man is as he thinks; he who is carnally minded thinks and speaks death; he who is spiritually minded thinks and speaks life.
EPHESIANS 4:17,18 “This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that you henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart”.
PROVERBS 23:7 “For as he thinks in his heart, so he is…”
MATTHEW 12:34-37 “O generation of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. A good man out of the good treasure of the heart brings forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. But I say unto you, “That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment”. For by thy words you shall be justified, and by thy words thou shall be condemned”.
PROVERBS 18:21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruits thereof”.
I Am the Lord of life. I Am the God of the living and not the dead. I Am life. I Am the Words of Life. Those who depart from me depart from life. Those who do not desire to obey me are those who choose for death to be the lord of their thinking. Those who choose death to be their lord are those whose very image is death, and they have death for their thinking. Death has no power to rule over life because I Am life; I Am the source of all life; I Am that which life consists of, and I will never bow the knee of my heart to serve even one of the lying words/thoughts of death. When Adam and Eve chose to follow the counsels of Satan’s words, then I, as the image of, and the very affection for my Father’s words/thoughts, then departed from their hearts and minds; and thus was the saying brought to pass that is written: “Your thoughts are not my thoughts”. On the day that death took it’s rule, not only did the lies of Satan enter in, but so also did the love and affection to believe his lies also took take it’s throne to rule over the hearts and thoughts of all who are carnally minded. In the kingdom of darkness, not only is there a desire to love Satan’s lies, but so also is there a burning desire to hate the truth of God. I am the image of the truth of God, and I am the wisdom of God that loves the truth; and I, as the light of life from which all things were created, and from which all creation communed and fellowshipped with God by, was taken out of the world. Death came; Death came as the darkness that completely alienates and separates all creation from the life intended by it’s Creator. Only death is able to dwell in the darkness that inhabits the words/thoughts of the carnal mind; a darkness where there is no presence of the God of life. On that day, God became man’s alien.
COLOSSIANS 1:21-22 “And you who were sometimes alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled in the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy, and unblameable, and unreproveable in his sight”.
JOHN 1:10 “He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not”.
I am the Lord of light that the darkness has blinded all men to see. I am the Lord of life that the darkness has alienated my creation from. It is the darkness that blinds the eyes of man so that there is none who are able to see the life or that can correctly interpret life. There is no man is able to see as I see”, says the Lord. “For fallen man judges all things according to appearances; for the carnal mind only has the ability to interpret the appearances and the images of what he sees. For all men judge and measure other men after the height and the weight of their bodies; after the intelligence of their words; after the color of their skin; after the measure of their wealth, and riches, and fame; after the countenance in their faces; after the gender of their body; and after the appearance of their works and deeds. But in this world of darkness, all appearances are only illusions; illusions where vain things appear to be right and true things that a man should live his life according to; and illusions to judge others after the lives they appear to live. There is no man who is able to discern the truth about the intents and the motives of his own heart, much less the intents and motives of the hearts of others. Understand this, I said that your thoughts are not my thoughts because it never enters into my mind to judge any man according to his appearance; for appearances are only illusions; and illusions deceive; and all who judge according to appearances only deceive themselves. These deceive themselves because when they condemn others, they are only condemning themselves. From where came the saying that says, “Nothing is as it appears”?
I SAMUEL 16:7 And the Lord said unto Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart”.
JOHN 7:24 “Judge not according to appearances but judge righteous judgment”.
JOHN 8:15 Jesus said, “You judge after the flesh; I judge no man”.
I CHRONICLES 28:9 “And you, Solomon my son, know you the God of thy father, and serve him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind: for the LORD searches all hearts, and understands all the imaginations of the thoughts; if you seek him, he will be found of thee; but if you forsake him, he will cast you off for ever”.
I CORINTHIANS 4:5 “Judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes and brings to light the hidden things of darkness and the counsels (words/thoughts) of the heart; then shall every man have praise of God”.
Thus says the Lord, “I judge no man after appearances, but I judge all men after the words that are thought upon in his heart; for where the desires of the heart are, there shall you find the riches and the treasures of his heart; the riches and treasures of the life that he finds pleasurable and that he would love to have. I see the words/thoughts that are desired. I see the words/thoughts that are esteemed. I see the words/thoughts that are believed on. I see the words/thoughts that exalted to be right. I see the words/thoughts that are honored. I see the words/thoughts that are trusted in. I see the words/thoughts that are delighted in. I see the words/thoughts that are desired to be truth. I see the words/thoughts that men hate and despise. I see whose words/thoughts, whether death or life, that appear as lifeless dust particles as well as those which appear as lively particles with purpose. I see that the measure of man is not according to his appearance but it is according to the words/thoughts that he believes on and agrees with.
I CHRONICLES 28:9 “….for the LORD searches all hearts, and understands all the imaginations of the thoughts…”
PSALM 139:23,24 “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting”.
PSALM 10:4 “The wicked, through the pride of his own appearance, will not seek after God; God is not in “all” of his thoughts”.
Thus says the Lord, “I came into the world to reconcile the world unto God; but who is he who can understand what the world needs to be reconciled of? I came into the world, the world which I created, and the world did not know me. I came as the righteousness of God into a world where each man believes that righteousness comes forth how he sees and interprets all things. Who is willing to allow for me to reconcile his world? Who is willing to allow for me to make life first in his thinking rather than death? I forewarned Adam and Eve in the beginning that if they disobeyed my words/thoughts, and chose to eat of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, then death would surely enter into the world; and death would be the first desire in their thinking. Have you ever considered just what it was that overcame Adam and Eve, that which enticed them and led them to disobey the counsel of God? Was it Satan’s lies that overcame them or was it their own desires that overcame them; desires that arose in their hearts whereby they wished to believe that Satan’s words were the truth rather than the words that had been given to them from God? Do you see how it was by reason of these desires that a power arose within them that led to fall of man upon the earth; a powerful desire to believe lies. What power could any lying words/thoughts have if there was no desire to believe them? So then, I ask you once again, what does this world need to be reconciled of?
JAMES 1:13 “Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempts he any man: but every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own desires, and enticed. Then when desire has conceived, it brings forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, brings forth death. Do not err, my beloved brethren”.
ROMANS 6:16 “Do you not know that to whom you yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants you are to whom you obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?”
ROMANS 5:10 “For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his “life”.
What man is even able to comprehend just how great his captivity is to the death that rules over the thinking of the carnal mind? Do you still scoff at me when I tell you that your thoughts are not my thoughts? Do you still make light of my instruction that says that all of your thoughts are vanity and your imaginations are continually evil? I created man to be partakers of life, not to be captives to death. I created man for communion and fellowship, not alienation and separation. But how can darkness fellowship with light, and with what communion does death have with life? If you desire to commune and fellowship with God, should not first understand that which must first be reconciled unto God? How can that which is an enemy become a friend except that which makes it an enemy is first removed?
COLOSSIANS 1:21-22 “And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now has he reconciled in the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight”.
If you believe that my words are true, then what agreement could the definition of the carnal mind’s interpretation of life have with my spiritual definition of life; seeing that your thoughts are not my thoughts? What agreement does the carnal mind’s definition of love have with my love, or the likeness between the carnal mind’s understanding of the truth and the truth of God? How can a proud mind possibly interpret my humility and meekness? How can the carnal mind comprehend true forgiveness where sins and transgressions are forgiven, and they never return to the thoughts of the mind? How can the minds of those who delight in judging others, in finding fault with others, and in accusing others find any communion with God who then delights in showing mercy to the same? Where is the communion between anxiety and peace of mind? Where are the carnally minded who are clothed with everlasting joy?
PSALM 50:21 (NKJ) “These things you have done, and I kept silent. You thought that I was altogether like you; but I will rebuke you, and set them in order before your eyes”.
How can any man comprehend the truth of my love, my truth, my patience, my power, my gentleness, my meekness, my care, my joy, my mercy, my belief, my forgiveness, my humility, and my goodness when he uses the thinking of the carnal mind to interpret my heart and my nature? Do you not understand that they who think that I am in the likeness of their carnal interpretations are changing me to be an image like unto the death of the carnal mind; a likeness that is only an illusion of lies that seem right? Only a fool would think that my heart and my nature can be interpreted with the understanding of the carnal mind that is corrupted with darkness; and all who use their carnal mind to interpret me, they blind themselves to ever see any need for me in their lives because they have me to be like an image of themselves. All those who think that my heart and my nature can be compared to the heart and the nature of man, they are blind to see that by their own thoughts they have made themselves to be like unto God. I am not a man. My nature is not like unto a man. My character is not like unto a man. I am not like a man. My thoughts are not as your thoughts. My ways are not your ways. I do not see as man sees. I tell you again, I and my Father are as aliens unto men. Though there be none who are righteous in their thinking or good in their hearts, the hypocrite will still think to walk in the image that is according to his own interpretations of my nature and my heart; and these are so confident that I am pleased with their efforts and works? I tell you that all false witnesses are an abomination in my sight. Who will seek to know the truth about my heart and my nature, rather than to twist my image into the likeness of their own carnal thoughts and heart’s desires?
I CORINTHIANS 2:9-14 “But as it is written, “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither has entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God has revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searches all things, yea, the deep things of God. For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of man which is in him? Even so the things of God knows no man, but the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God so that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God; which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teaches, but that which the Holy Ghost teaches; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned.
II CORINTHIANS 6:14 “Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said, "I will dwell in them and walk among them.
I will be their God and they shall be my people." Therefore, "Come out from among them and be separate”, says the Lord. “Do not touch what is unclean and I will receive you. I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters”, says the LORD Almighty."
ROMANS 3:10 “As it is written, there are none righteous….and there are none good”.
I JOHN 3:2 “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it does not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifies himself, even as he is pure”.
EXODUS 20:4-5 “You shall not make unto you any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down yourself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me”.
Who is able to understand that I have no communion with the interpretations of the words/thoughts that inhabit the carnal mind? Who is able to comprehend that it is only the Devil who communes and fellowships with those who are carnally minded because it is who has fathered all of the words/thoughts that are conceived in the carnal mind. He knows well the name of all his children, such as fear, hatred, bitterness, confusion, doubt, anxiety, depression, slander, worry, unbelief, fornication, and pride; and the Devil knows that all of his children desire to serve him only. Just as the Devil desired to be like unto God, so also do the children of darkness desire to be like unto God, but after their own interpretations and imaginations which twist the image of the heavenly God into the likeness of their own goodness, their own pleasure, and their own righteousness. These are the children who love to satisfy their own desires through their own deceivings. Do you see how the darkness works in a man to satisfy the desires of death that rule over the carnal mind? Do you understand yet that which man needs to be reconciled of?
JOHN 8:44 (Jesus speaking to those who thought that they had Abraham for their father) “You are of your father the Devil and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer (when he deceived Eve) from the beginning, and he dwells not in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own; for he is a liar and the father of it”.
ROMANS 1:20-25 “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: because when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but they became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools; and they changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and 4 footed beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the desires of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves; who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature (the image that they made themselves to be after) more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
EZEKIEL 28:2 “Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus, “Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because your heart is lifted up and you have said, “I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas”; yet you are a man, and not God, though you set your heart as the heart of God”.
I came into this world to give to all men a choice between death and life. Have I not set before you all a choice between life and death? Have I not given to you the ability to choose between life and death? I am giving unto each one of you a choice that will allow for each one of you to choose whose words/thoughts your desire to believe; a choice between the words/thoughts of the carnal mind or the words/thoughts that inhabit the spiritual mind? If you had life dwelling in your thoughts, would it be necessary for me to even give to you such a choice as this? Life is not that which comes naturally, for death is thoughts that the carnally minded know naturally. I am not the words/thoughts that natural man desires to be true, but I am the words/thoughts of truth that sets men free from their miserable captivity to the thinking of the carnal mind. I am the word made flesh, the word that is full of grace and truth. I am the word of life come to redeem those who are carnally minded, who hate the counsels of death. But who will choose to have me to be their words/thoughts? I am the truth that makes free, but who will choose me? He who chooses truth loves life, and he who does not choose me loves the death that rules over all of his being. I will speak truth, but many will harden their hearts when they hear the voice of my words/thoughts because they have no desire within them to receive or to believe my words/thoughts; for they are alien and strange to them.
DEUTERONOMY 30:19 “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Therefore choose life that both you and your seed may live; that you may love the Lord your God, that you may obey his voice, that you may cleave unto him; for he is your life….”
PROVERBS 8:36 “He that sins against me wrongs his own soul; all they that hate me love death”.
JOHN 8:31 “If you continue in my word, then shall you be my disciples; and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”.
PROVERBS 16:3 “Commit your works unto the Lord and your thoughts shall be established”.
Now again, I want to remind of that which I once taught you, that the words/thoughts of God and the words/thoughts of Satan do not sit equally balanced in the hearing of man; for man being created from the dust of earth, by reason of the natural elements loves the “self” being that all lies focus on; for is it not as it is written, that no man ever hated himself? But man was created from the very dust of the earth that Satan himself inhabited; seeing that when he was cast out of heaven, he was cast “into the earth”. It is of these earthy elements from which Adam was created that also brought forth the desire in Adam and Eve to believe Satan’s lies. Though I created Adam after the image of my words/ thoughts, he was compassed about by an earthy vessel that was/is subject to worldly desires. It is by reason of these earthy elements that a desire arouse in their hearts to believe Satan’s lies; and when the serpent sowed the seed of his words in Eve, he then departed, knowing that it was only a matter of time before his words would arouse these earthy elements from their sleep; and then would come forth those worldly desires that tempt all to believe that Satan’s words are right and true. For it is only worldly desires that make it pleasurable for a man to believe lies. Until that day, neither Adam nor Eve had never heard any lying words, thus keeping asleep the worldly desires and pleasures that inhabited their earthy vessel. But now that these worldly elements were aroused, they began to join themselves to the seed of Satan’s words with belief; and once the belief came forth, then that which had been forbidden began to appear pleasing in their sight. And when they sinned against God, death came swiftly upon them; the death whose very nature is in complete rebellion against God, and all things that are of God.
GENESIS 3:6 “And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat”.
GALATIANS 4:3-5 “Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world: But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law (Rom.8:2 the law of sin and death), that we might receive the adoption of sons.
REVELATION 12:9 “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world: he was cast out “into” the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
JUDE 10 “But these speak evil of those things which they do not know: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves”.
II CORINTHIANS 4:6-7 “For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge (words/thoughts) of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels so that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us”.
JAMES 1:14-16 “But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own desires and enticed. Then when desire has conceived, it brings forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, brings forth death. Do not err, my beloved brethren.
And so it is today, that just as these desires burned like as a fiery passion in the hearts and the minds of Adam and Eve to rebel against the counsel of God, so also does that same fire continually burn in the thoughts of all who are carnally minded. Can the spiritually minded be tempted by carnal desires and pleasures? I think not, seeing that the Spirit has no desire for worldly things. Yet, are not my people still being tempted today in the same manner as Adam and Eve; having the same desires that prefer to believe that lying words/thoughts of Satan are truth rather than the counsel of my words”, says the Lord. “False doctrines, traditions, laws, denominations, and the commandments of men so easily take away the heart of my people today with their enticing words appearances of being true and right. Can you not see how powerless all these words/thoughts are in that they are not able to deliver any from the death that rules over the words/thoughts of the carnal mind?
MARK 7:9 “And Jesus said to them, “Full well you reject the commandment of God that ye may keep your own tradition…13 thus making the word of God to be of no effect through your tradition, which you have delivered: and many such like things you do”.
ISAIAH 30:8-13 “Now go, write it before them on a tablet, and note it on a scroll, that it may be for the time to come, forever and ever: that this is a rebellious people, lying children; children who will not hear the law (law of life) of the LORD; Who say to the seers, "Do not see,"; and to the prophets, "Do not prophesy to us right things; speak to us smooth things, prophesy deceits. Get you out of the way; turn aside from the path and cause the Holy one of Israel to cease from before us." Therefore thus says the Holy one of Israel: “Because you despise this word, and trust in oppression and perversity, and rely on them, therefore this iniquity shall be to you like a breach ready to fall; a bulge in a high wall whose breaking comes suddenly, in an instant”.
ISAIAH 65:2 “I have spread out my arms all the day to a rebellious people, who walk in a way that is not good, after their “own thoughts”; a people who continually provoke me to anger…”
But from where come these wicked desires that so easily tempt my people to bow their hearts before these false words/thoughts? Where come these desires to believe these lying words which bring with them nothing but unrest and misery? But who is able to see the evil in the words/thoughts that he is accustomed to living his life after? Who desires to repent of that which he thinks is right? Who is able to comprehend that every man’s life is lived according to the words/thoughts that he thinks to be right? Who is he who is able to see that his own words/thoughts are only enemies to the life that I desire for all men to be partakers of? I have come to reconcile man unto me, but how shall I reconcile death with life when my own people love death? How shall my people love me with all of their hearts and minds when their hearts and minds are filled with the elements of this world; the elements that only have a desire and affection for the things of “self”?
I JOHN 2:15 “Love not the world neither the things that are in the world. If any love the world the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the desire of the flesh, the desire of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father but is of the world”.
JAMES 4:4 “You adulterers and adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with this world is enmity (Rom.8:7) with God? Therefore, whosever will make himself to be a friend of this world is an enemy of God. Do you think that the scripture says in vain that the spirit that dwells in us desires to envy”.
PSALM 38:19 “But my enemies are lively, and they are strong…”
But again I ask you, from where come these evil desires that tempt the hearts of men to submit themselves to believe the miserable counsels that come so naturally into the thinking of the carnal mind? From where come the desires that tempt my people to believe the lies that bring with their counsels nothing but fear, and anxiety, and worry? From where comes the desire that makes the lies of depression, of hopelessness, of loneliness, and of frustration to be friends with them. From where come these evil desires that entice my people to doubt my love, or to make light of my instructions, or to not believe my words? From where come the evil desires that entices men to trust in vain words/thoughts that never bring with them any change? From where come the wicked desires that entice my people to judge one another, or to find fault with one another, or to exalt themselves above another? From where come this perverted desire that deceives my people into believing that they can change the world when they powerless to change their own thoughts and desires? From where come the wicked desires that make it so pleasurable for my people to rebel or to contend with the heavenly Father who loves them so much? From where comes the desires that entice my people to find great pleasure in boasting of their own works, as well as in the speaking of the vain opinions that they form of themselves? From where comes the desire whereby my people love to hear the words of flattery and praise, and then close their ears to reject instruction and refuse correction? From where comes the desire that makes it such a delight for men to whine and complain? From where come the desires that entice my people to envy one another? Do you think that the scripture says in vain, “The spirit that dwells in us desires to envy”?
MATTHEW 22:4-5 “Behold, I have prepared my dinner: my oxen and my fatlings are killed, and all things are ready: come unto the marriage. But they made light of it, and went their own ways…”
JAMES 1:12 “Blessed is the man that endures temptation; for when he is tried he shall receive a crown of life, which the Lord has promised to them who love him. Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempts he any man: but every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own desires, and enticed. Then when desire has conceived, it brings forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, brings forth death. Do not err, my beloved brethren”.
Where could all of these foolish desires, wicked desires, and evil desires come from that so passionately burn in the hearts and minds of men until they are satisfied? Who he is who is able to comprehend that the strength and power to do foolish things, or evil things, or wicked things is found only in the desires to do them? Without the desire, from where could come the temptation? You know that Satan is the father of all lying words/thoughts, but was it his words that tempted Adam and Eve or was it the desire that burned in their hearts that tempted them; the desire to believe that Satan’s words were true? What power can be found in any of Satan’s words if there is no desire to believe any of them? Is it possible for that which is of this world to desire anything other than those things which are of this world? Who is a citizen of this world except those who are born subject to the desires of this world? Now do you understand that which I said, “My kingdom is not of this world”? Is it possible for God to rule in a kingdom where the desire in every man’s heart is enmity against God? I rule my kingdom with life and peace, not with death, or oppression, or bondage, or unrest.
JOHN 8:44 “You are of your father the Devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and he abides not in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speak a lie, he speaks from his own resources. He is a liar and the father of it”.
ROMANS 8:7 “For the carnal mind is enmity against God, and is not subject to the law of God, and indeed, it cannot be”.
JAMES 4:4-5 “You adulterers and adulteresses, do you not know that friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God. Do you think that the scripture says in vain, “The spirit that dwells in us desires to envy?”
JOHN 18:36 “Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight so that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from here”.
From where come these desires that only have a love and consciousness for the being of “self”? From where come these strong desires that passionately burn in the hearts of men to be in control over their own lives? From where comes these desires that burn within the hearts of men to always be right in the thoughts you think and the words that you speak? From where comes the burning that dwells in all men to do their own will? From where come these desires whereby men desire to make a name for their own selves? From where come the desires whereby men delight in being their own god? Who can possibly save himself from the power and strength of these natural desires and lusts that burn so passionately in the hearts of all who are carnally minded?
II TIMOTHY 3:1-6 “But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without temperance, brutal, despisers of those who are good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, and having a form of godliness but denying its power. From such people turn away!”
Consider the congregation of the dead; how they praise me with their lips and they will honor me with their mouths, but their hearts and minds are still subject to these worldly desires; and their love for me grows cold and colder as they yield themselves more and more to their desires to worship and serve the creature of “self”. These delight in leaning to their own understanding and expressing their own opinions of my words. See how they are wise in their own eyes as they love to justify their own works and deeds with the lying words that satisfy their own desires and affections. See how these also find pleasure in twisting my image into an image that agrees with their own opinions of me. They think nothing of making light of my words thoughts because they think that the counsels of their own words/thoughts are more important and more righteousness than mine are. In the congregation of the dead, I am nothing more than these lifeless dust particles that drift aimlessly about without any purpose. These are still captive to believe Satan’s words/thoughts because they are still in bondage to the worldly desires that continue to dwell in their hearts and minds. Would man of a sound mind would worship and serve vain dead idols? Yet, does not the congregation of the dead continue to bow before and serve the vain thoughts of their mind as though they are right and true? In vain they worship me, believing and obeying the vain thoughts that they believe. What is vain except the thoughts of man and what is dead except the word/thoughts of the carnal mind?
PROVERBS 21:16 “The man who wanders out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the dead”.
PROVERBS 8:36 “He who sins against me wrongs his own soul; and those who hate me (I am life) love death”.
PSALM 94:11 “The Lord knows the thoughts of man that they are vanity”.
ROMANS 8:20 “For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who has subjected the same in hope; because the creature itself shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God”.
JEREMIAH 4:14 “O Jerusalem, wash your heart from your wickedness that you may be saved. How long shall your vain thoughts lodge within you?”
I CORINTHIANS 8:1 “Now as touching things offered unto idols, we know that we all have knowledge (words/thoughts/opinions). Knowledge puffs up (the idol of “self”), but love edifies”.
JEREMIAH 13:10 “This evil people, who refuse to hear my words, who walk in the imagination (words/thoughts) of their heart, and walk after other gods, to serve them, and to worship them, shall even be as this girdle, which is good for nothing.
Do you see how the idol worshippers delight in walking after their own imaginations of my words? Do you see how they delight in the work of their own hands, to walk in a show of hypocrisy? Do see how they seek to prove their own faith through an outward show of works; and outward show that has no agreement with the faith that stands in the power of God? From where come their desires to exalt themselves in their own righteousness; the righteousness that also brings division and strife among my people? From where come the desires that tempt my people to hide themselves from themselves; choosing rather to hide the truth from their own eyes as they quickly work to justify their own weaknesses, their own faults, their own sins, and their own iniquities rather than to submit them unto me for change? Why do these refuse to believe on the blood that I shed for them? Why do my people delight in boasting of their own goodness when there is none there? From where come these wicked desires that blind the eyes of my people, allowing for them pervert my words and corrupt and pollute the temple of God; which temple you are? By whose desires have my people filled my temple with the idols of “self”?
JEREMIAH 11:8-12 “Yet they obeyed not, nor inclined their ear, but walked everyone in the imagination (words/thoughts) of their evil heart: therefore I will bring upon them all the words of this covenant, which I commanded them to do; but they did them not. And the LORD said unto me, “A conspiracy is found among the men of Judah, and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem. They are turned back to the iniquities of their forefathers, who refused to hear my words; and they went after other gods to serve them: the house of Israel and the house of Judah have broken my covenant which I made with their fathers. Therefore thus says the LORD, “Behold, I will bring evil upon them, which they shall not be able to escape; and though they shall cry unto me, I will not hearken unto them. Then shall the cities of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem go, and cry unto the gods unto whom they offer incense: but they shall not save them at all in the time of their trouble”.
MATTHEW 6:1 Take heed that you do not do your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise you have no reward of your Father who is in heaven. Therefore when you do your alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, they have their reward.
MATTHEW 23:25 “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like unto whited tombs, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. Even so you also outwardly appear righteous unto men but within you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity”.
PROVERBS 20:6 “Most men will proclaim his own goodness, but a faithful man who can find?”
I CORINTHIANS 3:16-21 “Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple you are. Let no man deceive himself: If any man among you seems to be wise in this world, let him become a fool so that he may be wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, “He takes the wise in their own craftiness”. And again, “The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain”. Therefore let no man glory in men. For all things are yours”.
Can I show you my heart? Will you really believe me if I tell you of the grief that is in my heart? My heart grieves for all who remain captive to the dead thoughts of the carnal mind. My heart grieves for all those who remain in bondage to the worldly desires that yield themselves to the death of the carnal mind. I am grieved because I came into this world to give life, and to give it abundantly. I am grieved because my people have refused me, having no desire to be changed into my likeness, for my nature is life, not death. I am grieved because my people refuse to seek to know my nature. I am grieved because my people have not chosen my heart to be their religion, but they have chosen rather to make the pleasures and the desires of their own hearts to be their religion. I am so grieved that my people have continued to choose for death to rule over the thoughts of their minds instead of the life of my love, my faith, my joy, my peace, my care, and the life of my nature, which is in my Spirit. My heart is grieved for the congregation of the dead who do not believe that I am the resurrection and the life; that do not believe that I am able to destroy all the death which defiles my temple, and then raise them up in the life in my Spirit.
JEREMIAH 9:6 “Your habitation is in the midst of deceit (the lying words/thought of the carnal mind). Through deceit they refuse to know me”.
GENESIS 6:5,6 “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination (word/thought) of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the Lord repented that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at this heart”.
ROMANS 8:6 “For the carnal mind is death and the spiritual mind is life and peace”.
My heart grieves for those who think that they are going to obtain entrance into my kingdom because they have preached and prophesied in my name, but they have refused my heart. My heart grieves for those who think that they are going to find entrance into my kingdom because they have tithed or because of the wonderful works that they have done, but they have refused my heart. My heart grieves for those who think that they are going to find entrance into my kingdom because they fasted or cast out demons, but they have refused my heart. My heart grieves for those who travel land and sea to win souls to me, but they have refused my heart. My heart is grieved for all those who have made their own head, with its carnal words/thoughts to be the head of my body instead of allowing for me to be the head of my body; for you are not your own. My heart grieves for those who choose to esteem and exalt themselves rather than to be converted into my likeness, to be as humble as a little child. My heart grieves for those who ask for me to forgive them of their sins, but through unbelief and ignorance of my power and love, refuse to ask for me to change to the desires of their heart and the carnal thoughts that led them to sin. Only my heart is able to make a man free from the deceitful and wicked heart of man. Only my words/thoughts are able to set at liberty the man who is captive to death. I am grieved because I declared so plainly and clearly that if any man wanted to follow after me, then it was going to be required of him to take up his cross and follow me; but I am grieved because so many have not made my words to be a lamp unto their feet nor a guide unto their paths.
MATTHEW 7:21 “Not every one that says unto me, “Lord, Lord”, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but only he that does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, “Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name; and in thy name have cast out devils; and in thy name done many wonderful works?” And then will I profess unto them, “I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity”. Therefore whosoever hears these sayings (words/thoughts) of mine, and does them, I will liken him unto a wise man who built his house upon a rock: and the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock”.
Luke 13:24-28 “Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able. When once the master of the house has risen up, and has shut to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, “Lord, Lord, open unto us”. And he shall answer and say unto you, “I know you not where you are from”. Then shall you begin to say, “We have eaten and drunk in your presence; and you have taught in our streets”. But he shall say, “I tell you, I do know where you are from. Depart from me, all you workers of iniquity”. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when you shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out.
MATTHEW 22:29 “Jesus said, “You do err, not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God”.
One last time I ask you; from where come these desires that so easily deceive my people into choosing death for themselves instead of life? From where come these desires that deceive my people into worshipping and serving dead idols and false doctrines, which are powerless to heal, to change the heart, or to deliver from dead thoughts? From where come these evil and wicked desires that entice my people to pervert my ways and to make light of my words? From where come the desires that tempt my people to refuse my instruction and to hate my correction? From where come the desires that steal away my love out of the hearts of my people? Now hearken unto me, and I will show you the source of all these desires as well as the source of every foolish, every evil, and every wicked desire; for these desires are the strength and power of the kingdom of darkness; the strength and the power that arouses passionate desires in the inhabitants of this world to believe only the lies of Satan. When I breathed life into Adam, he became a living being; a being that lived, that moved, and that had all of his being in fellowship and communion with God. I breathed my words/thoughts into him, they came as the words which were spirit and life; and the spirit that I breathed into him was my wisdom. My wisdom is the breath of my power for life; but there is another wisdom, the wisdom that is of this world, and there is no breath in this wisdom for it only has a desire for death.
PROVERBS 8:12 “I, wisdom (wisdom speaks from here to the end of the chapter) dwell with prudence….35 whosoever finds me finds life and shall obtain favor of the Lord”.
My wisdom is the matrix from which all life is birthed. My wisdom is matrix from which the love for my truth is birthed. Only by my wisdom are my people able to delight themselves in my words and keep them out of love. My wisdom is the matrix that brings forth spirit and life; and by my wisdom was Adam formed after my image; the image of the Words of God. My wisdom has desires for those things which only come from above; and it has no agreement or pleasure with the vanity and foolishness of this world. My wisdom loves me and delights in communion and fellowship with me. For fellowship I created Adam by my wisdom, and by my wisdom I breathed my words/thoughts into him; and after the very image of my words/thoughts was he created; that is, by the words/thoughts that came forth by my Spirit. By my wisdom I brought forth a man who was like-minded with me. By my wisdom, Adam and I walked daily in communion and fellowship with one another; and you know that nothing that is of this world walks with me because it has no agreement with me.
II THESSALONIANS 2:7-13 (AMP) “For the mystery of lawlessness (iniquity (KJ; the work of those who are wise in this world; that hidden principle of rebellion against constituted authority) is already at work in the world, [but it is] restrained only until he who restrains is taken out of the way. And then shall the lawless one (the antichrist; which is the wisdom of this world) will be revealed and the Lord Jesus will slay him with the breath of His mouth and (KJ shall destroy with the brightness of his appearing) bring it to an end by His appearing at His coming [I Cor.1:19]. The coming [of the lawless one, the antichrist (again, the wisdom of this world)] is through the activity and working of Satan and will be attended by great power (desires and passions) and with all sorts of [pretended] miracles and signs and delusive marvels--[all of them] lying wonders--And by unlimited seduction to evil and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing (going to perdition) because they did not welcome the Truth but refused to love it that they might be saved. Therefore God sends upon them a misleading influence, a working of error and a strong delusion to make them believe what is false in order that all may be judged and condemned who did not believe in [who refused to adhere to, trust in, and rely on] the Truth, but [instead] took pleasure in unrighteousness. But we, brethren beloved by the Lord, ought and are obligated [as those who are in debt] to give thanks always to God for you, because God chose you from the beginning as His firstfruits (first converts) for salvation through the sanctifying work of the [Holy] Spirit and [your] belief in (adherence to, trust in, and reliance on) the Truth.
JOHN 14:23 Jesus answered and said, “If a man loves me, he will keep my words; and my Father will love him, and we will come and make our abode with him”.
PSALM 40:8 “I delight to do your will, O God; yea, your law (Rom.8:2: the law of the spirit of life) is within my heart”.
EPHESIANS 3:8-9 “Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ; and to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world has been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ”.
I CORINTHIANS 1:30 (NKJ) “But of him are you in Christ Jesus, who became from us wisdom from God….”
ISAIAH 11:2 “And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him (Jesus), the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD”
AMOS 3:3 “How can two walk together except they be agreed?”
In the beginning, I brought forth my wisdom as the light that in the darkness; and that darkness was the wisdom of this world. Then Satan came lusting to sow the seed of his lying words/thoughts into Eve’s mind; for Satan knew that his words would awaken a giant desire that had been lying asleep in both Adam and Eve’s since Adam was formed; a giant that could only be awakened by his lying words. Adam was formed from the elements of the earth, not from the Spirit of the Lord; and it was these worldly elements that the seed of his lies would arouse from their sleep: the elements of the wisdom of this world, natural understanding, and the carnal knowledge. For these three elements are of the darkness, and they can only agree with and desire to believe the lies of the ruler of darkness. Satan knew that their earthy vessels would be well nurtured and fertile ground that would make his lies desirable to believe and pleasurable to make right. The lies that once believed would then allow for sin and the death to take their rule over Adam and Eve’s minds and hearts. He knew that it would only be but a matter of time before the passions of this world’s wisdom would awaken and overcome them with her burning and passionate desires.
MATTHEW 13:25 “But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and then went his way”.
GENESIS 3:6 “And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat”.
PROVERBS 3:7 “Be not wise in your own eyes…”
For it was Satan’s words/thoughts that awakened the wisdom of this world that had been lying asleep in them. For the wisdom of this world only has a desire to believe the lies of Satan; and all of his lies only focus on the being of “self”. For out of the wisdom of this world comes forth all of the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the pride of life; and all who are given to her will live, and move, and have their being serving the ungodly desires of creature rather than the desires and pleasures of the Creator. What greater lie could Satan have spoken than those lying words/thoughts that would arouse in them same desires and passions that had already overcome Lucifer to believe that he could become as God? For Satan well knew how he himself was so easily overcome by these same desires when he was corrupted by this same wisdom; for the wisdom of this world only delights in doing those things that satisfy “self” desires; that is, for one to do his own will, to walk in the way that is right in his own eyes, and to make a name for himself. For the wisdom of this world loves the being of “self”, and she lives and moves and has all her purpose in the desires that delight in serving this ungodly creature which has no passion or desire for God. For the wisdom of this world is the matrix from which comes every unclean, wicked, profane, evil, and abominable desire and passion; and they all come forth to join themselves to the lies of Satan. When Satan’s words awoke the wisdom of this world in Eve, he awoke all of the desires of this world. She is the natural desires, pleasures, and passions that burn in the hearts of all who are carnally minded.
I JOHN 2:15 “Love not the world neither the things that are in the world. If any love the world the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the desire of the flesh, the desire of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father but is of the world”.
The wisdom of this world is the entity from which all ungodly desires, pleasures, lusts, and affections come from; and her desires, pleasures, lusts, and affections are the strength of her power. The wisdom of this world is the sinful nature of the flesh. All those who commune, agree, and fellowship with her are in the darkness because light has no fellowship or communion with the darkness. She is the darkness that dwells in Satan as well as the darkness that dwells in the children of ignorance. She is the uncleanness in the unclean; she is the wickedness in the wicked; she is the evil that is in the evil; and she is the profaneness in the profane. She is the deceitfulness that makes the lies of Satan desirable to believe. She is the passion and desire to believe Satan’s lies; and Satan is the liar that satisfies her passions and desires. Satan is the father of all lies and she is the mother who nurtures his lies with desire until they become that which is pleasurable for one to believe; and her children are all of the lies that come forth when his words and her desires are regarded and believed on. She passionately loves all of her children, which are the words/thoughts that give birth to all that is unclean, wicked, deceitful, profane, evil, and abominable. Her desires and pleasure are that which all men know by nature; for all who commune and agree with her desires and pleasures are like unto her. The wisdom of this world is the illusion of lies that are used by men to justify her children. She is also the illusion of lies that men use to build their own self-images upon.
EPHESIANS 5:8-11 “For you were sometimes darkness, but now are you light in the Lord: walk as children of light.…11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them”.
ISAIAH 47:10 “You have trusted in your wickedness; you have said, “No one sees me. Your wisdom and your knowledge (words/thoughts) have perverted you; and you have said in your heart, “I am”; and there is none else besides me”.
JEREMIAH 4:14 “O Jerusalem, wash your heart from wickedness, that you may be saved. How long shall vain thoughts lodge within you?”
JEREMIAH 4:22 “My people are foolish, they do not know me….they are “wise” to do evil, and to do good they have no knowledge”.
ISAIAH 64:6 “We are all as an unclean thing and all of our righteousness are as dirty rags (menstruous clothes)”.
PROVERBS 21:2 “Every way of man is right in his own eyes”
PROVERBS 3:7 “Be not wise in your own eyes”.
JAMES 3:14-16 “But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth. This wisdom descends not from above, but is earthly, sensual, and devilish. For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work
The wisdom of this world is the darkness. She is the spirit that led Lucifer and the angels by her desires to fall in heaven. She is the spirit that led by her desires the fall of man upon the earth. She is the spirit that burned with desire in both Lucifer, the angels, and Adam and Eve to believe the lie; the lie that says that there can be more than one God. She is also the spirit that by her desires leads many hearts to fall from the grace that has been given to them through the blood of Christ. She is the spirit that seduced Esau to give up his inheritance for a small piece of meat. She is the spirit that tempted Lot’s wife to look back at the life she was leaving behind. She is the spirit that deceived Saul to bow his knee to honor the words of the people rather than to honor the words of God. She is the spirit that caused all of Israel, except David, to cower in fear before Goliath; and she was also the spirit in Goliath that defied God. She is the spirit that puffed up Sennacherib when he attempted to threaten and intimidate Hezekiah. She is the spirit that confused Judas. She is the spirit that deceived Peter into believing that he had the faith that would allow for him to go to prison for Christ’ sake and that deceived him into believing that he would even die for the testimony of his name. She is the wicked counselor who overcame Ananias and Sapphira. She is the entity that Jesus wrestled with and overcame in the garden, as well as the same entity that then led others to then crucify him. All those who have her are always wise in their own eyes, and they are always convinced that the way they see things is the right way those things should be seen; yet the way that seems right is only right in the sight of those who are blind. The deceitfulness and the strength of her power is found in that she is able to make the ways that lead to death and destruction to seem like the right things for me to do.
EZEKIEL 28:17 “Your (Lucifer) heart was lifted up because of your beauty; you have corrupted your wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold you”.
PROVERBS 16:25 “There is a way that seems right, but the end thereof is the way of death”.
The wisdom of this world sits as a queen over her world of darkness; and chaos is her delight and rule. From her throne proceed all of her desires and pleasures that tempt my people to believe only the lying words/thoughts of Satan; the words/thoughts that inhabit the imaginations of the carnal mind. None of the thoughts that she desires to believe have any likeness with the thoughts of God. She is a world without order that is ruled by her wild and untamed imaginations; a world of disorder and lawlessness where every man does that which seems right in his own eyes. She is a world of imaginations where there is never any thought to acknowledge the sovereignty of God or to ask for any guidance or help. None of her desires will ever be accompanied with any counsel that instructs one to bow his heart before God. Every man’s imaginations are the idols of his heart; and it is by her desires and pleasures that they are formed, and then it is by her pleasure that they are then exalted to be more righteous than God. By her reasonings and excuses she makes her counsels to appear to be much more important than the counsel of God. She is the chaos and confusion in world where each man believes he is right in his thinking; yet, there are no two who agree. She is a world of disorder; a world where men continually get angry and frustrated when things do not go according to the way that they were imagined to go. She is the imagined sovereignty that keeps each man in bondage to the delusional state of thinking that he is “I am”, and that he can take control over the circumstances and situations in his life. She is the counsel of words/thoughts in the minds of men’s imaginations that never acknowledge the preeminence of God. She it is who keeps the children of God from drawing closer to their heavenly Father who loves them all.
Chaos: a state of things in which chance is supreme ; especially : the confused unorganized state of primordial matter (the darkness) before the creation of distinct forms: a state of utter confusion: a confused mass or mixture.
JAMES 3:15-16 “This wisdom descends not from above, but is earthly, sensual, and devilish. For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.
JEREMIAH 4:22,23 “"For My people are foolish, they have not known me. They are senseless children, and they have no understanding. They are “wise to do evil”, but to do good they have no knowledge. I beheld the earth (earthy man), and indeed it was without form, and void (no order); and the heavens, they had no light”.
JEREMIAH 13:10 “This evil people, who refuse to hear my words, who walk in the imagination (words/thoughts) of their heart, and walk after other gods, to serve them, and to worship them, shall even be as this girdle, which is good for nothing”.
GENESIS 6:5 “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that ever imagination of the thought of his heart was only evil continually. And the Lord was sorry that he had made man on the earth and he was grieved in his heart”.
II CORINTHIANS 10:3-6 “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh (for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but mighty before God to the casting down of strongholds), casting down imaginations and every high thing that is exalts itself against the knowledge (words/thoughts) of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ; being ready to avenge all disobedience, when your obedience shall be made full”.
It is only by the wisdom of this world that men are made to be friends with this world; for the wisdom of this world is the “only” entity from which all worldly desires come from. She is the darkness, and the darkness consists of her ignorance of her alienation from God, her separation from God, and her hatred for all things of God. She is the entity of darkness that does not know God, that does not respect God, that does not trust God, that does not honor God, that does not believe God, that does not obey God, and that does not love God. All those who delight in her exist in a world that is alienated and separated from the abundant life of God. Her habitation is the darkness that dwells in all those words/thoughts that abide in the carnal mind. She is the words/thoughts of death. She is nature of rebellion, and by her the children of God refuse to hearken to the voice of their God. She is the enmity of the carnal mind that will never subject itself in obedience and humility before God, and she can never subject herself to any of the truths or life of God’s words. Even Satan and his demons believe that there is only one God, and they are also subject to Son of God, as well as to the limitations that God uses to restrain them. It is not so with wisdom of this world, for she cannot even believe that there is one God other than the being of “self”.
JAMES 4:4 “You adulterers and adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with this world is enmity (Rom.8:7) with God? Therefore, whosever will make himself to be a friend of this world is an enemy of God”.
EPHESIANS 4:17,18 “This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that you henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind (words/thoughts), having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them because of the blindness of their heart”.
JEREMIAH 16:12 “And you have done worse than your fathers; for, behold, you walk every one after the imagination of his evil heart that they may not hearken unto me”.
JOHN 3:19 “This is the condemnation, that light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light because their deeds were evil”.
The wisdom of this world is that which makes all men to be as beasts in the sight of God; for all who are subject to her lust and desires are like unto her. She is the enmity against God; and by her she fills the thoughts of the mind with all manner of rebellion, unbelief, hatred, rejection, bitterness, hesitation, refusal, fearfulness, blame, scorn, as well as the making light of all of the words/thoughts that proceed forth from God/Jesus Christ. She is all that doubts God. She is the unbelief that mocks God. She is the murmuring and complaining against God when he will not bow to her desires. She it is that overcame the children of Israel in the wilderness with her murmuring and complaining against God that led to the destruction of many who agreed with her. Just as she did then so also does she do now in all those who remain carnally minded. Her desires are seen in the works of all those who do not believe that all things are possible for God/Jesus Christ. She closes the ears of those who refuse to hear my voice. She is the stiffness in the neck of those who refuse to turn to me. She is the spirit that hates Jesus and that persecutes those who take up their cross and follow after me.
ECCLESIASTES 3:18 “I said in my heart concerning the estate of sons of men that God might manifest them, that they might see that they themselves are beasts”.
NAHUM 1:11 “There is one (the wisdom of this world) come out of you that imagines evil against the Lord (unbelief, doubts, bitterness, fear, etc.), a wicked counselor….now I will break his yoke from off of you and burst his bonds in sunder”.
JOHN 7:7 “The world cannot hate you, but me it hates because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil”
As Satan is the adversary of man, so is the wisdom of this world the adversary of God, for she is never able to agree with anything of God/Jesus. She is the spirit of antichrist, the spirit that can never believe or obey any of the words/thoughts of God. By me were all things created, and there is nothing that is that was not created by me. Yet, when death entered into the world by her, all creation was taken captive to her. She is mortality and death; the mortality and death that is ignorant of immortality and life. I came into this world, and the world which was created by me did not know me. I came to my own children, and neither did they receive me. For by reason of the wisdom of this world, the creation has despised and rejected me, even though all of creation moans and groans to be free from mortality and death. When I came into this world, those who were wise in their own eyes saw no outward beauty in my appearance to be desired; and neither did they see any outward show of righteousness to meet the approval of their eyes; for all were blinded by the sight of the wisdom of this world. My Father even spoke from heaven saying, “This is my Son in whom I am well pleased”; yet, by reason of the wisdom of this world, the children of this world and the children of Israel could find nothing about me that was pleasing to them; for those who are wise in their own eyes cannot interpret God, not the things of God.
JOHN 1:10 “He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world did not know him. He came to his own people and his own did not receive him”.
I CORINTHIANS 1:21 (AMP) For when the world with all its earthly wisdom failed to perceive and recognize and know God by means of its own philosophy, God in His wisdom was pleased through the foolishness of preaching [salvation, procured by Christ and to be had through Him], to save those who believed (who clung to and trusted in and relied on Him).
I CORINTHIANS 2:7 “But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory, which none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory”.
ROMANS 8:22 “For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together unto now”.
The wisdom of this world is the nature of the darkness of ignorance of God. By nature, the wisdom of this world mocks me. By nature, the wisdom of this world makes light of my words. By nature, the wisdom of this world despises humility and meekness. By nature, the wisdom of this world spit on me and cursed me. By nature, the wisdom of this world hates me because I am the truth, not the lies that she desires to hear. By nature, the wisdom of this world bears false witness against me. By nature, the wisdom of this world is ashamed of my name. By nature, the wisdom of this world ripped the skin from my body by her stripes. By nature, the wisdom of this world always betrays me. By nature, the wisdom of this world persecutes my children. By nature, the wisdom of this world believes that it is always right and refuses to acknowledge weakness or faults. By nature, the wisdom of this world crucified me. And by nature, the wisdom of this world has deceived many into believing that they are accepted by God, even thought they worship and serve in him in the manner that is pleasing and acceptable in their own eyes. She is the spirit of antichrist that works in the all of the children of disobedience. By her, the scriptures are perverted and corrupted with men’s interpretations and opinions; thus rendering the words of God to be nothing but useless words because they are not joined to God through his wisdom. By her, the scriptures are perverted to place grievous works and heavy burdens upon the shoulders of men, and not the freedom that allows for God to perform his great and mighty works. By her, the scriptures are used to arouse the ungodly lusts that judges, finds fault with, and accuses others. All they who have this ungodly wisdom for their mother will be nurtured and strengthened to continue to walk after the desires, the affections, the lusts, and the pleasures of the Devil; for she it is who mothers the same desires in him.
JEREMIAH 4:22 “My people are foolish, for they do not know me. They have no understanding and they are senseless children. They are wise to do evil and to do good they have no knowledge”.
PROVERBS 3:6 “Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil”
II Peter 2:9-15 “The Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished: chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise that government. Presumptuous are they, self-willed, and they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities. Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord. But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they do not understand; and they shall utterly perish in their own corruption; and they shall receive the reward of unrighteousness as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time. Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you; having eyes full of adultery, and they cannot cease from sin. Beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness”.
MATTHEW 6:23 Jesus said, “But if your eye be evil, your whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you be darkness, then how great is that darkness!”
LUKE 11:35 Jesus said, “Take heed that the light that is in you be not darkness!”
The wisdom of this world is not one, but rather she is many because she is the mother of all lies; lies that have no agreement or fellowship amongst themselves. Consider how the Pharisees and scribes, aroused by her lusts for malice in their hearts, sought to find two witnesses who would testify against me, yet they could not find any whose testimonies completely agreed with each other; and when they thought they had, it was only because by reason of this worldly wisdom that they could not properly interpret the words that I spoke before them. Even to this day, look how the wisdom of this world has kept so much division in my church by reason of the strife and contention that is only birthed by her. What could bring about so much division except that each man believes that the way he sees and interprets the scriptures is surely the truth? There is only one truth, and there are no divisions or schisms in the truth; and there is only one wisdom that believes the truth; the wisdom that comes from above and that is freely given to those who desire to know the truth. Whose wisdom is then present when there are contentions, strivings, arguments, envyings, schisms, divisions, jealousies, and fights; is it the wisdom of the God, or is it the wisdom of antichrist? Whose wisdom speaks on this wise, “Let us agree to disagree”? How can two walk together except they agree?
I CORINTHIANS 3:1 “And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ. I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto you were not able to bear it, neither yet now are you able. For you are still carnal: for there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions; are you not carnal, and walk as men?”
The wisdom of this world can never agree with any of the truth of God because she only has desires to believe lies. For when the lies of Satan that are joined with the wisdom of this world, it brings forth interpretations and opinions of men’s words/thoughts that only seem right in the eyes of those who are carnally minded; and men’s interpretations and opinions only sow strife, division, discord, contention, and schisms among the members of my own body. Do you see and understand now that denominations are only birthed out of the lies that Satan uses to keep division among my people? Why would Satan even bother to do such a thing? Satan and the wisdom of this world know that they are only able to keep their thrones in those who remain carnally minded; that they will lose all of their authority and power among the members of my body, when the church comes together in unity; for when the members of my body come together in the unity of my Spirit, then shall all of the powers of Satan and wisdom of antichrist, shall be broken, and their thrones and reign shall be broken. No man can have 2 masters; for either he will walk after the wisdom of antichrist, or he will walk after the wisdom of God.
JAMES 3:13-16 “Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? Let him show out of a good conversation (words/thoughts) his works with meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth. This wisdom descends not from above, but is earthly, sensual, and devilish. For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work”.
I CORINTHIANS 12:25 “There should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another”.
I CORINTHIANS 1:10 “Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment”.
REVELATION 2:12-14 “And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write, “These things say he who has the sharp two-edged sword, "I know your works, and where you dwell, where Satan's throne is. And you hold fast to My name, and did not deny My faith even in the days in which Antipas was My faithful martyr, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells. But I have a few things against you, because you have there those who hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to commit fornication”.
So choose you this day whose words/thoughts you desire to serve, whether it be Christ, the wisdom of God, or antichrist, the wisdom of this world. Can you hear what I am saying to my church? I am not asking you to try to do the work that will bring about unity in my body; I am only asking you to choose whose wisdom it is that you desire to have directing your words/thoughts. I freely and liberally give my wisdom to those who choose to have her. If you love divisions, denominations, contentions, traditions, strife and arguments, then choose antichrist so that you may continue to walk as a beast before me, because the laws, the counsels, and that doctrines that you have honored and believed until this day have been powerless to free you from her desires and pleasures. But if you desire to be a member of my body, and my body is only one, then choose Christ, whom I have made to be the wisdom of God for you this day, the gift of my life.
I CORINTHIANS 1:30 (NKJ) “But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God…”
LUKE 11:49-50 “Therefore also said the wisdom of God (Jesus), “I will send them prophets and apostles, and some of them they shall slay and persecute: that the blood of all the prophets, which was shed from the foundation of the world, may be required of this generation”.
EPHESIANS 4:1-6 “I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that you walk worthy of the vocation wherewith you are called, with all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love; endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all”.
The wisdom of this world is the darkness that has no communion or agreement with the light of God. She is the mother of all disagreements, all fights, all contention, all wars, all arguments, all fornication, all bitterness, all divorce, all strife, and all disobedience against God and against all things that are of God. She is the spirit that works in all false prophets and false teachers to apply their natural understanding to the words of God. She is the spirit from which all false witnesses against God get their counsel from. She is the wisdom that speaks on this wise, “God has forsaken you”; “God does not love you”; “This is impossible, even for God”; “God desires to destroy you”; “God will do this for others but he will not do it for you”; “God does not like you”; “God is going to do evil to you”; “God is dead”; “God will not hear you”; “God is too busy for you”; “You have failed God”; “God is going to condemn you”; God will not help you”; “God has abandoned you”; “Surely you do not think that God will show you mercy or forgive you”. She is the spirit that discourages, disappoints, and that saddens with her counsels. She it is who loves to kick those who are down and weak. She is the being of hopelessness. It is by reason of her lying counsels that the children of God do not cast their cares upon the heavenly Father; upon the heavenly Father who unconditionally loves all and desires to help them in all that they do. She relentlessly seeks to overthrow the faith and the belief of the children of God with her words. She is the spirit that delights in her attempts to seduce and entice my people to steal away any and all affection that they may have for God. She is always there armed with many types of devices to distract the attention of the children from the love of God, to turn them from the strait and narrow path that leads to life. She labors fervently in her devices to keep the children of God from drawing closer to him.
LUKE 11:35 Jesus said, “Take heed that the light which is in you be not darkness”.
I PETER 5:6,7 “Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you”.
The wisdom of this world is the darkness that was in the beginning; the darkness that the voice of God spoke light into; the light that brought life into this world. The wisdom of this world is the entity of death; the entity from which all the imaginations the carnal mind come forth from. None of her thoughts have any friendship or communion with God. She is the death that returned after the fall to sit upon her throne in the words/ thoughts of all who are carnally minded. She is the last enemy that is to be destroyed. She is the unseen mortality and darkness that rules over the atoms of the creation; and all creation moans and groans to be freed her. She is the mortality that brings the change that all men hate and dread to see as they see the days of their youth pass into the infirmity of the aged. She is the sickness in the sick, the infirmity in the old, and the weakness in the flesh. She is the corruption in all that is mortal. She is the winds that blow, tossing her subjects to and fro with counsels of confusion, and uncertainty, and chance; as she continues to rule her world with chaos. She loves to send floods of her counsels into the carnal mind to swamp it with thoughts that confuse, that frustrate, that provoke, and that intimidate. She is the relentless waves of anxieties, and worries, and stress, as well the many different kinds of fears that overcome the carnally minded. She is loneliness. She is death, and she leads in the way that seems right because it leads to her. She is the yesterdays that never were, the tomorrows that never are, and she is the now which none are ever satisfied with. She is the illusion that makes important the cares of this life. All those who are subjected to her are like unto her.
GENESIS 1:1-5 “In the beginning God created the Heaven and the earth; and the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters; and God said, “Let there be light”: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
II PETER 1:19 “We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto you will do well to that take heed to, as unto a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts”.
ROMANS 8:22 “For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together unto now”.
All of the counsels that come forth from the wisdom of this world are nothing but lying vanities that make men worthless; yet, she, by reason of deceitful desires and Satan’s lies, deceives men into believing that they are something great and important in their own eyes. She is the 1st love of the children of darkness; a children in whom there is no light to reveal the evil in the imaginations of her counsels. She hides herself in the works of iniquity; the works whereby she justifies all works and deeds by her reasons and lies. By her works, many will exalt themselves in their outward show of righteous works, so that they may be exalted and glorified in the sight of men. She is the darkness that appears as the light in each man’s thinking; the darkness that deceives each man with the illusion that he alone is right in his thinking. She says she is never wrong, but she is never right; and she thinks evil with all who disagree with her. She is the illusion that deceives men into believing that they must try to perfect vanity by the works of their own hands. O the illusions of vanity, the idols of ones own self-image; how greatly are men deceived by her desires to make themselves to be something that they are not. It is only by the wisdom of this world that men are deceived into believing that they are able to make themselves something righteous and great in the sight of God. Their desire for vanity is their idol worship; and their works are done to satisfy their desires. The idols of man are the works of the wisdom of this world, who works to deceive all men into believing and exalting the images of “self”. Vanities of vanities; for all of the works of this worlds wisdom is man’s iniquity and appearances of vanity.
ISAIAH 44:13 “The craftsman stretches out his rule, he marks one out with chalk; he fashions it with a plane, he marks it out with the compass, and makes it like the figure of a man, according to the beauty of a man, that it may remain in the house”.
PSALM 39:5,6 “…truly every man at his best state is altogether vanity. Selah. Surely every man walks in a vain show….11 when you with rebuke do correct a man for his iniquity, you make his beauty to consume away like a moth: surely every man is vanity. Selah.
MATTHEW 23:27-28 “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you are like unto whited tombs, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead bones and of all uncleanness. Even so, you outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.
MATTHEW 7:21-23 “Not every one who says unto me, “Lord, Lord”, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, “Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in your name have cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works?” And then will I profess unto them, “I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity”.
II THESSALONIANS 2:3-11 “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he, as God, sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. Remember you not that when I was yet with you, I told you these things? And now you know what withholds that he might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity does already work: only he who now lets will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all of his power, and signs, and lying wonders, and with all the deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. But we are bound to give thanks always to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God has from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth”.
The wisdom of this world is the power that deceives because she gives the lust to believe lies; and her lust is the power that makes the lies of Satan desirable and pleasurable to believe. It is only by reason of her seductions, enchantments, and enticements that all lying words/thoughts are allowed entrance and welcomed into the thinking of the carnal mind; the same mind that allows in uncertainty, misery, failure, unrest, sadness, fear, corruption, and trouble into its thinking. Even so, she is still the desire for control and vain glory, and she is still able to deceive men who have the same unsoundness of mind that allows for them to be friends with death, that they can make the creature to be equal to or greater than the Creator. The wisdom of this world is pure foolishness in the sight of God. She is the way that leads into foolishness; and from foolishness she leads into insanity; and from insanity she leads to destruction by madness.
I CORINTHIANS 3:19 “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God…”
PSALM 52:2-5 “Your tongue (that which expresses your words/thoughts) devises mischiefs (evil); like a sharp razor, working deceitfully. You love evil more than good; and lying rather than to speak righteousness. Selah. You love all devouring words, O thou deceitful tongue. God shall likewise destroy you for ever, he shall take thee away, and pluck thee out of thy dwelling place (the carnal mind), and root you out of the land of the living. Selah”.
The spirit of antichrist leads many of my sheep to refuse to take heed to the counsels and instructions of my voice. For she is that spirit that is expertly skilled in the lies that teach the art of self-justification; the justification that deceives my people into believing that I will be pleased with their good deeds or the works of the law that they have done; yet, these are the very deeds and works that are an abomination in my sight”, says the Lord. “She is the lies that lead many in their fall from grace as they seek to justify themselves through the work of their own hands. For the lies of self-justification are her highest form of deception, seeing that self-justification only blinds men from seeing the truth about their own faults, sins, and weaknesses; the very deeds and works that my blood justifies. She is the wisdom that creates and forms excuses, or reasonings, or the words that bring forth misplaced blame; words that deceive one into believing that her counsels are the way to escape any guilt or blame for any faults, sins or weaknesses. Those who are self-justified are those who trust “self” with all their heart.
LUKE 18:9-14 “And Jesus spoke this parable unto certain ones who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others: “Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, “God, I thank you that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. I fast twice a week and I give tithes of all that I possess”. And the tax collector, standing afar off, would not so much as lift his eyes unto heaven, but beat upon his breast, saying, “God be merciful to me a sinner”. I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for everyone that exalts himself shall be abased; and he that humbles himself shall be exalted”.
GALATIANS 2:16 “Know this that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by the faith of Jesus Christ; even we have believed in Jesus Christ that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law; for by the works of the law shall no man be justified”.
ROMANS 3:28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.
GALATIANS 5:4 “Christ has become of no effect unto you whosoever of you who are justified by the law (work of antichrist); you are fallen from grace”.
The wisdom of this world always works to justify all of her children. She is the mother of Legion; and all of her children are named for the nature of the work that they do: envy, bitterness, loneliness, guilt, arguments, covetousness, worry, fears, sorrow, panic, cruelty, contention, complaints, confusion, greed, hatred, spitefulness, pride, hopelessness, strife, murder, anxiety, self-glory, impatience, unbelief, adultery, malice, hypocrisy, depression, doubt, disappointment, arrogance, sadness, frustration, boredom, meanness, fornication, stress, evil suspicions, thefts, failure, dread, or self-condemnation. She it is who nurtures her children, the seed of Satan’s lying words/thoughts, until they are believed on; until they are birthed into the thinking of a man as those lively, healthy particles that honored and esteemed in those who are carnally minded. She nurtures his seed out of her own desires and affections to believe his lies; lies that only receive power and come to life after they are believed on.
GALATIANS 5:19-21 “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery (friend of this world/Jam.4:4), fornication, uncleanness (self-righteousness/Isa.64:6), lasciviousness (lack of restraint in conversation), idolatry, witchcraft (rebellion/I Sam.15:23), hatred, contention, wrath, jealousies, strife, divisions, heresies (opinions), envying, murders, drunkenness, revelling, and such like: of the which I told you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
EPHESIANS 5:3-6 “But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becomes saints; neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks. For this you know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things comes the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.
The wisdom of this world never ceases in her work to justify her children; laboring in her attempts to make the counsels of her words/thoughts to appear as the right things to do or the right words to speak in the daily situations and circumstances that arise in life. Her justifications are the righteousness of the children of darkness, always supplying for them various excuses, and imaginations, and witty words/thoughts, as well as all manner of reasonings whereby she is able to justify all of the evil that men do. She says, “Peace, peace” with her counsels in her attempts to quiet the mind that is troubled by the guilt of her evil deeds. She is even the illusion of thoughts that deceive men into believing that they are able to justify and balance out their evil deeds with the good works that they do. The way that seems right is the way of self-justification; and this is the way that all men walk in who do not seek to know the Lord. The deceitfulness and the power of the wisdom of this world is found in those who do not seek God out of faith, because they are blind to see any need to seek for God. She is able to make the ways that lead to death and destruction to appear as though they are the right words to speak and the right works to do, having no need for God. There are no changes in the desires of the heart of those who justify themselves.
LUKE 7:30-35 Jesus said, “But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves (the idol of their self-image), being not baptized of him”. And the Lord said, “Whereunto then shall I liken the men of this generation? And to what are they like? They are like unto children sitting in the marketplace, and calling one to another, and saying, “We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced”; “We have mourned to you, and you have not wept”. For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine; and you said, “He had a devil”. The Son of man is come eating and drinking; and you say, “Behold a gluttonous man, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners!” But wisdom is justified of all her children”.
PROVERBS 16:25 “There is a way that seems right but the end thereof are the ways of death”.
The wisdom of this world is well-armed with many different types of devices in her war against God as she keeps waging war in the imaginations of the carnal mind of those who resist her words/thoughts. She is relentless as she battles to diminish and overthrow the counsels of God’s words/thoughts. She is prepared to fight to the death, lest she lose her habitation and her throne. She, being the spirit of antichrist, that entity that opposes God, brings forth the desires that hate to receive any of his correction; for the Lord’s correction dethrones her of her power. She is the passion of rebellion that burns in the hearts of the children of disobedience to hinder them from receiving any of their heavenly Father’s gifts, or blessings, or works. She is the fiery flames of desire that burn with hatred, and scorn, and rejection towards all who oppose her own will; for those who do not oppose her will never accept the will of God which comes from heaven. She is the desires and the passions that continually tempt the creatures of God to sin.
II CORINTHIANS 10:3 “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ and having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled”.
PROVERBS 8:12 “I, wisdom, dwell with prudence and I find out knowledge of witty inventions”.
The wisdom of this world is also the spirit of harlotry; for she is mother of all desires for the things of this world; the desires that the citizens of this world know by nature. She it is that is always tempting my people to go a whoring from me after the desires and the pleasures of the being of “self”. She is the mother of all fornication and whoredoms, and by reason of her desires, my people are tempted to yield to the lies of Satan. For when desire is conceived and then joined with Satan’s lies, it brings forth sin; and sin when it is finished, brings forth the children of death; the thoughts that inhabit the carnal mind. She is the harlot who dresses herself with outward appearances of beauty and righteousness to entice the children of God to the blood unto her deeds. Remember how she bewitched the Galatians? Remember how she seduced the children of Israel into believing the lies that say that righteousness comes forth by the works of the law, when in truth, all that was brought forth were the iniquities of self-righteousness? She loves to deceive all men with the lies that say that God is pleased with the best efforts that a man can do of himself. Who is the adulterer and the adulteress except those who love Satan’s lies and her desires; for the two being joined together bring forth the sins of this world; the sins that entitle many to be the citizens of this world.
JAMES 4:4 “You adulterers and adulteresses, do you not know that friendship with this world is enmity (Rom.8:7) with God? Therefore, whosoever will make himself to be a friend of this world is an enemy of God. Do you think that the scripture says in vain that the spirit that dwells in us lusts to envy”.
HOSEA 4:11,12 (AMP) “Harlotry and wine and new wine take away the heart and the mind and the spiritual understanding. My people [habitually] “ask counsel” of their [senseless] wood [idols], and their staff [of wood] gives them oracles and instructs them. For the spirit of harlotry (wisdom of this world) has led them astray and they have played the harlot, withdrawing themselves from subjection to their God”.
GALATIANS 3:1 “O foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you, that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you? This only would I learn of you, did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith? Are ye so foolish, having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?”
The wisdom of this world is the harlot who tempts my people with her desires to believe the enticing and seducing lies that are pleasing for the ears to hear. She delights in deceiving the children of God to go a whoring from the truth of God after false doctrines, the commandments of men, and the traditions of the past. She loves only the lying words that exalt and love “self”, rather than God. It is by reason of her whorish words/thoughts that she continually tempts my people to forget the counsels of God’s words/thoughts, just as she did with Adam and Eve. She hates, and is envious of, any and all other works or words that are done that appear to be more righteous than her own. She is the spirit that was in Cain that lusted to kill Able. She is spirit that burns in the hearts of the children of this world to hate and to persecute the children of God. She is the queen of this fallen world, and her desires and pleasures are the harlotry of this world; for she is the harlotry that seduces all with her evil desires, her profane desires, her wicked desires, her deceitful desires, her unclean desires, and all of her abominable desires. All those who love to satisfy her desires and affections are those who make themselves to be the enemies of God. The wisdom of this world is the Babylon that has kept many of my people captive under the illusions of her spell; the blindness whereby they worship and serve the creature rather than the Creator. She is the city that is full of desires and vain glory; a city full of the idols of “self”.
II TIMOTHY 4:3 “For the time will come will they will not endure sound doctrine, but after their own desires shall heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn their ears away from hearing the truth (words/thoughts of God) and shall be turned unto fables”.
JEREMIAH 5:30-31 (AMP) “An appalling and horrible thing [bringing desolation and destruction] has come to pass in the land: the prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests exercise rule at their own hands and by means of the prophets. And my people love to have it so! But what will you do when the end comes?”
I JOHN 3:11,12 “For this is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another. Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And why did he slay he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother's were righteous”.
GALATIANS 4:29-30 “But, as he who was born according to the flesh then persecuted him who was born according to the Spirit, even so it is now”.
She is the wisdom that blinds the eyes of people so that they are not able to see that the things which they naturally esteem and honor, they are in the sight of abominations. She is the mother of all abominations, and all they who have her in their thoughts and her power in their hearts, are abominations in the sight of God. She is the consciousness and love of “self” that has no love for God. It is her abominations that are found in the hearts of the hypocrites who profess to know God but then deny his power. Her abominations are the mountains upon which her throne sits, exalted in the high places of self-image; and her mountains are those seven abominations which those who are carnally minded esteem and honor. There is no desire in her to be as the faithful wife who patiently waits for her Lord to finish his work, but on the contrary, she is the spirit that seduces my people to walk today in the ways that seem right.
REVELATION 3:15-17 “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot: I wish that you were cold or hot. So then because thou are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth because you say, “I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing”; yet you do not know that you are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked”.
PROVERBS 6:16-19 “These six things does the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look; a lying tongue; hands that shed innocent blood; a heart that devises wicked imaginations; feet that be swift in running to mischief; a false witness that speaks lies, and he that sows discord among brethren”.
REVELATION 17:1,2 “And there came one of the seven angels which had the 7 vials, and he talked with me saying, “Come here; I will show unto you the judgment of the great whore that sits upon many waters, with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication….5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH…18:4-8
And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her my people so that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached unto heaven and God has remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she has filled fill to her double. How much she has glorified herself and lived deliciously; so much torment and sorrow give her: for she says in her heart, “I sit a queen and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow”. Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judges her.
Again, the wisdom of this world is not one because she loves all of the lies of Satan; the lies that are always changing and forming themselves into those words/thoughts that entice and seduce men with desires to believe that his words are right and true. She is the mother of all strife and contention because there is no agreement in the lies that she mothers and nurtures. She is the mother of all hypocrisy; the skill whereby one is able to act as though “he is” as the image that he appears to be in the sight of men, rather than be the image of what he is actually thinking. Just like the wisdom of this world, the hypocrite also constantly changes into the images that are pleasing in the sight of those who are seeing him; in the sight of those who only believe that he is as the man that he appears to be. The hypocrite is truly an illusion; a wind that blows this way, and then that way, and then is no more; an illusion of images that changes to please the desires of men. The hypocrite is like the wisdom of this world in that they only exist in the lying thoughts of the darkness of men’s imaginations. The hypocrite is one who desires for the darkness to be the light. The darkness is passing away with all of its lies, and desires, and vanity, and affections, but the word of truth, which never changes, will abide forever and ever; as well as all those who have the truth in the words/thoughts that they think upon. The hypocrite is not, nor was he ever, and neither shall he be forever. The hypocrite shall be as a bad memory; a memory that no one ever desires to be reminded of. That which is born of this world’s wisdom is flesh; and that which is born of my wisdom is Spirit and life.
MATTHEW 23:27,28 “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you are like unto whited tombs, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but within you are full of dead bones, and of all uncleanness. Even so, you also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity”.
JAMES 4:14 “….For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away”.
I PETER 1:22 “Seeing that you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that you love one another fervently with a pure heart, being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which lives and abides for ever. For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower thereof falls away: but the word of the Lord endures for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you”.
When the troubles and cares of this life arise, you will always find the wisdom of this world there first as though she is the caring mother, the faithful friend who is there for you with her helpful counsels; but she is only there because of her love to seduce men with her desires and Satan’s lies to deceive men into taking control over their situations or circumstances, lest they turn to God. All her counsels have an appearance of help, but that is only come in that manner to keep one from asking for help from above. She comes as the help that separates the children of God from love of their heavenly Father, who yearns to help us in all things. She sits as a queen of worldly advice, seemingly helpful with her counsels, but they are used only to keep the door open to the lies that accompany these troubles with such miseries as stress, fear, disappointment, failure, pride, worry, emotions, confusion, sadness, anxiety, and the uncertainty that accompanies all of counsels. She is the lies of uncertainty and confusion that trouble men in their troubles. Though she appears first as caring mother and faithful friend, she is the hidden enemy who betrays, always hiding behind the illusion of friendship, care, righteousness, and helpfulness. Watch and pray that you do not enter into the snares of her temptations; for she always seeks to lead the children of God astray with her desires. Who goes astray in the time of trouble but those who yield to her desires?
PSALM 3:2 “Many there be which say of my soul, There is no help for him in God. Selah”.
PSALM 60:11 “Give us help from trouble: for vain is the help of man”.
PSALM 34:17 “The righteous cry, and the LORD hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles”.
PSALM 40:17 “But I am poor and needy; yet the Lord thinks upon me. You are my help and my deliverer; make no tarrying, O my God”.
MATTHEW 16:21-25 “But Jesus turned and said to Peter, "Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men (his own emotions)”. Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it”.
That which is natural to the wisdom of this world is that which is natural to those who are inhabited by her; and her nature is darkness; and darkness is the nature of all flesh. It is only by reason of the wisdom of this world that the inhabitants of this world are have become the children of darkness because the darkness is the nature of this world. The nature of a man is as the nature of the words/thoughts that he thinks upon; for a man is as his thoughts. Seeing then that wisdom of this world is she who mothers the children of darkness, she continually nurtures them to keep the consciousness of their thoughts filled with such counsels as bitterness, loneliness, cruelty, arguments, covetousness, worry, envy, contention, spitefulness, complaints, fears, greed, hatred, love of self, confusion, anxiety, emotions, self-glory, unbelief, disappointment, malice, hypocrisy, corruption, impatience, strife, hopelessness, doubt, murder, frustration, stress, depression, arrogance, boredom, meanness, evil suspicions, self-condemnation, lies, thefts, dread, and pride. These are the thoughts of darkness and all who are mindful of the darkness are unto the darkness. The wisdom of this world is the darkness itself; and the children of darkness commune and fellowship with her because they are like unto her. It is impossible for any man to have a nature that is not like unto the thoughts that he thinks upon”.
EPHESIANS 8-17 “For you were sometimes darkness, but now are you light in the Lord: walk as children of light (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth), proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them; for it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever does make manifest is light. Wherefore he says, “Awake you that sleep, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light”. See then that you walk circumspectly (accurately), not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be you not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.
PROVERBS 23:7 “For as he thinks in his heart, so he is…”
ROMANS 8:5 “For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace”.
I CORINTHIANS 2:14 “But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned”.
In this fallen world of darkness it is not possible to find any man who is able to walk free from his captivity to the natural senses of this world; that is, it is not possible to find a man who by nature loves the Lord God with all of his heart, all of his soul, and all of his mind or that keeps the commandments of God out of love. For by nature, men love to make themselves to be their own gods because that is the nature of the wisdom of this world who is in them. By nature, men would rather try and keep the commandment by their own ability, rather than ask for my Spirit which always delights in doing my will. By her nature, men delight in only in doing their own will. By her nature, men delight in doing those things which are right in their own eyes. By her nature, men love to receive glory and to be praised. By her nature, men trust in their own understanding and senses. By her nature, men delight in making a name for themselves. By her nature men find fault with, judge, and accuse one another. By her nature men make excuses and find reasons that always allow for them to justify all of their desires, words, pleasures, and deeds. By her nature, men will esteem those things which are an abomination in the sight of God. By her nature, men believe what they see. Again, the wisdom of this world is the nature of this fallen world; and it is only by her nature that man has become the citizens of this world. By her nature, the apostles said, “Lord, who can be saved?”; not understanding the love, the mercy, and the power of God.
EZEKIEL 28:2-5 “Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus, “Thus says the Lord GOD; Because your heart is lifted up, and you have said, “I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas”; yet you are a man, and not God, though you set your heart as the heart of God. Behold, are you wiser than Daniel; where there is no secret that they can hide from thee? With your wisdom and with your understanding you have gotten riches unto yourself and have gotten gold and silver into thy treasures. By your great wisdom and by your merchandise, you have increased your riches, and your heart is lifted up because of thy riches”.
MARK 10:23-27 “And Jesus looked round about, and said unto his disciples, “How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God!” And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answered again, and said unto them, “Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God”. And they were astonished out of measure, saying among themselves, “Who then can be saved?” And Jesus looking upon them said, “With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible”.
* The Lord spoke this word to me once saying, “There is no treasure in a man’s heart that is any greater than those things which he believes and trust is right; and every man’s righteousness is determined by whose wisdom is in his heart”
The children of this world love the darkness because they love living a life that is free of God, though they are blind to see that they have no freedom from the miserable thinking of the carnal mind. Oh many worship me with their lips and honor me with their mouths, but they would never allow themselves to receive any of my instructions or counsels. Many love their false doctrines because it allows for them to continue living a life that is independent from God, thus allowing for them to continue being god and lord over their own lives. The children of this world love this independence because the wisdom of this world continually deceives them with the illusion of self-sufficiency; the illusion that all men are able to provide for his own needs and supply for himself that which he lacks. This is idolatry; the idolatry of the blind children who see no need for God to be anywhere in their thoughts. These are those deceived children who see nothing but the goodness and righteousness that is of the being of “self”; for in their ignorance they are not able to comprehend or understand how there can be any goodness or righteousness that can go beyond that which they see and know naturally.
II CORINTHIANS 3:4-6 “And we have such trust through Christ toward God. Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God”.
REVELATION 3:14 “….I will spew you out of my mouth because you say, “I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing”; and you do not know that you are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked”.
The wisdom of this world is so delighted when her children choose to put God in second place behind their own intents, their own cares, their own righteousness, their own families, and their own desires and pleasures; for then are her desires satisfied. But there are no second place trophies or runner up ribbons on God’s shelf. That which is written is truth; “There is only one God; and you shall have no other gods before him; and you shall love the Lord your God with all of your heart, all of your mind, all of your strength, and all of your soul”. The wisdom of this world is always ready to supply reasons and excuses in her attempts to supplant that which is of God with that which is natural; she is always ready to exalt the natural with her reasonings to me more important than the things of God. She is the desire for all laziness and slothfulness that seeks to hinder my people from seeking after my heart. In all these things, the children of the darkness do not understand the power of the spirit of their God, that power of the law of the Spirit of life that is well able to overthrow all of the laws of sin and death that rule over the desires of the heart and the thoughts of the carnal mind. Though they think that they have become independent from God, they are blind to see how their hearts and minds are completely submitted to the words/thoughts of the queen of darkness, the wisdom of this world.
MATTHEW 22:37-38 “Jesus said unto him, “You shall love the Lord thy God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all of your mind”. This is the first and great commandment”.
MATTHEW 10:37-39 “He that loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that does not take up his cross and follow after me, is not worthy of me. He that finds his life shall lose it: and he that loses his life for my sake shall find it”.
LUKE 14:16-27 “Then said he unto him, A certain man made a great supper, and he bid many; and he sent his servant at supper time to say to them that were bidden, “Come; for all things are now ready”. And they all, with one consent, began “to make excuses”. The first said unto him, “I have bought a piece of ground, and I must needs go and see it: I pray thee have me excused”. And another said, “I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to prove them: I pray thee have me excused”. And another said, “I have married a wife, and therefore I cannot come”. So that servant came, and showed his lord these things. Then the master of the house being angry said to his servant, “Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in here the poor, the maimed, and the lame, and the blind”. And the servant said, “Lord, it is done as you have commanded, and yet there is room”. And the lord said unto the servant, “Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled; for I say unto you that none of those men which were bidden shall taste of my supper”. And there went great multitudes with him, and he turned and said unto them, “If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple”.
MATTHEW 22:29 “Jesus said, “You do err not knowing the scriptures are the power of God”.
Do you now understand, that as the wisdom is that dwells in the mind of man, so also is the consciousness of the words/thoughts that he thinks upon? Though there are many lifeless thoughts just drifting around in the mind of man, the only ones that are meditated on, considered, or believed are those thoughts which are found to be pleasurable and desirable to the wisdom that is in him. So then, when I declared, “My thoughts are not your thoughts”, was I not also saying in truth that your wisdom is not as the wisdom that is given from above? Do you now see and understand that my thoughts are no where to be found in the consciousness of the natural mind because the desires and pleasures of the natural and the spiritual are contrary to one another? In truth, if your thoughts are not as my thoughts and your wisdom has no likeness to the wisdom of God, then who is your Lord? Who is the god of your world except the one who administers to you the words/thoughts that you think upon? Who is your Lord except the one whose counsel you live your life according to? Who is a citizen of this world except those whose consciousness is captive to only be only mindful to the dead words/thoughts that come forth from the god of this world? They that are of this world speak only of the things that are dictated unto them by the king and the queen of his world; otherwise they would not be the lords and rulers of this world.
HEBREWS 9:14 “How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God”?
EPHESIANS 2:1-3 “And you has he made alive who were dead in trespasses and sins; wherein in times past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience: among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind (words/thoughts); and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others”.
ROMANS 6:16 “Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one's slave whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or obedience that leads to righteousness?”
1 JOHN 4:4-6 “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. They are of the world: therefore they speak of the world, and the world hears them. We are of God: he that knows God hears us; he that is not of God does not hear us. Hereby we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error”.
JOHN 8:43 Jesus said unto them, “Why do you not understand my speech? Because you cannot hear my word? You are of your father the Devil, and the *lusts of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abides not in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it”.
*they do the will of the Devil because the same desires that are in the Devil are the same desires that are in the natural mind; the natural mind that is corrupted with the death of the wisdom of this world.
I came as the righteousness of God into a world captive to self-righteousness. I came as the light of God into a world captive to the darkness that appears as the light. I came as the truth of God into a world captive to the lies that seem like the truth. I came as the life of God into a world whose only friendship is with death. I came as the reality of God into a world captive to the illusions of vanity. I came as the wisdom of God into a world captive to the wisdom of this world. I came from the Creator into a world where the creature is worshipped, and served, and loved. For the darkness has kept the all citizens of this world captive to under this illusion: the illusion whereby each man sees that his own decisions, his own deeds, his own judgments, his own religion, and his own opinions as being that which is right and true; and it is this illusion that is the religion of this world; the religion whereby all who worship and serve the idol of “self” because it is the natural desire of the thinking of the carnal mind. The fruits of this illusion are clearly seen in the strife, in the differences, in the hatred, in the warfare, in the worries, in the disagreements, in the unbelief, in the malice, in the anxiety, in the arguments, in the fears, and many other such like things of this world, because they are the nature of the thinking that comes natural to the carnal mind. Yet still, by reason of the wisdom of this world, every man is remains confident that how he sees and interprets all things is the right way for them to be seen and interpreted. Yet God in heaven has declared through his prophets saying, “There are none righteous; no, not one”.
PROVERBS 21:2 “Every way of a man is right in his own eyes…”
ROMANS 3:10 “As it is written, “There are none righteous; no, not one”.
PROVERBS 16:25 “There is a way that seems right but the end thereof is the way of death”.
PROVERBS 3:7 “Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and depart from evil”.
Go; run to and fro through your streets, and see if you can find a man that does not believe that the thoughts that he thinks upon are not righteous. Go and see if you find any man who knows that the wisdom of his thoughts is nothing but vanity. Go and find out for yourself just how great the wisdom of this world is that has birthed all of these illusion into the hearts and the minds of all the citizens of this world. The wisdom of this world is nothing but an illusion whereby men believe that vain things are great things; vain things that they desire and esteem. Go and see if you find can a man who does not believe that his own thoughts are not the standard of righteousness that all life should be lived according to. Go and find a man who does not believe that his religion is the right way that God should be worshipped and served? The wisdom of this world is the righteousness of man, which is the mystery of iniquity; the mystery which works in the children of disobedience who do not seek to know my righteousness. Who can see the error and the fault in that which he trusts to be right? Who will repent of any thought or deed that is thought to be right? Who worships me in a way that he does not believe is the true way?
ISAIAH 59:1-10 “Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; and neither his ear heavy that it cannot hear. But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear. For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue hath muttered perverseness. None calls for judgment, nor does any plead for the truth. They trust in vanity, and speak lies. They conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity. They hatch cockatrice' eggs, and weave the spider's web: he that eats of their eggs dies, and that which is crushed breaks out into a viper. Their webs shall not become garments, and neither shall they cover themselves with their works: for their works are works of iniquity, and the act of violence (wrong act) is in their hands. Their feet run to evil, and they make haste to shed innocent blood. Their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; wasting and destruction are in their paths. The way of peace they know not; and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made them crooked paths: whosoever goes therein shall not know peace. Therefore is judgment far from us, neither does righteousness overtake us. We wait for light, but behold obscurity; for brightness, but we walk in darkness. We grope for the wall like the blind, and we grope as if we had no eyes: we stumble at noonday as in the night; we are in desolate places as dead men”.
ISAIAH 26:2-3 “Open ye the gates, that the righteous nation which keeps the truth may enter in. You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you”.
JEREMIAH 5:1 Run ye to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem, and see now, and know, and seek in the broad places thereof, if ye can find a man, if there be any that executes judgment, that seeks the truth; and I will pardon it. And though they say, “The LORD lives”; surely they swear falsely. O LORD, are not your eyes upon the truth? You have stricken them, but they have not grieved. You have consumed them, but they have refused to receive correction. They have made their faces harder than a rock; they have refused to return. Therefore I said, “Surely these are poor; they are foolish: for they know not the way of the LORD, nor the judgment of their God”.
JOHN 4:23-24 “But the hour comes, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth”.
It is as it is written, that when I came into this world the citizens of this world did not know me because the wisdom of this world blinds the eyes of all men to see God as well as all things that pertain to God. I came into this world as the Christ of God’s wisdom to deliver all who would believe on me from the antichrist of this world’s wisdom. My own people despised and rejected me because they measured and judged me according to the righteousness and the beauty of this world’s wisdom; and neither my appearance of righteous nor my outward beauty measured up to that which was acceptable and pleasing in the sight of the blind hypocrites. Then, to satisfy the pleasure of the wisdom that ruled over them, they proceeded to reject me, to make light of my words, to hate me, to mock me, to spit on me, to persecute me, and then they crucified me; and all this was done to appease the wisdom of their desires and affections. So also did they believe in their hearts and in their minds that what they had done was right in the sight of God. Do you think that the wisdom of God had anything to do with such a conspiracy as this? Do you think that the wisdom of God would ever be involved in such conspiracy against any man; even antichrist himself? Whose wisdom then aroused such a fire in the hearts of my people to do such wicked works and evil deeds to the Son of God? Do you now see how the wisdom of this world, as the spirit of antichrist, always works in the hearts and the minds of all those who are deceived by her? The wisdom of this world has no agreement, or fellowship, or submission, or affection, or communion with any of the things of God. Satan himself is submitted to God, but the wisdom of the carnal mind is never subjected to any of the laws of God; for it is not possible for those who are under the law of sin and death to have the joy and peace that rules over the thinking of those who are spiritually minded.
I JOHN 2:18 “Little children, it is the last time: and as you have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.“They went out from us, but they were not of us”; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. But you have an unction (anointing) from the Holy One, and “you know all things”. I have not written unto you because you do not know the truth (the words/thoughts of God), but because you do know it; and that no lie is of the truth. Who is a liar but he that denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son”.
II JOHN 1:7 “For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh (sinful flesh/Rom.8:3). This is a deceiver and an antichrist. Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward.
ROMANS 8:3 “For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh”.
I CORINTHIANS 1:30 “But of him are you in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption: that, according as it is written, “He that glories, let him glory in the Lord”.
When Adam and Eve rejected my words/thoughts, my Spirit departed from them; and when my Spirit departed from them, my words/thoughts departed from out of their consciousness, and the darkness of ignorance moved in. Can light have “any” fellowship with darkness? Is it possible for life to have any communion with death? Not only was all fellowship and communion with Adam and Eve severed from me, but out of the darkness of their ignorance, that which took rule over their hearts and minds, they became afraid and fearful of him who they once loved and had intimate friendship with. Now is time that I have called many into restoration; a restoration of friendship; a restoration of agreement; a restoration of fellowship and communion; a restoration of love; and a restoration of abundant life. I have come into this world as the Spirit of life which is well able to restore that which Satan has stolen. I come into this world as the gift of the wisdom of God to all those who will receive me in their thinking. For just as the wisdom of this world is the source of all that which is evil, unclean, abominable, deceitful, wicked, and profane, so also am I the wisdom of God that is all that which is necessary for complete restoration. I have come to give my Father’s words/thoughts into the thinking of those who will receive him. For it is as it is written, “The dwelling place of God is with man”.
REVELATION 21:3 “And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle (dwelling place) of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God”.
PROVERBS 16:3 (NKJ) “Commit your work unto the Lord, and your thoughts will be established”.
I came to set men free. I came to set them free from their bondage to believe the lies of Satan’s words/thoughts. I came to set men free from the desires of this world; from the desires that only have pleasure in believing the lies of Satan’s words/thoughts. I came to overthrow the strongholds of natural desires; the strongholds where the wisdom of this world rules over the hearts and the minds of man with her desires, pleasures, lusts and affections. I came to set men free from the illusions of lies that seem like the truth; as well as from the hypocrisy of iniquity that appears as righteousness. What man can free himself of the secret sins that hide behind those words and deeds that indeed have an appearance of righteousness? I came to set men free from their captivity to the one who torments their words/thoughts with his miserable counsels because he hates all men. If the words/thoughts that men think upon are miserable then how can men be anything other than miserable? If then the words/thoughts that a men think upon are vain, then how can men be anything other than vain? If the words/thoughts that men think upon are evil, then how can man be anything other then evil?
JOHN 8:36-38 “If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed. I know that you are Abraham's seed; but you seek to kill me because my word hath no place in you. I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and you do that which you have seen with your father”.
GALATIANS 4:6-8 “And because you are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, “Abba, Father”. Wherefore you are no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ. Howbeit then, when you knew not God, you did service unto them which by nature are no gods”.
GALATIANS 4:26 “But Jerusalem (the wisdom of God) which is above is free, which is the mother of us all”.
PROVERBS 23:7 “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he….”
But who can I set free? Who is able to see that every man’s captivity is to the words/thoughts that he thinks upon in his own mind? What man is able to deliver himself from his own desires and affections for “self”? Can a man deliver himself from the sins of unbelief and doubt? What man is able to keep from bowing his heart and mind before the fears that torment his soul? Can a man free himself from the desires to do his own will? I came to set men free from their captivity in the kingdom of sin; the kingdom of sin whose laws are built upon the lies of Satan’s words/thoughts. Can a man free himself from a mind that has no joy, or care, or peace, or love in it? Can a man free himself from the vanity of his own imaginations? Is not a man’s freedom his salvation? Truly I say to you that all men are as the words/thoughts that they think upon.
JOHN 8:31 Jesus said, “If you continue in my word, then shall you be my disciples, and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”.
I am life. I am the word. I am the words/thoughts of life that dwell in the spiritual mind. I am the mediator between God and man. I am the restoration of the words/thoughts of God in man. I am the resurrection and life. I am the peace that rules in the spiritual mind. I am the wisdom of God who rules with life and peace. I am willing to give my all, but who is willing to surrender their all unto me? Who is willing to surrender this world’s wisdom unto me with it affections and desires? Who is willing to die to her righteousness so that I may reveal my righteousness unto/in him? Who is willing to give to me his illusions of reality so that I may give unto him the everlasting reality? Every man’s reality is the words/thoughts that he believes on; the words/thoughts that appear as those lively, healthy particles in his thinking. Eternal reality says that it is impossible for a man to save himself; illusional reality believes that a man can save himself by “self” means. Yet, no man believing such an illusion has any power to change the death that rules over the words/thoughts of the carnal mind. Where will you go to redeem the dead thoughts for thoughts of life; or rather, to redeem the wisdom of this world for the wisdom of God?
JOHN 15:5 Jesus said, “I am the vine, you are the branches. He that abides in me, and I in him, the same brings forth much fruit: “for without me ye can do nothing”. If a man does not abide in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. If you abide in me, and my words (words/thoughts) abide in you, you shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you”.
I CORINTHIANS 1:30 “But of him are you in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom…”
JAMES 3:17 “But the wisdom (Jerusalem from above) that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated (to obey), full of mercy and “good fruits…”
JAMES 1:5 “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God who gives to all men liberally, and upbraids not (without fault-finding); and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavers is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways”.
PROVERBS 2:2-6 “So if you incline your ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding; Yea, if you cry after knowledge and lift up your voice for understanding; If you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures, then shall you understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God. For the LORD gives wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding”.
PROVERBS 3:13 “Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gets understanding”.
Now hear and understand, has not my word instructed you saying that I did not come to take you out of this world but to take the evil of this world out of you? What is the evil of this world? Is it you or is it an entity that dwells within you? Does it possess you or do you possess it? I tell you that nothing possesses you except that which you desire to be possessed of. If you are possessed by evil, it is because you desire to possess evil. If you are possessed by vanity, it is because you desire to be possessed by vanity. If you are possessed by fears, it is because you desire to be possessed by fears. If you are possessed with hatred and unforgiveness, it is because you desire to be possessed with hatred and unforgiveness. If you are possessed by slothfulness, it is because you desire to be possessed by slothfulness. If you are possessed by evil and wickedness, it is because you love the wisdom that is in you. If you are possessed by the death that rules over the words/thoughts of the carnal mind, it is because you desire to be possessed by death. Have not I given to you all a choice between death and life? Do you now believe me when I tell you that if you are possessed by death in your thinking, it is only because you chose to have death in your thinking? I have told you before, and I now tell you again, that nothing has power over you except that which you desire to believe to be right. If you will delight yourself in the Lord, that is, in his wisdom, then he shall give unto you the desires of your heart. Did Satan have to intimidate Eve to eat of that fruit or did she eat of that fruit because she “desired” for Satan’s counsel to be right and true? So now do you see and understand, that the choice between life and death that I have set before you is, in truth, a choice between the life that is in God’s wisdom or the death that is of the wisdom of this world? So what is your heart’s desire?
JOHN 17:15-17 Jesus said, “I pray not that you should take them out of the world, but that you should keep them from the evil. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them through your truth: thy word (words/thought) is truth.
LUKE 11:13 Jesus said, “If then you, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, then how much more shall your heavenly Father give the gift of the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?”
JEREMIAH 4:22 “My people are foolish…they are wise to do evil…”
II CORINTHIANS 3:17 “Now the Lord is that Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty”.
PSALM 37:4 “Delight yourself also in the LORD; and he shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass; and he shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your judgment as the noonday. Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not yourself because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who brings wicked devices to pass”.
I have not come into this world to ask men to free themselves from these worldly desires and pleasures seeing that no man has the power to free himself from such. I have not come into this world to ask any man to work at making himself to be as good as he can be. I did not come into this world to lay upon any man the burdens of a law that requires for him of his own power and abilities to observe and to do that which is impossible for anyone to do. I have not come into this world to ask men to change the world. All that I am asking for any man to do is to give….to give himself to me. I came into this world to give my all to you, but who is willing to first give to me all that which they have to me? Is it possible for a man to increase in me without first decreasing in that which he has; lest he have 2 masters? I came into this world to seek out all those who desire life, and who desire it abundantly; for I am life. Those who love death will find nothing in me to satisfy any of their desires and pleasures. I came to give the words/thoughts of life to all those who desire fellowship and communion with Father God. I came to give myself to all those who are willing to give unto me all of the dead words/thoughts that have ruled over the thoughts in their mind. I came to give myself to all those who are willing to dispossess the wisdom of this world so that I might bless them with myself. I came into this world to redeem those who are willing to give to me the darkness of their minds that has separated and alienated them from the life of God. I am the Son in whom the Father is well pleased; and only by my presence in you can my Father be pleased with you. Will you give yourself to me?
JEREMIAH 13:23 “Can the Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard its spots? Then how can you do good who are accustomed to doing evil?”
ROMANS 12:1-2 “Therefore I beseech you, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
ROMANS 8:2 “For the law of the spirit of life has set me free from the law of sin and death.…6 the carnal mind is death but the spiritual mind is life and peace”.
ROMANS 8:13 “If you live after the flesh you shall die, but if you, through the Spirit, do mortify the deeds of the body, you shall live”.
LUKE 11:13 “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, then how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask of him?”
JAMES 4:2 “….you have because you ask not”.
Those who give to me their words/thoughts are those who give unto me their world; those who give to me their world are those who give unto me the wisdom of this world that has been dwelling in them. Those who give unto me the wisdom of this world are those who will see me destroy all uncleanness, all evil, all hypocrisy, all idols of “self”, all iniquity, all that which is profane, all wickedness, all deceitfulness, all abominations, all sin, and all death; for she is the mother and source of desire and power of them all. Those who see me destroy the wisdom of this world are those who lose their citizenship in his world. Those who give up their citizenship in this fallen world are those who I will give unto my world; and those who will receive my world are those who will be given my words/thoughts. Those who will receive my words/thoughts are those who I will give unto my authority, my character, and my nature; the authority, the character, and the nature that is in Christ Jesus, which is all that which is well-pleasing in the sight of our heavenly Father. Those who I give my authority, my character, and my nature will then walk in fellowship, and communion, and love with our heavenly Father. Those who walk in fellowship, and communion, and love with the Father are citizens and Sons of the kingdom of God. Only my words/thoughts are able to bring about that which my Father yearns to have; the complete restoration of oneness between the Creator and his creation. There is nothing that I think that is impossible for me to do; and those who give unto me their thoughts shall think the in the same likeness as I do also. I am your belief.
ROMANS 12:1,2 “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reason-able service. And be not conformed to this world: but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is the good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God”.
JOHN 10:17 Jesus said, “Therefore does my Father love me because I lay down my life that I might take it again. No one takes it from me but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down and I have power to take it up again. This commandment I have received of my Father”.
Now hear and understand: The wisdom of this world cannot be tamed; it cannot be saved; it cannot be mastered; it cannot be subdued; and neither can it be changed. Can darkness be light? Can evil be good? Can death be life? The wisdom of this world is that entity whose very existence is enmity against God; and her dwelling place is only found in the words/thoughts of the carnal mind. She can never be subject to the law of life because she is the law/ruler of sin and death. She cannot subject herself to the law of truth because, like Satan, there is no truth in her; and she only desires to believe lies. She can never be subject to the law of faith because she does not comprehend nor does is she able to believe the truth of the words of God. The wisdom of this world can never subject herself to the law of love because she is an entity of enmity. Seeing that she hates all, she greatly delights in using my word to judge others, to find fault with others, to accuse others, to condemn others, and to hate all who are not like unto her. It is by reason of her desires and passions that I was hated and condemned. It was also by reason of her that the woman caught in the act of adultery was accused and condemned. It is by reason of her presence in Satan that he stands day and night before the throne of God, accusing the brethren continually in his attempts to satisfy her desires. It is impossible for the wisdom of this world to ever subject herself to any of my laws; for none of my laws are of this world”, says the Lord. “She has nothing of me in her, and there is nothing of her in me.
Entity: 1 : BEING , EXISTENCE ;
especially : independent, separate, or self-contained existence : the existence
of a thing as contrasted with its attributes.
2 : something that has separate and distinct existence and objective or conceptual
The wisdom of this world is an entity of this fallen world; an entity of darkness that is only able to exist in this world. The wisdom of this world is the entity of the being of “self”; and the being of “self” is the corruption of man. She is the entity from which all the desires and affections of this world come forth from; and all those who walk according to her desires and affections are lovers of themselves. She is the entity that is not of the Father but that which is of this world. Again I say to you and ask you to consider these words: the wisdom of this world is the entity from which all that is evil in this world comes forth from; she is the entity from which all that which is profane comes forth from; she is the entity from which all wickedness comes forth; and she is the entity from which all that which is unclean comes forth; she is the entity from which all that is vain comes forth; she is the entity from which all that is abominable comes forth; she is the entity that brings forth all of the guile and deceit that delights itself in joining herself only to lies of Satan’s words/thoughts, she is the entity from which death comes forth; to make them desirable and pleasurable to be believed on. The wisdom of this world is that entity, that spirit of darkness that then joined itself to soul of man at the fall of Adam and Eve, to make man to be one with her affections and desires. She is the entity that became one with man the moment that Eve found it pleasurable to disobey the counsels of God’s words/thoughts. Can you hear my words? Can you hear that when the entity of this world’s wisdom is joined with the lies of Satan, then sin is born into the thinking of the carnal mind; whether it be an evil thought; whether it be a profane thought; whether it be a wicked thought; whether it be an unclean thought; whether it be a vain thought; whether it be an abominable thought; or what it be a beguiling and deceitful thought. She is the mother of all fleshly/carnal thoughts; and all of her words/thoughts are sin. She is the law/ruler of sin and death. She is the sin that Paul saw dwelling in him, but that which he gave no consent unto or that he had any agreement with.
ROMANS 7:16-17 “If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law (Rom 8:2 the law of the spirit of life) that it is good. Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwells in me”…. 20-8:2 Now if I do that which I will not, it is no more I that do it but the sin that dwells in me. I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me. For I delight in the law of God after the inward man; but I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin… 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death…8:5 “For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God (the law of the Spirit of life), nor indeed can be. So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God”.
GALATIANS 5:17-18 “For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other so that you cannot do the things that you will. But if you be led of the Spirit, you are not under the law (of sin and death)”.
GENESIS 6:5 “And saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thought of his heart was only evil continually….8 But Noah found grace in the sight of God”.
MATTHEW 24:37-44 “But as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be at the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not know until the flood came and took them all away; so also will it be in the day of the coming of the Son of Man. Then two men will be in the field, one will be taken and the other left; two women will be grinding at the mill, one will be taken and the other left. Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming. But know this, that if the master of the house had known what hour the thief was coming, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into. Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect”.
It is not possible for the wisdom of this world to have any desires or affections that do not lead to sin, and then have the sin that leads to death. All those whose father is the Devil, will walk according to the desires of the Devil because she is the wisdom that is dwelling in the Devil that bears those desires; and the two sharing the same desires and affections, have become one. She is fiercely independent of God; and all who are deceived by her are only dependent on the “self” being. She exists only to always seek for satisfaction for her desires to exalt “self” to godlike status.
JOHN 8:44 “You are of your father the Devil and the desires of your father you will do….”
EZEKIEL 28:2-10 “Son of man”, say unto the *prince of Tyrus, “Thus says the Lord GOD; Because your heart is lifted up, and you have said, “I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas”; yet you are a man, and not God, though you set your heart as the heart of God. Behold, are you wiser than Daniel where there is no secret that can be hidden from you? With your wisdom and with your understanding you have gotten you riches, and have gotten gold and silver into your treasures: by your great wisdom and by your traffic you increased your riches, and your heart is lifted up because of your riches”. Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, “Because you have set your heart as the heart of God; behold, I will therefore bring strangers upon you, the terrible of the nations, and they shall draw their swords against the beauty of your wisdom, and they shall defile your brightness. They shall bring you down to the pit, and you shall die the deaths of them that are slain in the midst of the seas. Will you yet say before him that slays you, “I am God”? But you shall be a man, and no god in the hand of him that slays you. You shall die the deaths of the uncircumcised by the hand of strangers: for I have spoken it”, says the Lord GOD….17-18 “Your (father the king of Tyrus; Lucifer/Satan ) heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, you have corrupted your wisdom by reason of your brightness: I will cast you to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee. You have defiled your sanctuaries by the multitude of your iniquities (the works of the wisdom of darkness), by the iniquity of your traffic (merchandise); therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of you, it shall devour thee, and I will bring you to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold you”.
* Note: the prince of Tyrus is the son of the King of Tyrus, which is Satan (EZEKIEL 28:12-19). The prince of Tyrus then represents all those who Jesus spoke of in John 8:44 when you said, “You are of your father the Devil and the desires of your father you will do”. And by reason of the wisdom of this world, those desires are to exalt “self” to godlike status independent of God. The man who overcomes the desires of Satan is the man who overcomes the wisdom of this world.
Come out of her my people; come out of her! Come out from her evil sins! Come out from her profane sins! Come out from her wicked sins! Come out from her deceitful sins! Come out from her unclean sins! Come out from her sins of vanity! Come out from her abominations! Come out from her sins of corruption! Come out from her iniquities where the darkness appears as the light! Come out of her death! Come out from all of her fornications! Come, let you me show you the judgment of the mother of sin and iniquity. Come let me show you the judgment of the great whore who hates God and all things that are of God. Come let me show you the judgment of the harlot who seduces and entices my people with the sweet words of her false doctrines and the traditions that have stolen away the affection of those who once loved me with their hearts. Seeing that she cannot be tamed, or changed, or mastered, it is necessary that this entity be destroyed. She must be destroyed because she is the entity that can never be anything other than the enmity that is against God. It is impossible for her to ever love God, or to love the things of God, or to love the children of God. She must be destroyed. Come out of her my people so that you be not destroyed with her; for all who love her, who desire her, who consent and agree with her, and that are friends with her shall perish with her. Come out of her my people so that you may receive the blessings and the promises of God. You know that it is written that it is not possible for anyone who is subject to her desires to enter into the kingdom of God.
REVELATION 17:1-5 “And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying to me, “Come here and I will show unto you the judgment of the great whore that sits upon many waters with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth having been made drunk with the wine of her fornication (the seducing words/thoughts of her counsels”. So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet colored beast, full of names of blasphemy (the enmity of the carnal mind), having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication. And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, “THE MOTHER” OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH”..…18:2-8 “And after these things, I saw another angel come down from heaven having great power and the earth was lightened with his glory; and he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies”. And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people, so that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues; for her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. How much she has glorified her “self”, and lived deliciously; so much torment and sorrow give her (the miseries, the troubles, and the unrest of the carnal mind): for she says in her heart, “I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow”. Therefore shall her plagues come in one day; death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judges her.
EPHESIANS 5:3-7 “But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you as becoming to saints; neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks. For this you know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things comes the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. Therefore you be not partakers with them”.
I CORINTHIANS 6:9-10 “Know you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God”.
GALATIANS 5:17-21 “For the flesh (carnal mind) lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that you cannot do the things that you would. But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness (lack of restraint in conversation, idolatry, witchcraft (rebellion), jealousies, hatred (enmity), contention, wrath, strife, divisions, heresies (strong willed opinions; man’s words/thoughts), murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God”.
REVELATION 21:7,8 “He that overcomes shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, the unbelieving, the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death”.
Come out of her my people, be not a partaker of the judgment of the great whore but rather choose to judge the great whore and her desires. Have I not called you to make you kings and priests? What king does not sit upon his throne and judge those who are of his kingdom? Then judge your words/thoughts. Judge the wisdom that accompanies the words in your thinking. Judge that which is of this world so that you be not a partaker of the judgment of this world when “she” is judged. Come out of this great whore, who gives birth only to the affections and the desires of this world! Come out of this great whore, who through her illusions makes all to be abominations in the sight of God; those they appear good and beautiful in their own eyes! Come out of her my people, for through her illusions she is able to make the iniquities of hypocrisy to appear as the righteousness of God! Come out of this great whore, who is able to make vain things to appear important and great. Oh, how great is the darkness of this wisdom that blinds the eyes and the hearts of all creation so that there are none who know God. Come out of her my people, for she deceives the children of God and makes them to be willing captives to Babylon; where all of her inhabitants only worship and serve the desires and the pleasures of the creature rather than the desires and pleasures of the Creator. For only by reason of the wisdom of this world do my people go astray from me; whorish children who turn from the love of the truth to justify themselves with the lying words/thoughts that inhabit their own minds!
I CORINTHIANS 11:31 “For if we would judge ourselves, then we should not be judged. For when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord so that we should not be condemned with the world”.
ISAIAH 1:19-23 “If you be willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land; but if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it. How is it the faithful city has become a harlot! Righteousness once belonged in it, but now murderers. Your silver has become dross and your wine mixed with water. Your princesses are rebellious, and your companions thieves. Everyone loves gifts and follows after rewards. They do not judge the fatherless neither does the cause of the widow come unto them”.
HOSEA 4:11-12 AMP “Harlotry and wine take away the heart and the mind and the spiritual understanding. My people [habitually] ask counsel of their [senseless] wood [idols], and their staff [of wood] gives them oracles and instructs them. For the spirit of harlotry has led them astray and they have played the harlot, withdrawing themselves from subjection to their God”.
How? How shall my people come out of her? How shall my people be able to put off those desires and affections that come so naturally and easily into their thinking? How shall my people put off the desires and the affections of the old man which is entirely corrupted by this worldly wisdom? How shall my people put off the rebellion of unbelief and doubt? How shall my people put off the desires of wickedness, of profaneness, of hypocrisy, of evil, of uncleanness, as well as all of the abominations that they have esteemed and honored? How shall my people put of the sins and the iniquities that so easily beset them? Again I remind you, “I did not come to take you out of the world but to take the evil of this world out of you”. If I had chose, I could have judged Satan and taken him out of this world, but that would not have delivered any man from the darkness which he knows by nature; and neither would that have allowed for there to be any restoration of fellowship and communion with God. Remember that which I showed to you, that it was not Satan’s lies that tempted Adam and Eve in their fall, but rather it was their own desires that tempted them; that tempted them to believe that Satan’s lying words/thoughts were truth, that overthrew them. Satan’s lies were only an instrument that aroused the true power that was already lying asleep in their hearts; the power whose strength is found in that she only loves that which is evil, deceitful, profane, unclean, deceitful, rebellious, and wicked. How would it possible for any man to believe any of Satan’s lies if there is no desire or affection within him that desires to believe any of his lies? But now that man has been completely corrupted by the lies of Satan and the desires of the wisdom of this world, how shall he escape the condemnation and the wrath that is to come upon all those who are joined to them? Remember, with men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible; all things are possible for those who believe on him.
I CORINTHIANS 10:12 “Wherefore let him who thinks that he stands take heed lest he should fall. There has no temptation taken you but that which is common to all men; but God who is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted beyond that which you are able, will with the temptation also make a way to escape so that you may be able to bear it”.
MATTHEW 26:41 Jesus said, “Watch and pray that you enter not into temptation; for the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak”.
I am the way. I am the way, the truth, and the life. I am life. I am the life where there are no desires or affections to make any lie to be truth. I am the life where there are no affections for anything that is unclean, evil, profane, vain, deceitful, abominable, wicked, or dead. I am that gift of God. I am your freedom. I am your Savior and your Deliverer. In my Spirit is your salvation and liberty. If any man will follow after me, then let him take up his cross. I am the way of escape. If any man follows after me then let him take up his cross and disown himself. I am the way to escape all temptation. If any man will follow after me, then let him take up his cross and dispossess his citizenship in this world. I am the way of escape because there are no desires or affections of this world in me. If any man will follow after me, then let him take up his cross and do what? Die; die to the wisdom of this world; the source and power of all sin and iniquity. I am the wisdom of life that is given to those who will dispossess and disown the wisdom of this world. I am the wisdom of life that will free you from thinking on the words/thoughts that inhabit the carnal mind. If any man will follow after me, then let him willingly take up his cross to crucify death unto himself; for death is the fashion of all the citizens of this world. The way that I have chosen for all men to escape out of this world is through the cross that I have asked each one of you to take up. Follow me; for no servant is above his master, and when I found that I myself was clothed with the fashion of this world, I also took up my cross daily. For my kingdom is not of this world.
MATTHEW 16:24-26 “Then said Jesus unto his disciples, “If any man will come after me, let him deny (dispossess/disown) himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”
PHILIPPIANS 2:5 “And let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God. But he made himself to be of no reputation and took upon himself the fashion of man (death/carnal mind), and he humbled himself and became obedient to death, the death of the cross (not the cross on Calvary, for there he died for us all; but the daily cross where he died to the fashion of this world; the wisdom/death that inhabits the words/thoughts of the carnal mind).
ROMANS 8:3 “For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh (carnal mind), and for sin condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit. For they that are after the flesh are mindful of the things (words/thoughts) of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things (words/thoughts) of the Spirit. For to be carnally (fleshy) minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace”.
HEBREWS 2:14-15 “Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the Devil; and deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage”.
1 JOHN 3:8-11 “He that commits sin is of the Devil; for the Devil sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remains in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loves not his brother. For this is the message that you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another”….14 “We know that we have passed from death (the carnal mind) unto life (the spiritual mind), because we love the brethren. He that loves not his brother abides in death”.
No, I have not chosen for your escape from the evil of this world to be the removal of Satan; for though there would be an absence of his lies in this world, there would still exist in the hearts and minds of my people all those corrupted natural affections and desires that are of this world. No, I have not chosen for your escape from the sin of this world to be the removal of Satan, for it would then not be necessary for any man to choose me. I have chosen that your escape from this world would only come to those who desire me; who desire to give to me their world so that I might give unto them my kingdom. I have chosen that the only way for a man to escape the death that compasses the carnal mind is through the judgment and the destruction of the wisdom of this world; that which a man must freely and willingly give up of his own self. I am giving all men a choice; either let the natural wisdom that is within you be judged and destroyed or you be judged and destroyed with the wisdom of this world; for those who are friends with this world are enemies with God. Those who follow after me, they will take up their crosses and they will not seek to save their lives, but rather they will ask for me to judge and destroy all of the wisdom that is within them that was not of the wisdom that created the heavens and the earth; for nothing is going to stand that is not of me” says the Lord.
I CORINTHIANS 1:18,19 “For the preaching of the cross (again, not the cross on Calvary but the daily cross) is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent”.
GALATIANS 5:24 “Those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its affections and desires….26 Let us not be desirous of vain glory (the glory of men)”.
JOHN 12:26 Jesus said, “He that loves his life shall lose it; and he that hates his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal….31 NOW is the judgment of this world; now shall the prince (ruler; to be first in power or rank) of this world be cast out. And if I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all unto me. This he said signifying what death (to crucify the ruler of this world; hence, in the garden when Jesus died to his will) he should die”.
I CORINTHIANS 2:4-5 “And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
Those who follow after me are those who walk in the same path as I walked; the strait and narrow path that leads to life; the path where death decreases and life increases. I came into this world for a people who did not even know me; to a people who did not know me because their minds were blinded by the wisdom of this world. I came into this world to a people who praised me with their lips and honored me their mouths, but their hearts were far from me because the natural wisdom within them has no affections or desires for me. Who will take up his cross to follow me into abundant life? Who will take up his cross to crucify the enmity that does not know God; the enmity has put separation and alienation between the Creator and his creation? Who will take up his cross and cry out for me to judge the wisdom of his ignorance so that he might draw nearer to my heart? Who will take up his cross and allow for me to slay the desires of the old man who has no delight in any of my words/thoughts but delights in walking only after his own vain and dead thoughts? Who will give to me their all but those who take up their crosses and ask for me to destroy their citizenship in this fallen world? Who will I give my all to but those who have made themselves to be outcasts of this world because they have taken up their crosses to have destroyed the wisdom of this world with all her worldly and ungodly desires? The cross is the way into the newness of life; and I am the way, the truth, and the life. But who can know this except those who take up their cross and die?
ISAIAH 29:13-14 “Wherefore the Lord says, “Forasmuch as this people draw near to me with their mouths, and with their lips do honor me, but they have removed their heart far from me, and their fear towards me is taught by the precept of men; therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvelous work among this people, even a marvelous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid”.
ROMANS 6:3-10 “Do you not know that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection: knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin. Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall also live with him: knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dies no more; death hath no more dominion over him. For in that he died, he died unto sin once: but in that he lives, he lives unto God”.
EPHESIANS 4:21-24 “If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus: that ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; and be renewed in the spirit of your mind that you put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness”.
ROMANS 7:4-6 “Wherefore, my brethren, you also are become dead to the law (Romans 8:2: the law of sin & death) by the body of Christ; that you should be married to another, to him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God. For when we were in the flesh, the motions (passions) of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death. But now we are delivered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held; that we should serve in newness of the spirit and not in the oldness of the letter”.
PSALM 147:2-7 “The LORD doth build up Jerusalem: he gathers together the outcasts of Israel (the church). He heals the broken in heart, and binds up their wounds. He tells the number of the stars; he calls them all by their names. Great is our Lord, and of great power: his understanding is infinite. The LORD lifts up the meek: he casts the wicked down to the ground. Sing unto the LORD with thanksgiving; sing praise upon the harp unto our God”.
Only those who desire abundant life in Christ Jesus will take up their crosses daily to crucify unto themselves the wisdom of this world; to put off death and put on life. I am life. I am your life after death. I am the wisdom of life that comes forth once again in those who crucify the wisdom of this world. I am the gift of God. I am the gift that is freely given to those who will make their wisdom to be a gift unto God. I am the resurrection. I am the resurrection and the life. I am the resurrection that is raised up in the wisdom of God. I am the wisdom that is the breath of the power of God. I am the wisdom by which all things were created; for all things which were created were created by me. I am the wisdom that gave life to all creation. I am the word of God by which all things were created. I am the immortal wisdom of God, the everlasting light of life. I am the light of immortality that was taken out of the world at the fall of man. I am the wisdom that knows God, that trusts God, that is loyal to God, that believes God, and that loves God. I am the wisdom that restores friendship, communion, and fellowship between the Creator and his creation. I am one with my Father; and my Father is one with me. I am the secret to eternal life. I am immortality. I am the wisdom that has no friendship with the desires and affections of the wisdom of this world. I am the wisdom that loves life and that has no fellowship death. I resurrect the dead from the fallen nature of death with the divine nature of abundant life. I alone am your escape from the temptations that arouse the desires and affections of this world. I have no desire to make any of Satan’s lies to appear in the likeness of the truth. I am the truth. I am the life and the truth that comes forth on the other side of the cross. I am the light of life. I am everlasting light of truth. I am the light of immortality. My Father is life; I am life; my Father and I are one. I am the divine nature of life; God is the divine nature. My Father and I are one, and we will make our dwelling place in all those who love life. I am the resurrection and the divine life; and all those who I resurrect I resurrect in me, for I am the divine nature of life. I am your purpose for living.
I CORINTHIANS 15:35,36 “But some will say, “How are the dead raised up?”; and, “What body will they come?” You fool, do you not know that which you sow is not made alive except that it die?....49 As we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly”.
JAMES 3:15 “This wisdom descends not from above but is earthly, sensual, and devilish…17 but the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, easy to obey, full of mercy good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. And the fruits of righteousness are sown in peace in them that make peace”.
I am life. I am the source of life. I am the wisdom that gives life. I am the words of wisdom. I am the wisdom of the words/thoughts of life. I am the fruits of life: I am the thoughts of joy; I am the thoughts of love; I am the thoughts of faith; I am the thoughts of forgiveness and mercy; I am the thoughts of peace; I am the thoughts of humility; I am the thoughts of kindness; I am the thoughts of contentment; I am the thoughts of belief; I am the thoughts of meekness; I am the thoughts of gentleness; I am thoughts of virtue; I am the thoughts of strength; I am the thoughts of goodness; I am true thoughts; I am patient and quiet thoughts; I am thoughts that are always mindful of my Father; I am thoughts of rest; I am peace of mind; I am thoughts that have peace with men; I am thoughts that are at peace with God. I am thoughts of life that continue forever and ever. I am all of right thoughts for abundant living. I am not mindful of “self”, and death has no place in my thoughts. I am the thinking in the spiritual mind. I am the abundant fruits of the Spirit. I am the nature of the Spirit, and my nature is life. I am the wisdom that mothers all words/thoughts of life. I am the fruits of the womb. I am the matrix of the resurrection of life. I am the resurrection that brings life to those who seek to lose their own. I am the spiritual mind that is raised up in those who take up their cross to lose their own mind. I am the peace that rules in the spiritually minded. I am the wisdom that is freely and liberally given to all those who ask and seek for me. I am willing to give my all to you, but are you willing to give to me your all?
Behold, I am the wisdom that makes all things new; that brings new life to those who have only understood death. I am the hope of those who take up their cross. I am the new life that the dead hope for. Those who take up their cross are they who seek for a new life. I am the new life. I have come into this world to make all things new; and I am the new thing. I am the wisdom that makes man new. I am the wisdom that makes all things new. I am wisdom that brings forth new desires and affections of life. I am the new man who loves fellowship and communion with God. Even so, to this day, there are so many of people who continue to praise me with their lips and honor me with their mouths, but their hearts are far from me because they refuse to crucify the old wisdom that allows for death to do their thinking, and that has no desire for me. I am the new man that is incorrupt and immortal. I am the thinking of life. I am the thinking that gives life. I think life; I Am.
I am the religion in the congregation of the living. I am the new religion of life to those who crucify their old religion; who cease from serving the desires and affections of the sinful nature of this world’s wisdom. I am the religion of life to those who cease from worshipping and serving the dead thoughts of the carnal mind. I am the religion of love to those who take up their cross and crucify the beast with it’s natural senses. I am the resurrection to those who come out of the congregation of the dead. I am the religion of new life. I am the words/thoughts of life that are worshipped and served in the thinking of all those who are spiritually minded. Let this mind be in you which was also in me; let my wisdom be in you that does not think that it is robbery to be equal with God. I am the wisdom of God that makes all men equal to the wisdom in God. I/the wisdom of God; Father/the wisdom of God; and you/the wisdom of God are one. I have you for my thinking and you have me for your thinking.
I am the wine of God; I am the new wine that the old wineskin cannot receive. I am the new wine made from the fruits of abundant life. I am the new wine pressed down, shaken together, and running over with life. I am the abundant life that the carnal mind cannot receive. I am the Messiah of God’s wisdom that comes to overflow you with the Spirit of life. I come after the antichrist of this world’s wisdom, with all of its affections and desires, have been crucified. I am the life in the thinking of the living; and all those who think on me are like unto me. All those who are like me, they think me, for they have been resurrected into the image of me that was in the beginning. All those who think like me come to fellowship and commune with me in the secret garden of their minds. I am the secret of abundant life, and only those who take up their cross will understand the secrets of life. Man is equal to the thoughts that he thinks upon; the thoughts that he agrees with, that he communes with, and that he fellowships with.
II THESSALONIANS 2:7-12 “For the mystery of iniquity does already work: only he who now lets will let, until he be taken out of the way (by the daily cross). And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: even him whose coming is after the working of Satan with all of his power and signs and lying wonders, and with all the deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness (that which is right in their own eyes )”.
GALATIANS 5:24 “Those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh (the sinful nature of the wisdom of this world) with its affections and desires”.
PSALM 91:1-2 “He that dwells in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust”.
PSALM 27:5 “For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock”.
But who will take up his cross? Who will take up his cross to lose his identity in this world? Who will take up his cross to resign? Who will take up his cross in exchange for a new name? Who will take up the cross of abdication? Who will take up his cross and surrender? Who will take up the cross of dispossession? Who is willing to take up his cross of disownership? Who will take up his cross for divorce? Who will take up his cross for reassignment? Who will take up his cross to disrobe? Who will take up his cross as a disclaimer? Who will take up his cross for renunciation? Who will take up the cross of refusal? Who will take up his cross to disavow? Who will take up his cross of denial? Who will send out his announcements to announce the cross of renouncement?
Who will take up his cross and ask for me to destroy the wisdom of this world which is the sinful nature of the flesh? Who will take up his cross and ask for me to destroy the wisdom that brings forth all the desires for all uncleanness; all wickedness; all vanity; all deceitfulness; all profaneness; all evil; and all of the abominations that the citizens of this world are identified by? Who will take up his cross and ask for me to destroy the wisdom that will make him free to resign from his position as a citizen of this fallen world? Who will take up his cross and ask for me to destroy the wisdom that gives to the children of darkness the name of her nature, of her character, and of her authority? Who will take up his cross and abdicate the throne of his own wisdom, giving up all of his “own” rights to be lord and god over his own life? Who will take up his cross and crucify the wisdom of deceit that tempts my people to make themselves to be an image after the best works of their own hands, so that they may then surrender their hearts and minds into my hands with the hope and the belief that I might make them to be of the best workmanship of my hands?
Who is willing to take up his cross to dispossess the wisdom of this world so that I may destroy the source of all his worldly desires and affections? Who is willing to take up his cross and allow for me to destroy the wisdom that will allow for him to disown the miserable, troubling, fearful, confusing, and worrisome thoughts of the carnal mind? Who will take up his cross and ask for me to destroy the wisdom that has kept him married to the laws of sin and death; the marriage that has kept him in communion and agreement with the sin, the hypocrisy, the hatred, the iniquity, the slander and the foolishness of this world’s religion? Who is willing to take up his cross and ask for me to destroy the wisdom that assigns for all men to walk in the way that seems right rather than in the way that leads to life? Who will take up their cross and ask for me to destroy the wisdom that has clothed them in this worlds fashion; to walk in the appearances that are only pleasing and acceptable in the sight of men?
Who will take up his cross to crucify and ask for me to destroy this world’s wisdom so that he may disclaim all of his worldly beliefs; laying down his own righteousness for living, so that I may give unto him the righteousness for abundant living and everlasting life? Who will take up his cross and ask for me to destroy his wisdom so that he may then renounce the darkness that has kept him alienated and separated from the love, the works, and the blessings of our heavenly Father? Who will take up his cross and ask for me to destroy this world’s wisdom so that they may have no desire to enticed or seduced by deceitful doctrines, or the old traditions, or by the commandments of men that accompany false religions?
Who will take up his cross and ask for me to destroy his wisdom so that he may disavow his slavery to the will and the pleasure of this world’s wisdom? Who will take up his cross and ask for me to destroy the wisdom that tempts men to deny the truth, lest they should be made free of her and that I might set them free from hiding from their own flesh? Who will take up his cross and ask for me to destroy this world’s wisdom so that he may repent of the death that dwells in the thinking of the carnal mind and be changed into the life that dwells in the thinking of the spiritual mind? Who is willing to take up his cross and renounce before all any agreement and friendship with this world’s wisdom?
Who will take up his cross? Who will humble his heart and come boldly before me asking for me to bless him with my wisdom? Who will stand before me and allow for me to freely and liberally give to them the wisdom that only has a desire to believe my truth? Who will stand before me and allow for me to give to them the wisdom that meditates only on those words/thoughts which are good, and pure, and right, and true? Who will stand before my throne and ask for me to give to them the gift of my wisdom which will then allow for them to be made citizens in my kingdom; seeing that it is necessary for one to have abundant life to live in my kingdom? Who will stand before my throne asking for my wisdom which allows for me to give unto them to my name; that is, to give to them a new name: a new nature, a new character, and a new authority? Who will stand before me and ask for me to give unto them my wisdom which makes all things new? Who will stand before my throne and ask for me to give unto them my wisdom; the wisdom that makes one equal in his thinking with God, so that the two may become one? Did you not know that this is your Father’s desire for you?
PHILIPPIANS 4:8 “And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ. Finally my brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, and whatsoever things are good; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things”.
II PETER 1:4 “Whereby are given unto us exceedingly great and precious promises; that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust”.
II CORINTHIANS 5:18 “Wherefore, from henceforth we know no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth we know him no more. Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away and behold, all things are become new. And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; to wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation”.
Who will refuse to take up his cross and seek to save his life in this fallen world but he who loves his citizenship in this world! Who will seek to save his life but he who has no desire to commune, or fellowship, or to love, or to be loved by his Creator! Who is he who seeks to save his life in this world but he who makes death to be his dear friend! Those who are friends with the wisdom of this world are the citizens of this world; and they have no desire to take up their cross to dispossess sinful nature that they are familiar with and that they trust in. Those who seek to save their lives are simply those who have no desire for me to clothe them in the divine nature of God. The cross that I have asked you take up is nothing more than a sign before me as to whose nature you desire to have in the thinking of your thoughts and whose desires and affections do you desire to have in your heart. The cross that I have asked you to take up has nothing to do with any kind of display of man’s power or intent, or that he should try to overcome evil of himself; for this is impossible for any of man to do. But rather the cross that I have asked you to take up is about you signifying before me that you are surrendering your heart and your mind into my hands for change. The cross is also a sign unto me that you are allowing for me to display my mighty power on your behalf to change those things in your heart and mind that are impossible for you change. Again, the cross that I have asked you to take up is a display of your humility, your belief, your sincerity, and your faith that will allow for you to surrender your life into my hands; dispossessing and surrendering your wisdom into my hands for judgment and destruction; for he who dispossesses and surrenders his wisdom into my hands is he who dispossesses and surrenders all that which is unclean, wicked, vain, profane, deceitful, evil, and abominable. Those who take up their crosses are those who signify before me that they desire to come out of her; to come out from the sinful nature of the wisdom of this world.
PROVERBS 8:36 “He that sins against me wrongs his own soul; all they that hate me (the wisdom of God) love death”.
JOHN 14:29-30 “And now I have told you before it comes to pass so that when it is comes to pass, you might believe. Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince (ruler) of this world cometh, and has nothing in me.
JOHN 12:31 “Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince (ruler; that which is first in power/control) of this world be cast out”.
REVELATION 17:1-5 “And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me: “Come here and I will show unto you the judgment of the great whore that sits upon many waters: with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication…..5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH….. 18:4-8 “And I heard another voice from heaven saying, “Come out of her, my people so that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues; for her sins have reached unto heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. How much she has glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she says in her heart, “I sit a queen (ruler), and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judges her”.
I CORINTHIANS 11:31 “For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged. For when we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord so that we should not be condemned with the world (the wisdom of this world)”.
Who can love me but those who hate the wisdom of this world; the same wisdom which loves to hate me? I have chosen that the way of escape should only belong to those who are willing to judge and crucify unto themselves the wisdom that exalts itself and opposes itself against all that is called God; for they who are of her are like unto her. The desires and affections of the old man are the desires and the affections of the beast within; the beast which is driven to respond to all situations and circumstances according to the dictates of this world’s wisdom. Who has not argued with those who disagree? Who has not been paralyzed with fear? Who has not experienced frustration or confusion? Who has not reviled when they have been blamed or accused? Who has not provided a reason to excuse themselves of guilt? Who has not at some time known panic? Who has not lied to escape guilt? Who has not been overcome with emotions? Who has not smiled and greeted those who they have thought evil of? She rules the beast within from her hiding place that dwells in the darkness of the carnal mind.
She it is who tempts the beast within her desires to believe that her counsels are always right; and that her counsels should be protected. She is the whore that tempts the beast within to reject all of my instruction and to hate my correction. She is the whore who tempts the beast within not believe the instruction of my words. She is the whore who tempts the beast within to doubt my love and my power. She is the whore that tempts the beast within to scorn all of my counsel and to make light of all my words. She is the whore that tempts the beast within to murmur, to complain, and whine against those things which are contrary to her will and her pleasures. She is the whore that tempts the beast within to hate me because she finds all of my commandments to be grievous to her because she does have my Spirit abiding in her. She is the whore that tempts the beast within to love evil and to hate good. She is the whore who tempts the beast within to hate (think evil of) all who disagree; and she knows that there is no agreement between her and the spirit of God’s wisdom. She is the whore that tempts the beast within to blame God. She must be judged! She must be condemned! She must be destroyed! Those who take up their cross, they shall judge the whore; they shall condemn the whore; and they shall call upon my name, calling on me to send my fire down from heaven to destroy this great whore; this whore who has so delighted in seducing, and enchanting, and enticing, and deceiving them with her lusts and desires. I am jealous for all of my beloved, and I love all those who willing take up their cross to die to the counsels of the great whore.
PROVERBS 8:12 “I, wisdom, dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions. The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the perverse mouth, do I hate”.
JOHN 7:7 “The world (the wisdom of this world) cannot hate you; but me it hates, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil”.
ECCLESIASTES 3:18 “I said in my heart concerning the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them that they might see that they themselves are beasts”.
REVELATION 17:3-5 “So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman (the wisdom of this world) sit upon a scarlet colored beast (carnally minded man), full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH”.
JUDE 10 “But these speak evil of those things which they do not know, but what they know naturally (the words/thoughts of the carnal mind), as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves”.
PROVERBS 1:26-33 “I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear comes; when your fear comes as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish comes upon you. Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me. For they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD; they would have any of my counsel: they despised all my reproof. Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices. For the turning away of the simple shall slay them, and the prosperity of fools shall destroy them. But whoso hearkens unto me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil”.
JOHN 10:17 Jesus said, “Therefore my Father loves because I lay down my life that I might take it again. No man takes it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down and I have power to take it up again. I have received this commandment from my Father”.
PSALM 26:1-8 “Judge me, O LORD; for I have walked in mine integrity: I have trusted also in the LORD; therefore I shall not slide. Examine me, O LORD, and prove me; try my reins and my heart. For your lovingkindness is before mine eyes: and I have walked in thy truth. I have not sat with vain people and neither will I go in with dissemblers. I have hated the congregation of evil doers; and will not sit with the wicked. I will wash mine hands in innocency: so will I compass your altar, O LORD: that I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous works. Lord, I have loved the habitation of thy house, and the place where your honor dwells.
PSALM 72:4 “He shall judge the poor of the people; he shall save the children of the needy and shall break in pieces the oppressor”.
Ps 75:7 “But God is the judge: he puts down one and sets up another”.
Be not afraid of the neither the beast nor the woman. I said that I would never leave you or forsake you; but do you believe my words are true? I am the Lord God, and I change not; I loved you unconditionally yesterday, I love you unconditionally today, and I will love you unconditionally tomorrow! My love delights in making my mercies new every day for you; and when sin abounds, my grace will abound far more. My love for you is far greater than the desires of this world that dwells in the carnal mind. Everyday my hands are stretched out towards the congregation of the dead who are led by the thinking of the carnal mind. At all times I am mindful of the dead who have refused to hear the voice of my words/thoughts. Everyday I yearn to give to them another opportunity and my love is ready to lead them to repentance. Everyday my heart cries out, “Come out, my people! Come out of this congregation of the dead! Come out of her! Turn from the idols of your own knowledge and opinions and turn from the illusions that have separated your hearts and your minds from my presence. Come back to me. Cease from trying to change me into the image of your words/thoughts, and allow for me to change you into the image of my words/thoughts. How can there be any repentance from the thinking of the carnal mind to the thinking of the spiritual mind without my Spirit? I am the Spirit. I am your repentance. I am the Spirit of life that makes men free from thinking the words/thoughts of natural man. I am the Spirit that mortifies the dead works of the carnal mind. I am the Spirit of the Lord that thinks God’s thoughts; and the thinking of God’s thoughts is your repentance from thinking on carnal thoughts. The thinking of God’s thoughts is your repentance from thinking on the lies of Satan.
ROMANS 5:20-21 “….but when sin abounded, grace did much more abound”.
I JOHN 4:4 “You are of God, little children, and have overcome them (the spirits of antichrist/the wisdom of this world): because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world”.
ROMANS 8:35-39 “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, “For your sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter”. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord”.
II CORINTHIANS 3:17 “Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.
ISAIAH 65:2 “I have spread out my hands all the day unto a rebellious people who walk in a way that was not good, after their own thoughts”.
II CHRONICLES 7:14-15 “If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attendant unto the prayer that is made in this place”.
PHILIPPIANS 4:8-9 “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of a good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which you have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you”.
CORINTHIANS 15:49 “And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly”.
Still, even to this day, many refuse my love and have not chosen to repent of the thinking of the carnal mind and they continue to dwell in the congregation of the dead. They continue to honor me their mouths; they continue to praise me with their lips; they continue to fast; they continue to prophesy; they continue to cast out demons; they continue to do many wonderful works; they continue to tithe; they continue to pray; and they also continue to walk in the uncleanness, the deceitfulness, the profaneness, the evil, the hypocrisy, and the wickedness of the wisdom of this world. How long shall my blood cover you until you allow for me to your consciousness of dead works? How long will my blood cover you until you take up your cross and follow me with your heart? Many are asleep in the ignorance of their own opinions, blinded to see the corruption that of the wisdom that dwells in the imaginations of their own thoughts. How long shall you refuse to follow me out of darkness into the light of life? Many are asleep as the scribes and the Pharisees were, thinking that they have life because they read the scriptures; but scriptures are profitable for instruction, for edification, for doctrine, for proving, and for right counsels; but these are only instructions and counsels that are to lead you to me so that in you me you may find abundant life. I will lead you to take up your cross, and on the other side of the cross you will find life. I am life; I am the water of life; I am the light of life; I am the bread of life; I am the words of life; I am the spirit of life; and I am the wisdom of God that gives life to those who walk that strait and narrow path. Many who are wise in their own eyes are not able to see the truth of the instruction of the words which they read. Only those who take up their cross, willing to die to their possession of the wisdom of this world will be able to see that the cross is not about death, but it is about nothing other than life; the abundant life that comes after death. The cross is about the resurrection of life from dead; from the thoughts of carnal mind to the spiritual mind. I am the words/thoughts of life; I am the life that inhabited the Garden of Eden before the fall. I am the life that was, that is, and that shall be forever and ever.
PHILIPPIANS 3:18-2 “For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly (inward parts; Ps.51:5,6), and whose glory is in their shame (self), who mind earthly things. For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ: who shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself”.
EPHESIANS 5:14-17 “Wherefore he says, “Awake you that sleep, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give you light. See then that you walk accurately, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore do not be unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is”.
I CORINTHIANS 15:34 “Awake to righteousness and sin not; for some do not have the knowledge of God (the words/thoughts of God), and I speak this to your shame. But some will say, “How are the dead raised up?”
JOHN 5:36-40 (NKJ) “But I have a greater witness than John's; for the works which the Father has given Me to finish -- the very works that I do -- bear witness of Me, that the Father has sent Me. And the Father Himself, who sent Me, has testified of Me. You have neither heard His voice at any time, nor seen His form. But you do not have His word abiding in you, because whom he sent, him you do not believe. You search the scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me; but you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life”.
I JOHN:14-16 “We know that we have passed from death (carnal mind) unto life (spiritual mind) because we love the brethren. He that loves not his brother abides in death. Whosoever hates (thinks evil) his brother is a murderer: and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. Hereby we perceive the love of God, because he laid down his life for us, we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren”.
I am the resurrection that is well able to raise up lifeless dust particles so that they may become those lively particles that have an everlasting purpose for living. I am the resurrection and the life; and those who come to me I am well able to raise up so that they may live, and move, and have all their being in friendship, in communion, in fellowship, and in love with Father; for this is the religion of the new man. In me you shall find the purpose for which you were created; I am the wisdom that gives purpose to all of your being. I am your reason for living. Without me, all of your words/thoughts are only vain, for none have any heavenly or eternal purpose. But who desires not for me to be the resurrection of their words/thoughts? Who desires not to live according to my purpose; to walk, to commune, to love, and to fellowship with our heavenly Father? Who will reject me? Who will not believe my report? Who will deny me? Who will spit on me? Who will despise me? Who? All those who do not take up their crosses to die to the wisdom of this world, that is who; those who have pleasure in satisfying the desires of this world’s wisdom.
ACTS 17:28-30 “For in him we live, and move, and have our being”; as certain also of your own poets have said, “For we are also his offspring”. Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device. And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commands all men every where to repent”.
REVELATION 21:3-8 “And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new”. And he said unto me, “Write: for these words are true and faithful”. And he said unto me, “It is done”. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. He that overcomes shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, the unbelieving, the abominable, the murderers, the whoremongers, the sorcerers, the idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death”.
I have revealed this to you before, but let me remind you to always be mindful that the cross on Calvary should always be a sign unto you of the great love that I have for you, as well as a sign to you that I am always willing to give my all unto you. I am willing to give my kingdom to you as well as the equality of my divine nature. For those who are like unto me are one with me; and those who are one with me are like unto me. So will you let the cross that I have asked for you to take up always be a sign unto me that you desire for me to clothe you with my divine nature? Will you let your daily cross also signify unto me that you no longer desire to be a citizen of this world? Will you show me your cross daily by asking for me to destroy the wisdom of this world that births all iniquity, all wickedness, all uncleanness, all lies, all that is profane, all evil, all deceitfulness and guile, and all sin? Will you let this cross always be a sign before me that expresses your dead nature behind? Again, the cross that I have asked you to take up is not about your power to destroy but it is sign unto me of your desire that will allow for me to destroy that which you are not able to by my power. Those who take up their crosses in this life are those who allow for me to destroy in them now that which shall be judged in the great judgment; for now is the only time that judgment is accompanied with mercy and grace. Those who escape the judgment to come are those who take up their crosses to crucify that which shall be judged and condemned in the Day of the great Judgment.
GALATIANS 6:14-16 “God forbid that I should glory except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision avails anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God”.
EPHESIANS 2:13-19 “But now in Christ Jesus you who were sometimes far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of partition between us; having abolished in his flesh the enmity (the words/thoughts of the carnal mind) , even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; and that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: and came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh. For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father. Now therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and of the household of God”.
Man is so vain in his thinking because natural man thinks that I am in the image that his thoughts desire for me to be. Man thinks that I love who he loves and that I dislike who he dislikes. Man thinks that it takes for me to have a good reason to be able to love men, but I am not at all after the image of those words/thoughts. I am unconditional love, and there is no reasoning that has any power to change the love that I have for all men. I am always here for you, as well as for all men, with unconditional love. I love you when you are weak; I love you when you are strong. I love when you are disobedient; I love you when you obey. I love when you sin; I love you when you do righteously. I love you when you are lost; I love you when you are with me. I love when you praise me; I love you when you forget me. I love you when you turn from me; I love you when you walk with me. I love you when you provoke me to anger; I love you when you humble yourself. I love you when you do not know me; I love you when you move with me. I love you when you believe my words/thoughts; I love you when you do my words/thoughts. I love you when you fall; I love you when you stand fast; I love you when you walk after your own words/thoughts; I love you when you receive my words/ thoughts. I love you when you are confused and frustrated; I love you when are at peace with me. I love you when you refuse me; I love you when you allow for me to correct you. I love you when you are out of my will; I love you when you are in my will. I love you when you are sick; I love you when you are healthy. I love you when you sin; I love you when you are holy. I love you when you forsake me; I love you when you return to me. I love you when you do not think that I love you; I love you when you are in my presence. My love for you is unconditional; and only those who have my wisdom can truly understand this.
PSALM 50:21 (NKJ) “These things you have done, and I kept silent. You thought that I was altogether like you; but I will rebuke you, and set them in order before your eyes”.
As it is written, “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son so that whosoever should believe on him should not perish but have everlasting life”. I love all men so much that I have given to all of you my only begotten Son, whom I have made to be wisdom for you so that you might come to know the length, the depth, the width, and the height of my love. What is the length, the depth, the width, and the height of “unconditionally”? What are the boundaries that can be put on the love that I have for you? I am an everlasting loving spirit, and I have put no limitations on myself as to what I will do for you. Only the counsels of your fears, your doubts, and your unbelief that are birthed forth from wisdom of this world, are able to put boundaries on the love that I desire to show you and limitations on the great and mighty works that I desire to do for you. I have made to be wisdom for you, the wisdom that is the loving spirit of God, so that by me, you may come to love your brethren, your neighbor, your spouses, and your enemies as I love them: unconditionally! I am love. My Father is love. I and my Father are one. I am the wisdom of love, and all those who possess me are one with me; and those who are one with me are one with our heavenly Father. You know that my love has not left any of you without a way to escape this eternal damnation that awaits all those who continue to walk after the desires of the wisdom of this world. But who will take up the cross of love?
EPHESIANS 3:14-21 “For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that he would grant to you according to the riches of his glory, so that you might be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passes knowledge, that you might be filled with all the fullness of God. Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.
Only those who have my wisdom know that I am able to work good out of all the circumstances and situations that arise in their hearts. Only those who have my wisdom know that I never think to do you evil, only good. Even when evil comes upon you, it is only because you have gone out of the way, and I allow the evil to come upon you so that you might know that you have erred and that I desire for you to turn back to me. Those who are wise in their own eyes would like to know my love, but without my wisdom, it is impossible for them to believe that my love for them is unconditional love. I have told you before that I am only able to bless those who believe on my love. Even so, I am still there for all those who are wise in their own eyes, who do not believe on me, hoping that at any moment, they may desire to take up their cross and repent of the entity of this world’s wisdom. Focus only on me, and I will come quickly to you. It never enters the thoughts of my mind to forsake any of you; I am always with you, even until the end of this natural world as well as to the end of the world within. My love towards you never grows cold; for it is only your love for me that can grow cold. When I send the wisdom of my words/thoughts to you, I am sending forth only that which comes forth from the unconditional love that I have for you. My love and my grace is that which the wisdom of this world cannot hear nor comprehend.
MATTHEW 24:11-13 “And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. And because iniquity (self-righteous hypocrisy) shall abound, the love of many shall grow cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
Are you ready for my appearing? Be ready! Are you ready for me to avenge you of the wisdom of this world that has made me her enemy? Are you ready for me to come and destroy that which desires to keep you allied with her? When I come, will I find the faith in you that believes I am going to make all things new? When I come, will I find you ready to allow my brightness to this darkness? But who will stand when I appear? I am not coming to those who are not prepared to receive me. I am coming in those who have been wise to wait on my wisdom. I am not coming to those who are clothed in the foolishness of the this world’s wisdom; the wisdom that deceives men with the illusion that they are as the image of their own brilliance. I am coming for those who are of a broken and contrite heart; those who have taken up their cross to die to the principalities, the powers, the rulers of darkness of this world, and the wicked spirits that once sat on the throne of the high places in their minds. At my appearing, all those who have not taken up their crosses and died to the brilliance of their own wisdom shall weep and they shall gnash their teeth in regret when they witness those who were ready receive the brilliance of my wisdom; the wisdom that they could have so freely and abundantly had they sought and asked for it. Are you ready? What are you thinking, and who is doing your thinking for you?
MATTHEW 24:44 “Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man comes.
LUKE 18:7,8 “And shall not God avenge his own elect, those who cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them? I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Never-the less when the Son of man comes, shall he find faith on the earth?
MATTHEW 25:1-13 “Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto 10 virgins who took their lamps and went forth to meet the bridegroom; and 5 of them were “wise”, and 5 were “foolish”. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them; but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, “Behold, the bridegroom comes; go ye out to meet him. Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said unto the wise, “Give us of your oil; for our lamps are gone out”. But the wise answered, saying, “Not so; lest there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves”. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, “Lord, Lord, open to us”. But he answered and said, “Truly I say to you, I know you not”. Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man comes”.
1 CORINTHIANS 3:19 “For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God”.
Vision Of The Dry Bones
Mitt Jeffords
Vision of the Dry Bones; a vision of those who are prepared for the coming of the Lord as well as those who are not prepared for his coming.
A vision where immortality is going to swallow up mortality; and everlasting life is going to be restored in all of God’s creation.
I was meditating on the Lord one morning when he gave me this vision. Almost immediately I recognized it as being almost identical to that which Ezekiel saw in Ezekiel 37:1-14. In the vision I found myself in the middle of this very large desert valley that appeared to be as desolate of life as any place that I have ever seen. I then realized that the only objects that I could see on this desert floor was nothing but multitudes and multitudes of dry bones scattered throughout the entire valley floor, for as far as my eyes could see. While I was observing this sight, I realized that this scene reminded of something that I had imagined when I was a kid, in the late 50's, watching Tarzan movies on Saturday morning on TV. There was one particular episode where this safari was in search of this mythical valley that was supposed to be this secret burial ground where all elephants would supposedly go to when they were ready to die. Of course, if such a place did exist, that valley would not only be filled with bones, but also with the great treasures of ivory. It was this treasure that these men in the safari were hoping to find in that particular episode. Nevertheless, what I had imagined as a kid seemed so very familiar to what I was seeing in this vision. For a moment I even looked to see if there was any treasure among these bones that could possibly be of any treasure like ivory; but all that I saw was just multitudes of human bones scattered all around me.
It was then that Ezekiel's vision came into my mind, and I began to consider within me his vision as compared to that which I was seeing in my vision. For many years, I had been told that the bones in Ezekiel's vision represented the Jews coming back to Israel in 1948; and seeing that it was now 2005, and supposedly that prophesy had already been fulfilled, I then asked, "Lord, what do these bones in my vision represent?" The Lord then said to me, "The bones that you see, these are the bones of my church, those members of my body, the elect, who have paid the price. Though I have called many, only an elect few have believed the instruction of my word; the word that directs all who choose to follow after me to take up their crosses, deny themselves, and follow me. Only a precious few have crucified unto themselves the desires of this fallen world of darkness (Gal.5:24). Though the world sees no value in these bones, I see nothing but great treasures among them”, says the Lord. “For I see the bones of those who loved, and trusted, and believed my words enough that they actually followed the instruction that has been given to all. These are they who have crucified the desires of this world unto themselves, and the world has crucified them in Christ Jesus. My elect are those few who have chosen to follow after me, to take up their crosses and crucify unto themselves all of the lies of that proceed forth from the ruler of this fallen world.
It was then that the Lord brought back into remembrance that which the Lord had showed me one Sunday morning when he took me in the Spirit (II Cor.5:8). It was the first time the Lord had ever done that, and it is truly an amazing experience. It was a Sunday morning, just minutes before our fellowship was to begin, and suddenly the Lord like took my consciousness out of my body and took with him, leaving my body behind. I was sure that when the Lord returned my consciousness to my body that at least a couple of hours had gone by because of the things that the Lord had shown to as well as those things which he had spoken to me. Yet, when I returned, I do not believe one minute had passed since the Lord first took me. Truly, the Lord rules over time and space. This is now an account of some of things that I saw and of those things which I was told.
I suddenly found myself standing on the outer edge of space, looking towards the earth. While I was taking in this breathtaking view, I suddenly noticed out of the corner of my eye, a huge cloud of darkness coming from my left heading towards the earth. It was unexplainable, but this cloud was so dark that it even stood out clearly against the darkness of space. I then watched as this cloud of darkness descended upon the whole earth, completely compassing it like a black, thick fog. It not only covered the entire earth but it also reached about three miles above the earth. This cloud was not like the cloud of a thunderstorm, for a thundercloud, though it appears very ominous and dark, appears as though it has some manner of life of its own. A thundercloud has constant changing movement being driven by the winds; and out of it comes forth rain, lightning, and thunder. But it was not so with this cloud of darkness that I saw, for it had absolutely no appearance of life in it at all. The only movement that I saw in this cloud of darkness was down, and it seemed to move downward because of its great heaviness. As this cloud ascended upon the earth, it seemed to displace the air just like oil displaces water when it is poured into it.
Then, in just an instant, I found myself back on the earth, standing in the midst of a large city. I immediately looked up, and when I did, I saw this heavy cloud of darkness descending all around me. I then watched as the darkness, again by its sheer weight, began to displace the very air that was around me. I then clearly observed as the darkness got closer to me that this darkness consisted of words; lifeless words, thousands of lifeless words, millions of lifeless words, billions of lifeless words. So many, many words, and they were all moving around like swarms of bees move around their beehive just after it has been disturbed. I then saw that as this darkness displaced the air, that men began to breathe in this darkness like it was the air that is necessary for life; yet, it was the words that men were breathing in. I observed as this darkness not only entered into men by their noses, but also by their mouths, their eyes, and their ears. I then observed that as this darkness entered in, it was able to corrupt all of the senses of man; and the affects of this corruption was easily seen in the countenances of all men. For the darkness brought much torment, evil, trouble, deceit, and misery upon the lives of all men. I then realized that there was no man around me that could see this darkness, and it was as though they all knew that something was wrong with their lives, but no man knew that it was this darkness that was the cause of it.
Then in just another instant, I found myself standing again on the edge of space. I immediately looked towards the earth and I saw that I could not see any part of the earth because this cloud of darkness had so completely compassed it. But then I observed that there was a ring of brilliant light around the earth; a ring very similar to those rings which are around Saturn, except that this ring appeared to be the source of pure light. While I was observing the brilliance of this ring of light, I observed that on an occasion, a piece of light would come forth out of this ring, and it would race towards the earth. I would watch as this piece of light just pierced right through this cloud of heavy darkness without any difficulty.
While I was considering that which I was seeing, the Lord spoke to me and asked, "Mitt, what do you see?" I then answered, "I perceive that this heavy cloud of darkness, it represents Satan. And Lord, if your words are life and spirit, and the truth that makes free. Then this cloud of darkness must be the Satan's lies, and they are those lying spirits that bring men into bondage to death and sin (Rom.8:2). For I saw that as this darkness displaced the air, that Satan's lies became the air that men breathed, which represents his rule over the earth, seeing that your word reveals that Satan is now called the prince of the power of the air (Eph.2:2). I saw that as this could descended upon the earth, somehow Satan was able to force himself into the hearts and the minds of all men through the very air that they breathed. I also observed that those who breathe in this darkness, they then think that this darkness is the very substance that is necessary for life. I do not understand how, but I know that this darkness is death itself, because I saw that the darkness only consists of lifeless words; yet again, this darkness, or these words, they are mistaken to be that which men perceive to be a source of life. I also perceived that by reason of this darkness, there was no man who was even able to think or to understand that there was any other form of life other than the life that exists in this darkness. For I saw that in this darkness, that even when men obtain that life which they dreamed of or that which they imagined to have, that after their initial joy and pleasure that they experience, they still know in their hearts that something is missing in their lives; and it is this darkness that blinds them to that which is missing. It is for this reason that I perceive that this darkness is only an illusion of life; life that has been corrupted and perverted.
Then Lord, I saw that ring of light, and I knew that this light was you; and that this light was also the dwelling place for true life (John 8:12). Lord, I perceive that it is only in that which you are allowing for me to see now that I can clearly see that your light is totally contrary to this lifeless cloud of darkness; that there is never any agreement between the two. But Lord, it I perceive that on earth, it is your light that is considered to be darkness by those who have been blinded by the darkness. I also perceive that the light is your power for abundant life, and that you send forth your power to all those who believe on you; to those who desire to be delivered from the rule that the darkness has had over their lives. I also perceive that as much power as the darkness has over the lives of men, it is completely powerless to stop your light once you sent it forth. But Lord, I found that it greatly saddened me to see how few men desired to have the light of your life seeing that so little light was sent to earth. Surely this darkness has greatly deceived man into believing that the darkness itself is that which life consists of, but in truth, it is only an illusion of life. Yet, Lord, I perceive that by reason of your great love and faithfulness, that the moment you do hear someone call upon your name, asking for the Spirit of life, you will immediately send forth your word, that light of life, to redeem that man from the darkness that has ruled over him. I perceive Lord, that those who call out on you, they were those who desire to have a better life than that illusion of life that exists in the darkness.
Lord, I perceived that those few who received the light of life, these are they who you revealed yourself to; and you breathed a different air into them, the Spirit of your truth which is able to set your people free from their captivity to the powers of darkness. Lord, I perceive that this corruption that the darkness brought upon the earth, it is that which has deceived all men into believing that his own thoughts are truth and his own ways are right (Prov.21:2). I perceive that this corruption of man's senses is brought forth by these lying spirits that somehow rule over the senses of men; how their eyes see and believe, how their ears hear and understand, and men believe; and in turn, this is that which enables Satan to rule over the lives of men. Only a few understand that the light of life is your life, and that you are the only source of life. Finally Lord, I perceive that because of that which is written in your word, that which testifies that your thoughts and your ways are far above the thoughts and the ways of man (Isa.55:8,9), that this is true because of the darkness that has corrupted the thoughts and the ways of man; and there is no man that can possibly imagine or dream just how majestic and wonderful your life really is.
After I finished answering the Lord, I then waited anxiously for a few moments for the Lord to speak to either confirm or to correct the manner in which I had interpreted that which I had seen. When no answer came, I just continued to wait quietly hoping that the Lord would answer me. Though the Lord had spoken nothing more to me, I could still discern that his presence was all around me, as well as in me. After a few more minutes passed, I then asked, "Lord, what did you see?" And the Lord immediately answered me saying, "The cloud of darkness that you saw, it is only the spirit of Satan; but his spirit consists of multitudes and multitudes of lying spirits. There is no truth in Satan, and neither can you find any truth where the darkness dwells. Therefore, in this fallen world of darkness, the nature of men has become to receive the counsels of these lying spirits that speaks to their thoughts; and men do this just as easily as they receive the air that they breathe. In this fallen world, it is the truth that is alien to men, seeing that no man knows the truth, and it is the lies of Satan that men are familiar and well acquainted with. It is as it is written, "And the great dragon was cast out of heaven, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, who deceives the whole world. He was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him" (Rev.12:9). Through deceit, the entire world has been brought under the power of this darkness; and it is this darkness of death that found its entrance into the hearts and the minds of men the moment that Adam and Eve disobeyed my voice, allowing themselves to be deceived.
Satan's angels are those lying spirits that rule over the thoughts of all who are carnally minded with death (Rom.8:6). What man is able to resist the spirits of fear when they speak their words of torment into the thoughts of men? What man is able to resist these lying spirits when they speak their counsels into the thoughts of man that that men should hate or think evil of those who sin against them? What man is able to resist these lying spirits who speak discontentment into the thoughts of a man, even after he has obtained that which he had previously desired to have? What man is able to resist the lying spirits when they speak confusion into the thoughts of those who know not that which is right? What man is able to resist these lying spirits when they speak anxiety and worry into your thoughts? When man is able to resist these lying spirits when they speak strife and contention as instruction against those who disagree with him? What man is able to resist these lying spirits when they speak depression into the thoughts of those who fail at what they are doing? What man is able to resist these lying spirits when they minister frustration into the thoughts of a man when he is not able to control the circumstances and situations around him? What man is able to resist these lying spirits when they speak counsels of bitterness into the thoughts of a man when he does not get his own will? Who is able to resist these lying spirits when they speak hopelessness into the thoughts of those who know no solution to their problems? What man is able to resist these lying spirits when they speak dissatisfaction into the heart of a man even after he has gotten his own will? What man is not well familiar with these lies seeing that they are continually spoken into the thoughts of all who are carnally minded? You know that it is written that the carnal mind is death (Rom.8:6); for the carnal mind is the dwelling place for all of these lying spirits that the darkness consists of. The hope of those who walk in darkness is that tomorrow is going to be a better day than today; a day free of worries, and fears, and anxieties, and disappointments, but tomorrow comes, and it is just as today; but even this hope is only an illusion.
Thus says the Lord, "It is not I who speaks these lies into the thoughts of men, but it is only Satan; for he who is the father of all lies (John 8:44). O, if men only knew how just much Satan really hates all men; men of all nations, of all races, of all ages, and of all genders. O, if the world only knew how just how great the limitations are that I have placed upon Satan's hatred, lest he torment men beyond measure and destroy the lives all men. Only by my word is Satan restrained from exercising his full hatred against men. But these are the days when those constraints on Satan are being loosened; days where Satan's hatred towards men is being made more manifest as one day leads into the next day. These are the days where Satan is able to increase the intensity of the evil and the wrath that he has towards all men, especially those who follow me. These are the days where Satan is able to speak more madness into the thoughts of who are not under my hedge of protection. You know that I so love all men, but I am only able to show favor to and protect those who believe on me (I Peter 1:5). You remember that which I have revealed to you that Satan and I only have one thing in common, and that is that we both have a passion to have you. Satan desires to have so that he may exercise his hate upon you, and I desire to have you to overflow you with my love. Satan desires to have to so that he may rule over you with sin and death, but I desire to rule over you with peace and life. Satan desires to have you to do you evil, but I desire to have you to do you good. Satan desires to rule over you with bondage, while I desire for liberty and freedom to be your dominion.
It is whose words that you honor that determines whose servant that you are (Rom.6:16). If you honor Satan's lies by believing them, then death and sin shall surely be the law that will continue to rule over the thoughts of your mind. But if you honor me by believing my words, then I shall give unto you the Spirit of life (Rom.8:2); and I shall write my life as a law into your hearts and your minds. Though men desire to have a life better than that which they presently have, no man is able to find of life of himself because no man is able to overcome the darkness of himself; for how can a man overcome darkness when all that he knows is darkness or either the darkness that appears as the light? Who is the man who is able to discern that the source of every evil and miserable thought that is brought forth in the visions and imaginations of his mind is of the Devil? I am your Savior, and my Spirit is your only hope of salvation from this darkness and death.
There is nothing hidden from my eyes", says the Lord. "And it grieves me so much to see men so bound up in all of the lies of Satan that uses to torment and trouble with. It grieves me to see men submitting themselves unto these powers of darkness; the darkness that is the dwelling place for all sin, all trouble, all evil, all misery, all lies, all wickedness, all torment, all fears, and all death. Satan's hatred for men is clearly seen in all of the miseries, the unrest, the violence, the confusion, the torments, the thefts, the hurt, the wars and fights, the diseases, the hypocrisies, the stress and worries, the corruption, the hatred, the injustice, the trouble, the murders, as well as in those multitudes of fears that are daily ministered into the imaginations of men. It is nothing but a sport to Satan to rule over the thoughts of men with death; those lifeless lies that bring nothing but torment and misery. It is nothing but a sport to Satan when he births dreams and hopes into the carnally minded so that he can bring upon them disappointed and failure when they cannot have that which they desired. It gives Satan great pleasure to steal away all hope for life; the life which I created all men to be a partaker of. It is in all of these miserable things and works of the flesh that manifest the hatred that Satan has towards all men.
For in this fallen world, it is this darkness that is the corruption of man. It is not man who is corrupt but rather it is the senses within the man that have been corrupted by the lies of Satan. It is by reason of this corruption, fallen man is ignorant in his knowledge of God as well as ignorant o the abundant life that God created man to be a partaker of (Eph. 4:18,19). It is also by reason of this ignorance that man has become separated and alienated from all fellowship with God. It is as it is written, "For what fellowship does darkness have with light (II Cor.6:14)? Is it not written that when I came into this world that was created by me, that the world did not know me? Is it not also written that when I came to my chosen, the people of Israel, they did not receive me either (John 1:10)? Do you still wonder how great this darkness is that covers the earth? Is it not written that was despised and rejected by all, and when they saw me, there was no beauty for anyone to desire? I was cursed; I was spit upon; I was mocked; I was beaten; and I was crucified. Yet, my heavenly father spoke from heaven saying, "This is my Son in whom I am well pleased". And you still wonder how great the darkness is that covers the earth?
When Adam and Eve freely chose to believe the lies of Satan, that was the moment that Satan found his entrance into their hearts and their minds, to establish his kingdom over their thoughts and desires. It is in this corruption of their senses that Satan's curse over them became rooted in their hearts and minds. The darkness is the dwelling place for all ignorance of God, as well as being the habitation for all things which corrupt and pervert. It is under this curse that the darkness has perverted all of the senses of man. When you saw this cloud of darkness descending upon the earth, did you see any other man who was able to see that which I allowed for your eyes to see? The reason that no man could see this darkness is because the darkness only consist of lying spirits; and by reason of the corruption of man's senses, this darkness now appears as light in the sight of man. Have I not warned you all saying, "Take heed that the light that is in you is not darkness (Luke 11:35)? Would a man breathe in the darkness if he knew that it was the lies of Satan that corrupted him? Would a man believe these lies of Satan if he knew that it was these spirits that alienated and separated him from abundant life, as well as everlasting life?
In this fallen world, all men are under the curse to believe that the darkness is the light; otherwise these lying spirits would have no entrance into the senses of man. It is as it is written, "Every way of man is right in his own eyes (Prov.21:2)". Those who walk in darkness, they have eyes, but they do not see as God sees (II Sam.16:7/Matt.13:13-16). Those who walk in darkness, they have ears, but they are not able to ear and comprehend the spiritual things of God (John 8:43/ Job 33:14KJ/I John 4:5,6). Those who walk in darkness, they have tongues that speak words; but the words that are spoken only defile their own bodies (Jam.3:6). Those who walk in darkness, they have wisdom and knowledge, but it is of this world; and reason of these natural senses, they cannot discern anything that is spiritual, seeing that the Son of God was rejected. It is also by reason of the wisdom of this world and the natural understanding that man has corrupted the very word of God (II Cor.2:17KJ/Isa.47:10/I Cor.8:2).
There was a day where Adam walked and fellowshipped with God; and you know that this would not have been possible if there had been any disagreement between God and Adam, seeing that it is written that two cannot walk together except they agree (Amos 3:3). But then came that day after Adam had been deceived and the darkness had entered in corrupting his senses, and it was a day where the love that Adam had for his Creator had been replaced with the dead works of the carnal mind (Rom.8:6), and Adam now distrusted God and was afraid of him. And being afraid, his heart's desire was to hide from God rather than to walk with him. Being now in bondage to the lies of Satan, Adam had no choice but to believe that these counsels that were speaking in his thoughts were right things for him to do. Do you see how it was by reason of these lying spirits, these counsels of Satan in Adam's thoughts, that alienated Adam's heart from God, and separated him from the abundant life that he previously enjoyed? There is no communion and fellowship between light and darkness.
Man's corruption is the lies of Satan that rule over the natural senses and the thoughts of the mind. Through deceit, the darkness appears as the light unto all who are carnally minded. Just as it was when my people Israel rejected me, so also is it now. There is no man who by nature worships me. There is no man who by nature that honors me. There is no man who by nature that is able to see that I am the solution to all problems and troubles. There is no man by nature that understands and seeks for me. There is no man who by nature that knows that I am he who is able to heal the body, the soul, and the spirit of this corruption. There is not one man who by nature that knows and understands the truth. There is no man by nature that understands and knows me, that I love all men and yearn to do good to all. The darkness has so blinded the eyes of the world that there is not one man who sees any need for me to be the Lord in his life. The darkness has so blinded all men that there is no man by nature that knows that it is this ignorance, this corruption of darkness, that I have called my people to repent of (Acts 17:30). The corruption of the lies of Satan lies so greatly upon the hearts and the minds of my people that when I came into this fallen world, my people rejected that which God was well pleased with. Do you still wonder how great the darkness is that covers this fallen world? Again, I warn you to prove for your own self, that the light that is within you is not darkness, so that you may know for yourself that your senses have not been corrupted by Satan's lies.
Jude 10 "But these speak evil of those things which they do not know, but as brute beasts they corrupt themselves by that which they know naturally". II Peter 2:5 "But these, as natural brute beasts, are made to be taken and destroyed because they speak evil of those things which they do not understand; and they shall utterly perish in their own corruption". I Corinthians 15:54 "So when this corruption shall put on incorruption, and this mortal shall put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, "Death (the death that rules over the carnal mind) is swallowed up in victory".
I came into this world as a light into the darkness, to reveal these truths to all those who desire to escape out of this fallen world. I came to you to reveal this truth unto you, the truth that says that which you have need of, it cannot come forth of yourself, and neither can that which you lack be supplied to you through any work or effort of the flesh. Can flesh bring forth that which is Spirit? Can flesh make that which is unclean to be clean? Can vanity bring forth anything profitable? Can that which is dead bring forth life? Can that which is evil bring forth any good? Can that which is corruptible, the flesh, bring forth that which is incorruptible, the things of the Spirit? The darkness of Satan lies so heavy upon the hearts of my people that there is not one who has any desire to hear this truth. Are you able to understand that it is by reason of this great darkness that I came into this fallen world of darkness, to open the eyes of the blind; those who account the darkness to be light. I came into this world to open the ears of the deaf, so that they might hear and comprehend the truth of God's words. I came into this world to do that which is impossible for any man to do of himself, to tame his tongue. I came into this world to bring unto those who ask of men, those treasures of spiritual wisdom, spiritual knowledge, and spiritual understanding, to change that which is corruptible into that which is incorruptible (Col.1:9-13/ Eph.1:16-19/Col.2:3/Prov.2:6). Did I not come into this world to transform your minds and to change your hearts? Did I not come into so that I might give the light of my truth to those who walk in darkness? Did I not come into this world so that I might make all things new for those who would believe on me, redeeming the corruption of the natural with the incorruption of my Spirit? I am the Savior. I am the truth of what to believe. I am your Redeemer. I am the light of life. I am that Spirit. I am the One.
Thus says the Lord, "Do not be afraid of my truth when it reveals to you the need which you have for me; neither be fearful when you see those things which your heart lacks; but believe on me, for it is my good pleasure to provide for you all those things which you have need of as well as to supply all that which you lack. Be not afraid to ask for my love, neither be fearful to receive my goodness. I am asking you to come before me with a humble heart, willing to give up the lies that you have believed, the lies that say that you have no need for me. Was not my church at Laodicea so deceived that they said in their hearts that they had no need for me (Rev.3:14-17)? Were not these who were ignorant to the knowledge that they were poor in spirit? Do you to have ears that hear and understand that which is heard? Do you not desire to have eyes to see as God sees? Do you not desire to have a mouth that speaks no vain words? Do you not desire to have spiritual wisdom and knowledge so that you may know the truth that sets you free from all of these lies of Satan? Are you willing to give up the lies that say that you can understand anything of yourself? Are you willing to give up the lies that say that you can do anything good of yourself? Are you beginning to see just how massive the needs of my people are? Do you not have great need of the faith that comes when you hear the truth of these words? Do you not have a great need for the faith that allows for me to supply your lack and provide for all of your needs? I yearn to take your heart and make it beautiful and glorious in my sight, but I cannot do this unless you first ask for me to work in your faith and your belief (John 6:29).
Thus says the Lord your God, your heavenly Father, "Do you not understand the gift that I have given unto you? How shall you escape so great of a salvation from this corruption if you neglect and make light of your calling? I am not giving unto you my power, lest you try to corrupt my power to satisfy your own natural desires. But I am giving Jesus unto you because Jesus is my power, and he is not subject to any of the corrupt desires of the flesh. Jesus is my power that enables you to walk humbly before your God. Jesus is my wisdom that allows for you to sit still while I make you my workmanship. Jesus is peace, seeing that he never contends with or strives against the will of God. Jesus is also that peace of mind which comes when you know and believe that I am your God, and that I am in control of every circumstance and situation that comes upon you. Jesus is that belief that believes that all things are possible with God. Jesus is the truth that sets you free from all bondage to Satan's lies. Jesus is the also truth that reveals the great love and affection that I have for you. In Jesus is hidden all of the knowledge and understanding of the scriptures. Jesus is my righteousness, always delighting in doing those things which are pleasing and right in my sight" says the Lord. "Jesus is the Spirit of life that sets you free from all captivity to sin and death (Rom.8:2). But do you need Jesus?
Jesus is love. Jesus loves me with all of his heart, with all of his soul, and with all of his mind. Jesus loves my judgments, my truth, and my righteousness. You love those who love you, but Jesus loves those who you do not love. Jesus loves all of your brethren. Jesus loves your enemies, and he is able to forgive all those who sin against you. But do you need Jesus in your heart? Jesus is my judgment, knowing that which is good, and righteous, and true. Jesus is my Spirit, the Spirit where no lying spirits of Satan are able to dwell. Jesus is my goodness. Jesus is my physician, he who is able to heal your body, your soul, and your spirit. Jesus is my strength and my might, that which the darkness has no power over. Jesus is the light of my life, he who brings to you all of the fruits of that abundant life which I promised you. Jesus was, and is, the faith that overcomes the world (I John 2:15-17). Jesus is that incorrupt Spirit that redeems you from all of the Satan's lies which have corrupted your natural senses. Jesus is he of who I spoke of from heaven saying, "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased". But do you desire for him in whom I am well pleased with to dwell in your hearts and in your minds? Jesus is my gift to you; but do you have any need for my gifts? Do you have any need for any of these blessings? If you see no need for Jesus, then Jesus is that light which will reveal unto you the need that you have for me. If you have no need for Jesus, then my heart shall grieve for you because of your blindness", says the Lord your God.
My eyes go to and fro throughout the earth, and I clearly see through this cloud of darkness. I see how massive the needs of the people are; the needs that they are blind to see. I know what you have need of before you ask, but it is the asking that I am looking for; for it is your asking that bears witness before me that you believe my words. Would a man ask for Jesus unless he truly desired to have him above his own life? Is it not also written that if you do not have, it is only because you did not ask? But what man is able to ask according to his needs if his eyes are blinded by the darkness of Satan's lies? Who blinded the eyes of my church at Laodicea, seeing that they said that they had need of nothing? My children, do you not know that it is prayers of those who have a need for me that are as a very pleasing aroma before me; for these are the words of those who are poor in Spirit and needful of Jesus. It is your need for me that prepares your heart to receive me. These are they who have learned how to pray, knowing that their words will stir up my love for them. It is the words of the poor and needy that open the door of my heart and allow for me to pour forth my love, my spirit, my gifts, as well as all of the blessings that I yearn to give to you. These are they who know that all that they have need of is Jesus; for Jesus, believes all things and he is well able to supply all that which you lack and provide for all your needs. But who will allow for their hearts to become poor and needy? Who will allow for their hearts to look to me to supply that which you lack and to provide for those things which you have need of? Only acknowledge your total dependency upon me and watch me fill your house, the temple of your body, with the light of life, the glory of God. Remember, it is the daily prayers of the poor and needy that stir up my love for you, and I will surely fill your hearts and your minds with all of the riches of my glory.
I am coming to each one of you; but when I come, will I find your faith filled with the hopes and the promises that I have given to you? I will gladly give myself to those who desire to have me. When you desire to have me, it is then that you allow for me to satisfy the desires that are within me to show you the greatness of the love that I have for you. I yearn to do you good and to give you peace in all things. I have told you before, and I am telling you again, "I love all men, but I am only able to show favor to those who honor me by believing my words". Have I not told that it is not you that is waiting on me, but it is I who is waiting on you? I am waiting for you see the massive need that you have for Jesus. I am waiting to pour out my Spirit upon you; and that Spirit is the fullness of my son Jesus Christ. I yearn to pour forth all of my Spirit upon you. When you allow for me to bless you, then all that I am asking for in return is that you thank me with a grateful heart. Be thankful and ask for mercy; for all of my gifts, my works, and my blessings are given to you in mercy. Ask for my mercy, for it will allow for me to provide for all of your needs and supply all of your lack. Ask, and it shall be given to you.
Therefore, be not afraid to believe my words, neither let not your fears hinder you from coming to me, lest you allow for the darkness to deceive you into believing that you have no need for me today. I have no desire to withhold any of my blessings or gifts from you, and neither do I have any desire to harm you, but you have believed many lies concerning these things. I love you with all of my being", says the Lord. "As I have declared before, it is impossible for me to love anyone above another because my love is pure towards all, without any partiality. It is Satan who has planted these wicked seeds in you, his lies about me. Did not Satan tell Eve that it was I that had lied to her and Adam? Yet, was it not Satan who had lied to Eve? Did not Satan seek to deceive my people Israel by telling them that I had brought them out into the wilderness with the intention to destroy them? Who is it that deceives my people into believing that I desire to condemn you for your sins and weaknesses? Who is it that lies to my people saying that I will bless others but I will not bless you? There is no truth in Satan, nor is there any truth in any of those lying spirits that men believe as easily as the air that they breathe.
It was strange, I was still in this vision with these dry bones all around me, and in that vision, I am remembering that which the Lord had revealed to me about the darkness, that it consisted only of the lies of Satan. Then the Lord spoke to me and said, "Son of man, do you see these dry bones scattered though out this valley? These bones belong to my remnant, that precious few who have believed the counsels of my word. These are and they have followed after me. Son of man, do you know what valley this is that you are standing in the midst of? This is the valley of the shadow of death, the valley where I reveal all of the illusions of Satan's lies to those who seek for my truth. Do you not remember that I my word declares that the law was only a shadow of the good things to come; and that the knowledge of that law was only a form of the truth that was to come (Heb.10:1/Rom. 2:17-20/I Cor.8:2)? These bones belong my precious elect, those who sought to know the righteousness of my truth. These are they who willing followed my Spirit into this valley; for it is in this valley that I reveal my truth to those who took up their crosses for the destruction of the evil lies of Satan; those illusions of darkness that are masked to appear as the light.
When my elect followed me into this valley, they did so without even knowing that there natural senses had been completely corrupted with Satan's lies. They did not even know the error of their way because that way seemed right in their own eyes. They had eyes, but they were not yet able to see; they were so corrupted in their sight, that just like all men, they greatly esteemed those things which are an abomination in the sight of God (Luke 16:15). They had ears, but they could not hear and discern my voice (Job 33:14). They had wisdom and understanding, but it was there own understanding and wisdom that had perverted them (Isa.47:10), blinding them to see any other way than their own as being the right way. They had tongues, but they were only able to express and speak the vain words of their own opinions. When I led my elect into this valley, they were still breathing in these lies of Satan as naturally and as easily as though they were as the air that is breathed.
Son of man, do you now see any life on these bones? Do you see these bones breathing in the lies of Satan? When I led my elect into this valley, they had not yet taken off the old man which is corrupted by the natural senses and the natural desires that the flesh has to believe the lies of Satan (Eph.4:21-25. Just as you see these bones scattered throughout this valley, so also were my own elect as a scattered sheep when they were led into this valley. Though there was lip service among them, there was no unity among them, for each one of them was walking in that corrupt way that seems right in his own eyes (Isa.53:11IProv. 21:2). How shall any man who sees his own ways as right be able to see the error of his way unless he his seeking after that way which is right in the sight of God? Do you see that when a man's sight is corrupted by his own wisdom, he is only able to believe that his way is the more righteous way to walk in? When I led my elect into this valley they were blind and ignorant, not knowing that they were proud and esteeming those things which are an abomination in the sight of God. Neither did my elect know that they were trusting in themselves for strength, and leaning on their own understanding for interpretation of the scriptures; trusting in their own doctrines more than they were trusting in me. When I led my elect into this valley, they were also blind to see that they were self-righteous.
When my spirit led my children into this valley, it was for their correction; and when I correct my children, I destroy and change powers, principalities, rulers, and spirits. I redeem that which is corrupt and natural with that which is incorrupt and of my Spirit. Again, it is in the valley of the shadow of death that manifest the works of darkness so that I may destroy all of the lies of Satan; for remember, it is not the man that is corrupt but it is his senses that have been corrupted by Satan's lies. It is in this valley that I bring forth the light of my truth to destroy the shadows and the illusions of darkness that have deceived my people as they have appeared as the light. I am the light and I am the truth, and only I able to correct the hearts and the minds of my people because only I am able see into the darkness. Is it not written that when I come to you, I bring to light the hidden lies of darkness and I manifest the counsels of the heart (I Cor.4:5)? My elect are those who have received my correction; those who have come before me and asked for me to judge their hearts and their minds, willingly giving unto me their permission to correct them (I Cor. 11:31). I am the light, and only I am able to reveal the darkness that appears as the light. Only I am able to reveal the lies that have taken on the form of the truth. Only I am able to lead you away from the way of death and destruction that appears as the right way in the sight of those who remain wise in their own eyes. Only by my light are the evil deeds and the dead works of corruption made manifest (John 3:19-21). I correct all those whom I love, those who are seeking after my heart as well as for my kingdom. These bones that you see, they belong to my elect, those who by my light have overcome all of the powers of darkness; those illusions of darkness that appear as the light and seem right in the sight of those who senses remain corrupted by the darkness. My elect have overcome the darkness because they have followed me; and I am the way, truth, and the life.
Son of man, you know that it is written that the sins of the flesh are manifest for all to see, but have you not wondered how the darkness is able to appear as the light? Have you not also wondered how Satan is able to appear as an angel of light, tempting my people with deceitful lies that appear as the truth? Have you not said, "How is it possible for the darkness to appear as the light?" Well I ask you, "How is it possible for my word to declare that there is not man who is righteous in my sight (Rom.3:10), yet all men only have eyes that see their own ways, their own decisions, and their own judgments as being right (Prov. 21:2)? Do you now understand why those who are wise in their own eyes, they never acknowledge me in any of their ways because they are always deceived into believing that their way, the way that seems right (Prov.16:25), is more righteous than my ways", says the Lord. "Do you still wonder how great the darkness is that lies upon the entire earth? What part of man's life does a man live that he does not live by those things which he believes to be right? Is not every aspect of his life, his job, his religion, how to structure and raise a family, his finances, his pleasures, the food that he eats, his politics, as well as all of the words that he speaks directed by that which he believes is right? What man does not see his own righteousness as the light which life should be lived according to? What man does not also judge and measure the lives of others according to those things which he believes his right? Just as you see these bones are scattered about the floor of this valley so also were my sheep as a scattered flock when they entered into this valley because each one walked in his own way (Isa.53:11), doing that which was right in his own eyes. There was neither agreement nor unity among them by reason of the darkness that had corrupted their wisdom (I Cor.3:1-3/ James 3:14-16).
These bones that you see around you, these are the bones of my elect, those who have acknowledged me as their Lord, and who have sought from me for my wisdom so that they may know that which is right in my sight (Matt. 6:33/Prov.8:12,20). My righteousness is that abundant life which cannot be measured or contained by any of thoughts”, says the Lord. "For all that which is right in my sight is impossible for men to even think or to do. Is it not written that I said, "My thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways (the way that seems right in your own eyes) are not my ways; for as high as the heavens are above the earth are my ways above your ways, and my thoughts above your thoughts"? On one occasion I might find it right to part the sea for you so that you might reach the other side; while on another occasion, I might just tell you to walk across the top of sea. Is that way which is right in your sight better than the way which is right in my sight?" says the Lord.
My elect are those who believe on me, and they have humbled their hearts before me and given unto me the liberty to do unto them that which is right in my sight because they trust that I will always do that which is good because they know that I love them. My elect have not bound me up with the foolishness of men's rules, or men's traditions, or men's ordinances, or men's doctrines, as though I should bow my knee and worship their vain idols. And neither do my elect tempt me, directing me to that which seems right in their own eyes. My elect do not limit me because they know that when they give me the freedom to be their God, then I shall perform for them those things which are exceedingly abundantly above any of those things which they were able to think or to ask (Eph.3:20). To all those who turn to me, my goodness and my love will always lead them to repentance, to turn them from the darkness of Satan's lies to the light of my truth which sets free; from the power of Satan to the power of God (Acts 26:16-18), so that I may do you good. Son of man, do you see any disagreement or arguing among these bones? Do you see these bones breathing in those lying counsels that deceive men into believing that there their ways are more righteous than God's ways?
Son of man, do you wonder if there is any other manner that the darkness is able to appear as the light? You know that it is written that it is impossible for any man, through the work of any of his own efforts, to bring forth any righteousness that is acceptable in the sight of God (Rom.9:31,32/Gal. 2:16). Yet, even to this day, are not many of my people deceived into believing that they are able to justify themselves with their own works (Luke 18:9-14)? Do you think that Satan has ceased from trying to deceive my people with this device which has worked so well for him until this day? Is it not written that many who have called me Lord and have called themselves by name, are going to stand before me; and when I ask them to give account for the gift that was given unto them, they will then instead begin to give an account of their own works and efforts instead? Shall not many say, "Lord, have we not preached the gospel in your name (Phil. 1:16/Gal.1:6-9)? Shall not many say, "Lord, have we not cast out demons in your name? Shall not many say, "Lord have we not prophesied in your name (Jer.23:21)?" Shall not many say, "Lord, have we not done many wonderful works in your name (Matt.7:21-23)? Do you see how these were deceived, yielding to those the lies of Satan's illusions which turn my people away from me, deceiving them into following after their own works rather than allowing for me to make them my workmanship?
Son of man, do you see any of these bones covered with the works of the law, or with any efforts of their own hands? Did not my servant Paul account his own works, that which he once considered to be of great value, to be nothing but dung after I opened his eyes were opened to see the truth about the darkness that he was walking in (Phil.3:8-10)? Do you see how my light was able to make those works which Paul once trusted in to be nothing but foolishness after his eyes were opened to see that which is right in my sight? Shall I not do the same for all those who turn to me, asking for me to open their eyes to see my truth? Shall not my goodness, my mercy, and my love lead them to repentance, to turn from these lies unto my truth? But again I ask you, how hard is it for a man to disagree with that which he sees and trust in to be right?
Son of man, are you still wondering what other devices that Satan has up his sleeve that blinds the eyes of my people so that they might account the darkness to be the light? Is it possible for any man who is deceived to know that he is deceived? Do you not know that that those things which are illusions, they always lies that give the perception that they are the truth or they are always errors that give the perception of being that which is right. Satan himself is always giving the perception that he is an angel of light; and his demons are always giving the perception that they are ministers of righteousness. The grievous wolves, those false prophets and false teachers, they are always giving off the perception that they are one of the sheep. All of these things only exist in this fallen world because the darkness has corrupted all of the senses of man; and there is not one man among you who is able to discern the light from the darkness that appears as the light. In truth, that which is corrupt will always desire that which is corrupt rather than that which is true (Jer.5:30,31; Isa.30:9-13/II Tim.4:3,4). No man would give his mind to any one of these perceptions except that his senses were corrupted by darkness, where the illusions of Satan always give the perception that they are something other than what they really are. Do you think that any of my people would willingly believe any of these lies if they knew in their hearts that they were the illusions of Satan's lies? Satan's power is not found in the lies that he fathers, but rather his power is found in the illusions that he deceives with. Do you not see how through the illusions of the lies he spoke to Adam and Eve, he was able to take that which was forbidden and evil and make it to appear in their sight as something desirable and pleasurable? Do you now see how through these lying illusions, darkness gained it's entrance into the hearts and the minds of my people? Have I not come as a light into this world, that true light that has power to destroy the powers of darkness that give the illusion and perception that they are the light?
Ephesians 5:14 "Wherefore he says, "Awake you that sleep, and arise from the dead (the carnal mind), and Christ shall give you light"
There are two ways of power and there are two ways of doctrine. One is the way of light, and the other is the way of darkness that appears as the light. The way of darkness is that way which always seems right in the sight of those who are corrupted. It is in the way of darkness that the letter of the word is an illusion that appears as the truth of the word. Son of man, there is no illusion that is of any stronger delusion than when Satan uses the scriptures themselves to deceive the hearts and the minds of my people (II Cor.2:17KJ)." Thus says the Lord, "Do you think that Satan plays by some unwritten rule that says the scriptures are off limits unto him? When I was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, did not Satan himself come to tempt me using the scriptures themselves in his attempt to entice me to follow after my counsel? My sheep know my voice, and they only follow after me. Seeing that it is also written, "No servant is above his master", then do you not know that Satan is also going to tempt my people in the same manner that he tempted me?
Did you not believe me when I said that I alone am the light that overcomes the darkness? Be not afraid, my son, and neither be grieved that you cannot overcome the darkness of yourself; but be of good cheer, for I have overcome all of these enticing illusions. No man would be grieved to hear these things except that he believed that I was a liar and would not reveal my truth unto you. Is it not my will for all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (I Tim.2:4)? I am always there for you and I am always there ready to reveal the truth to you when you come asking for my truth. I am the truth that reveals the lies. I am the righteousness that reveals the iniquity. Did you think that you would be able to overcome any of these illusions without first coming to me? I love you, and I am always there for you when you come to me, asking for me to lead you in the right way. I will not fail any of those who come to me.
The letter of the word is that interpretation of the scriptures that has been corrupted by reason of man's understanding and man's knowledge. How can any understanding, any wisdom, or any knowledge that has been corrupted by man's senses bring forth anything that is not corrupt (Matt.7:17-20/Matt.12:33-37)? It is the interpretation that is brought forth by those who lean on their own understanding that men account for the truth. Though it as a form of the truth, it is only the lies of Satan inhabiting the word that is seen; to deceive the hearts of the simple. This interpretation is powerless to change the intents and the desires of the hearts and the minds of my people, and neither does it have power to bring forth any of the fruits of the Spirit (Matt.13:23). The only power that the letter of the word has is that power which man supplies though his own works and efforts; and not that power which comes from above. Have I not given to you all good counsel when I said, "Do not be wise in your own eyes nor lean on your own understanding (Prov.3:5-7)? Is it not written that I will liberally give my wisdom to all those who seek and ask for it (James 1:5/Prov.2:6)? Those who have not are those who asked not. It is the illusion of the letter of my word that my people are snared by their own opinions, esteeming their own thoughts of the scriptures rather than my thoughts of the scriptures", says the Lord. "This is that strong delusion that blinds them that steals the heart of my people, leaving them with no affection to love my truth or any desire to seek for my righteousness (II Thes. 2:7-12). But my sheep are my elect who watched out for the thief, asking me to guard their hearts for them. My sheep hear my voice, and they know and understand my speech (John 8:43), and they will not follow after any other voice.
I have called many who do not believe that Satan lusts to have each one of you. Did I not warn Peter that Satan desired to have him (Luke 22:31)? I told that the thief was coming, and when he comes to you, his only desire is to entice and seduce you with his illusions of lies, to rob you of any affection that you may have to know my truth. For it is only my truth that has power to set you free from your bondage to the darkness of Satan's lies, that which corrupts all of your senses. Satan has no power over any except those who believe his lies. Did I not warn you that the letter of the word would be an instrument that Satan would use against you to deceive you (John 10:10/II Cor.3:6)?
I did not come into this world to change the law (Matt.5:18/ Rom.8:3,4/ II Cor.3:14-17), but rather I came into this world to change that which corrupts my laws and my words (Isa.47:10/Jude 10). Did you not believe me when I said to my people, "You will always err because you do not know and understand the scriptures, nor the power of God (Matt. 22:29)"? If your thoughts are not my thoughts, then how shall you understand my laws and words when you apply your thoughts to my words? Are not there many who promise liberty to others, but they themselves are still captive to the darkness; the same darkness that has corrupted my word (II Pet.3:19)? Those who remain captive to the carefully crafted lies of Satan, do they not still believe that the letter of the word is truth? Where is there freedom? Why are they still held in bondage to their own carnal thoughts: anxiety, confusion, hatred, doubts, unbelief, pride, fornication, depression, guilt, loneliness, worry, envy, disappointments, misery, hypocrisy, self-condemnation, as well as unto all of the dead works of corruption. What man is able to see and understand that he is still held in captivity to these thoughts because he has applied his corrupt thoughts to my words? Do you now see how Satan uses the letter of the word to appear as the truth, making the darkness to appear as the light?
Have I not given unto you the gift of my Holy Spirit? Do you not understand that it is only by the power of my Spirit that you shall be redeemed from the corruptible senses of your own wisdom, your own knowledge, and your own understanding (I Pet.1:18,22)? My Spirit consists of the spirit of my wisdom and my understanding, the spirit of my counsel and my might, and the spirit of my knowledge and the fear of the Lord (Isa.11:1-3); For the man who is filled with my spirit, my thoughts have become his thoughts. Do you think that a man is able to be filled with my truth if he has not first been filled with the Spirit of the Lord? There is nothing corruptible in my Spirit, and my Spirit is my gift unto you. My Spirit is well able to teach you all truth, and you have no need for any man to teach you my truth (John 16:13/I John 2:27), for I am always faithful to those who believe my words; those who ask for me to teach them through my Spirit? I do not teach through intelligence, but rather through the revelation that comes when the spirit of knowledge enters into you. I am well able to open your understanding to understand the scriptures (Luke 24:45)? Do you not believe that I would not delight in doing this unto all who draw near to me, asking for me to teach them as a father teaches his son? What Father who loves his son does not delight in teaching his son? Does not every father who loves his son also delight in teaching his son so that he may be like unto him?
You know that it is written that every man has knowledge, but there is no truth in the letter of the word, that which is formed out of the opinions of man (I Cor.8:1,2). Is it possible for carnal knowledge, or natural understanding, or the wisdom that is of this world to have power to set you free from the death that rules over the thoughts of the carnal mind (Rom. 8:6), seeing that these are the 3 fleshy principles from which all carnal thoughts forth from? Son of man, did you not know that man using his best intelligence, that which comes forth from these 3 fleshy principles, will never be able to yield anything more than an opinion? Did you not know that no man's opinion ever agrees with the truth of God, seeing that they come forth from your own thoughts? Do not men, by nature, lean on their own understanding and trust in the wisdom that gives interpretation to the sight of his own eyes? Who is he expresses his own opinion that does not believe that there is some truth in that which he speaks? Did you not know that opinions are nothing more than disguises? Disguises that are nothing more than illusions that are created to conceal the ignorance that is hidden within?
Do you see how Israel, ignorant of my truth, established their own righteousness by applying their own thoughts to my words (Rom.10:2,3)? How could they have established any other righteousness other than which comes forth of the letter of the word, seeing that they were blind by their own wisdom to see the righteousness of my truth (II Cor.3:14-17)?. Son of man, did you know that those who walk according to the letter of the word, they do not walk according to my Spirit, and seeing that they do not walk according to my Spirit, they are not subject to the desires of my Spirit, but those desires which are of the Devil (John 8:44). Only the spirit of my truth has power to set you free from the desires that are birthed out of the letter of the word (John 8:31,32). Remember that which is written, that it is the letter which kills? When the hypocrites brought before me the woman who was caught in the act of adultery, did they not all see this occasion as an opportunity to satisfy such desires that are of the Devil(John 8:1-12)? You know that the Devil only exist to satisfy his own desires; the desires to accuse, to find fault with, to condemn, to destroy, and to kill, whether it be with a sword or by the sword of the tongue.
You know that which is written, "He that says that he is in the light and hates or thinks evil of his brother, is still in the darkness. He that loves his brother abides in the light, and there is no occasion that is able to make him stumble. But he that hates his brother is in darkness, and walks in darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes (I John 2:9-11). How has the darkness blinded their eyes but that it appears as the light by the letter of the word? Do you see how the hypocrites, having corrupted my word with their natural senses, were then able to use the letter of the word to satisfy the corrupt desires within them, just as the Devil himself also would have done? Is it not written that Satan, at this very moment, is standing before the throne of God, finding fault and accusing the saints before me day and night (Rev.12:10)? Do you think that Satan believes that he is wasting his time in doing that which he is doing? Do you believe that these Jews were thinking that they were doing anything that was not right in the sight of God?
I came as a light into the darkness, and I neither judged nor accused any man (John 8:15). Do you not think that there is any man who judges and accuses another, as these Jews did, that believes that he is doing the works of the Devil? Have you judged yourself? Is the light that is within you darkness? Do not all those who walk in darkness, still subject to believe the letter of the word, believe that they are justified when they judge the world? Do you now see how Satan is able to use the letter of the word as an instrument to satisfy his hateful desires; judging, accusing, finding fault, condemning, and killing? Did I not tell you not to marvel when you saw Satan able to transform himself into an angel of light, and his demons transforming themselves into ministers of righteousness? Do you now understand how Satan is able to craft the letter of the word so that the darkness of his lies appears as the truth of God?
Son of man, do you believe that I am going to be mocked by those who walk in darkness? Do you think that those who judge others are going to escape the condemnation that awaits all those who do such things? Did I not warn you not to judge others, for with the judgment that you use to judge others, that is the judgment that my heavenly Father is going to use to judge you when you are judged? Do you not see how crafty Satan is? You know that it is written that Satan is powerless to destroy your body and your soul in hell, but do you think that Satan is wasting his time in tempting my people to do those things which will cause my heavenly Father to destroy their body and soul in hell? Do you see how Satan tempted those Jews to judge and condemn that woman caught in the act of adultery? Do you see clearly how Satan made the darkness to appear as the light, seeing that those Jews thought they were doing a righteous deed, not knowing that they were only bring destruction and condemnation upon themselves? Do you see how their corrupted senses worked with the letter of the word to accomplish that which Satan desired to bring upon them? I am not going to be mocked, for those who judge without mercy, they are surely going to be judged without mercy (James 2:13). How is it possible for those in bondage to keep from judging others when their heart desires to do so? How shall a man escape this condemnation except that he first asks for me to redeem his judgment of others with the spirit of my love?
Zephaniah 3:14 "Sing, O daughter of Zion. Shout, O Israel. Be glad and rejoice with all of your heart, O daughter of Jerusalem. For the Lord has taken away your judgments, he has cast out your enemy. The king of Israel, the Lord is in the midst of you. You shall not see evil anymore".
Those who use the scriptures to judge others with, who tempted them? Those who use the scriptures to glorify themselves, who tempted them? Those who use the scriptures to boast of their righteous works, who tempted them? Those who use the scriptures to express their own opinions, who tempted them? Those who use the scriptures to fast and pray so that they may be seen, who tempted them? Do you see how Satan uses the letter of the word to be nothing but a stage to act out the corrupt desires of the flesh? Do you now also understand how Satan uses false prophets and false teachers to teach the letter of the word so as to deceive my people with the darkness that appears as the light? These are those teachers and ministers who will never appear before the throne of God as Daniel did, asking to know the truth of God's words. Why would my people allow for themselves to be deceived by such ministers unless they desired to hear such words se ministers first clothed themselves in hypocrisy, disguising themselves with an outward appearance that agrees with the letter of the word? Do see now clearly see how these wolves clothed as sheep, lead my people astray, following after that darkness which appears as the light?
Is it possible for those who walk in darkness to have any other desires than that which is of the darkness? Is it not written, "Awake and rise from the dead, and I shall gladly give to all who desire to receive me my light (Eph. 5:14). My witnesses are my elect, those who have crucified unto themselves all of the corrupt desires that are aroused by the letter of the word (Rom.7:5 KJ). My elect walk in the light of my love. It is only my elect that I have given authority to judge because they have been freed from the desires of the Devil who only judges to do evil. My elect judge just as I judged the woman caught in the act of adultery. These are my witnesses, who speak my truth in love; and the fruits of their judgment are the same fruits as mine: forgiveness, love, mercy, compassion, healing, and hope. Son of man, do you see any beams in the eyes of these bones that are before you? These are my elect, those who have removed that beam from out of their eyes whereby the darkness of hate had once appeared unto them as the light. Even unto this very moment, if my people will turn who walk in darkness will turn from these wicked works, and turn back to me, then you can be assured that my goodness and my love will lead them to repentance, and they will no longer walk in this darkness that they once thought was the light. But will a man repent of those wicked works when he believes that they are right?
As many stars as there are in the heavens above, so also are there as many opinions of my word among those who walk according to the letter of my word. Do you not see all of the different sects, and ordinances, and denominations, and doctrines, and traditions that are among my people? Son of man, my heart is grieved and saddened because none of the divisions are of my Spirit; for my Spirit is one, and I am that Spirit. There is one truth, and I am that truth. There is one light, and I am that light", says the Lord. "Where do all of these divisions come from except by the letter of the word, that which allows for men to apply their own understanding to the scriptures for their own peculiar interpretations; that which they only see as right? Look at the separations that the darkness has brought among my people. Do you now see how Satan uses the letter of the word to bring this separation and division among my people, while my Spirit only works to bring oneness and unity? Son of man, do you think that you can find me one man among them who does not believe that the darkness within him is the light? Do you not marvel at how easily deceived my people are (Gal.1:6/Gal.3:1-3)? There shall be much weeping and gnashing of the teeth among those who allowed for themselves to be deceived (Eph.5:6/Ps.94:11/Job 35:16).
Isaiah 65:2 "I have spread out my arms all the day to a rebellious people who walk in a way that is not good, after their own thoughts. A people who continually provoke me to anger…"
Watch these bones, O son of man, watch. Listen to my voice as you watch these bones. Will you allow for me to show you more of Satan's devices, those illusions that he devises to make his darkness to appear as my light? What do you see son of man? Do not these bones appear to belong to those who are dead? I tell you that he who is wise in his own eyes will always trust that all things are as they appear to be. Satan loves to deceive the hearts of the simple, for it is through appearances that Satan is able to make the darkness to appear as the light. Again, is not Satan able to transform himself, the prince of darkness, into an image that appears in the sight of men as an angel of light? Are not his demons also able to transform themselves until they appear as ministers of righteousness? Are not the grievous wolves able to transform themselves until they appear as one of the sheep of the flock? You live in a world of illusions; a world that says, "If it walks like a duck, if it looks like a duck, and if it sounds like a duck, then it is surely a duck". But I say unto you that any man who leans on his own natural senses for such discernment, he is already deceived by Satan, seeing that he has already transformed himself into that image that is pleasing in man's sight. It is here that Satan uses the letter of the word joined together with outward appearances to bring forth the image that hypocrites delight in; that image that appears to walk like a Christian, look like a Christian, and sound like a Christian, even thinking within themselves that they must surely be Christians. It is here that Satan entices with words and seduces with the beautiful appearances of hypocrisy. It is with these beautiful outward appearances that the hypocrite has clothed himself in the fashion of this world (Phil.2:7,8); and those who have crucified the world unto themselves shall not be found clothed in any such fashion.
The hypocrite is he whose wisdom has been corrupted, and though he has eyes, he is it not able to see as God sees. For it is as it is written, "Man does not see as God sees; for man looks on the outward appearances while God looks on the heart (II Samuel 16:7)". The hypocrite is far more concerned about his appearance, that which is seen by men, than he is about his heart which is seen by God. Seeing that the hypocrite does not believe my word which speaks in this wise, "Truly, every man at his best state is only vanity (Psalm 39:11)", he spends his days trying to make that which is vanity to appear righteous and beautiful in the sight of men. Do you see how hypocrisy (play-acting) is nothing but illusion that has been well crafted to appear as righteousness in the sight of man? Do you see how even Samuel, having not yet received the gift of the Spirit, also erred when he tried to select according to appearances who he thought that the Lord God would anoint to be the next king over his people Israel? Do you see how by use of his corrupted senses, Samuel chose a man who appeared to be the most qualified to be king; the one who seemed to appear most like a king, walk most like a king, and the one who seemed to most sound like a king? Do you see how Samuel, uses his own senses for discernment, chose a man who God rejected, and how God, using his spiritual senses, chose a man who Samuel had rejected? If then Samuel, that righteous prophet and priest of God, was deceived by his own corrupt senses, then how much more shall those be deceived who judge and account the outward appearances of hypocrisy to be righteousness of God (John 7:24)?
Do not the hypocrites pray to be seen in the sight of men? Do not hypocrites fast to be seen in the sight of men? Do not the hypocrites declare their righteous works before men so that they may appear righteous in the sight of men? Do hypocrites judge and condemn sinners in the sight of men as though they themselves have no sin? Do not hypocrites desire the same glory and praise as that which Lucifer also desired; yet, it only led to his fall from heaven? Do not the hypocrites desire to be seen as exalted above others, as though they were not as other men? Do not the hypocrites love to speak of themselves, expressing their own opinions and boasting of their own goodness? Do not the hypocrites follow after doctrines that are according to the letter of the word; doctrines that exalt the man with his works, his efforts, his wisdom, and his abilities, and leave out the works of God, as well as his wisdom and love? Do not the hypocrites love to speak flattery so that they may win the hearts of the simple? Truly, they praise me with their mouths and they honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me because of the affections that they for the outward beauty of hypocrisy and the appearances of the self-righteous. Do you now see how all of these deeds and works are performed to deceive the hearts of men with appearances; appearances whereby the darkness is able to pretend that it is light? Son of man, do you see any appearances of outward beauty on these bones? Do you see these bones clothed with the fashion of this world, hypocrisy?
II Corinthians 4:16 Though our outward man perish, our inward man is renewed day by day…we do not look at the things which are seen, but the things which are not seen.
There is a faith that stands in the wisdom of men, and there is a faith that stands in the power of God (I Cor.2:4,5). How could that which is corrupt bring forth anything that is not corrupt? The faith that stands in this corrupted wisdom, it is the faith that also has an appearance of righteousness because it stands on an outward show of man's works, man's abilities, man's strength, man's doctrines, man's will, man's goodness, man's counsel, man's determinations, and man's power. It is here where the letter of the word and the outward appearances are joined together to deceive the hearts of my people; for this is that faith where there is a total absence of God performing any of his words or fulfilling any of his promises? It is by this illusion of faith that men speak of their own works and deeds (Matt.7:22), rather than to testify of the works that God performs in their hearts and minds (Ps.105:2/Ps.106:2 /Ps.145:8-17).
Do you see how this is just another illusion that goes hand in hand with the letter of the word, and that the faith that stands in the wisdom of man (I Cor.2:5), it is a faith that stands in the corruption of Satan's lies? It is here that many are deceived into believing that the faith that is established on the strength, on the power, and on the abilities of men is the faith that God requires. Is not this the same faith that deceived Peter when he thought that he had the strength within him to follow me into prison and the power to die for me (Luke 22:31-34)? Do you see how this illusion of faith deceived Peter into believing that he had strength of himself to do those things? I knew that which Peter did not know; I knew the truth about the lies that had deceived Peter and this is why I was able to say to him that before the cock would crow again, he would have denied that he even knew me. O, how great are these illusions of faith that appear in the hearts of men to deceive them? Do you see how this illusion of faith only stands on the zeal of man for strength and power, and not in the power of God?
Do you see how this illusion of faith seems good until as long as the circumstances and the situations remain within the limits of that which a man is able to keep control and power over? But the very moment that these circumstances and situations go beyond those limits, this faith, just like a mirage, will crumble and fade away just as the house crumbles that is built upon the sand (Matt.7:26,27)? For when the waves beat on it and the winds blow against it, the house falls, and great is that fall. So also shall it be with those whose faith stands in the corrupt wisdom of Satan's lies. This is that faith which is completely useless when the day of evil comes (Eph.6:10-13) because it does not stand in the power of God's might. Yet, have I not appointed the day of evil, those times of trial and temptation, to reveal unto you the lies that shall not stand when your house is shaken? How else could a man repent of these lies unless he was able to see the worthlessness of that faith, just as Peter saw how worthless his faith was?
Thus says the Lord, "That faith which is not of me cannot stand in fiery trials, for the fire proves whose work your faith is built upon; whether it be upon the lies of your own zeal or upon the power of God. True faith is not that which you have when you are tried by fire, but rather it is that faith which comes forth out of the fiery furnace (I Peter 1:6,7); the faith that is purified when a man repents of his fears, his doubts, and unbelief. Is it not in these adversities, these storms of life, that your fears, your doubts, and your unbelief are revealed before your eyes? Are not these lies only revealed after your own faith has failed you? Just like Peter, did I not also correct all of my disciples for being weak in their faith, of being of little faith, and, at times, for having no faith at all in me? When my disciples were with me in that boat, and that great storm arose, did it not reveal unto my disciples that they were fearful because they did not believe that I was sovereign over that storm, nor did they have any belief that I loved and cared enough for them that I would do anything on their behalf? Do you see how in the day of evil, it is day when Satan desires to do you evil, tormenting and troubling your thoughts; but it is also a day that I will do good to those who faith allows for them to turn to me and call upon my name? I only desire to do you good, to destroy these illusions of faith that have been rooted your heart through Satan's lies. I love it when you call upon my name, asking for me to prove my love for you in these times of trial and temptation.
Whose power calmed the seas and stilled the wind for my disciples? O son of man, whose power does your faith stand on (II Cor.13:5), and who do you turn to when the circumstances and situations around you go beyond your power and your control? Whose power does your faith stand in when the storms of adversity blow through the thoughts of your own mind in their attempt to trouble you? My elect are those who have put on that faith which only stands in my power; that faith which always relies on me, and always calls upon my name in the times of trouble and temptation (Ps.34:17). The faithless believe that the shadow of death is there for their destruction while the faithful know it is in this valley that I have chosen to destroy all that is not of me; a place to destroy the well crafted illusions that Satan has made to appear as the light. Son of man, do you see any of man's zeal on these bones?
Do you now believe? Do you now believe that this world is full of darkness and that all of it's inhabitants have been infected with Satan's lies? Do you now comprehend that which I said unto you, that it is not man who is corrupt, but it is the senses of a man that have been corrupted? Do you see how well the natural senses of a man receive these lies of Satan that fill the air that you breathe? When you watch the expert craftsman working with his tools, or the experienced artist painting his pictures, do not the instruments of their trade almost appear as though they are more like natural extensions of their bodies, working in complete agreement with their own talents, rather than being some lifeless tool that itself has to be worked? Is it not just as natural and fluid for those who are carnally minded to also work with Satan's lies to bring forth the works of self-justification? What decision does a man make; or what error does a man hide; or what way does a man walk; or what desire does a man please; or what weakness does a man cover; or what work does a man do; or what word does a man speak; or what evil does a man do; or what judgment or opinion does a man form that he does not first justify in his own mind first? What man is not expertly skilled in this art of self-justification, thinking that by this craft, he is able to make right all of his deeds, all of his works, as well as all of the words that he speaks to be right? Do not the thoughts that a man is not able to justify trouble him, but the moment that he is able to justify them, he momentarily finds some peace as though he has brought forth that which is right. Do you not know that it is this skill and craftsmanship that allows for all to form their own illusions, seeing their own ways as the right way?
Do you see how through the works of self-justification, man is able to take lies, and then through skilful twisting and careful shaping, he is able to bring forth excuses, or opinions, or rationalizations, or imaginations, or distractions, or philosophies, or reasons that seem to justify all that he desires to be right? Who can resist these lies when they joined together with the desires of that corrupted wisdom to bring forth that which seems right? Remember that which I spoke unto you before, that there is no lust in the corruptible senses of man that is greater than the lust that all men have to be right in all that you do and in all that you speak. Does any man have a lust to be wrong? What man walks according to the lust to be wrong? This lust does not exist in a world where the darkness desires to appear as the light. When a man does or speaks that which is wrong, then is it not his heart then filled with fear and anxiety until he has justified himself? Do not men love to cover up their own mistakes and faults? Do not my own people seek to hide their sins and their weaknesses, even from me who knows the thoughts of the heart with it's intents and purposes? Do not men even justify themselves so as to hide the truth about themselves from their own self (Isa.58:7)? If when a man's faults and mistakes are revealed for all to see, then does he not work feverishly in his thoughts, even justifying his wrong by misplacing the blame; blaming either on circumstances or on other men?
Now I ask you, who is it that justifies himself for any other purpose other than trying to make the darkness within him to appear as the light? Which one of these works is not anything but a lying illusion constructed to appear as that which is right? Is it a hard thing for the carnally minded man to make-up an excuse or form a lie, or does it come as naturally as taking in a breath of air? Who is he who is not so skilled in the art of self-justification that he is not almost instantly able to provide a reason for the things which he does or an excuse for the errors that he makes? Is not the carnally minded man such an expert in this art of self-justification that it usually takes him only but just a few moments before he is able to make an excuse or provide a reason which will seem right in his own eyes? Is it not just as easy and natural for the carnally minded man to create his own illusions as it for the talented artist to paint his picture or for the skilled craftsman to shape his work? Self-justification is only an illusion that seems to make things right, but in truth, it is only the darkness trying to appear as the light.
I have called out to many saying, "Follow me", but using one reason or another as excuses, many have justified themselves in refusing to put my instruction above the desire they have to do their own will (Luke 9:58-62/Luke 14:16-24). Do you see how through the use of these excuses and reasons that I had no preeminence in their hearts? Do you see here how the carnal mind works not to subject itself to my voice, yet also works to justify itself in making its own counsel more righteous than mine? Is it possible for any of those who carnally minded to do my will? Many will hear my voice and attempt to hearken unto voice through the strength of their own zeal and power, and for a time, they may seem able to follow; but their zeal and strength has an end. These are they who make a sacrifice of their own efforts and their own abilities to try to perform that which was asked of them, but they have no joy nor willingness in their hearts to do so. These are they who have denied me, for is it not written that I said, "…without me you can do nothing (John 15:5)". How is it possible for that which is corrupt to do anything that is pleasing in the sight of my heavenly Father?
My sheep, those who I have led into this valley of the shadow of death, they hear my voice and they follow after me. These are they who will always first take up their crosses to die the enmity, those corrupted senses which are not subject to hearken to the voice that spoke to them. For it is as it is written, (I Cor.1:17,18) "The preaching of the cross is foolishness to them who are perishing, but unto us who are being saved, it is the power of God. For it is written, "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent". Those who take up their crosses, they know that it is better to obey than to sacrifice (I Sam.15:22). Those who sacrifice are those who do the works of their own wisdom, and being wise in their own eyes, and they find it foolish to need any of my help to perform any of those things which have been commanded of them. That which they are not able to do, they have covered with their own excuses and reasons.
Do I not delight in a willing heart and not in the strength, or in the abilities, or in the efforts of corrupt flesh (II Cor.8:12/Isa.1:19)? For those who are subject to corruption, they always make sacrifice rather than obey because their senses always have "self" as the preeminence. Yes, many will stand before me and say, "Lord, have we not prophesied and preached the gospel in your name? Lord, have we not done many wonderful works in your name?" I will reject them because they did these things according to their own will; that is, they did these things when they wanted to do them, how they wanted to them, and where they wanted to do them. These were not led by my Spirit, but they were led by the commandments of men as well as by their own corrupted desires. Those who took up their crosses, they crucified unto themselves their own wisdom and understanding, and unto them I gave them a willing heart (Ps.110:3); a heart without excuses, or fears, or reasons, or doubts, and they delight in doing my will (Ps.40:8), for I have redeemed them from their corruption with my incorruptible Spirit; and my Spirit desires to do my will. My son, do you see how true repentance (change of mind) only comes through the cross, when allow for me to destroy your corrupt wisdom and understanding and give to you my wisdom and my understanding?
Now I ask you, O son of man, is it not easy for a man to do that which his heart desires to do? So then, what does corrupt man desire more to do; to accept his own mistakes, his own faults, his own sins, and his own weaknesses or to justify them? Will he not do that which his heart desires for him to do because it is so easy for him to do it? Those who do not take up their crosses, shall they not always delight in the corruption of Satan's lies? In truth, those who justify themselves, they really are not making things right, but rather they are only covering and concealing the truth about the thoughts that are in their minds and the intents that are in their heart? You know that it is written, "Take heed that you do not deceive yourselves". Do you now see how easy it is for a man to deceive himself through the works of self-justification? Thus says the Lord, "I am so grieved with those who walk in such darkness, for they are blind to see when they cover their sins and weaknesses with these lying illusions of self-justifications, knowing not that they are denying me; that is, they have covered themselves with their own lies and not with my blood and my love, for them to be of effect unto them. The truth is that only my blood and my love is able to cover your sins and your weaknesses; but my blood and my love does not cover any of sins or weaknesses that have been covered with the lies of self-justification. O son of man, I plead with you, "Take heed that the light that is in you is not darkness".
Son of man, I have showed unto you many illusions that Satan uses in his attempts to make his darkness to appear as the light, disguising his lies so that they appear as truth. But there is one illusion that I desire to show you that is far more deceitful than the others. Does not my word testify unto you saying that it is your own heart that is deceitful "above" all things (Jer.17:9)? Does not my word also testify that it is the pride that is in your heart that deceives you (Obadiah 3)? Does not my word also confirm this truth for you with that which says, "Everyone who is proud in heart is an abomination in my sight" (Prov.16:5)? It is the pride that is in the heart of corrupt man that deceives a man into esteeming those things which God sees as an abomination. In this fallen world of darkness, there is nothing that corrupt man cherishes more than his pride (Luke 16:15); the image that he has of himself. But again, this is only an image that is established upon lying illusions.
Son of man, hearken unto me, and I will show pride unto you; for I did not create pride in a man. Have I not said unto you that unless you are converted and humble yourself as a little child, you shall not see the kingdom of God (Matt.18:3)? If I did not create man with pride in him, then where did pride come from? When Adam and Eve sinned, my Spirit departed from them; then afterwards the spirit of Satan entered into them. Is it not written that the body that is without the Spirit of the Lord is dead; that is, it has no trust, no belief, no love, no faith, no communion with God, nor does it have any desire for the Lord to reign as God over his life (James 2:26). God is not the God of the dead, but a God of the living (Matt.22:32); and those who worship God must worship him in Spirit and in truth (John 4:24). So then, the body that is filled with the spirit of pride, it is alive to believe the illusions of Satan, desiring to believe all of the lies that bring respect, or that exalt, or that glorify, or that honor, or that bring some manner of gain to "self". It is only the spirit of pride that esteems these things which God sees as abominations. For pride is that spirit that never loves anything but "self", even when it shows a display of charity, it is only done in hopes to receive something that will promote the image of "self".
For as the Holy Spirit is to my heavenly Father, so also is the spirit of pride to the Satan; for as the Holy Spirit is the power of God, so also is the spirit of pride the power of Satan. Pride is that power that wars against all things which oppose "self". Pride is only mindful and conscious of the things that pertain to "self". Do you now understand that pride is that power within that brings that opposes my instruction to my people to take up their cross and follow me; for pride is only mindful of "self"-preservation. Many honor me with lips, and they praise me with their mouths, but they worship me in vain because their hearts are far from me because the affections of pride remain within them.
Pride loves those who love them, but finds no favor with those who do not love them; and pride hates all who oppose "self". Every man is well acquainted with and familiar with these desires of pride. Everything that pride performs it does so that it may have something to boast of before others. Pride sees every circumstance and every situation as an opportunity to exercise its desires for "self". Pride seeks its own glory, its own goodness, its own fame, its own honor, its own praise, its own gain, its own greatness, and to make a name for "self". Pride loves to do that which is right in its own eyes, as well as having everyone agree with its own righteousness. Pride is offended with all who do not agree with its own righteousness. Pride loves to be in control of every circumstance and situation that arises of life. Pride lives to satisfy these desires of self, and it hates all that interfere with its desire to be in control; for pride loves to gain control over all who come into its world. Pride is the desire for you, and you only, to be god in your own little world. Pride is that power of Satan which yokes the heart of man, with its corrupt senses, with desire to believe all of these illusions of Satan's lies.
Pride is that love that is contrary to the love of God; for there is no love of "self" in the love of God, nor is there any desire in the love of God to exalt or to promote or to esteem "self". While pride separates and divides my people, it is my love that joins and unites them. Pride seeks its own (Phil.2:21) while the love of God seeks not its own (I Cor.13:5). Pride is that nature of darkness that loves to present itself as though it was light. Pride is so greatly offended by the cross that I have asked each one of you to take up to follow me, for it is through this cross, and by the power of my Spirit, that I, the Lord your God, will break this power from off my elect; those who have chosen to crucify unto themselves the spirit of Satan, the pride of man.
Again I say to you that it is by reason of this pride that many, many of your brethren will praise me with their lips, and they will honor me with their mouths, but their hearts are always far from me because of the affections for pride that is in their hearts; the love that one has to exalt the self image that he desires for "self". There is no room for me to be God in the hearts of those whose hearts are filled with the affections of pride. Son of man, there is no pride in me, and for this reason, I am able to love my elect with all of my heart and to make them the object of all my affection. How is any man able to love me with all of his heart, all of his soul, and all of his mind when his heart remains filled with the proud affections for self (Mark 12:30)? Yes, my heart rejoices for all those who take up their cross to follow me, to crucify their desires and affections (Gal.5:24),but my heart is greatly grieved because of the love that is still in my heart for those who have denied me, refusing to receive my love, to hold on to their own desires.
Those who overcome Satan, and all of his illusions whereby he makes the darkness to appear as the light, they do so by the great love that is in me that has allowed for me to shed my blood for you. They overcome Satan through their testimonies of my mercy, my works, and my power. My elect overcome Satan because they asked me to open their eyes to see the truth; the truth that reveals unto them the hidden things of darkness and the lying counsels that are in their own heart (John 3:19-21/I Cor.4:5). Then my elect hated their lives unto the death (Rev.12:11/Luke 14:26,27), the death of the cross, until the time that I breathed life into them with my Spirit. Through my truth, I redeemed my elect from their identity as the children of the Devil, those lovers of lies (John 8:44). How is it possible for any man to hate his life unless he first sees that there is something in his life to hate? Though faith in my power and in my love, my elect have overcome the world with all of its ungodly desires for "self" (I John 5:4/I John 2:15-17). My elect know me, they know that I, the Lord their God, is he who only has the power to break Satan's yoke from off of them, to destroy the pride that loves to believe Satan's lies. But who will hear?
Son of man, do you see any appearances of beauty on these bones that you desire for yourself or any righteousness upon them that you esteem? Do you see any faith on these bones that boasts of themselves? Do you hear these bones crying out for their opinions to be heard? Do you see any of these bones exalted above or lifted higher than any of the other bones? Do you see any famous names, or honorable reputations (Phil.2:7), or any fancy smancy titles (Job 32:21,22) written on these bones to puff them up? Son of man, do these bones appear dead to you? No, no, no, no, my son! For this is the illusion that the world cannot see, for these bones only appear to be dead because they have died to all of the corrupted senses of this world, which the fallen live their lives according to; and the corrupt see the elect’s lives to be as nothing but foolishness. In this fallen world of darkness, every day is a day of "deja-vu"; that is, every day is like the day before, always seeking to satisfy the same desires that were sought to be satisfied the day before. The hope of the children of darkness is that tomorrow will be a better day than today; but the hopes of tomorrow fade away as tomorrow becomes today. There is nothing new in this world, just the same lies of Satan, daily clothed with different garments that are of the fashion of the world; garments that entice and seduce, but leave you as empty of life as the lies of yesterday and tomorrow; nothing new.
It is not so with my elect, for my elect have discovered the illusion about taking up their cross; for illusion is that the cross will bring death, but in truth, the cross is that instrument that I have chosen to bring abundant life into the hearts and the minds of my people. This is that one illusion of Satan where, with his lies, he tries to make the light to appear as the darkness. Though fears, doubts, uncertainty, confusion, and through the letter of the word, Satan tries to terrify the hearts of my people to keep them from taking up their crosses. The cross is about dying to the corrupt senses that desire to believe that his lying illusions are truth. No harm comes to those who take up their crosses; for through the cross I bring forth abundant life and liberty and freedom. My elect know that those things which they have sown will only be able to bring forth the life that they desire to have after they have died to these lying illusions; for no man can serve two masters. My elect, seeking for my righteousness and my truth (Hosea 10:12,13), have sown unto themselves my words and my promises, and they know that it is not possible for any of these fruits of life to come forth until I breathe my Spirit in them. Those who sow to the flesh shall reap the things of the flesh, the illusions of hypocrisy with its outward beauty and appearances of righteousness that bring with it the rewards of the praise and honor of those who sowed the same. Those who sow to my Spirit, they shall reap the fruits of my abundant life the, and I shall reward them with my everlasting life (Gal.6:8,9).
How shall any man escape out of this fallen world of darkness who does not take heed to my words? How shall any escape who neglect to take up the cross so that they may be saved from these lying illusions of Satan (Heb.2:3)? I led my elect into the valley of the shadow of death to slaughter before their eyes all of these lying spirits that have ruled over their thoughts with misery, failure, stress, torments, disappointments, impatience, worry, frustration, discouragement, and fear (Rom.8:20,21,36/Ps.94:11). Shall not the shepherd go before his sheep to the slaughter? Did you not know that I myself have gone before you into this valley? When I came into this world, did not I myself come in the likeness of sinful flesh (Rom.8:3-7), having those same desires that once covered these dry bones that you see? Is it not also written that when I myself found that I was clothed in the fashion of this world (Phil.2:7,8) that outward beauty of righteousness, that I took up my cross and I became obedient unto the death (Heb.5:7); for I also overcame the world through the cross that I took up daily. I also sought from my Father above for the light of his Father's truth; and by the Spirit of truth, I overcame all of these corrupt desires that the flesh has for an outward fashion that appears beautiful and righteous in the sight of all those who remain wise their own eyes.
I took up my cross and denied myself, refusing to bow before the lies of the god of this world. I took up my cross, and through death, I overcame death; the death that inhabits and rules over the thoughts of all those who are carnally minded. Daily I offered myself unto my heavenly Father, asking for him to redeem me from these corrupt senses with his Holy Spirit; the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, and the spirit of knowledge and the fear of God (Isa.11:1-3). His Spirit entering into me was my salvation from death (Heb.5:7-9). For the wisdom of this world is that harlotry of desire that steals the hearts of my people, seducing and enticing my people to turn from me, and to go awhoring after those beautiful illusions that outwardly appear good and seem right in the sight of men (Prov.7:7-10/Prov.6:32). When I offered unto my heavenly Father my wisdom, through his consuming fire, he promptly destroyed the source of desire that the corrupt senses have for things that are seen, the fashion of this world (Ps. 39:11/ Matt. 23:27,28). If the desire is destroyed, then where shall any evil deed or word come forth from? When I received my Father's wisdom, my eyes were opened to his truth, and I was made free from all desires to believe Satan's lies. It was then that I became the author of salvation unto all those who would believe on me, and follow me. Do you hear me, O son of man? I got the victory when my Father's Spirit entered me, when that Spirit as that dove descended into me after my baptism by John; for by his Spirit I overcame all of the corrupt desires and the pride that is of this world (I John 2:15-17). Through death, I became free.
Son of man, when my appointed time came, I was then manifested before my people in Israel, but was I not received by them in the same manner as one would receive these dry bones? For just as there is no beauty nor anything to be desired on these bones, so also was there no beauty or anything to be desired when I appeared (Isa.53:2,3). I and these dry bones are one; for there is no division or schism between us. I told you that when I led my elect into this valley, they were as a scattered sheep, each one doing and speaking that which seemed right in his own eyes. When I led my sheep into this valley they were also laden with the sins of unbelief and doubt (John 16:8), not believing that I would actually perform my words or fulfill my promises for them. When I brought my sheep into this valley, they were honoring me with their mouths as well as praising me with their lips, but their hearts were far from me by reason of their proud desires; and they were lovers of things of self more than lovers of the things of God. When I led my elect into this valley, though I was with them, I could not yet walk with them because there was no agreement between their thoughts and my thoughts, nor between their ways and my ways. When I led my elect into this valley, they esteemed and honored those things which God sees as abominable, and there was not one of them who could speak rightly of me (Job 42:7). Son of man, that was then and this is now; for through their cross and my blood and my power, they have crucified unto themselves unto all of these corrupt desires. Do you now understand the change that has taken place in the hearts and in their minds? Do you see how through the cross, they were made conformable to my death to this world? Do you now see that these bones, through death have now been made ready for the resurrection!
Son of man, these bones belong to those who have now become aliens to this world, dead to the lies of the ruler of this present evil world. These are my elect, those who never gave up, but have sought me daily, asking for their portion of the daily bread, the word of my truth. I heard their cries as they cried out unto me for the Spirit of life (Rom.8:2). Daily I redeemed them, little by little (Isa.28:9-11), with the revelation knowledge of my truth and with the spirit of my wisdom and understanding. I renewed their minds day by day with my Spirit transforming them into the children of light (Eph.4:23/Rom.12:2/John 12:36); shining brighter and brighter, day by day. For I desire the knowledge of my truth in the inward parts and my wisdom in the hidden parts, precious gifts from God (Ps.51:6). Daily my elect have sought for me to deliver them from the powers of darkness, freedom from the vain thoughts that inhabit the carnal mind, patiently waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God (Rom.8:18-20/Ps.94:11).
James 3:13 "Who is a wise man and the man endued with knowledge among you? Let him show out of good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom".
II Corinthians 4:6 "For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts to give the light of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ".
Son of man, look at these bones and tell me what you see. I then began to look again at all of the bones that were around me, without having any expectation to see anything other than that which I had previously seen before. But this time, as my eyes scanned across these bones, I saw the same thing that the Lord had shown me years before in another vision. I saw that all of these bones seemed to be wrapped with what at first appeared to small gold chains; chains that appeared to be much smaller in size than the chain you would find on a woman's necklace. I then walked over to get closer to one of the groups of bones, and as I knelt down to see what these chains were, I suddenly was able to see that these were not chains of gold, but rather they were letters of words; and each letter was linked with another letter, and then another, thus forming words; and each word was linked to another word, and then another word, thus forming sentences; it was all of theses letters linked together that gave it a chainlike appearance.
I then leaned in even closer to see if I could determine exactly what these words said, and I saw that they were not just any words, but rather, they were all verses of scripture from the Bible. The first one that I recognized was the verse that says, "Be confident of this very thing, for he who has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ (Phil.1:6)"; the next read, "He that believes on me, the works that I have done, he shall also do; and greater works than these shall he (John 14:12); the next one read, "The creature shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God" (Rom.8:21); and the next one read, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes on me, though he were dead, yet shall he live (John 11:25)". I then came across several chains of words that consisted of nothing but the beatitudes that Jesus spoke of at the Sermon on the Mount (Matt.5:3-12). Then, just as I was finishing reading Zechariah 4:6,"Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit", the Lord spoke to me and said, "Son of man, I ask you again, "Do not these bones appear to be hopelessly dead in your sight? Is it not written that all flesh is as the grass that dies, and the glory of men is as the flower of grass that perishes (I Pet.1:24,25). Does not my word also reveal unto you that it is the word of God that will abide forever? I say to you that these bones only appear to be dead because their fleshy senses have died and the glory of their pride has passed away. They are not dead but are only asleep, for they have the resurrection and the life for their Lord. This is my church who have humbled their hearts under my mighty hand, and now is the time that I will fulfill the promise of my word, and exalt them (I Pet. 5:6).
If I say to these bones, "Live", shall they then not live by the breath of my mouth, just as I breathed life into Adam? But how shall they live? Shall they be raised again to be subject to the corrupt desires that lust to believe Satan's lies? No, son of man, watch these bones; for I am going to do a new thing! For until this day, my elect have seen my words, they have heard my words, they have loved my words, they have believed my words, they have hoped in my words, and they have hidden my words in their hearts. My elect have held on to my words as these chains you see wrapped around these bones (Prov.2:1-5/Prov.4:20-22), that which they have held on to and trusted in unto death. Now watch, for as Satan's lies were as the air that was breathed in for life in this fallen world of darkness, now I am going to breathe my Spirit into all those words, all of those promises, and all of those hopes that my elect have held on to, waiting for me to perform for them, shall be done.
Rom.4:20,21 "Abraham not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God. And being fully persuaded that what God had promised, he was also able to perform".
No more shall my words be as a law that has spoken in your hearts saying, "You ought to do this, or, you ought not to do that". No more shall my words be as a law that says this is right and this is wrong. No more shall my words be in your heart as a law that says this is good and this is evil. No more; for when I breathe my Spirit into my words, my words shall become the passion, the desire, and the pleasure of your heart. No longer will your get weary with trying to do good, for the desire and the pleasure of your heart will only be to do good. No longer will you have to think to do that which is right, for the passion and pleasure of your heart will only be to do that which is right. No longer will your heart speak to you saying that you should forgive those who sin against you, for it will the joy and the pleasure of your heart to forgive all, and there will be no thought to say contrary. No more shall you think to love your brethren, for the passion of your heart will be not only be to love your brethren, but to love all men as I have loved them. It will be the passion of your heart to love your enemies, to do good to those who hate you, to bless those who curse you, and to be merciful to the evil and unthankful. You will no longer have to think to choose between good and evil, right and wrong, or truth and lies, for the pleasure and desire of the thoughts of your heart shall only be goodness, and truth, and righteousness. No longer shall you be bound with laws and rules that limit you, as well as God. No more shall you be tempted with any vain words or dead works, for there shall no longer be in any of you any corrupt desires to believe such lies. The passion, the pleasure, and the delight of your heart shall be abundant life; for my nature is life", says the Lord. "Now watch me as I breath "MY life into these bones; for no longer shall death have any entrance into your heart and mind; and you shall be made free from all things which offend, or that trouble, or that injure, or that grieve, or that hurt, or that which brings sorrow. Abundant life shall be the nature and the master of your heart and your mind. I am going to make all things new; and I am that new thing", says the Lord. "I have spoken it, and I shall perform it. O how foolish they are who have chosen unto themselves that faith which does not stand in my power! O how foolish the self-righteous are for having no desire for me to change them!
Watch me! Watch my kingdom as it moves upon the earth, as the power of life swallows up all death: as everlasting joy swallows up all misery and trouble; as peace swallows up all doubt and fear; as contentment swallows up all anxiety and unrest; as love swallows up all your judgments of man and God; as goodness swallows up all evil; as unity swallows up loneliness; as creativity swallows up idleness. Watch me as I transform the consciousness of your mind into an "all believing" mind; a mind where doing the impossible will not be the supernatural but that which is always natural. Watch me as I build my church, joining the members of my body together with truth, knitting their hearts together in love, and bringing them into the unity of my Spirit. Watch me as I fill you with all of my Spirit, and you begin to do works greater than that which I did. Watch me as I minister all healing to your body, your soul, and your spirit, and in turn, you will then minister healing to the body, the soul, and the spirit to all of those who are around you. Watch me as I do new things. Watch as I bring blessings and endings that far exceed all fairy tales; for I am he who does those things which go exceedingly beyond and who blesses abundantly above all that which you have been able to think or to ask for (Eph.3:20). No man has been able to imagine or know the great things which I am about to perform. For this is that day, that day of fulfilling; that day of completion and perfection where I perform all of my words and fulfill all of my promises. Watch me as all of the kingdoms of sin and iniquity get swallowed up by my kingdom", says the Lord. "Watch me, for the darkness shall give way to my light, and none of the illusions of Satan's lies shall ever come to mind again. Watch me as I breathe life into my words. Watch me, for my kingdom is coming, and in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye…these bones shall live".
Then, at that very moment, I began to observe a stirring throughout the entire valley, as all of these bones seemed to start shaking and rattling in their places. At first I could not discern what was causing the bones to do this, but then I felt it; it was then wind. As I looked around me, I observed the winds coming over the mountains that surrounded this valley, and the winds were coming from the east, from the west, from the north. As the winds grew stronger, the bones shook and rattled more and more, and louder and louder. I then observed as these winds met each other in the very middle of that valley, they began to form a whirlwind. As the winds in the whirlwind increased, the whirlwind immensely grew and height and width. It was a strange whirlwind before my eyes, for it never seemed in anyway to be violent or out of control like a tornado. Though the wind was loud, it was not roaring or thundering like that which I have heard people who have gone through a tornado describe; but rather, it was more like a loud smooth whine similar to what a jet engine sounds like when it is first turned on. The winds then increased in strength that it began to pull all of the bones to the middle of the valley into it. At first, all the bones just continued to shake and rattle as they moved across the valley floor, but then it appeared as though all of the bones actually started dancing as they moved across the valley floor. I kept watching until there was not one bone left on the valley floor, but they had all be sucked into the whirlwind.
As I stood there looking at this whirlwind, the spirit of the Lord quickened unto me two verses. First, that which is written in Ezekiel 37:5 "Thus says the Lord God to these bones, "Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. And I will attach tendons to you and bring up flesh upon you; and I will cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live; and you shall know that I am the Lord". So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone. And when I beheld, lo, the tendons and flesh came upon them, and the skin covered them, and the skin covered them from above; but there was no breath in them. Then he said unto me, "Prophesy unto the wind; prophesy son of man and say to the wind, "Thus says the Lord God; come from the 4 winds, O breath and breathe upon these slain, that they may live". Then the Lord said to me, "These are the bones of my slain, those who took up their crosses to mortify the works of their flesh and their desires for Satan's illusions. I led them as sheep into this valley for the slaughter; to judge and destroy the wisdom from which all of these corrupt desires proceeded forth from, and the pride that supplied the power to do abominable works. These bones are now ready to be joined together. My Spirit has performed this.
Then the Spirit quickened unto me a second word, that which is written in Matthew 24:29 "And then shall appear the sign of the Son of God in heaven; and then shall all of the tribes of earth mourn and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send forth his angels with the sound of trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the 4 winds, from one end of the heaven to the other". Then the Lord quickened unto me a word that I heard him speak about four years ago, "Why are you looking for me to come from above. I am coming in your brethren?" Then the Spirit of the Lord quickened unto me that which is written in II Thes.1:10 "When the Lord shall come to be glorified in his saints and to be admired in all them that believe in that day". Again, the Lord brought into my remembrance another word that he had just spoken to me when he said, "I am life, I am the wisdom (which is the breath of God), and I am the new thing". Then the Spirit again quickened unto me another word, that which is written in Ephesians 1:10 "That in the dispensation of the fullness of times, he might gather together in one, all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are in earth, in him". Oddly enough, one of the definitions for the word "gather" in this passage means "to head up"; and I then wondered if this was that moment that Christ himself would become the head of his body?
Then the Spirit of the Lord brought another word into my thoughts, that which is written in Luke 17:20 "And the Pharisees demanded that Jesus tell them when the kingdom of God should come, and he answered them and said, "The kingdom of God does not come with observation (outward show); and neither shall they say, "Lo, here!" or "Lo there"; for behold the kingdom of God is within you". Then the Lord, "Did I not say that my kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36)? All that is in this world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of this life, are of this world and not of my heavenly Father (I John 2:15-17). I am coming to redeem my elect from their captivity to this world (Rom.8:18-25). I am coming to those who took up their crosses and overcame the world, for I am the prize that they sought for. I am coming in all of my glory, in the nature and in the power of my heavenly Father, and I am coming into the hearts and the minds of my elect; into the hearts and the minds of all those who have hoped to be changed into my likeness at my appearing unto them (I John 3:2). Then shall come to pass that which is written, (Rev.11:15) "The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever".
Then the Lord spoke to me again saying, "Watch me! Watch the work of my hands! Watch my love and mercy work before your very eyes! Watch me as I build my church! Watch me do that which is impossible for any man to do! Watch me as I join the members of my body together, knitting their hearts together in love! Watch me as my Spirit brings my church together into unity! Watch me as I do that which I have been waiting 6000 years to do! Watch me as I manifest….
Before the Lord finished speaking this sentence to me, the whirlwind began to quickly loose it's power and strength. As the whirlwind completely dissipated, I saw standing before me the most beautiful woman/girl that I have I have ever seen. I immediately noticed that her body seemed to be matured as that of a 18 to 20 year old woman; and it had no spots, nor blemishes, nor any imperfections of any kind any where on her. Then I saw her face from which radiated a countenance so beautiful that it is not possible for me to describe. Her face appeared as humble, as innocent, as meek, and as precious as that of a 5 or 6 year old girl. At first, I was just captivated by her physical beauty, but then I became enraptured by her face for it seemed to become translucent, leaving nothing to hide the glorious beauty that also seemed to be coming out of her heart, as well as out of all her inward parts.
I then saw flowing out of her what at first appeared as a river of water. It was as a river that consisted of many different streams, and each stream appeared as one of the colors of the rainbow; and they all flowed so gracefully and smoothly. I then saw that one stream was love, one was wisdom, another was gentleness, another was the truth, another was joy, another was holiness, another was faithfulness and trust, another was righteousness, another was newness, and another was lovingkindness. I observed that though they were different streams, they still flowed together as one river; and that river was called "Abundant Life". As I stared in amazement and awe at this sight before me, I then realized that these streams were not streams of water, but instead, they were streams of light; like a rainbow of liquid light, flowing together; light that just radiated out of what seemed like every part of her body, as though there was nothing to hide or conceal. I then realized that for the first time in my life, God had opened my eyes to see as man sees, her outward appearance, as well as how God sees, her heart and her inward parts (II Sam.16:7). It was incredible, for just as clear as I was able to see the nose on her face, so also was I able to see the love in her heart.
Then I heard the Lord finish speaking the sentence which he had started, "Watch me as I manifest…my bride; my church". It was only then that I noticed that this woman was clothed in a wedding gown; and I then knew that what I was seeing before my eyes was the church, the bride of Christ. As foolish as it may sound, it was like my thoughts instantly returned to the foolishness of my own wisdom, because I had this expectation that when I saw these bones being drawn into the whirlwind, I knew that it was the Lord gathering his body together, but I somehow was expecting to see a headless body, then see Jesus rest his head upon that body. I could not then help myself, but in my foolishness I then asked, "Lord, I truly thought that I was going to see you as the head of your body, that which is your church?" Then the Lord answered me and said, "Is it not written that the husband is the head of wife? This is my bride; this is she who gave herself unto me, allowing for me to have my way with her, to change into that which was pleasing in my eyes. This is she who humbled herself and allowed for me to make her my workmanship, perfecting her faith in me as well as her belief in my words. This is she who allowed for me to circumcise her heart, cutting away the flesh with all of it's worldly desires for Satan's lies; so that she might come to love me with all of her heart, all of her mind, and all of her soul. This is she who allowed for me to prove my love for her, asking me to open the windows of heaven so that she might receive my blessings, my words, my love, my gifts, and my heart. This is she who has patiently and faithfully waited on me to come and finish the work that I started, enduring all manner of enticements to go a whoring from me after the seducing outward beauty of man's religions. This is she who has overcome all things through me, and for me. This is she who I desire to give my entire kingdom to and to spend eternity with. I greatly love and cherish her", says the Lord her husband. "It is finished; the two have now become one.
Then suddenly, I saw an explosion of light, a light that had to be 1000’s of times brighter than the light one would see in that first moment that a nuclear bomb explodes. From the very first moment, I was made aware that this was not any explosion from a bomb, but rather it was God's appearing on earth. I saw this flash of light cover the earth instantly; and then I was allowed to see this light as it moved across the earth in slow motion. This light moved across the earth as a massive wave of light, and the brilliance of this light was so great that it was as a consuming fire. (I had never really thought about the light of God as being the consuming fire of God, but at that moment the Lord brought back into my remembrance of a time in my childhood of how I used to use a magnifying glass to set things on fire; and surely the light that I was seeing was just as intense as the light that comes through that magnifying glass). It was also at this moment that the Lord quickened unto me that the light that I was seeing in this vision was the same light that Moses saw in the burning bush. As I watched the Light move across the earth, I observed as the only thing that it ignited on fire was the darkness, as well as all things that were of the darkness, all things which agreed with the darkness, and all things which loved the darkness. The air itself seemed to be on fire.
I observed that as the light passed by, though the darkness was completely consumed, there was nothing charred in its wake. In fact, it was quite the contrary, for the entire creation had been changed. I then immediately clearly understood that which is written in Rom. 8:22 "For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now"; for ever since Adam and Eve fell, darkness has not only ruled over man, but all of God's creation; for there is no living creature that is not immune to diseases and death. It was then also quickened unto me that Jesus said in John 8:12 "I am the light of the world; he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the "light of life". What I was witnessing before me was that the same light that brought the wrath of God upon the darkness, was also the same light that restored everlasting life to all of God’s creation. Now I understood while the whole creation has been waiting, moaning and groaning to be freed from mortality, for the restoration of everlasting life. As a color photograph is much more dramatic than a black and white photograph, so also was there that much of a dramatic difference in all of the animals, and the trees, and the grass as immortality was swallowing up mortality.
I saw trees, and grass, and shrubs in manner of life which I had never before been seen on earth; at least not since the garden. Before, these things appeared as being inanimate things which just seemed to exist, but now they were living creatures. None of these trees or shrubs had any broken, or dead, or diseased branches whatsoever. The grass also had an appearance of life that I had never seen before; and it was so lush, so green, and so living, having no diseased or bare areas anywhere in it. I saw the lion lay down with the lamb, and the lion was every bit as gentle as the lamb. There was no more death, no more diseases, nor any more injuries. Just like the scriptures say, I saw nothing that could cause any sorrow or pain. If I had ever thought I had in me any knowledge that could do justice in my description of what abundant life was, then it was only a vain imagination that would be laughable and foolish compared to what I was witnessing.
I Thessalonians 1:10 "..wait for his Son for heaven, whom he raised from the dead; Jesus, he who delivered us from the wrath to come".
I then saw the light as it passed by the bride, his church; but the bride had already been filled with the light of God through the glory of Jesus Christ. These were they who had judged themselves, allowing for the light of Christ to come in and destroy any and all of the illusions of Satan's lies, that darkness that appears as the light. These shall not be judged with this world (I Cor.11:31,32). Truly, before my very eyes, I saw the glory of God filling the earth with the light of life. Not only was there not any darkness anywhere on the earth, but there were no shadows anywhere either. It was as though the glory of God was the very air itself. Then suddenly, I found myself again standing on the edge of space, and I immediately turned towards the earth to see if the darkness still compassed it, but my eyes went right past the earth because I first thought that it was the sun. Then when I realized that what I thought was the sun was actually the earth filled with the glory of God, I turned back. The light coming from the earth was not like the light that comes from the sun, but rather, it was kind of like fluorescent light, but it was extremely brilliant. For years now, the Lord has been saying that he was going to do a new thing, but this new thing left me trembling and speechless; probably in the same manner that the disciples were left trembling and speechless when they saw the power of God calm the seas and still the winds.
Then the Lord spoke to me and said, "I have told you *before when I was to come into this present world of darkness that you presently inhabit, that my presence would destroy all darkness, all wickedness, all lies, and all evil. I cannot yet come into this world because my people have not yet been prepared to see me in all of my glory (Prov.16:1). Those who prepare themselves are those who ask for me to prepare their hearts, to deliver them from the powers of darkness. These are they who will love my appearing because they will love seeing my light dissolve the darkness, as well as seeing all death being swallowed up by life. I told you that you had not yet seen all of the truth of my word; for it is as it is written, "And the Word was God (John 1:1)". Watch, for the end of darkness is much closer than you think. Many times I have warned all saying, "Be ready", but who will hear and take heed? If you are not watching me, then you have lost your focus. Watch!
Ps 97:6 "The heavens declare his righteousness, and all the people see his glory".
Proverbs 12:28 "In the way of righteousness is life; and in the pathway thereof there is no death".
II Peter 3:9 "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness, but is longsuffering towards us, not willing that any man should perish, but that all should come to repentance (the death of the carnal mind to the life and peace of the spiritual mind). But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with a fervent heat, the earth also and the works therein shall be burned up. Seeing then that all of these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons you ought to be in holy conversation and godliness, looking for and hasting the coming of the *day of God , wherein the heavens (the air you breathe) being on fire shall be dissolved and the elements shall melt with fervent heat. Nevertheless, we, according to his promise, look for news heavens and a new earth, wherein dwells righteousness (the true light, and not the light that appears as the darkness)". *This is not the day of the Lord Jesus, but the day of God
Revelation 21:3 "And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he shall dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, no more sorrow, nor crying, and neither shall their be any more pain; for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new".
Revelation 21:22 "And I saw no temple therein; for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are in the temple of it. And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon to shine in it; for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.
Vision Of The Twin Theaters
Mitt Jeffords
When this vision began, I found myself as though I was an usher in a theater. I was standing on the side of the theater, right down in that area that between the stage and the audience. From where I was standing, I could not only see the seating area and the stage, but I could also see everything that was taking place backstage. When this vision started, all of my focus was on the backstage area, and it was not only extremely huge, but it was also packed with people. Everyone was hurriedly trying to get ready, for the show was about to begin. I then perceived that all these people who were backstage were all members of Christ’s church. I was then told that all of these people had been preparing to go on stage to act out everything that they believed to be right. Needless to say, there was much tension among and anxiety among them.
Suddenly someone called out, “The Lord is coming”. From the reaction of all those who were backstage, I realized that none of them had been expecting for Jesus himself to come to this performance. The thing that surprised me about this announcement was none of these people seemed to be expecting Jesus to come, but neither did any of them seem to have any desire at all for him to be there. Much to my surprise, all of these people backstage were all walking around complaining about his coming, and each one was murmuring the same words, saying, “I have got my rights! I got my rights!” At first, I was greatly bewildered, trying to comprehend why these people of God would act in such a manner concerning the Lord’s coming. I then realized that this stage was nothing but a platform for each one of these people to act out his own beliefs, as well as his own judgments of others, and his own opinions of how others should live their lives as Christians.
Suddenly all of the lights in the theater were turned completely off; that is, except for the lights that shined on the stage area, as well as the lights that were back-stage. I then realized that I had not even had a chance to even observe just how big this theater really was. I assumed that if the backstage and stage area were any indication of how big the sitting area was, then it must at least number in the thousands. It was so dark that I could not see anyone who was sitting anywhere in the arena. This really disappointed me because did not know how Jesus was going to come, and I wanted to be sure that I saw him when he got there. Regardless of size of the sitting arena, I then assumed that the theater at the very least was close to a sell out, if not a sell-out, because of the enormity of the production and the massive number of people who were partaking in it. Then the curtain opened for the first act, and the first thing that I noticed was that the entire stage had been covered in beach sand.
I do not know how to explain how this happened, but for the opening act, all of the people who were backstage, which certainly numbered in the thousands, were all able to come out on stage. I then noticed that each one was also carrying a banner that said, “Christian”. Then all those who were on stage began to greet each other, hug each other, and tell each other that they loved them.
Then I saw this wolf walk up on stage, and I could not believe how poorly disguised he was as one of the brethren, but he just moved around on the stage also greeting and hugging all of the brethren, and telling them how much he loved them. Then all of sudden this wolf began to preach, declaring how he thought God ought to be worshipped. Many of the people who were there said that they did not believe that was the right way that God wanted to be worshipped, so they did not pay any more attention unto him. But there was this portion of people who had agreed with what he said, and they then announced that they believed that this man truly knew the “right” way in which God desired to be worshipped, and so they followed the wolf. When they had separated themselves into their own little group, the wolf then drew a line in the sand that completely compassed their little group.
I then observed as another wolf, with a slightly different, but still poor disguise, as he came up on the stage. I observed him as he did almost exactly the same thing as the first wolf did; greeting, and hugging, and speaking smooth words until he seemed to be accepted by some. Then after a short time, he also began to declare that which he believed was the “right” manner in which God should be worshipped. Again, many disagreed that his way the “right” way, so they did not pay any attention at all unto him. But just like the first wolf, there was a portion of the people who did believe that the words that he had spoken were truth, and they followed after him, surely thinking that they were walking in the “right” way. Then after they had separated themselves into their own group, the wolf then drew a line in the sand that completely compassed everyone who was in that group.
I then observed a third wolf, and again with the same poor excuse for a costume on, he came up on stage, and he also did exactly as the first two wolves had done, with the same exact results. Then there was a fourth, a fifth, as well as several more wolves who had all disguised themselves in same manner as saints on stage, and they imitated all that the saints had done. This continued until all of the people who were on stage had been divided into different groups; and I noticed that each group had drawn a line in the sand that compassed only their group. I also observed that no longer were any of these people carrying banners over them which read, “Christian”, but rather they were now carrying banners over them that identified the group which they belonged, which was also meant to identify the right manner in which they believed God ought to be worshipped. I saw banners that covered about every denomination that I had ever heard of, and then some that I had not even heard of. I then observed that all of these people still seemed to be friendly towards each; that is, until someone said some-thing or did something that crossed the line (the line drawn in the sand), that is, that disagreed with that which they believed to be right. Then they treated each other as though the other group did not even exist. I then observed that when one of these groups spoke seemed to acknowledge the other group, it was only to evil of them and to make accusations against what they believed. About the only thing that they could agree on was to say, “At least we serve the same God; and we agree to disagree; and we believe that it is our “right” for us to do so”.
Then, as the curtain was coming down on this act, I heard the Spirit of the Lord speak to me and say that which is written in I Corinthians 1:10 “Brethren, I beseech you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ (Christian), that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment”. Then the Spirit of the Lord also said, “This is what is right in the sight of the Lord”. Seeing that the theater was so dark that I could not see anyone in the audience, I was anxiously waiting to see what manner of response was going to come from the audience; but there was none; there was no cheering nor booing. In fact, it was so quite that I, as well as all those who had been up on stage, felt strange to hear nothing but silence.
Then, after a few moments, the curtain arose, and the second act began. This time the stage was all decorated to look like a carnival or the fair, except there were no rides, just many different side show booths. I then saw at the first booth that there was a man who was barking out to the other people who were in this act, and he was trying to entice them into playing a game entitled “Three steps to a better marriage”. This barker seemed to be so confident of what he was trying to sell, that guaranteed that if anyone played this game his way, which he promised was the “right way” that this game should be played, then they would surely see immediate improvement in their marriage. I then saw at the booth next to the first one, a game that was called, “Five easy ways to financial success”; and the barker at this booth was backing up each one of these five ways with a bible verse, which seemingly ensured that anyone who played this game would surely be successful. Then at the next booth, I saw a game that was entitled, “Prosper and gain favor and grace with God through the Ten Commandments”; and this hawker was even dressed up as though he was imitating Moses.
The next booth that I came to was called the blame game. Here I saw people walk up to the barker of this game, and they would say such things as, “Well, I did not seek the Lord because I just did not have any time to seek him”. Then this barker stamped this man’s hand with a rubber stamp that read, “APPROVED: Self-justified”. Then another person walked up and said, “Well, I did not ask the Lord to help me because I believe that I am able to help myself; that I have no need for the Lord”. Again, the barker took the same stamp “APPROVED: Self-justified”, and stamped his hand with it. The next person that came up said, “I did not cast any of my cares upon the Lord because I did not have any belief that the Lord really loved me enough to take care of me”; bam, “APPROVED: Self-justified”. The next man said, “I know that I have followed after false doctrines and religious traditions, but I only did so because everyone in my family also did the same”; again, bam, “APPROVED; Self-justified” was stamped on his hand also. The next guy said, “I know that I should have forgiven this man, and not have slandered him, but he really offended me and hurt my feelings; and I feel that I am just in hurting him also”. Again the barker stamped “APPROVED: Self-justified”. The next man said, “I would have drawn near to the Lord, but I was fearful and afraid that the Lord might not draw near to me in return”; again, “APPROVED: Self-justified”. Another man stepped forth and said, “I have not loved my brethren because my brethren have not loved me”. Bam; “APPROVED: Self-justified”.
The line of people at this game was always very long, for it appeared as though every- one who played this game, they always left with a smile on their face, as though their own self-justifications had freed them from the guilt of their sins or slothfulness. But then the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me and reminded me of that which is written in Romans 4:5 “But to him who works not, but believes on him that justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for “righteousness”.
The next booth that I came to was a game called, “The path to a wonderful life is to live life the right way; and the right way is the way that I tell you”, by John Doe. I was observing that all those who were playing this game, they all seemed to be able to win a victory or two, as though the hawker of this game had allowed them to, so that he could get them just where he wanted them; where he could entice them to continue playing this game until they were so confident that they had the victory, that were willing to risk everything that they. Of course, every one there continued on playing, and when all was said and done, they had not only lost all that which they had previously won, but they had also lost all that which they had before they starting playing the game.
Then the next booth that I saw was like a game that I first played at the fair when I was a kid; a game where you paid a dollar and got to throw two softballs in your attempt to knock over six milk bottles that had been stacked upon each other. The reason that I thought that this was a similar game to this game that I had played when I was a child was because I saw all of these stacks of balls placed on a counter at the front of the booth, just as they had done with this other game. But when I began examining this game to see if it was indeed this game, I saw a man come out and stand in the middle of the back of the booth, facing towards the front of the booth. Then the hawker began to yell out, “This man has been accused and judged to be a child molester”; and without him saying another word, it seemed like everyone then stepped forward, picked up some balls, and began throwing them as hard as they could at this man. I immediately discerned from the noise that these balls were making as they hit this man that they were not softballs at all, but rather stones that were appeared to look like softballs.
After all had finished throwing their stones at this man, he was then dragged out and another man was brought in who stood in the same place as the other man had. Then the barker began to yell out that if there was anyone there who had been offended at all by this man, whether by any word that this man had spoken previously, or because his appearance did not meet their approval, or because he had weaknesses and sins, then come forth and take your best shot at him. After this man was also dragged out of the booth, then another man was brought in; and the barker began to accuse this man for the beer that he drank and the cigarettes that he smoked, and immediately many people eagerly stepped for-ward to throw stones at him. I saw another person brought forth and stoned because he ate fried foods.
I then watched as a young girl was brought forth, accused and then stoned for fashion she chose to wear her clothes. Another man was accused and stoned for being gay; another man was accused and stoned for being of this world; another was stoned for being in the wrong political party; another was stoned for not agreeing with the traditions of others; another was accused and stoned for his religion, another for his race, and another for his nationality. And then there was the man who was accused and stoned for rooting for the wrong team. Then there was the teenage boy who was stoned for not living up to his parent’s expectations. There was a man who was accused and stoned for making a bad decision, and many others were accused and stoned for just making a mistake. There was a teenage girl there that was accused and stoned for not following her parent’s instructions. And of course, there was a young woman there who had been accused and stoned for committing adultery. But the stoning that aroused my curiosity the most was the one about a man who had been stoned many times before for the same offence. But evidently the barker must have gotten great pleasure out of seeing this man suffer for his sin, so he had him brought back out, and he was stoned all over again.
As I continued to watch all of these stonings take place, I suddenly realized that everyone who was there throwing stones, as well as all those who were just standing around, they all appeared to have the same bruises on their own bodies as all those who I had just seen be stoned. Some of their bruises appeared to be so faded that it was if they were almost healed, but somehow I felt as though seemed none of these bruises would never be completely healed. Then there were also bruises on everyone that were so fresh that it appeared as though they themselves had been stoned in the past hour or so. Of all the barkers that I had seen in this act, it was without a doubt that this barker was the best I had seen; for he was able to get everyone to participate in a game many times over in which they themselves had also been hurt in many times over.
I then observed that every time one of the participants hit the person who he was throwing, then that same barker would walk over and give them a piece of paper that was entitled “Official certificate”; and on this certificate was written, “This certificate is your official certification that gives you righteous justification and excuse to judge, or to accuse, or to speak evil, or to condemn, or to find fault with, or to murder, or to slander, or throw stones at all those who have offended you, or defrauded you, or hurt you, or that have sinned against you in any manner”. Of all the booths that I saw displayed in this act, this game, by far, seemed to be the one that people most enjoyed playing; seeing that it is the favorite sport of the self-righteous.
As curtain began to fall on this act, I was wondering who this barker was that could so easily deceive the people of God into participating in a game in which every time they played, they were only condemning themselves. How could this barker so easily entice these so called Christians to play a game where they so willingly and eagerly desired to inflict such pain on those who Jesus Christ came into this world to save, having suffered and died for all men. Then the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me and said, “It is just a sport for Satan to kill, and to steal, and to destroy the lives of all of the saints. It is also only a sport for those who have been deceived by him to do inflict the same pain on those around them”. Then the Spirit of the Lord said, “Truly, everyone who has judged without mercy is also going to be judged without mercy; seeing that God is going to judge them with the same judgment that they have measured and judged others by”. As the curtain came down, again I neither heard any cheering or booing; just an eery silence that seemed to swallow up the entire theater.
When the curtain rose for the next act, I saw several different groups of people who were sitting at round tables, and each person had a Bible opened in front of him. After I had listened for a moment, I realized that a different topic from the scriptures was being discussed at each table. I then focused my attention on the group that was sitting closest to me, and I discerned that they were discussing the doctrine of “once saved always saved”. I then listened as each person shared his own opinion of what he believed to be the “right” interpretation, and each person would use the scriptures themselves to try and back up that which they believed. As soon as someone would hear an interpretation that did not completed disagreed with what they themselves believed, they would almost immediately interrupt the person who was sharing to express their disagreement. Everyone there seemed very confident that the opinion that he believed was right because he was a able to take a verse of scripture, apply his own understanding to it, and bring forth that which he was sure was the truth. It was not long before much strife, contention, and arguing broke out at this table, seeing that everyone seemed willing to defend to the death that which they believed to be right. I noticed that everyone at this table was talking at the same time; and this made me realize that there was not one person in this group who really desired to learn the truth of this matter, for no one had any intention but to defend that which they believed to be right.
I then focused my attention on the other groups, and I heard one discussion taking place about the rapture; another group was discussing tithing; another group was discussing speaking in tongues. But all of the groups had become just like the first group in that each person was using the scriptures to back up the interpretation which he believed to be the “right interpretation”. By this time, there seemed to hardly be any agreement among any of these groups, only arguing and strife. Every time someone would use a scripture to back up his own “righteous” opinion, then you could see others already flipping through the scriptures to back up their own interpretation. Then suddenly, the curtain went down leaving everyone on stage still arguing and defending their own opinions and interpretations. Still, there was not one peep of noise that could be heard coming audience; no cheers, nor jeers. Only silence.
After a few moments, the curtains again arose for the next act, and the first thing that I noticed was what looked like podium right in the middle of the stage, and it stood about 8 feet off the floor; you had to climb a small set of stairs just to stand at it. Again, the rest of the stage was again packed with people. As I was trying to figure out the purpose of this podium, I then observed as a man walked up the steps, stood at the podium, and then proceeded to declare all of the righteous works that he had done. When he was finished, another came to the podium who then began to boast about how often he prayed and fasted, as well as how much money he gave to his church. Then a woman came to the podium who spoke of her involvement in a soup kitchen, as well as the role that she thought that women should take in the church. Then another man came up who spoke in detail about the importance that tradition had in his church. The first thing that I became aware of listening to these people was that they were all speaking of those things which were precious and dear to their own hearts. The second thing that I noticed was that no one else there really seemed to care at all what these people esteemed to be the treasures that they lived their entire lives by; for while they were speaking, all the rest who were on stage seemed to be engaged in small chit chat with those around them.
I then continued to listen as person after person came to the podium, all declaring that which they believed was the right way for a Christian to live. There was one man who came to the podium who, before he spoke the first word, seem to roll out a laminated scroll that continued nothing but documents that reached from the top of the podium to the floor; and it contained his college diploma, two seminary degrees, several counseling certificates, as well as certificates from every one day seminar that he had ever attended. He did this in his attempt to validate himself before the others as though he was the one there who was best qualified to teach how others should live a Christian life. After him came a man who tried to preach his view of the place that he felt like the church should have in society. Again, not one person on stage seemed to be listening, as all seemed to be still engaged in small conversations around the stage. After that man left, a woman took her place at the podium, and she began to exalt herself by comparing herself with the Proverbs 31 woman, not even realizing that Proverbs 31 is not even speaking of a fleshy woman. Still, no one paid any attention to her. There was a man who got up and boasted of his religious doctrine, calling it his old time religion. There was another man who boasted of how many people he had won to Christ; and another boasted of how big his church was, and yet another who boasted of how well his church was hooked into the most modern technology. The people kept parading to the podium for quite some time, with each one boasting of their own goodness, or the strength of their own will-power and determination, or their own intelligence, or their own righteous works.
To be honest with you, I was saddened to see these people speaking of those things which they valued the most, and the truth was that there was no one else that really cared about anything that was being spoken of. Everyone there seemed to be so enamored with self that they could not hear anything that did not seem to be beneficial to self. It was almost as if the person who came to the podium did not even exist in the eyes of the others who were on stage. When the curtain went down on that act, again there was not any applause or jeering; only a silence that suggested that all those who were in the audience cared no more for what they had heard than those others who were on stage. It was then that the Spirit of the Lord spoke two words to me, and I immediately recognized both of these words as coming from the scriptures. The first word was that which is written in Psalm 39:5 “…Truly, every man at his best state is altogether vanity (worthless; vain). I then realized the truth of about all that I had just seen and witnessed in this act, as well as all of the other acts; that man at his best state, devoting himself to any doctrine or counsel whereby he believes that he can do or say anything right of himself, is of no worth at all. Yet, it is of these very things that the people of God gather into the treasures of their heart to live their lives by. Even then, they only have great value to “self”, because everyone else is also absorbed in “self”; and self-righteous means that which is right to one’s own “self”.
The second word that the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me was that which is written in I Peter 1:24 “All flesh is as grass, and “all of the glory of man” is as the flower of grass. The grass withers, and it’s flower falls away. But the word of the Lord endures forever”. What does a man glory in except those things which he believes and does for himself? And what man believes or does anything that he does not believe is right?
Suddenly, the lights came on throughout the theater, and I was shocked to see just how huge this theater actually was; far bigger than anything that I had imagined. It was more like a football stadium in size than a theater. But I was then even more shocked to see that out of all the seats in that theater, there was only person sitting there. He was sitting about 20 rows back and right in the middle seat. I do not know how I knew, but I knew that it was Jesus. He had truly come, and he had been sitting there throughout the entirety of this play, watching everyone play out those things which they believed to be right. Then Jesus stood up and said, “I have seen all the works done here, and I have heard all of the words that have also been spoken; and all that I have seen is vanity, and all that I have heard is vanity; vanity of vanities. This is the act that is, but is not; and that was, and was not, and neither shall it ever be”. A great grief then came on me as I realized that all that which this church had prepared for, as well all that which they truly valued in their hearts, was vain and worthless in the sight of God.
Then Jesus walked down in front of the stage, and turned to walk out the exit that on was the opposite side of where I had been standing. I then realized that the door that Jesus was about to walk through was not really an exit at all, but rather an entrance into another theater. Then I remembered that this was a twin theater. Just as Jesus opened the door, he turned, and motioned to me and said, “Come out of there and follow me”. So I did. When I walked into this other theater, I saw that it was exactly the same size as the other theater; and the seating area, the stage, and the backstage area were all lit up. I then observed that there was a person sitting in about every fifth seat, and many of the people there came over to greet me. I was then told that all of those who were in this theater had come out of the other theater, and that they had all witnessed the same show that I had witnessed, and they were also told by Jesus to follow then into this theater. I then myself sat down, also taking a seat that was about 5 seats from the nearest person.
When I had walked in, I had observed that there was not person at all back-stage. I then observed that the only prop was a large beautiful wooden chair sit-ting in the middle of the stage; and laying beside this chair was a bag that looked similar to the old leather bags that postmen used to carry. It was then that Jesus walked up on stage, and when he did, the theater erupted with great rejoicing and praise. I was then struck by the contrast in which Jesus was received by those in the other theater when they were told he was coming, seeing that I had only heard much murmuring and complaining. Then Jesus, with smiles of great joy sat down in that big chair. And when the cheering had completely subsided, Jesus then greeted everyone of us by saying, “Thank you for believing on me and on my words. Thank you for waiting for me to come to finish the works that I have started. I want to thank you also for enduring my correction, and not loving the corruption of “self”. I want to thank you for believing my word by taking up your crosses and dying to your own desires to be god over your own lives; dying to the lies that have enticed you to believe you can do good of your own self, as well as the lies that have sought to deceive you into believing that you can make your own opinions to be the truth. (I then remembered that which Jesus had said in John 15:5 “Without me, you can do nothing”. Then Jesus said, “Thank you for your patience and your faith”.
Then Jesus reached down into the bag, which I then perceived to contain the prayers of these saints who were here, and he pulled out a card. He then proceeded to read aloud that which was written on the card, “Lord, we have been as a scattered sheep for so long; for there has been division and strife among us, and we know that the members of your church should be like-minded, as well as esteeming the lives of our brethren to be greater than our own. But Lord, you have asked us to do that which we have no wisdom of ourselves to do; thus, it is impossible for us to be that body which you desire to have. If you are willing at this time, would you bring your flock together”? I do not know how to explain this, but this prayer seemed not only to be the request of just one of us, but it was as though it was the prayer of everyone who was sitting in that theater. Then Jesus simply said, “Unity, Be”. And suddenly, we all found ourselves sitting no longer sitting five seats apart, but rather, right next to each other. It happened so fast that there no way for any of us to see how Jesus did this. He simply spoke it, and it was. Not only were all so stunned at how the Lord did this, but we were also stunned in that we all felt as though we had known each other for all of our lives; as though we had all been best friends.
Then Jesus reached down and pulled up another card and read, “Lord, I know that when you called me that you gave me the belief that you were the Son of the living God; and that you shed your blood to cover my sins; and that you were crucified and raised from the dead, but Lord, will you finish the work that you have started in me and give me that belief which believes that all things are possible?” Again, it was as though each one of us could have written that prayer request, for we had all been asking the Lord to do the same. Then Jesus put down the card and said, “Belief, Be”. Suddenly, everyone in the theater just started touching everyone around them with their hands, and some cases, their fingers, and we were all healed of all of our infirmities and weaknesses. This time, everyone in the theater stood up and cheered; rejoicing and praising Jesus for what he had just done. Though none of us felt like we had any sense of time, we must have praised the Lord for hours after that; not only for the belief that had been given to us, but for all the works that were done as a result of that belief.
Again Jesus reached in and pulled out a card with this request upon it, “Lord, you promised that when you came, you would set us free from all of our bond-ages to Satan’s lies. Would you do so now?” At first, Jesus seemed not to pay any attention to this question as he reached back into the bag and pulled out another card and read it, “Lord, you said that it would be by your hand that you would make us to be kings and priests; would you now make us kings and priests unto you?” Then Jesus looked towards us all and said, “I promised you that when I would return, that I would make all those who remained faithful to my words to be a ruler over all that you have. It is done. Now speak and loose your own selves from your bondages”. Immediately, we all began to say such things as, “Anxiety, be gone”; “All evil thoughts, be gone”; “All fear, come out and be cast into the sea”; “Division and strife, perish”; “Uncertainty, flee”. No matter what we spoke immediately came to past. That which we ourselves had not been able to tame was suddenly tamed through the authority that Jesus had given us over our own tongues. It was simply incredible and amazing; for all that misery and trouble that had so easily ruled over the thoughts of our mind were so easily cast out.
No matter what was spoken, it was done. It was just like how God does things, “Light Be”, and it was; and just like Jesus also did things, “Be healed”, and it was. Wow, who would have ever thought that when the Lord made you ruler over all that which you had, it would have been your tongue? I then remembered that which was written in James 3:2 “If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, able also to bridle (rule over) the whole body…8 “But the tongue can no man tame; an unruly evil full of deadly poison”. Again, everyone stood up cheering loudly and rejoicing, praising Jesus and giving thanks to his name; and again, this went on for quite some time. What a contrast to silence that followed all of the acts that I had seen in the other theater.
By the time Jesus pulled out the next card, we were just all filled with joy unspeakable and very giddy, knowing that from this moment on, it was impossible for anything to be impossible. We knew that whatever was asked, we were going to see Jesus perform it. The request on the next card read, “Lord, you said once we believed on you, then you would do that which is exceedingly abundantly above anything that we are able to think or to ask; so would you now do that for us?” Then Jesus, with a child-like smile on his face, leaned forward to towards us and said very quickly, “Abra Cadabra”; and suddenly we were all changed. We all had been changed into the bodies of that of a 20 year old; yet, our faces were that of a child of about 6 years old. Then Jesus, still smiling, said again, “Abra Cadabra”, and we suddenly found ourselves in the most beautiful mountain setting, and we were all standing on top of the water of this mountain lake. The beauty of this place was indescribable. Then we all began walking around kicking at the water like a small child would do in a mud puddle, amazed at the feeling of walking on water as though we were walking on ground. Then Jesus again said, “Abra Cadabra”, and all manner of animals and birds came out of the forest, and they all walked out on the water and stood with us, and they began talking with us. Even some of the fish stuck there heads out of the water so that they also could speak with us. It was like being a living part of a fairy tale, where there was no limits or boundaries that could be placed on Jesus and the things which he was able to do for us. As much joy as we had seeing Jesus do all of these things for us, so also did Jesus seem to have just as much joy performing them for us. Then one final time, Jesus, having the countenance of a playful child, said, “Abra Cadabra”; and we were all immediately back in the theater.
Then Jesus reached down in the bag one final time and he read this request, “Father, you said that unless you built your church, all of our labor would be in vain. So would you now build your church like the one described in your word?” Then Jesus looked up and said, “Church, Be”. And immediately a beautiful spirit filled the room, and it began to stretch forth itself as though it was changing itself into some manner of rope. Then we all seemed to be able to discern that it was not the image of a rope, but rather some manner of soft, beautiful yarn. Then we all watched in amazement as this spiritual yarn began to move in and out of our bodies, actually knitting our hearts together in love a love that was more beautiful than the spirit itself. I know that I myself watched this yarn move in and out of me, but the only thing that I felt was a love for my brethren that was nothing like anything that I had ever experienced before.
The effect of this love was not only a feeling of oneness with everyone in that theater, but it was also a feeling of a unity in liberty. I then realized that every-thing that I had ever loved, I always felt like I must have some manner over it, like one of my favorite shirts; or that I must be in control of it, like my job; or that it must have my approval, like my children; or that I must meet their approval, like my parents; or that it something had to be there that was pleasing to me, like my wife. No, it was not like anything that I had known, but it was like this love freed our minds of all our judgments of other, and we delighted in the liberty that we all had to be ourselves without having to do anything with the thought that it had to please someone else; yet, there was no selfishness at all in this love.
In this new love, we were all still individuals, but we loved each other because it had simply become our nature to love each other without any conditions placed on that love. There was neither any worry among any of us as to what God himself thought of us; for we all knew in our hearts that we were loved by God for the individual that he made each one of us to be. There was no distrust among us, nor was there any worry that you might do something that would cause the others to cease from loving you. In fact, there was no desire in any of our hearts to compare or measure ourselves to anyone else; for we all knew that we were loved by all just as we were. There was not one jealous thought, nor any envious thought, nor any thought to find a fault with another, nor was there any manner of evil thought at all among any of us. There was no judging of any kind among us. In this love is no desire to exalt yourself above others because there is no thought of “self” in this love; only communion with all those around you.
Though I have tried to describe this love in the best manner that I know how, I know that trying to describe this love is like trying to tell somebody about how big this rock was that you saw, and in their minds, they are thinking that you saw a boulder; but then when they actually got to see it, they saw that you had been trying to describe Mt. Everest to them. There are no words in any of man’s languages that can be used to describe a love that not only does not exist in this world, but that cannot even be imagined by the thoughts of any man. This love can only be known by experiencing it. Yet, all that was necessary for this love to come upon us was for Jesus to send his Spirit into us. This love brought forth a unity and a oneness among us, yet it was without any controls, or rules, or laws, or limitations. Just as I can not find the words to describe this love, neither am I able to find any words that can properly define the freedom that was in the liberty that was also brought forth by this love. Even though it was liberty, there was still an absolute loving care for one another that went far beyond any of the boundaries that are of any worldly relationship that I have I ever experienced, or that I have ever heard of. Wow, what a church; and all Jesus did was say, “Church, Be”, and it was.
Then Jesus reached over and pulled out one last card with this request on it, “Lord, I have one desire, and that is that you might give me a new heart and a new mind so that I might be changed into the image of my Father who is in heaven. I would love to have a mind that did not think that it was robbery to think that I could be equal with my God”. Jesus then looked up at all of us, and with tears of joy in his eyes, he then said, “Done”. Then at that very instant, we all witnessed another spirit come forth out of Jesus that was even more awesome in beauty that the other spirit that had brought brotherly love into our hearts. It was as if the first spirit that we saw was as only one color of a rainbow, but this spirit contained all of the colors contained in a rainbow. Suddenly, we all loved our heavenly Father with all of our heart, with all of our soul, with all of our minds, and all of our being. Then we were filled with another manner of love for our brethren that we had not yet experienced, one where we would gladly lay down our lives for our brethren; and this love was so strong, that if you were actually in a place where you it might be required for you to lay down your life for your brethren, there would be no thought in you not to do it.
Then we were all filled with a love for all those who we, at one time or another, had considered to be our enemies. We loved those who hated us; we those who had offended us; we loved those who used us; we loved those who had slandered us; we loved those who were evil and unthankful; and we loved those who persecuted us. Then if that we not enough, we were all then filled with a love for the unlovable; all those who have not met this world’s approval, but have either been outcast, or despised, or neglected, or rejected, or branded in some manner or another. It was then we all knew; we knew that we had been made equal with God through love; unconditional love towards “all” men. There was no desire in any of us to be exalted as God is so that we might be made equal with God. There was no desire in any of us to have any power in ourselves so that we could be made equal with God. There was no desire in any of our hearts to rule over or to have control over the lives of any other; only love. And neither was there any desire in us that said that we must have a name as esteemed and as honored as God’s so that we could be made equal with God. No, no, none of that stuff; for I could now clearly see that all of those desires only came forth from Satan, the very same desires that caused him to fall from his place in God’s kingdom. In fact, it was these same desires that seemed to motivate all those who were acting in the other theater.
When this love had finished filling our hearts, we again all stood, cheering, praising, and greatly thanking our Lord Jesus for all the work that he had just per-formed for us. We sang songs of praise and worship, which went on for what seemed like for many, many hours; but it never got old because of the joy and the life which was now in our hearts and minds. After this time, Jesus stood up and said to us, “You are now my witnesses; witnesses of my love, my goodness, and my power. Now I am sending you out into a world filled with hopelessness, vanity, loneliness, hatred, uncertainty, as well as all manner of wickedness and darkness. I am sending you forth as my priesthood of believers, those who know believe that the only show in town is what I will do for you because I love you. Go, and you know that I will always be with each one of you”.
We were all so excited about the performance that we had just witnessed; and we also knew that we had just witnessed the performance that has no end to it, rather a beginning that would never have an end. We also all had similar feelings, that even though we had just witnessed the power and the love of the Lord in a manner that was far greater than anything that we had ever experienced, we also knew that what we had just experienced was nothing compared to that which was getting ready to come. It was as if we had not only witnessed the real “Greatest Show on Earth”, but also a coming attraction of a show that was going to even be greater. The Spirit then quickened unto me that which Jesus had promised the church, “The works that I do, you will do greater”. Wow.
As I was leaving the theater, I looked back to see how the marquee described what I had just seen. I saw that the marquee on the left side of the theater read, “Mystery Babylon; the false church” Starring all of the foolish who desire to be glorified and exalted as gods”. I then read the marquee that was on the right side, and it read, “New Jerusalem, the church of Jesus Christ”; starring Jesus Christ, and all those who came out of mystery Babylon”. I then thought to myself, “Wow, what a difference there was between the two performances; like the difference between night and day, or should I rather say, like the difference between darkness and light. I then saw this written across the bottom of the marquee, “Coming Soon; very soon: The 144,000 who were redeemed with love and have overcome the world”.
Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through belief that comes forth from the power of the Holy Spirit.
Miracle Gems
Mitt Jeffords
In the very moment that I sent you this last email the Lord the Spirit of the Lord quickened unto me that which is written in I Peter 2:5 "You also, as lively stones are built up as a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ".
Then the Lord spoke to me and said (I am trembling as I write this),
"Just as there was a new star in heaven to signify a new birth on earth; the birth of a child who was not conceived by any earthy father; then know that these stones are as that star, to signify to you a new birth on earth; the manifestation of the children of God. Just as strange as these stones appeared in the sight of these jewelers who saw them, so also shall my sons and daughters appear so strange in the sight of all those who see them.
Just as these stones appeared to be so rare, and so precious, and so beautiful, so also shall each one of my children appear so rare, and so precious, and so beautiful in my sight", says the Lord. "You are far more precious to me than these stones. I am coming to do a new thing, and you are that new thing; a beauty that the world has never before seen. The world saw no beauty in me to come to me, but the Gentiles will now see my beauty in you, and they will come to you.
I am not coming to glorify you in the flesh but I am coming to glorify me in you, in ALL of my glory. Just as the glory of was seen with different colors in each stone, so also will each one of you appear different in glory; but the glory will all be of my Father.
Do you see what the potter can do with the clay. Look up, for your redemption draws near; for I am going to redeem you with the beauty of my glorious body. Look up and look for me; for my love is coming to you", SAYS THE LORD.
My heart is pounding fast at what the Lord just said, so I am going to leave you and think on these things. I am thinking of Romans 8:18-23. The Lord has overflowed me with these words.
Much love in Christ, Mitt Jeffords
Large Gems
----- Original Message -----
From: Robert & Kathy Foster
To: Gary Severson
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2006 10:50 PM
Subject: Special update
Special update
I know its been a while sense I sent out an update So I hope I can make it up with this update.
Near Couer d'Alene, Idaho about an hour south of our new church, God is currently unfolding a miracle that is totally unusual. At the home of Terry XXXXX, God has been dropping large gems. The photos that I have included show five gems, but as of last report there are now nine.
Each one has it's own color and is around 50 carrots in size. And they seem to to almost have a light of there own coming from within them. Some have literally dropped out of the sky and the red one was delivered by an Angel.
Several jewelers have looked at them, some say that they are diamonds others have run tests on them. So far they can not find what they are made of. They simply do not seem to be from earth.
Some people believe that when it's done there will be twelve gems in all. The jewelers say that if they are diamonds, then they are larger than the Hope diamond ( largest in the world ) and their current value is around 250 million each.
Robert Foster
My Father's House
Newport Washington
Hab. 1:5 ......... For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told.
Will You Let Me Be Me
Mitt Jeffords
“Will you let me be me?” says the Lord. “How will you stand in these times if you do not allow for me to be your God?”
I Corinthians 2:3 “And I was with you in weakness, and I fear, and with much trembling. And my speech and my trembling were not with the enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God”.
Job 23:14 “For he performs the thing that is appointed for me; and many such like things are with him”.
Psalm 57:2 “I will cry unto God most high; unto God who performs all things for me”.
“Will you let me be me? Will you allow for me to be your God” says the Lord.
“Will you let me be me? Will you surrender your heart into the works of my hands? Will you let me work in your belief and increase your faith? Will you ask for me to open your eyes so that you can see me? Will you ask for me to open your ears and your heart so that you may hear my voice and understand my words?”
“Will you let me be me? Will you allow for me to be your Father; the loving Father who corrects you when you turn from the right path to walk in those paths that of destruction and death that give you the illusion that you are walking in the right way? You know that my love will never bring forth any harm, so why would you be fearful that my correction would harmful to you? Do you not know that when I correct you, it is not for your punishment but rather it is my power to change you?”
“Will you let me be me? Will you let me teach you, knowing in your heart that there is no other who is able to teach you like I am teach you? For I do not teach you those things which you must perform of yourself but of those things which I desire to perform for you. Will you let me teach you so that I can show you those great and mighty things which you do not know?”
“Will you let me be me? Will you let me love you, for I desire to give you gifts, and blessings, and to do you good in every aspect of your life? Will you receive the good that I desire to do for you? Will you receive my love?”
Will you let me be me, your Lord and your love? Will you let me remove from your heart the unbelief, the doubts, the fears, as well as all of those vain laws and doctrines that you trusted in rather than me? Will you let me remove all of these lies that you have used to do nothing but to put boundaries on the love that I desire to show you and limitations on the wonderful works that I desire to perform for you? Will you let me remove these lies that have hindered you from casting all of your cares on me? Will you ask me to remove the lies from you that have hindered you from bringing to me all that troubles you? Will you put your trust in me rather than these lies that have only worked to constrain me? Will you let me be your God? Will you let me do those things which are impossible for you to do for yourself? Will you let me help you in time of need and in time of trouble?”
“Will you let me be me? Will you cease from directing me, as though you think that your thoughts are as my thoughts? Your thoughts only limit me in all those things that I desire to perform for you. Is it not enough just to ask for me to help you without you trying to sit on the throne of my judgment? Will you cease from directing me so that you can enable me to bless you and to do all things in a manner that is exceedingly abundant above all that you are able to think or to ask?”
“Will you let me be me? Will you ask for me to reveal myself to you so that my light might destroy the miserable darkness that is hiding in you; the miserable darkness that rules over your thoughts with anxiety, bitterness, doubt, unforgiveness, all manner of fear, hatred, unbelief, depression, fault finding, uncertainty, worry, and hopelessness?”
“Will you let me be me? Will you allow for me to reconcile you so that I may be the first love in your life? Will you allow for me to reconcile you so that you may follow me in those paths that allow for me to sovereign over every aspect of your life, knowing that all things will work together for good to those who love me? Will you allow for me to reconcile you so that you may know in your heart that I alone am sovereign over the health of your body, the health of your soul, and the health of your spirit? Will you allow me to reconcile you so that I may be Lord over the circumstances and situations that arise in your daily life; to be your Lord so that I may bless you, do you good, to give you the spirit of life, as well as my peace to rule in your hearts?”
“Will you let me be me? Will you also let be reconcile you in all of your troubles and adversity, believing in your heart that I am the Lord who is sovereign over all of your circumstances and situations? Will you acknowledge me as your Lord in all of your troubles and adversities so that I may show you my love, my power, and my peace? Do you not know that I am in control over all things that daily come upon you? Do you not know that Satan has no sovereign power, but he does receive power from you if you allow yourself to believe his words; then shall he rule over your hearts with his lies?”
“Will you let me be me? Will you let me show you that my love is greater than all of the sins that dwell within you? Will you let my love sanctify you, setting you apart from the sin that dwells within you, just as I did for my apostle Paul? Will you hide your flesh from me, as though I do not know the intents of your heart and the imaginations in your thoughts? Will you let my love cast out the wicked counselor that is in you? Will you let my love remove from your heart your judgments; that which you use to judge and accuse others with? Will you let me persuade you that there is no sin, no iniquity, no spirit, nor is there any power that is greater than the love that I have for you?”
“Will you let me be me? I am sovereign in all my power and in all of my love. My words are powerful and they always perform and accomplish good things for all those things who surrender to me, who ask for me to show them my love and my power. Will you let me be me and ask for me to send my word to you? Will allow for me to prove to you that you are the object of all of my affection, and that I truly desire to open the windows of heaven for you?”
“Will you let me be me? Will you allow for me to make you my workmanship, to make you ready for my appearing? Will you surrender your life into my hands, so that I can transform your thoughts and prepare your hearts for the kingdom that is coming?
Will you let me be me? Will you let me be your God? Will you keep my commandments, obey my voice, and follow my instructions so that with joy and gladness I may give unto you the kingdom of God that was won for you?”
To those who let me be me, then I will be their God, and to them I will be I AM. To those who refuse to let me be me, then I shall be unto them as the God who was not, who is not, and who never shall be. I am the Lord, the God, the King, the Savior, the Physician, the Redeemer, the Provider, the Helper, the Deliverer, the Teacher, the Protector, the Healer, the Friend, and the Lover of all those who let me be me. He who lets me be me becomes one with me; I in him and him in me. Will you let me be me?”
Romans 4:20 “Abraham staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God, being fully persuaded that what God had promised, he was able also to perform”.
May the Lord bless you with his Spirit and increase your faith,
Mitt Jeffords
It was a Sunday morning just minutes before our fellowship was to gather. I was just sitting in a chair when the Lord suddenly took me in the spirit, just as he did John in the book of Revelation. It was not a vision or a dream, but rather it was as though the Lord was able to take the consciousness of mind with him. Unlike what the scripture says, I never once felt like I was missing my physical body (II Cor.5:8).
I suddenly found myself standing on the edge of outer space; that place where earth’s atmosphere ends and space begins. I immediately focused my eyes on earth and was captivated at being able to see earth from such a position as I was standing. While I was musing on the earth, I suddenly noticed coming from my left, a huge cloud of darkness and it was heading straight towards the earth. One of the first things that I immediately noticed about this cloud was that it was much darker and blacker than the darkness and the blackness of space, so much so that it easily stood out against the space. I then observed this cloud as it descend upon the earth as though it was a dark thick fog that in just a few moments completely enveloped the entire earth and everything that was in it. This cloud was so large that it not only covered everything upon the earth, but it also seemed to reach at least three or four miles up into the atmosphere above the earth also.
The second thing that I observed about this cloud of darkness was how it differed from a thundercloud; seeing that I knew of nothing else to compare it with. A thundercloud appears as though it has some manner of life to it, seeing that it is constantly moving and changing by the winds that accompany it. A thundercloud is usually accompanied with such activity as lightning, thunder, and rain, which gives it a manner of appearance that it has some type of life of itself. There were none of these things accompanying this cloud of darkness, for it appeared as though it had no life at all in it; as though it was that which death consists of. I observed that when this cloud descended through the earth’s atmosphere, it seemed to completely envelop all things because of the heaviness of its weight, and not because it was a misty cloud. I observed that as this cloud of darkness moved down upon the earth, it seemed to displace the natural air with it’s darkness just as you would see oil displacing the water when it is poured into it because it is so much more heavier than the water. I observed these things until I could no longer see the earth, just this massive cloud of darkness seemingly suspended in space.
Then suddenly, I found myself back on earth, standing in the midst of some unknown crowded street that could be in any city. I immediately looked up and sure enough, I saw that heavy cloud of darkness descending upon the earth all around me. I watched as this cloud of darkness approached closer and closer to the earth. When it got close enough, I was suddenly able to see that this entire cloud of darkness consisted of words and sentences of words; nothing but words. When I focused my attention on these words, I realized that all of these words were actually spirits; spirits that appeared as lifeless as the cloud itself; hundreds of thousands of lifeless words, millions of lifeless words, billions and trillions of lifeless words; innumerable lifeless words. So many, many words, and they were all moving around me like a swarms of bees that had just had their hive disturbed. I then realized that I was the only person around me who was able to see this darkness and what it consisted of.
While I was watching this darkness displacing the air around me, I also observed that it was displaced the air that everyone around me was breathing in; or rather, everyone was breathing in these lifeless words as though they were the air that as though it was the air that was necessary to sustain the body with life. I then observed that this darkness was so heavy upon the men around me that the darkness was not only entering into these men through their mouths and their noses, but it was also able to force itself into their bodies through their eyes and their ears by reason of its heavy weight. I then realized that as this darkness was entering in, it was able to immediately corrupt all of the senses of man; and I could clearly see the affects of this corruption as it appeared in the facial expressions of those who were standing close to me; for I could see the effects as it appeared in their torment, or in their evil, or in their uncertainty, or in their fear, or in their trouble, or in their misery, or in their worry, as well as in all other manner of heaviness that appeared in their faces. I then discerned that it was this darkness that was having such a great impact on the lives of all those who were around me. Though no man was able to see this darkness, or rather, these lifeless words, each man was breathing them in as freely as a man would breathe in the air around him. I then discerned that all these men around me realized that something was wrong in their lives, but there was no man who knew that it was this darkness that was the cause of it.
Suddenly I found myself again standing again on the edge of space and I immediately looked towards the earth and I saw that this cloud of darkness still had the entire earth completely compassed. But then I observed that there was now a ring of brilliant light around the earth; a ring that appeared to be very similar to those rings which are around Saturn, except this ring appeared to consist of nothing but purest white light that I had ever seen. While I was looking at the brilliance of this ring of light, I observed that on an occasion, a small piece of light would come forth out of this ring, and then it would race towards the earth. I also watched as this piece of light easily pierced right through this cloud of heavy darkness, having no difficulty at all in doing so.
Then while I was considering what these things were that the Lord had allowed for me to see, I suddenly heard the voice of the Lord speak saying, “Mitt, do you understand that which you are seeing? I then answered, “Lord, I believe that this heavy cloud of darkness is Satan as the prince of the power of the air. I also observed that, unlike you Lord, Satan seeks to force himself into the hearts and the minds of all men to bring them into captivity to this darkness, or rather to the counsels of these lying spirits which appear in the thoughts of our minds. Though no one is able to see this darkness, nor discern what the darkness consists of, still, the lives of all men are greatly affected by these lies are breathed in. I perceive that this darkness is the cause of all the misery, all of the torment, all of the evil, and all of the trouble that is in this world today. I also perceive that by reason of this darkness, there is not one man who is able to know or to comprehend that there is any other life form that is better than the life which is ruled over by this darkness.
Ephesians 2:2 “Wherein in times past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of air, the spirit that works in the children of disobedience”.
Then Lord, I saw that this ring of light that surrounded the earth’s atmosphere, and I discerned that this was Jesus as the light of this world. I saw that when your light raced towards the earth, this cloud of darkness was powerless to stop it, seeing that the light easily pierced right through it. I perceive that you send your light to all those who call upon your name, asking for your truth. Those who call upon your name are those who desire to know you as well as to have a life that is better than the life that exists in this world of darkness. I perceive that this darkness, as the air that we breathe, is able to deceive men into believing that their own thoughts are the truth; and that is why I saw very little light heading to the earth. So few seek and ask to know your truth because there are only a few who perceive that your truth is where the light of life dwells; and only a few even understand and really believe that you are the source of real life.
I then stopped and mediated more on those things which I had seen. When I realized that that I knew nothing more than that which I had answered, I then asked, “What do you see, Lord?” Then the Lord answered and said, “The cloud of darkness that you saw it truly is nothing but the spirit of Satan; but this spirit consists of multitudes and multitudes of lying spirits; and these lying spirits are Satan’s angels. Since the fall of Adam, these spirits have made man to be their habitation; for all have breathed, and moved, and lived according to the dictates of these lying spirits. There is not one man of himself who is able to discern the darkness, and neither is there any man who is able to overcome any of these lying spirits of himself. For it is as it is written, “And the great dragon was cast out of heaven, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, who deceives the whole world. He was cast out into the earth; and his angels were cast out with him (Rev.12:10).”
The first effect that this darkness has upon the lives of all men is blindness; and it is by reason of this blindness that there is no man who knows or understands the truth about the Almighty God. There is no man who believes on God. There is no man who loves God. There is no man who trusts in God. There is no man who agrees with God. And there is no man who is able to see any need to have God as his Lord in his daily life. By reason of this blindness, natural man is totally ignorant of the being of the living God; and by reason of this ignorance, natural man has been alienated and separated from the abundant life that God created man to be partakers of. There are none that know the truth about the nature of God. There are none that understand the severity and the goodness of God. There are none who understand the power of God, or the ways of God, or the judgments of God, or the righteousness of God. There is not one man who is able to understand and comprehend the love of God. Even though this darkness has so greatly blinded the hearts of natural man to the being of God, natural man still thinks within himself that his opinions about God are truth. But all such thoughts are only lies that come forth from prince of the power of the air; the darkness that is as natural to breathe in as the air itself.
I Corinthians 2:12 “Now we have not received the “spirit of the world” but the spirit which is of God, so that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God........ 14 But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned”.
John 4:24 “God is Spirit”
Ephesians 4:19,20 “So I tell you, and insist on this in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do in the vanity of their thinking. Their understanding is darkness and they are alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them through the hardness of their hearts”.
I am the light of life; I am the life that the darkness has kept separated from man. I am the life that the darkness has corrupted the senses of man so that he is not able to discern what abundant life consists of. There is not one man who is able to truly discern just how great these lying spirits have affected the lives of men. Though no man is able to see the darkness, all are able to see it’s effect in the nature of the spirits that rule over the hearts and the minds of fallen man: for the nature of darkness is seen in the many kinds of fears, in pride, in stress, in hatred, in bitterness, in slander, in worry, in discontentment, in strife, in jealousy, in failure, in backbiting, in depression, in corruption, in fault finding, in envy, in vanity, in doubts, in adultery, in unforgiveness, in loneliness, in thefts, in accusations, in murder, in arguments, in unbelief, in despair, in intimidation, in uncertainty, in arrogance, in malice, as well as in any other such like counsels that trouble the mind of man. I did not create man with any such counsel that should be dictated over the thoughts of his mind. Multitudes and multitudes of lying spirits make their habitation in the darkness of the carnal mind, and each one daily waits for the right opportunity that will allow for it to dictate its authority over the lives of the children of darkness. In the darkness, that which appears as though it is life, it is truly death that presents itself as an illusion of life.
Romans 8:6 “The carnal mind is death but the spiritual mind is life and peace”.
Thus says the Lord your God, “My life is so greatly desirable being filled with good fruits, glory, truth, peace, goodness, joy, newness, wisdom, and power; yet there is no man by reason of his bondage to the spirit of this world darkness who is able to think on, or comprehend, or discover, or imagine the true magnificence of that which my life consists of. Why? Because the mind of man is full of the darkness that does not know me. I came into this fallen world of darkness to remove this enmity, this beam that is in the eyes of all men, to bring the light of life unto all those who desire freedom from their miserable existence in this fallen world of darkness. Even many of those who I have called have departed from me to, being enticed and distracted by these lying spirits, whose sole mission is to turn the hearts and the minds of my people from the strait and narrow path which leads to abundant life. These are they who have not lost their affection for death, the vain thoughts that rule over the thoughts of the carnal mind.
Matthew 7:13 “Enter in at the strait gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many will choose to go in there because strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leads to life, and there be that find it”.
Proverbs 8:12 “I, wisdom, dwell with prudence and I find out the knowledge of witty inventions..36 “For whoso finds me (wisdom), finds life, and shall obtain favor of the Lord. But those who sin against me wrong their own soul; and those who hate me love death”.
I hear the prayers of my people. I know that many of my people desire blessings from me; and truly I desire to give unto them my blessings. I know that many of my people desire for me to give gifts unto them; and truly I desire to give unto them many gifts. I know that many of my people desire for me to give unto them a ministry; and truly, I desire give unto them a ministry. But where are those prayers of those of my people who draw near to me out of their desire to know me? Where are the prayers of those who ask for me to reveal to them my heart? Just as natural man’s ignorance has alienated and separated him from the life that I created him to be a partaker of, so also does this same ignorance continue in the hearts of my people even to this day. Have I not set before you all this very day a choice between death and life; a choice between the darkness of Satan’s lies and the light of my truth? Only by reason of this ignorance would my people choose to remain in their bondage to these miserable rulers of darkness who rule over the hearts and the minds of my people with great unrest. My people choose to remain in this darkness because they do not know the scriptures nor do they understand the power of my spirit; the spirit of life that is able to set them free from the rulers of sin and death. Those who choose to remain in the darkness choose to do so because the darkness is the only life form that they are acquainted and familiar with.
Jeremiah 4:22,23 “For “my people” are foolish, they have not known me. They are sottish children and they have no understanding. They are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge. I beheld the earth (earthy man), and lo it was without form and void; and the heavens (the heart and mind), they had no light”.
Deuteronomy 30:19 “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Therefore choose life that both you and your seed may live”
It grieves my heart to see my creation, as well as my people, continue in such bondage, seeing that I so yearn to make them all partakers of my promise of abundant life, that which I have promised to all those who will follow after me. It is for the reason of this great ignorance that I have sent my son Jesus Christ into this world so that I might reveal myself through him; and though him I might bring forth the light of life in the hearts and in the minds of those who desire to know me. Through my Son, I will freely reveal myself unto all those who desire to know the truth about me. Through my Son, and only though Jesus Christ, shall a man find my promise of abundant life. To those who will take heed to and continue in the instruction of my words, I shall give unto them the truth that they seek for; the truth that has power to set a man free from his bondage to all of these lying spirits; the truth that only has the power to destroy all of these works of Satan. The man who seeks to know me, he shall see me destroy the darkness with my light; he shall see me destroy all of these lying spirits that even without their knowledge, dictated trouble and misery continually into their thoughts. I will destroy these lying spirits with the spirit that proceeds forth out of my mouth; and he shall be the witness of power who sees my truth consume the darkness of his ignorance. And he shall be my witness who sees my power dissolve the death that ruled over his thoughts. My life will come to those who seek to know me through my son Jesus Christ.
Matthew 11:27 Jesus said, “All things are delivered unto me of my Father; and no man knows the Son except the Father; and neither does any man know the Father except the Son, and he to whom the Son will reveal the Father to”.
John 17:3 “And this is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent”.
John 8:12 Jesus said unto them, “I am the light of the world; he that follows after me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the “light of life”.
I created the world and every living creature; yet, I came into the world, and the world did not know me. I came to my people, and they did not receive me. I was despised and rejected by men. When men saw me, they saw nothing in me that they desired to have of themselves because the darkness had so blinded them. There was not one man who knew me or one man who could rightfully discern who I was. If there was/is any man among you who could rightfully discern me, then such a man could also rightfully discern the lies of Satan. But no, there was not one; and for this reason it was necessary for me to send my precious son Jesus into this fallen world to save man. It is by reason of this darkness, that the senses of man have been thoroughly corrupted, confirming that which is written: “You have eyes, but you do not see me. You have ears, but you do not understand the truth of my words when you hear them. And though you have a heart, you do not have any desire or affection to be in your heart”. Even so, be not afraid, for I have sent my Son unto you to open your blind eyes, to give hearing to your deaf ears, to shine the light of life into the hidden things of darkness, to raise you up from your dead works and dead thoughts, and to take away the stony heart that loves the things of this fallen world by giving unto you a new heart that loves the Lord with all of your heart, all of your mind, and all of your soul. I am well able to perform that which I was sent to perform; but do you believe that I will do this for you?
Deuteronomy 29:2 “And Moses called all of Israel unto him and said, “You have seen all that the Lord did before your eyes in the land of Egypt unto Pharaoh, and unto all of his servants, and unto all of his land; the great trials which your eyes have seen with signs and wonders, yet the Lord has not given you a heart to perceive, nor eyes to see, nor ears to hear unto this day”.
Matthew 13:13 “Therefore I speak to them in parables because they seeing do not see, and hearing they do not hear nor understand. And in them is the prophesy of Isaiah is fulfilled which says, “By hearing you shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing you shall see, and shall not perceive. For this peoples heart is grown hard and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and they should be converted (from darkness to light), and I should heal them”.
Isaiah 42:6 “I the Lord have called you in righteousness, and I will hold your hand and will keep you. I will give you as a covenant unto the people, as a light unto the Gentiles, to open the blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and bring out those who sit in darkness out of the prison house”.
Jude 10 “But these speak evil of what they do not know; and whatsoever they know naturally, in these things they corrupt themselves like brute beasts”.
Have I not established my new covenant on the foundation that you shall all know me, from the least of you to the greatest? Do you believe that I am able to reveal myself unto you through my son Jesus Christ? To those who believe, I will fulfill my promise. I will give unto them a new heart and a new mind filled with life, and they shall know me. I will open their eyes to see me and I will give unto them ears to hear my voice so that they may understand my words. With their new heart and new mind, they will know me; and those who know will love me with all of their heart and their mind, and they shall not only be partakers of my promise of abundant life, but also the partakers of everlasting life (John 17:3)”. If any man says that he knows me, and he thinks evil of his brother, then he is liar and my truth is not in him.
You think that the darkness lies only upon the hearts of the heathen but the darkness also lies greatly upon the members of my body also. Do you not see the division and strife in my church? Do you not see the backbiting and the fault-finding in my church? Do you not see many of your brethren seeking for their own glory and desiring to make a name for their own self? Do you not see all of the vain and dead works that are done in my body that are not done by my Spirit? Do you not see that the world knows my church for her hypocrisy, and not for the love in her? Do you see how the darkness has so blinded my people that they are not to discern between the darkness that appears as the light from the true light? Do you not see how my people are still abiding in their ignorance of me? For who among you cries out upon me continually? Who among you rises up daily to take hold of me? Who among you is able to hear my words and discern the truth thereof? Who among you does not believe that the decisions he makes are not righteous judgments? Who among you knows that his own opinions are nothing but vanity? Who among you believes the testimony of my word which declares that there is not one man among you who is good? Do you now see that all of these things are result of the air that is breathed; the air that consists of Satan’s lying spirits? Do you see how the darkness has blinded the eyes of my own people so greatly that there is not one man of himself who is able to discern just how massive his need is for me?
In this fallen world, the darkness is that which is natural to fallen man, and the true light is that life form which is alien to man. In this fallen world, that which if of the darkness is that which man is familiar with (Jer.13:23/Rom.3:12). For in the darkness, all that which is natural to man is contrary to that which is spiritual; and all that which Spirit is contrary to that which is natural (Gal.5:17); and God is that which is spiritual. In this fallen world of darkness, those things which are highly esteemed in the sight of men are abominations in the sight of God (Luke 16:15). Man is so accustomed and familiar with his life in the darkness that there is not one man who is able to comprehend the goodness of that which my life consist of”, says the Lord. “There is no goodness in this realm of darkness because all that which is in the darkness is controlled and ruled over by these lying spirits of Satan. There is no good in man because all that which is natural to man consists only of those things which are of the darkness (Matt19:17/Rom.3:12).
I showed you that this darkness only consists of words; words which only consist of these lying spirits from Satan. Though all of these words, or rather lying spirits, are different in nature, they all have one common character in their nature, and that is the being of “self”: self-glory, self-sufficiency, self pleasures, self-righteousness, self-consciousness, self-will, self-reliance, self-preservation, self-defense, self-esteem, self-reputation, self-control, self-protection, self-gratification, self-condemnation, self-justification, self-pity, self-trust, self-exaltation, self-motivation, self-deprecation, self-expression, self-denial, self gain, self-confidence, self-dependency, self-importance, self-promotion, self desires, self-made, self-recognition, self-regard, self-discipline, self-image, self-denial, self-assured, self-respect, self-complacent, self-help, self-opinionated, self-interest, self-identity, self-seeker, self-taught, self-devotion, self-conceit, and self-worship. “Self” is the corrupt nature of man; and the spirit of man loves all things of “self”. The spirit of man is the spirit of pride; and pride is that spirit that only loves “self” and that spirit which is always conscious of “self”. Those who love “self” are those who love to worship the creature more than they worship their Creator. In this fallen world of darkness, life is accounted to be good as long as one is able to satisfy these desires of “self”.
Romans 1:21 “Because when they knew God, they did not glorify him as God, and neither were they thankful. But they became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and they changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image like unto man, or birds, or four-footed beasts, or creeping things. God then gave them up to uncleanness (Isa.64:6:“self-rightousness) through the desires of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves; who changed the truth of God into a lie, and they worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen”.
Despite man’s bondage to “self”, I still love all men unconditionally; for I alone am able to set men free from their bondage to “self”. Worship me as your Savior. Worship me as the God of truth. Worship me alone as your deliverer from all of the lying spirits. Do you now see and understand how “self” is at the heart of all false worship, seeing that all false doctrines and religions focus only on the abilities, the efforts, and the strengths of “self”? Do you now understand how great the darkness is that has blinded the eyes and the hearts of my people so greatly that only those few who seek for me will be able to focus on my power, my abilities, and my strengths? Do you now see how thoroughly Satan has deceived and corrupted all of the inhabitants of this entire world with these lies of “self”? Do you now believe my word that says, “Your thoughts are not my thoughts”, says the Lord”? If then I am the truth, then whose thoughts do you think on? I am love, and you know that it is written that love takes no thought of “self”? Did you believe that I am like unto your thoughts, always thinking about myself? It is only in this fallen world of darkness that the children of darkness think only on “self”. In truth, man has become so corrupted by Satan’s lies that there is no man who is able to find a reason to exist, or to live, without the purposes of “self” being at its center.
Psalm 50:20 “You sit and speak against your brother, and you slander your own mother’s son. These things you have done and I have kept silent. You thought that I was altogether like you. I will rebuke you and set these things in order before your eyes”.
The darkness lies so great upon the hearts and the minds of man that it is impossible for any man to think on any other form of life that does not center around “self”; this is the power of darkness. Do you now see clearly how these lying spirits have found there habitation in the hearts and in the minds of fallen man, always coming in under the guise of “self”? Do you now understand why it is so easy for these lying spirits to be heard, to be accepted, to be received, to be esteemed, and to be believed on, seeing that there is no man who is able to see any evil in “self”. Do you now see the truth in that which is written, that no man ever hated “self”? The lies of “self” are only an avenue that Satan continually uses because it provides him an open door entrance into the hearts and the minds of all those who believe his lies; an entrance that then allows for him to counsel the thoughts of man with various kinds of instructions that only trouble his thoughts with all manner of fears, or misery, or confusion, or depression, or dissatisfaction, or bitterness, despair, or hatred, or worry, or loneliness, or uncertainty, or anxiety, or failure, or unrest. Satan bitterly hates all men, and it is only a sport for him to bring with him the most cruel of thoughts to torment the thoughts of man. As long as men love to believe the lies about “self”, then Satan will always find the gate that he needs to go in and out of the thoughts of man; for his entrance into the hearts of the deceived will be just as easy as the air that is breathed, going in and out.
What man is able to say concerning any of the lies that pertain to “self” that they are any thing other than that which is natural to him? Those who walk after the desires of “self”, they only walk after the desires of their father the Devil; for the Devil is the father of all lies. All of the desires of fallen man are not they all desires and affections that are aroused by the lies of “self”? Those who walk in darkness, after the course of this world, do not they live their lives day after day, day after day, always seeking to satisfy the same desires over and over? What life would an ignorant man if his days were not filled with trying to satisfy these desires and affections for “self”? In this fallen world of darkness, all flesh only lusts to believe these lies which pertain to “self”. Again I say to you, how is it possible for the children of darkness to think on or to desire the things which are outside of the realm of “self”? In this fallen world, “Self” is always that which has the preeminence in the lives of men because “self” is always that being which is loved first. Now do you see and understand the truth of that which is written, that whosoever is a friend of this world is an enemy of God? What fellowship does light have with darkness? What communion does the love of God have with the love of “self”? What agreement do the lies of Satan have with the truth of God? This is the power of darkness; the darkness that fights to keep fallen man completely blind to the light of life that is in Christ Jesus.
II Timothy 3:1 “This know also, that in the last days, perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own “selves”…
John 8:44 “You are of your father the Devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abides not in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own (self); for he is a liar and the father of it”.
I John 2:15-17 “Love not the world, neither the things which are in the world. If any man love world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the desires of the flesh, the desire of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world passes away and the desires thereof, but he that does the will of God abides forever”.
James 4:4 “You adulterers and adulteresses, do you not know that the friendship of this world is enmity with God? Whosoever will be a friend of this world is the enemy of God”.
You know that it is written that I said that the words that came out of my mouth, they are life and they are spirit; but have you not considered the words that the words that Satan speaks, as well as the words that his ministers speak, they are also spirit? Have I not warned you saying that there would come many false prophets, and that you were to try the spirits that came out of their mouth? Whose spirit came out of Peter’s mouth when he sought to persuade me not to go to Jerusalem? All words are spirits, whether clean or unclean, and they are all seeking a place to dwell? Words find their habitation in the hearts and in the minds of those believe the counsel that was spoken to them. Should you not consider my word which testifies saying that you are the slave of him whose words you are obedient to? Does not the slave serve the desires and the pleasures of his master? So then, do you now see and understand why I said that those who serve the lies of “self”, they are only serving the desires of their father the Devil? I set before you a choice between life and death; now whose life do you desire to live unto? Every time you saw a piece of light race forth unto the earth, it was because someone just chose to have life today, and I immediately sent unto him the light of life.
Romans 6:16 “Do you not know that to whom you yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants you are to whom you obey; whether it be sin unto death or of obedience unto righteousness?
Proverbs 12:17 He that speaks truth shows forth righteousness, but a false witness deceit.
I John 4:1 “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they be of God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world”.
Did I not warn Adam and Eve that if they ate of the fruit that was of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that was in the midst of the garden, that death would be waiting upon them? If then you eat the fruit of lies, cannot you not expect anything other than for death to rule over your thoughts? You know that once Adam and Eve were deceived, they became willing to disobey my words. By reason of this disobedience, my Spirit departed immediately from out of their hearts and minds, because my Spirit cannot be corrupted, and neither will my Spirit have any fellowship or agreement with any of these deceitful lies of Satan. My Spirit will never bow down in obedience before any of Satan’s lies. Seeing then that my Spirit had departed from them, Satan was then able to immediately fill their hearts and minds with the spirit of this world, the spirit which only loves to hear, to be enticed by, and to be flattered by the lies of “self”. It is this spirit that corrupted the intents of the hearts and the imaginations in the thoughts of fallen man; for it is this spirit that always works hand in hand with Satan’s lies to bring forth the works of darkness: sin and death. Do not be ashamed of those deeds which you have done, but rather be ashamed for bowing the knee of your heart before the ruler of darkness, to obey his lies. It is also by reason of this spirit that it makes it impossible for any man to think outside of the realm of “self”, seeing that this spirit only dwells in this present evil world.
Hosea 10:12 “Sow to yourselves in righteousness; reap in mercy. Break up your fallow ground; for it is time for you to seek the Lord until he comes and rains righteousness upon you. You have plowed wickedness and reaped iniquity. You have eaten the fruit of lies because you did trust in your own way, and in the multitude of your mighty men”.
In the days of Noah, God testified that he saw that every imagination of the thoughts of man had been so corrupted by these lies of “self” that it grieved so that he was sorry that he had made man. Now I warn you, that I myself spoke to concerning these very days, saying that it would be just as it was in the days of Noah; days where men loved their own selves. Do you not understand that it is today just as it was then because this same cloud of darkness still compasses the earth?” Thus says the Lord, “My Father sought to rid the world of this wickedness by riding the world of all of those who agreed with and who had pleasure in believing Satan’s lies; but I say unto you that I came into this world to save and not to destroy. I did not come into this world to destroy sinful man but to destroy those things that make man sinful. How shall a man sin if that which desires to sin is destroyed? I came to save men from the spirit that lusts to yield to these sinful lies that Satan uses to deceive all with. Do you not see that all men have bowed their knee before Satan’s lies? Do not all men desire to do their own will? Do not all seek the things of “self”? Do not all men delight in doing those things which are right in their own eyes? Do not all men desire to make a name for themselves? Do you see that all of these desires are common among all men?
Genesis 6:5 “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thought of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him in his heart. And God said, “I will destroy man whom I have created from off of the face of the earth…”
Matthew 24:37 “And as it was in the days of Noah, so also shall it be in the coming of the Son of man”.
Luke 9:55 “And Jesus turned and rebuked John and James saying, “You do not know what manner of Spirit that you are of. For the Son of man has not come to destroy the lives of men, but to save them”.
The soul of man was not created with sin in him, but sin entered in when the spirit of this world entered into Adam and Eve after I took my spirit from them. It was then that death took its reign over the hearts and the minds of fallen man. When Adam and Eve chose to eat the fruit of lies, they chose to have the darkness and death for their master; and “self” became the desires and the affections of fallen man’s heart and the meditations of his thoughts; and his life became a playground for Satan’s cruelty. I am so grieved for man, for neither was man created to have such imaginations of “self” to rule over him. For God created man to fellowship with his Creator; but what fellowship can light now have with darkness? In the darkness, men seek only after the things of “self” and not after the things of Jesus Christ; the things which bring restoration between God and man. Six thousand years after the fall, men are still seeking to find life through the satisfying of the desires of “self”, and not in the things that are in the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
Philippians 2:21 “For all seek their own, and not the things which are Jesus Christ”.
Again I say unto you, I am the light of life; but is it not as it is written, “The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness is not able to comprehend it”(John 1:5)? How can a lover of “self” comprehend the love that thinks not of “self”? And I also ask you, “How then can a man who seeks to find life through satisfying of the desires of “self” be able to comprehend or interpret the light of my life?” says the Lord. “My life can only be found at the end of that strait and narrow path; it is not the life that comes when one satisfies the desire of “self”. Do you still think that of yourself that you are able to comprehend the abundant life that I have promised to those who walk that strait and narrow path? Because there are no lies in the spiritual realm it is then impossible for there to be any “self” in the spiritual realm either; only the “oneness” that comes through the love of God? How shall the then shall any of thoughts of this earthy realm be able to interpret such a love where God is in all things? The carnal mind is contrary to the spiritual mind; and the spiritual mind is contrary to the carnal mind.
The thoughts of man, do they not come forth from the spirit of this world; the same spirit which has corrupted man’s wisdom, man’s knowledge, and man’s understanding so that he cannot know, or believe, or understand, or trust, or love the God who created and made them? It is through this same corruption that man has not been able to comprehend either my thoughts nor my ways”, says the Lord. “What more can I give unto a man than the gift of my incorruptible Spirit; the Spirit that loves me, the Spirit that knows me, the Spirit that understands my thoughts and my ways; the Spirit that believes only on me and trusts only in me? I am the Spirit that sets you free from the laws of sin of death. Only though my Spirit shall my people be able to come into the spiritual realm that I have called you to; the spiritual realm where love, and truth, and peace, and faith, and everlasting life are the laws that I desire to write upon the hearts of those who overcome this fallen world of darkness. How shall any man be able to mortify the deeds of “self” except through the power of my Spirit? I am that Spirit”, says the Lord. “I am the gift of God sent to overcome the all of the lies of Satan with truth. You in me, and me in you; for in me is your salvation and deliverance from all of the lies of “self”. I am the Spirit that seeks not my own but only those things which come from above. I am the way of escape out of this fallen world of darkness and the destruction that awaits it. I am the One, says Jesus Christ, your Lord and your Redeemer.
Isaiah 47:10 “For you have trusted in your wickedness…your wisdom and your knowledge have perverted you”.
II Corinthians 3:17 “Now the Lord is that Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty”.
Romans 8:2 “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the laws of sin and death”.
Psalm 119:142 “…and your law is the truth”
Romans 3:27 “Where then is the boasting? It is excluded. By what law? Works? No, but by the law of faith”.
Colossians 3:15 “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts…”
Romans 8:13,14 “For if you live after the flesh (self), you shall die; but if you through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body (all lies of self), then you shall live. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God”.
John 5:30 “I can of my own self do nothing; as I hear I judge; and my judgment is just because I do not seek my own will but the will of my Father who is in heaven. If I bear witness of my “self”, then my witness is not true”.
Is it not written that I said that whosoever would be willing to follow after me, he must take up and his cross and deny “self”; for he who seeks to save his life is going to lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake, allowing for me to redeem them from the spirit of this world with my Spirit, then he would gain life abundantly in this time and everlasting life in the world to come? This is the way that I have chosen for my followers to walk in daily, dying to death and sin so that the gift of life might be made manifest in your mortal bodies. This is the power of God. But even until this day, many, many of my people remained deceived by Satan’s lies, and loving their own lives rather than the God who called them with a holy calling, they have chosen to remain in this realm of darkness where the sins of “self” continue to be their hearts desire and affection. These have refused to take up their crosses to put to death the lust of the old man; the old man whose senses have been corrupted by the desires and affections of the spirit of this world. By reason of this darkness, many of my people continue to walk in the ways that seem right to “self”.
Colossians 3:5-10 “If it be that you have heard him and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus, that you put off the former conversation of the old man who is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; and be renewed in the Spirit of your mind. Put on the new man who is created in righteousness and the holiness of the truth. Therefore, put away lying and speak truth every man to his neighbor; for we are members one of another”.
Galatians 5:24 “Those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh of its affections and desires…Let us not be desirous of vain glory”.
Thus says the Lord, “No where can the effect of Satan’s lies be seen more clearly in the hearts of my people who refuse to take up their crosses and die to Satan’s lies. Repeatedly I have warned my people to watch out for those ravenous wolves who come in my name, calling themselves Christians. These are they who walk after the lies of “self”, seeking daily to satisfy their self-righteous desires and affections for self-exaltation, self-reputation, self-glory, self-esteem, and self-image. These are they who mock my precious remnant who daily take up their crosses to follow after me. Where else would you expect to find such a wolf except in the midst of my flock? Did you not know that my flock is the center of Satan’s focus, always ready to deceive my people with flattering and enticing words; words that arouse the desires within my people to save “self” rather than to crucify “self”? Satan, being the most subtle and crafty creature of the darkness, will carefully fashion his lies until they appear as good words, or as false doctrines, or as fair speeches, or as traditions that seduce my people to desire and to believe his lies. This he does so that he may continue to keep those whom he deceives in bondage to the miseries and the works of darkness.
Philippians 3:18 “I have told you often, and I now tell you even weeping, that many walk as enemies of the cross of Christ, whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly (the affections and desires of their heart), whose glory is in their shame, and who mind earthy things”.
II Timothy 3:3 “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, and having itching ears, and after their own lust (for “self”), they shall heap to themselves teachers, and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and be turned to fables”.
Jeremiah 5:30 “An astonishing and horrible thing is committed in the land: the prophets prophesy falsely and the priests bear rule by their own power; and my people love to have it so. But what will they do in the end?”
Isaiah 30:9 “This is a rebellious people, lying children; children that will not hear the law of the Lord (the law of truth: Ps.119:142), which say to the seers, “See not”; and to the prophets, “Do not prophesy unto right things; speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceit”.
O if my people would just take heed to the instruction of my words! For where Satan and his false ministers have corrupted my people with his enticing lies, there can no freedom from their bondage to this heavy darkness that inhabits the thoughts of the mind and the imagination of their thoughts. O if my people would just trust my words and set their desires upon knowing the truth of my words, then should they experience the freedom of the abundant life that can only be partaken of by those who love my truth. Not only do the words of these false prophets and false teachers allow for these lying spirits to continue their rule, but they also bring with them visions of false burdens, guilt, and dead works. Consider my people Israel, how Satan deceived them into killing and persecuting my prophets so that his lies might continue in their rule over my people. For Israel had a great zeal for God, but they were ignorant of my truth; and being ignorant of my truth, they then stumbled over that stumblingstone of “self”. For Satan, using the law of Moses, enticed my people into believing that righteousness is that which one could attain to through the works and the efforts of “self”. Seeing that his lies agreed with their corrupted senses, they were easily seduced into believing that this illusion of righteousness that accompanied with it an outward beauty that seem right in the sight of all who were blind and ignorant.
Rom.9:31 “But Israel, who followed after the law of righteousness has not attained to the law of righteousness. Why? Because they sought it not by faith but by the works of the law. They stumbled at the stumblingstone”.
Romans 10:2 For I bear Israel record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness have gone about to establish their own righteousness and have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.
Daniel 9:7 “And Daniel said, “O Lord, righteousness belongs unto you but unto us confusion of face”.
Matthew 23:27 “Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whited tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but within you are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness. Even so you also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity”.
I told you that Satan was the most crafty of all creations, and do you see how he used his lies with their ignorance of the law to arouse within their hearts the desires for self-glory, self-esteem, self-righteousness, self-justification, self-discipline, self-image, and self-worship? You know that the truth says that no work of “self” shall be able to glorify itself in the presence of God. Do you how Satan was able to take the law, then twist and fashion his words until they became that which was desirable for the ignorant to believe? Do you see how Satan was able to make the darkness to appear as the light? Seeing then how the god of this world was able to blind the eyes of the whole nation of Israel, deceiving them with nothing other than counsels of lying words, then how much more should you take heed to seek for my truth from me?
Romans 7:5,6 “For when we were in the flesh, the sinful passions of the flesh of the flesh which were aroused by the law were at work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death. But now we are delivered from the law, having died to what we were held by (the lies of Satan), that we should serve in the newness of the Spirit, and not in the oldness of the letter”.
Galatians 3:1 “O foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was crucified among you. This only would I learn of you, did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law or by the hearing of faith? Are you so foolish, having begun in the Spirit, are you now made perfect by the flesh?
Matthew 22:29 “You do always err not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God”.
II Thessalonians 2:9 “The coming of anti-Christ is after the working of Satan, with all of his signs and lying wonders, and with all of the deceivableness of un(self)righteousness, in them that perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved. For this cause, God shall send them strong delusion (the letter of the word) that they should believe a lie, that they may be damned who believed not the truth but had pleasure in self-righteousness”.
Do you see how Satan used his lies to deceive my people with his lies, tempting them to believe that righteousness is that fruit which is produced through their own works and their own efforts? So also does Satan still use the “letter of the word” today as he used the Law of Moses then, tempting my people to believe that righteousness is that which is produced by their own works and their own efforts. The letter of the word is that interpretation that is produced when my people are tempted to apply their natural understanding and natural wisdom to the scriptures. Just like the law, the letter of the word arouses the fleshy desires for self-righteousness, self-glory, and self-worship; also, just like the law, the letter of the word focuses on man’s work’s, man’s abilities, man’s praise, man’s strength, man’s judgment, and man’s power. Do you see how Satan uses the same lies in the new covenant just as he did in the old covenant; the lies that only focus on the being of “self”? If then man’s thoughts are not my thoughts, then how shall any man discover the truth of my words through the use of his own thoughts? How then shall any man find freedom from Satan’s lies who leans to his own understanding and is wise in his own eyes? Is it possible for vain thoughts to bring forth anything other than vanity? Is it possible for incorruption to be brought forth out of that which is corrupted?
Psalm 94:11 “The Lord knows the thoughts of man that they are vanity”.
II Corinthians 2:17 “We are not as many who corrupt (deal deceitfully with) the word of God; but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God we speak in Christ”.
Though these interpretations surely have appearance of the truth; they are only illusions, lifeless words, which keep men in bondage to the opinions of their own understanding; and those who are in bondage to their own opinions shall see no freedom from the death that rules over their carnal mind, nor any liberty from the lies of “self”. When my people are deceived by the letter of the word, then the truth of my word is then rendered powerless to deliver them from any of their captivity to darkness; from the lies that torment with worry, doubt, uncertainty, confusion, distress, unbelief, anxiety, bitterness, fear, and unforgiveness. It is here that Satan uses these corrupted scriptures to place false burdens on, to accuse and condemn with, to provoke with the works of hypocrisy, to place guilt on, as well as to establish vain laws that are powerless to change the desires of the heart or to transform the thoughts of the mind. Do you now see and understand how the letter of word is nothing but a strong delusion that only has a form of the truth; a form that is powerless to perform any of the works that the word of God’s truth is able to perform? Do you now see how Satan fashions the letter of the word to appear right in the sight of men because it bring with it that illusion of righteousness appears beautiful in the sight of man?
Isaiah 53:2 “…and when we see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him”.
I am grieved”, says the Lord. “For even to this day, there are many vessels of dishonor in my house; vessels who have not submitted themselves unto me for sanctification through the spirit of my truth. In my Spirit is found the power, the love, and the blessing that I yearn to give unto me people. Even so, there are many who will deny my power, and through the work iniquity, that delusion that seems right, they will stand before me seeking for justification and reward through the works of “self”. These will profess before me saying, “Lord, have we not prophesied in your name and preached the gospel? Lord, have we not cast out demons in your name? Lord have we not done many wonderful works in your name?” Do you see how Satan used his lies on these to distract their worship from their Creator unto the worship of the creature? Many will receive and believe the words of the false prophets and teachers who instruct my people with Satan’s lies to keep their desires and focus on the being of “self”. For when my people shall not be able to find any deliverance from their miseries and their troubles, they only have need to examine the counsels of the doctrine that they have believed on and trusted in. Who is the focus of their attention: “self” or God?
Matthew 7:21 “Not everyone who says unto me, “Lord, Lord”, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that, “Lord, have not prophesied in your name? And in your name have cast out demons? And in your name have done many wonderful works? And then I will profess unto them, “I never knew you; depart from you me workers of iniquity”.
My sheep are as a scattered flock because of these lies that focus on “self”; for all such lies are accompanied with division, strife, and contention. The letter of the word is always accompanied with division because it allows for each man to form his own interpretation which then allows for each man to walk in the way that seems right to his own “self”; this is iniquity, that strong delusion that is custom fitted for each man who trusts in his own understanding and wisdom. Thus being deceived, my people will then bow their knee and worship the idols of “self”; the image that they have created for “self” through the work of their own hands. Do you now see how the workers of iniquity have stumbled over the same stumblingstone of “self” that Israel stumbled over? Do you see how they also were tempted to establish their own righteousness upon the same lies of “self”. These are they who find “self” very pleasing and acceptable in their own sight, refusing to seek to know those things which are pleasing and acceptable in the sight of God.
Isaiah 53:6 “We all are like sheep gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all”.
Acts 3:26 “Unto you first, God having raised up his Son Jesus, sent him to bless you, in turning every one of you from his iniquities”.
Can you now clearly see the effect of Satan’s lies in the letter of the word; and how these lies are at work in my church today? There is only one God and one truth; and my truth only works to bring unity and oneness. But it is not so with those interpretations that are established upon the letter of the word; for they are at work to bring division, schism, and strife among the members of my body. Remember, Satan’s lies always focus on the image of “self”; and it is the worship of this image that brings division. Did I call any man to become a Methodist, or a charismatic, or a Baptist, or a Pentecostal, or a Catholic? Would a man desire to take a woman for his bride who desired to take the name of another? Does not my word declare that the world will know that you are my disciples when you love one another? How shall this be as long as my people honor the letter of the word as though it was the truth? Only my truth is able to bring the love that unifies my church into one body without any schism, but Satan continually sows the wicked seed of his lies among the members of my church; and those who regard his lies then only work to do Satan’s will, to keep division and strife among the members of my body. I am one God, and those who are of my body are those who have allowed for me to join them together with the other members through the love of my truth. There is only one truth; and truth never contradicts truth. There are many lies that Satan sows and they are not only contrary to my truth, but they are also contrary to one another. The focus of the truth is always the Lord, but the focus of Satan’s lies is always on “self”; and “self” is that which brings division and strife.
I Corinthians 1:10 “Now I beseech you brethren by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind (truth) and in the same judgment (love)”.
I Corinthians 3:1-3 “And I brethren could not speak unto you as spiritual but as unto carnal, as unto babes in Christ. I have fed you with milk and not with meat; for until now you were not able to bear it, and neither are you yet able to bear it. For you are carnal because there is among you envy, division, and strife. Are you not still carnal and walk as men?”
Ephesians III:11 (out of the Lost books of the Bible) “Let it be your care therefore to come more fully together, to the praise and glory of God. For when we meet fully together in the same place, the powers of the Devil are destroyed and his mischief is destroyed by the unity of their faith”.
John 13:35 By this shall all men know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.
I told you that Satan was the most beguiling creature ever created; and when you see division and strife at work among the members of body, then you shall know that Satan is at work. Though you cannot see Satan, you can see the effect of his lies in the strife, schisms, and divisions that exist today among the members of my body. What man, trusting in his own senses, is not convinced and confident that he is more righteous in believing his own interpretations of the scriptures rather than the instructions that come forth from my words?” says the Lord. “Where there is division and strife, you will only find there a union between Satan’s lies and the corruption of man’s senses; for all those who continue to walk in that corrupt wisdom that seems right in their own eyes, they will always strive and contend with those who do not see eye to eye with them, even with God in heaven. Those who love division will separate themselves even from God in defense of the lies of “self” that they hold on to.
James 3:14 “But if you have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, do not glory nor lie against this truth. For this wisdom does not descend from above but is earthy, sensual, and devilish (of the Devil)”.
Did you not know that the letter of the word is the ministry of all false prophets and teachers; those grievous wolves that minister those lies that keep division and schism among my people? These are those ministers who love to do those things as well as to minister those things which being glory to image of “self”, as well praise, and honor, and respect, and esteem, and regard to the image of the creature rather than to God. Who is he who will exalt himself or separate himself from the truth except he who desires to continue to walk after the desires and the affections for “self”? Though these seem to prosper in the sight of men, it is only that appearance, that illusion of righteousness that is presented in the sight of other men for their own exaltation; for such things as these are the treasures and the riches of the wicked heart. Take the praise and the glory of men away from these men and you take away their religion; the worship of the lies of “self”.
Try the Spirits”, says the Lord. “Do you ever think within yourself that you are not dealing with men, but with the words that come out of their mouths? What makes a prophet or a teacher to be false except that they only speak lies; lies that are seeking a place to dwell. Do you think that you would ever hear a false prophet or false teacher teaching repentance from Satan’s lies, seeing that they themselves have not repented for walking after these very same lies?
Matthew 23:5 “But “all” their works (works of “self”) that they do, they do to be seen of men”.
I have called each one of you to repentance, to put off the lies of the carnal mind, and to put on the truth of the spiritual mind. I am that truth”, says the Lord. “It is my will for all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of my truth. I am the truth of what you need to believe; but to all those who come after me, it is necessary that they first take up their cross, deny and dispossess the lies of “self”. How shall any man be able be able to repent who out of desire seeks to save his life: the lies of “self”? I have called all of you to come out from the darkness and into the light, how shall any be able to do this except that he first repents of the darkness that is within him? You know that it is written that you are not your own (self), but you are mine; so why would you not repent for walking after these desires and affections that are of your father the Devil? Did you not know that no man is his own? I am not asking you to repent of being that which I created in you, but I am asking you to repent of the lies of Satan that have corrupted you; thus making you his own. Do you not know that it is only through repentance that you allow for me to make you my sons and daughters, changing the desires and the affections that your heart has to believe Satan’s lies? The man who seeks to save his life, is he not seeking to justify the “self” desires that are within him so that he might continue to walk in darkness, worshipping and serving the creature of “self”?
I Timothy 2:4 “God will have all men to be saved and “come” to the knowledge of the truth”.
Matthew 16:24 The Jesus said, “If any man will “come” after me, let him take up his cross and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; and whosoever will lose his life for my sake (the truth) shall find it”.
II Timothy 2:24 “A servant of the Lord must not strive…and in meekness instructing those who oppose them”selves”; if therefore God will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the Devil, who are taken captive by him to do his will (his desires)”.
Galatians 5:24 Those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh of its affections and desires.
James 4:5 “Do you think that the scripture says in vain, “The spirit that dwells in us lusts to envy?”
Can that which is carnal repent of that which is carnal? Can that which is natural have any affection for that which is spiritual? Are not all men well acquainted and familiar with the carnal, the being of “self”; the “self”-image that has been built upon Satan’s lies? How shall any man repent of this thing unless he first allows for my light to enter in to show him the truth about the darkness that rules over his heart; to show to him that these lies have been the cause for the trouble and the unrest that appears in his thoughts? O, if my people understood the gift of God that has been given unto them in Jesus Christ; the Spirit of truth that is well able to set a man free from his captivity to these lying spirits of Satan. The man who understands and knows the gift of God is man who no longer finds any pleasure in living his life according to the desires and the affections for “self”. The man who comes to the knowledge of the truth is man who runs as quickly as he can to take up his cross when he sees the lies of Satan seeking an entrance into the thoughts of his mind; for he knows that the it is through the cross that he shall find his escape from Satan’s lying temptations. I am the life that awaits you on the other side of the cross; I am the abundant life”, says the Lord. “Your escape is in the Spirit of life that sets you free from the carnal desires and affections of “self”. Your escape is in the gift of God. But who will open the many gifts that I have for them?
I Corinthians 10:13 “There has no temptation come upon you that is not common (self) to man; but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that which you are able; but with the temptation also make a way to escape so that you may be able to bear it”.
My Spirit is the incorruptible Spirit of God. I have showed to you that this darkness that you see is nothing but the spirit of Satan; and that this spirit of darkness consists of many different kinds of lying spirits. So also does my Spirit, the spirit of truth, also consists of several different kinds of spirits: the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of knowledge, the spirit of understanding, the spirit of power, the spirit of counsel, and the spirit of the fear of the Lord. How then shall a man find repentance from that which he has been corrupted by, the spirit of this world, except that there come another kind of spirit, one that is greater and mightier than that which he has been held captive by? and that which cannot be corrupted by the affections and desires of “self” to enter in and cast out that spirit of darkness? My Spirit is the gift of repentance; the repentance whereby the desires of your heart are changed and the intents of the thoughts of your minds are transformed. I am your repentance. I am the truth that has no desire or affection for any of Satan’s lies. I am that Spirit that renders powerless all of rulers of the darkness. It is as it is written, just as I said, “Without me, you can do nothing”. How then shall any man overcome the spirit of this without the gift of God? I am the light of life; I am the light that destroys darkness; I am the truth that destroys lies. Do you not know that the gift of God, my Spirit, it is your only way of escape from everlasting destruction and damnation?
Hebrews 2:3 “How shall we escape if we neglect so great of a salvation…?”
Luke 11:21 “When a strong man, fully armed, guards his palace his goods are in peace. But when a stronger than he comes upon him and overcomes him, he takes from him all of his armor in which he trusted in, and divides his spoil. He who is not with me is against me and he who does not gather with me scatters. When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes though dry places seeking rest, and finding none he says, “I will go back to the house from which I came”.
I Corinthians 2:11 “We have received not the spirit of this world, but the spirit which is of God so that we might know the things which are freely given to us of God”.
John 15:5 “I am the vine and you are the branches. He that abides in me, and I in him, the same brings forth much fruit; for without me, you can do nothing”.
My Spirit is the Spirit of truth; the same truth that sets you free from your captivity to these lying spirits of Satan. My truth is your repentance from Satan’s lies; and I am that truth. I am the truth that brings change; the change from the death that has ruled over your carnal minds to the Spirit that rules over the spiritual mind with life and peace. Only through my Spirit will you be able to be a partaker of the fruits of abundant life; the life that the lies of Satan have alienated and separated you from. Only through my Spirit will you be able to become aliens to a fallen world that you were once friends with. Only through the gift of my Spirit shall a man be able to find freedom from his bondage to sin and death. It is in your repentance that you will find the freedom that I have promised to those who would follow after me; and your repentance is a gift from above? I am the Spirit of truth, and in the presence of Spirit you shall find a new air to breathe; an air that is filled with freedom, with peace of mind, and with abundant life.
John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man comes to the Father except by me”.
Romans 8:2 “For the law of the Spirit of life has made me free from the law of sin and death…6 The carnal mind is death but the spiritual mind is life and peace”.
In this fallen world of darkness, it is impossible for my truth to be discerned by anything that is natural to this world, neither can my truth be discovered through the use of the senses of man that have been corrupted by the spirit of this world. In this fallen world, the wisdom which is of this world is that wisdom which loves “self” and finds the love that thinks not of “self” to be strange and foolishness. The wisdom which man knows naturally is the wisdom that does not know God and neither will it at any time bow the knee of it’s heart to worship anything other than “self”. The wisdom of this world will always lead a man to do those things which seem like the right thing to do. It is this wisdom that blinds a man so he sees no need for God in his life. It is also this same wisdom that blinds the eyes of fallen man so that there is no man who is able to love God. This is the same wisdom that corrupted Lucifer and the angels that followed him, birthing within them the unholy desires and affections that these angels and fallen man have in common, the desire to be their own gods.
I Corinthians 2:14 “The natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned”.
John 1:10 “He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own did not receive him”.
I Corinthians 1:21 “For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom (of this world) did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message that was preached to save those who believe”.
Proverbs 3:7 “Be not wise in your own eyes”
Proverbs 21:2 “Every way of man is right in his own eyes…”
Out of this worldly wisdom comes forth three insatiable desires that are common to all men in this fallen world of darkness: the desire for an exalted state (self-righteousness), the desire for divinity (self-will), and the desire that each man has for his own greatness (to make a name for “self”). It is was these desires that Satan’s lies aroused in Adam and Eve’s heart when he brought his enticing words into my garden; and once their hearts heard Satan’s lie, their hearts began to burn with desire for these words to be truth. It was this wisdom of this world that was burning with desire in their hearts, hoping that Satan’s lies were truth. Do you think that Adam and Eve ate the fruit of that forbidden tree for any other reason than to satisfy these three desires that were burning within them, hoping that they might become gods? This is truth: there is only one God, and he alone is great. There is only one God, and all righteousness belongs only to him. There is only one God, and in his kingdom, his will reigns over all of his creatures with abundant life. Now hear and understand; if it were not for the wisdom of this world, then none of Satan’s lies would have had any power to entice Adam or Eve with counsels to disobey God. It is only when Satan’s lies are joined together with the wisdom of this world that man desires to believe that the lies of Satan are truth. This is the fall of man; and it is still today as it was then because the same darkness compasses the earth and fallen man is born with that wisdom which finds the darkness to be that which comes naturally.
II Timothy 3:3 “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, and having itching ears, and after their own lust (for “self”), they shall heap to themselves teachers, and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and be turned to fables”.
Jeremiah 5:30 “An astonishing and horrible thing is committed in the land: the prophets prophesy falsely and the priests bear rule by their own power; and my people love to have it so. But what will they do in the end?”
What greater blessing could I offer unto man other than the gift of my Spirit that is able to bind up and cast out the spirit of man? Who is willing to take up his cross to die to his own wisdom and his own understanding so the spirit of my wisdom and understanding might fill the treasury of his heart with the spiritual things of God? Who is willing to allow for me to redeem his natural and corrupt senses with blessings of my senses? Corrupt man has ears, but his is are not able to hear and understand the words of God. Corrupt man has heart, but he has no desire for God nor does he have any love for the truth. Corrupt man has eyes, but he is not able to see anything in the same light as God sees it. Again, it is the powers of darkness that has corrupted man so that there is no man by the use of natural senses who is able to come to know the things of God. Corrupt man is not even able to discern the darkness that rules over him, even though he continually does things and says things that he had no desire to do. The darkness that compasses the earth, it is only a habitation of death, sin, and corruption.
Ezekiel 28:17 “Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; you have corrupted your wisdom by reason of your brightness”.
Isaiah 47:10 “For you have trusted in your wickedness; you have said, “None sees me”. Your wisdom and your knowledge have perverted you, and you have said in your heart, “I Am, and there is none else besides me”.
Isaiah 29:14 “Forasmuch as this people draw near to me with their mouth, and do honor me with their lips, but they have removed their heart far from me, and their fear towards me is taught by the precept of man. Therefore, behold, I will do a marvelous work among this people, a marvelous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid”.
I Corinthians 1:18 “For the preaching of the cross is foolishness to them who perish; but unto us who are being saved, it is the power of God. For it is written, “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent”.
All corruption is rooted in the love of “self”, and it is seen when men seek to satisfy any of these worldly desires that are aroused by Satan’s lies of “self”: boasting, hatred, strife, anxiety, slander, murder, adultery, worry, arrogance, all manner of fears, intimidations, arguments, fault-finding, pride, bitterness, lying, depression, envy, unbelief, stress, dread, complacency, loneliness, arguments, evil suspicions, doubts, jealousy, disappointments, slander, self-righteousness, lack of restraint in conversation, failures, judging and accusing one another, the uncertainties of day to day life, hypocrisy, lusts, and contention. These are the fruits of, or rather, the natures of the many different lying spirits that you saw going in and out the minds and the hearts of those who were standing by you. These are the corrupt fruits of death that are manifested in the lives of all those who are carnally minded; whose counselor is the wisdom of this world. Just as the wisdom that comes from above is full of good fruits, so also is the wisdom that is of this world full of evil fruits. The wisdom that is of this world will entertain all lying spirits and it will choose to believe that lie that appears in the thoughts of his mind which seems the most right, or that appears good, or that will be able to bring gain and/or pleasure to “self”. The carnal mind is the habitation of darkness; and evil man is so corrupted by this darkness that he identifies these evil fruits as that which life consists of; seeing that it is the only form of life that he is acquainted and familiar with. The lies of “self” are the crown that Satan wears as he sits on his throne in the hearts of all those who are carnally minded, and he reigns over them with trouble and misery.
Matthew 12:33 “Either make the tree good and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt and its fruit corrupt; for a tree is known by its fruit. O generation of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks”.
Jude 10 “These speak evil of those things which they do not know; and what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves”.
Jeremiah 4:22 “For my people are foolish; they have not known me. They are sottish children and they have no understanding. They are wise to do evil and to do good they have no knowledge”.
Jeremiah 13:23”Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? Then how can you who are accustomed to doing evil do good?”
James 3:17 “The wisdom that comes from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle… full of mercy and good fruits…”
Thus says the Lord, “I am the gift of God, and my heavenly Father made me to be his wisdom for all those who desire to escape out of their bondage to the corruption of this world. The power that keeps a man in bondage to the corruption of this world is found in the natural desires to believe the lies of “self”; and these desires are all birthed out of the corrupt wisdom that is of this world. The man who daily takes up his cross is the man who seeks daily to dispossess the corrupted nature of his earthy father the Devil. The man who seeks to dispossess this wisdom is also the man who cries out daily for the gift of wisdom that comes from above; the gift that my Father freely and liberally gives to all those who seek and ask for; I am that gift. I am the wisdom that sets you at liberty from all of your corrupt desires. I am the wisdom of God; and when I am in you, and you are in me, then you find your freedom from the natural desire to believe Satan’s lies. The wisdom that comes from above is a loving spirit; the spirit that loves the truth which sets you free. Those who take up their cross signify to me their desire to bear the fruits of life; the fruits that bear the very nature of your Father in heaven. Those who take up their crosses daily are those who seek to decrease in their love and delight for “self” and who hunger and thirst to increase in their love and affection for their heavenly Father. I am willing to give you all that I am, but are you willing to give to me all that you are?
I Corinthians 1:30 “But of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God”.
Psalm 51:6 “Behold, you desire truth in the inward parts and in the hidden part you shall make me to know wisdom”.
Now hear and understand. My kingdom is not of this world, and neither can any of these ungodly fruits be found anywhere in my kingdom”, says the Lord. “The reason that none of these fruits can be found in my kingdom is because there are no lies in my kingdom, only truth; and darkness cannot find any habitation where the light of my truth dwells. There is neither any corrupt thing in my kingdom that has any desire to believe any lies. Do you believe my word that says, “Your thoughts are not my thoughts”? Do you not believe me when I say unto you that it is impossible for me to lie? Just as it is impossible for me to lie, so also is it impossible for Satan to speak the truth. Just as it is impossible for Satan to speak the truth, so also is it impossible for those who have been corrupted to bear good fruits; just as it is impossible for those who walk in my Spirit to bear anything other than the good fruits of life. You shall know those who walk after the lies of “self” according to the fruit that they bear; and you shall know those who walk after the spirit of truth by the fruit that they bear. As a man thinks, so he is; as a man is, so shall be the fruit that he bears.
Luke 17:20 “And when the Pharisees demanded to know when the kingdom of God should come, Jesus answered and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with an outward show; neither shall they say, “Lo here!” or, “Lo, there! For the kingdom of God is within you”.
Proverbs 23:7 “For as he thinks, so he is…”
If my kingdom were of this world, then none of these works of darkness could be found on the earth, or in the earth, or in the hearts of any of the inhabitants of this earth; for if my kingdom was of this world, then the earth would be filled with the glory of the light of my life; and death and sin would have no reign. I am the Christ; I am your Savior. I am the truth that sets you free from Satan’s lies and I am the wisdom that gives you liberty from the desires of these lying spirits. Lies only inhabit this fallen world of darkness where sin and death rule; and the habitation for this darkness is in the hidden and secret places of the carnal mind; for where there is no darkness, there is no place for any of these lying spirits to dwell. Again, you see the effect that Satan’s lies have upon the lives of men through the fruit that they bear.
John 8:44 “You are of your father the Devil and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and he abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own; for he is a liar and the father of it”.
I John 3:15 “Whosoever hates (thinks evil) of his brother is a murderer…”
There are only a few among my people, a small remnant who have sought/seek to know my truth; who yearn to know me. These are the redeemed who crucify unto themselves the lies of “self” so that they may enter into oneness with God through his truth; and I am that truth. My word is the truth; and my word is not powerless. My word is powerful and it always performs that which I send it to perform. To those who seek my truth, my word will be sent unto them; the truth that sanctifies them from all the lies of “self”. My truth never focuses on the being of “self”, and neither does my word ever bring any heavy burden or grievous work upon my people, lest my truth be found to be a lie that does put its focus on “self”. Is it not written that there is no work of man that shall receive any glory, or praise, or acceptance from God? Why? Because all such works and efforts are performed in obedience to Satan’s lies, as “self” is worshipped. Do you see how Satan has deceived my people into believing that the righteousness that I require is able to come through the works, the intentions, and the deeds of “self”? This is the idolatry of fallen man; idols that have eyes but do not see; that have ears, but do not hear and understand; that have a heart, but is not able to comprehend. Only my truth is able to bring forth freedom and deliverance from idolatry.
John 17:17 “Sanctify them through your truth; your word is truth…20 “I pray not for these alone but also for them who shall believe on me through their word, that they may all be one, as you Father are in me and I am in you, that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that you have sent me. And the glory which you gave me I have given them, that they may be one, even as we are one”.
I John 5:20 “And we know that the Son of God has come and has given understanding to us, that we may know him who is true, and we are in him who is true, even in his son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life. Little children, keep yourselves from idols”.
Matthew 22:14 “For many are called but only a few are chosen”.
II Peter 2:1 “But there were also false prophets among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you, bringing in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and they bring upon themselves swift destruction. And “many” shall follow after their lascivious ways, by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of”.
Do you still doubt the power that the darkness continues to exercise over the many who are deceived in my church today? Consider my church in Laodicea, how by reason of the darkness, they were blinded to see the truth, that they were poor, wretched, miserable, blind, and naked. They were also so blinded by their ignorance that they could see no need for the Lord, looking only to “self” for all their sufficiency. Consider the church at Corinth, how they were all carnally minded, yet they argued and contended among themselves as to who was right. Do you now see and believe me when I tell you that the darkness rules the hearts and the minds of many whom I have called? I am ready to spew out of my mouth all those who have lost their first love, having become passionate lovers for “self”. Where are they who continue to have a passion for my truth? Where are they who have ceased from being wise in their own eyes? Where are they who have taken up their crosses to die to the desires of their father the Devil? Where are they who have ceased from seeking to find life through satisfying their “self” pleasures? There is no “self’ that is pleasing in the sight of God.
Revelation 3:16 “…I will spew you out of my mouth because you say that you say, “I am rich, increased with goods, and I have no need for anything”; yet, you do not know that you are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked”.
II Corinthians 3:4 “And we have trust in God, not to think that we are sufficient of ourselves, for our sufficiency is from God”.
I Corinthians 3:1 “And I brethren could not speak to you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, as unto babes in Christ…3 You are still carnal because there is among you envying, division, and strife, for you walk as men”.
When Israel perverted the law of Moses, they did so by joining their natural wisdom and understanding with Satan’s lies of “self”. It was out of this ungodly union that such desires for self-righteousness, self-exaltation, self-glory, and self-sufficiency were conceived. It was then that they fashioned themselves after the false images of these lies that they believed to be truth. It was these false images of “self” that became their idolatry. Those who walk in darkness, they walk by sight and not by faith, after that false images of hypocrisy that seem right and appear good in the sight of the blind. Hypocrisy is the doctrine of idolatry conceived by lies of the Devil; it is the corruption that comes forth from the wisdom and the understanding and that is of this world. Hypocrisy is nothing but an illusion; an image that appears righteous in the sight of men because it is an image that is according to those things which appear acceptable and pleasing in the sight of men. Hypocrisy is the fruit that is produced when the natural senses of man is joined with Satan’s lies. Hypocrisy is the idolatry of “self”; and those who worship “self” are those who make themselves to be gods over their own Christianity: this is the spirit of antichrist. This is the spirit that sits in the temple of God showing “self” to be god through his own works, his own opinions, his own efforts, and his own sufficiency. Seeing no need for the Lord, he continually worships “self”, the image that opposes and exalts itself to be above God. Hypocrisy is nothing but a doctrine of pure lies; and as it is written, “Satan is the father of all lies”.
I Timothy 1:6 “Some have turned aside unto vain talk, desiring to be teachers of the law, neither understanding what they say or what they affirm. But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully”.
I Timothy 4:1 “Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy…”
1 John 2:18-19 “Little children, it is the last time: and as you have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.
They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us”.
Again, my people Israel perverted the law of Moses with Satan’s lies, and through the fruits of their hypocrisy, they trusted in themselves that they were righteous rather than the sinners that the truth of my law would have revealed unto them. By reason of this hypocrisy, my people choose to trust in appearances and not in my love and mercies”, says the Lord. “By reason of the lies that they have believed, they have transgressed the very law in which they trusted in; for it is written in that law, “You shall not make unto yourself any formed image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that which is in the earth beneath.” Hypocrisy is the transgression of this word, for hypocrisy is that image that appears in the likeness of those things which seem beautiful and righteous in the sight of men. Do you now see how hypocrisy is nothing but a work of darkness that appears as the light; an illusion of righteousness? I have not required for any man to make himself righteous according to the works of his own hands, yet the hypocrites have rebelled against my voice and rejected my grace. Hypocrisy is that image that is praised, honored, esteemed, and glorified among those who love lies rather than the truth. Hypocrisy is that image that is highly esteemed in the sight of man of fallen man, but in the sight of God it is only an abomination. In this fallen world, corruption is seen as a beautiful thing; a beautiful illusion of hypocrisy that in the light of the truth is vanity; the fruit of lies.
Isaiah 2:8 “The land is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made”.
Romans 1:25 “They changed the truth of God into a lie and they worshipped and served the creature (self) rather than the Creator”.
Philippians 3:18 “For many walk of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ (the cross that Christ asked his followers to take up), whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly (heart; self), whose glory is in their shame, and who mind earthy things”.
Luke 18:9-14 “Jesus spoke this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others: "Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself,' God, I thank You that I am not like other men -- extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I possess.' And the tax collector, standing afar off, would not so much as raise his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, 'God, be merciful to me a sinner!' I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."
Luke 16:15 “And Jesus said to them, “You are they who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your heart. That which is highly esteemed in the sight of man is abomination in the sight of God”.
Again I say unto you that the strength of the prince of the power of the air is found in that Satan has the ability to make his lies to appear pleasing and desirable in the sight of men; an image that is so acceptable in the sight of men that they will covet to have it for themselves. I came into this world in the likeness of sinful flesh; do you believe that I play-acted to be anything other than that which I was? Of course I did not play-act, for there is was no lie in my heart to hide anything, and neither was there any desire in me to change myself into any image of hypocrisy to please men”, says the Lord. “Do you not understand that which is written, that I was despised and rejected by men because there was no outward beauty of righteousness in me for men to see? I was just like you are, and I did not pretend to be anything other than that which I was. Do you think that I had to play-act the role of being the Son of man or that of the Son of God? Do you not know that hypocrisy is nothing other than the play-acting of that which is not natural to you? Who then is a liar but he who play-acts? Do you now see and understand how hypocrisy is the religion of the spirit of antichrist; the religion of those who have been deceived by the brilliance of their own wisdom joined with the seducing lies of Satan?
Fallen man is so limited in his ability that the only power that he has within himself is the ability to change the perception of how he sees himself as well as how he is able to present himself in the sight of other men; and hypocrisy is that instrument of lies that uses to accomplish his purpose. The lies which are seen outwardly, they are always contrary to the motives and the intents of the heart. Seeing then that man is not able to see as God sees, into the motives and the intents of the heart, then how shall any man be able to discern the light from that image of darkness that appears as the light? Those who are able to rightly judge are those who have taken the beam off their eyes, crucifying unto themselves the corrupted senses of this world, putting on the new man who is filled with spiritual wisdom, spiritual understanding, and spiritual knowledge. These are my elect who walk in my Spirit, who love the truth and hate the lying vanities of hypocrisy. By reason of my Spirit, it is impossible for them to be deceived by any of the lies of “self”.
I Samuel 16:7 And the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance but the Lord looks on the heart”.
Jeremiah 10:14 “Every man is brutish in his (natural) knowledge. Every founder is confounded (confused) by the graven image; for his molten image is falsehood and there is no breath in them. They are vanity, the work of errors, and in the time of their visitation they shall perish”.
Proverbs 1:7 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of (spiritual) knowledge…”
Malachi 3:16 “Then those who feared the Lord…18 returned, and they were able to discern the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God (the Creator), and him who serves (the creature) not God”.
I Corinthians 2:15 “He that is spiritual rightly judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no man”
I gave the law to Moses so that my people might be able to judge themselves of the sin that was in their hearts and their minds. But their sins they hid behind their garments of hypocrisy; and their hypocrisy perverted all their works and efforts. I gave the law so that might people might be able to judge the evil in their hearts, but when my people filled my words with their own interpretations, my people then began to judge each other. My words are filled with truth and mercy, while the corrupted interpretations of man bring forth lies and fault-finding. The Devil loves to accuse, to find fault with, to slander, to condemn, to judge others, and to kill with his words; and all those who love his lies will desire to do the same. Seeing then that lying words are always accompanied with these evil deeds, how shall the deceived and blind hypocrites escape condemnation when they are judged with the same judgment that they have used to judge the sins and the weaknesses of others with? Even their judgment of others is nothing but lies.
Matthew 7:1 “Judge not that you be not judged; for with what judgment you use, that judgment shall you be judged with”.
Romans 2:1 “You are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge; for wherein you have judged another, you condemn yourself; for you that judge do the same thing (sin)”.
The woman who was caught in the act of adultery, who satisfied their desires when they accused and condemned her with their lies, the children of the Devil or the Son of God? Did you not know that the fruits of Satan’s lies are clearly seen in those who accuse, or that judge, or that find fault with, or that condemn, or that murder in any manner with the sword of their tongues? For these are the wicked works of the law that are written in the hearts of those who are subject to the lies of Satan. I came into this world as the truth that is able to save men from these wicked works of the law; because every man is going to be judged with the judgment that he has used and rewarded according to the works that he has done. I came to make void this law which arouses such wicked desires in the hearts of fallen man; for all who are under this law judge without mercy, and those who judge without mercy will not receive any mercy when they are judged. What man has mercy on those who disagree or transgress any of those things which he believes are right in his own eyes? Even the Gentiles, who do not have the law, show these wicked works when they judge, accuse, and find fault with others. Do you now see how the Devil has also perverted the law to bring forth man’s judgments, man’s accusations, man’s slander, man condemning man, and man finding fault with man? Yet, do you not also see the works of light in this same story, how the law, being filled with truth and grace, brought forth the works of mercy, love, forgiveness, and compassion for this sinner? You shall know them by their fruits.
John 8:1-12 Story of the woman caught in the act of adultery; the fruits of light and darkness
John 1:14 “And the word was made flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth”.
Does not my word declare that all have sinned? Seeing then that you live in world where all have sinned, then do you not see how easy it is for the children of the Devil to satisfy their desires to judge, accuse, and find fault with others on a daily basis? By reason of their ignorance, they who do such things are only storing up wrath and condemnation against themselves in the Day of Judgment. There is no place that corruption can be more seen in its purity that when one man judges another man according to the standards of his own self-righteousness. But what man is able to see the filth and the abomination in such perversions? Are not all such standards established only on the lies of Satan, seeing that he is the father of all lies that pertain to “self”? What man who judges another is not also seeking to exalt himself through the same perversion, forgetting that it is written that there is not one who is righteous? Do you see how the darkness works to exalt a man in those times that measures himself against others who have sinned, boasting of himself as though he himself was not a sinner? No man having a sound mind would even think to do any of these works of darkness.
II Corinthians 10:12 “For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with those who compare themselves; for they measuring themselves (self) by themselves (self), and comparing themselves (self) among themselves, are not wise”.
Do you now see how Satan uses his lies when he tempts my people to pervert the law; to turn the truth of my love into the lies of “self”? Do you now understand the effect that these lies will then bring into the hearts and the minds of my people, as well as all men, after they have been believed? What spirit is at work in the lives of those who have been polluted with hypocrisy? What are the effects of the doctrines they follow? Is there unrest or peace? Is their strife and suspicions or unity? Where is their joy? What affections and desires to they have in their heart? Where are my disciples who walk in the truth, laying down their lives for one another out of love?
Hear now and I will show you another way that Satan uses his lies to trouble the hearts of men through the use of corrupted laws. The laws of man, are they not honored when men use their own abilities, their own strengths, and their own will-power to obey them? Is it nothing but a burden for man to try and honor that which his nature has no desire to honor? Do you not see that man’s laws are nothing but spirits of lies that bring heaviness upon the lives of man? Is it not heaviness for any man to try and observe a law that is contrary to the desires and affections of his own nature? If man had a nature that desired to observe and honor these laws, then would it have been necessary to even have any such laws? The laws and the doctrines of man, they only place restraints, and suppression, and heaviness, and constraints, and burdens, and restrictions on the natural desires of the heart. Do you not believe me when I tell you that I came to free you from all such laws and doctrines? No law written in stone or in ink has any power to deliver any man from lying spirits that have ruled over him. Written laws and doctrines, are they not also accompanied with the threats of punishments, banishments, imprisonments, and penalties to those who dishonor such laws and doctrines? My law never restrains, or tames, or suppresses, or restricts”, says the Lord, “For my law is able to set a man free from all desires and affections that are contrary to law; for there is no law that has any power against the Spirit of life. All of the laws and doctrines of man are only the lies and Satan; and my Spirit frees a man from all of his desires to believe and honor Satan’s lies.
Psalm 40:8 “I delight in doing your will, O God; for your law is in my heart”.
Galatians 5:22 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance; against such there is no law”.
The laws of the government, the laws of Moses, as well as any other written doctrine or law, what power or influence would they have if there was no fear to accompany that law? What man will honor a law that he does not have any fear of? Do not all men bow the knee of their heart to worship that which they fear? Fear only God; for all other fears are nothing but those lying spirits that use these very laws to bring in false burdens, guilt, hypocritical works, self-condemnation, and hopelessness to trouble hearts and the minds of the people. These fears do nothing but torment, and through deceitful lies that come in by stealth, they allow for Satan to secretly keep his kingdom established over the hearts and minds of the ignorant. Did you not know that the fear of man (what you thing other men think of you; what you think that other men will do to you; how you think that you are going to be judged by other men; what harm you think that other men may do to you; what damage you think that other men will do to injure your self-image; how you are accepted and esteemed by other men) has much greater influence and power over fallen man than any written law or doctrine?
Proverbs 29:25 “The fear of man brings a snare but whoever puts his trust in the Lord shall be safe”.
Matthew 28:10 “Fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul; but rather fear him who has power to destroy both soul and spirit in hell”.
Psalm 34:4 “This man sought the Lord, and the Lord heard him and delivered him from all of his fears”.
I John 4:18 “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out all fear because fear has torment. He that fears is not made perfect in love”.
As much power as these doctrines and laws of men have, have you not observed how much more power the unwritten laws of political correctness, industry standards, traditions, peer pressure, and outward appearances have as they influence the all of the decisions that one makes so that they may be pleasing and acceptable in the sight of other men? These are nothing but lies that Satan uses to torment and trouble all those who fear men. Do you now see how Satan uses these fears to dictate to man that he must duplicate himself after the false image of other fallen men? The clothes you wear, the food you eat, the job you have, your health, the discipline of your children, your relationship with your spouse, your righteous works, your retirement, your finances, the flattery that you speak, the way you wear your hair, as well as many other parts of your life; how much do you do that is not influenced by the fear of rejection or the fear of scorn? Do you now see how by reason of these fears, multitudes daily bow their hearts to be submitted to those things which are acceptable and pleasing in the sight of others? What do you do that you have not copied from that which you have seen and esteemed in another person’s life? Do you now see and understand that all such copying is nothing but precepts of these unwritten laws which dictate to man that he should make himself to be an image after someone else’s “self”?
I Corinthians 9:19 “And though I be free from all men, yet I have made myself a servant unto all that I might gain the more”.
Do you not understand that which is written, “Owe no man anything?” Can you now perceive how much of your life has been nothing but a copy of the lies that you have heard and seen from others? When someone gives you their opinion, are they not giving you counsel after the manner of their “self”? Do you not see that they who do this, they do so with a desire for you to become a copy of their “self”? Did you not know that you are indebted to those lawmakers around you are always willing to instruct you on how you ought to live your life, according to the manner that is pleasing and acceptable in the sight of their eyes? Surely you know by now that all opinions are nothing but lying vanities that come forth from the darkness that they breathe? Where is the liberty and the freedom in the lives of those who live in captivity to such lies? Again, this is the air that fallen man breathe, air that consist of nothing but lies that rule and influence all of the decisions and judgments that men make. Just as Satan desires to rule over man with his lies, so also does fallen man share that same desire as his father the Devil. Do you see just how great the darkness is in that there is no man who is even aware of the great bondage that he is in as he daily submits to the counsels of these lying spirits.
Romans 13:8 “Owe no man anything except to love one another; for he that loves another has fulfilled the law”.
Do you now see that you live in a world where man is only familiar with a life that is so bound up with laws, and doctrines, and counsels, and ordinances, and traditions, and rules that come from no where other than from the throne of the god of this world? Again, the darkness is great that no man is able to comprehend a life free from these lies that rule over the lives of man. Now I ask you to consider that even your own dreams and imaginations are nothing but an illusion of lies that place limitations and boundaries on the good that I desire to do for you”, says the Lord. “In your most wonderful of dreams and in your wildest imaginations, “self” is always still at the center of your desires; and all thoughts about “self” are only those seducing and enticing spirits of lies. Do you believe me when I say that “self” only limits me from giving to you the blessings and the gifts that I desire to give to you because I love you so greatly? For is it not written that my word boldly declares that I am able to perform things for you which go exceedingly beyond and abundantly above those things which you are able to image, or dream of, or anything which you are able to ask for? Do you see how by reason of these lies, you greatly limit me in the work that I desire to do for you?
James 4:3 “You ask, and do not receive because you ask in error (wrong motive) so that it may satisfy your own desires (pleasures)”.
Ephesians 3:20 “Now unto him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power which works in us”.
Do you see how “self” limits my love from working in your life; for my love joins us together, and when two are made one, there is no “self”. My love is the truth, and my love never thinks of “self”. My love has no boundaries, for there is no length, nor width, nor height, nor depth to my love. When sin abounds, grace abounds even more. My mercies are far as the east is from the west. My love is unconditional, not limited by the condition of your heart or your mind, neither by the circumstances and situations that arise in your life. You are the object of all of my affection and I am always with you. Those who seek to satisfy the desires of “self” have no desires to be made partakers of my love. It is by reason of these lies of “self” that your heart has been blinded to the truth about the love that I have for each one of you. Through the darkness of your ignorance you have put boundaries on the love that I have for you; and through the lies of unbelief and doubt you have put limits on the blessings and the gifts I desire to overflow you with. It is only the lies of Satan that alienate and separate you from the abundant life that I yearn to make you a partaker of.
You dream and imagine how much you greatly desire to have abundant life, but you are always looking for this promise to be fulfilled tomorrow. Tomorrow is a lie, for I am the God of today and now, and the truth is that I desire to give abundant life to you today. You so desire to see your “self” dreams come true that you deceive yourself out of asking for the abundant life that I desire to give to you now. When your tomorrows become today, and you have not received that which you hoped for, is not your heart then filled with disappointment? Those who walk in darkness, they are always disappointed that they did not receive that which they hoped for in today. This disappointment is nothing but a fruit that comes forth for believing Satan’s lies; for Satan has no power to fulfill his lies lest they become truth. Even those who receive those things which “self” desired, they quickly become disappointed when they do not find there is any life in that which they desired to have. Again, those who walk in darkness, they always hope in the lie that says tomorrow will be a better day than today; but when tomorrow comes, it is the same as today. And when they find no change, they then hope again in the lie that tomorrow will be better than today. The truth is I love you today, now, right at this very moment; and I desire to pour out unto you the treasures of heaven and the gifts of my love today. If you will seek for me today, I will not disappoint you; for I am faithful to all those who believe my words.
Matthew 7:33 “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore, take no thought for tomorrow…”
Romans 14:17 “For the kingdom of God is not in meat and drink, but in righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit”.
Proverbs 21:21 “He that follows after righteousness and mercy finds life…”
That which I have spoken to you is truth: I am the God of today and now, not the God of tomorrow. Tomorrow is only a lying illusion in your mind where Satan desires to take you so that he can trouble the imaginations of your thoughts with those “worst case scenarios” lies; lies that only image how situations and circumstances are going to occur when tomorrow becomes today. Do you not see how Satan loves to torment the thoughts of fallen man with these “worst case scenarios” lies; lies that bring with them: fear, distress, anxiety, worry, terror, dread, and stress? My truth never troubles nor torments those who desire life today”, says the Lord. “My truth never takes thought of tomorrow, for it knows that I am with you now, desiring to bless you and to do you good today. Just as Adam and Eve were disappointed to find that Satan had lied to them about the fruit that they ate, so also are all those who seek life out of fulfilling the desires of “self” disappointed and frustrated when they cannot find any life in those lies that they also hoped to be truth. Satan loves to fill the thoughts of your mind with imaginations and dreams with the lies about tomorrow so that he can disappoint and frustrate you when tomorrow becomes today. Again, it is only sport for Satan to entice and seduce you with all such lies. Trust in me and remember that I am well able to give to you my promise of abundant life today; a life that is far greater than anything that you can dream of or imagine for tomorrow. I yearn and desire to do this for you because I so greatly love you right now. Believe only on me, for I am well able to take you far beyond the life that comes forth in your dreams and imaginations; that is, if you desire it enough to seek and ask for it.”
Matthew 7:13 “Enter ye at the strait gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many go in thereat. For strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to “life”, and few there be that find it”.
Laws, constraints, rules, boundaries, doctrines, restrictions, traditions, limitations, and tomorrows are nothing but the lies that have polluted the air that you breathe with corruption. It is these lies that have polluted the life that I created man to be partakers of; but I am the truth that is able to cleanse you from the pollution that you have breathed”, says the Lord. “You have heard and received so many lies that you have believed to be truth. There is a truth in the natural realm, and there is truth in the spiritual realm. You have heard that it has been said, “What goes up must come down”; and surely this seems like truth in the natural realm. But did not I ascend above, without it being necessary for me to ever descend again? In this natural realm, you believe in the law of gravity is truth; yet, when I was in this world, did I not defy this law when I walked across water? Did I not perform many other such miracles defied the laws and ordinances of this natural realm? I am not subject to lies”, says the Lord. “Did I not open the eyes of the blind? Did I not feed 5000 people with 5 loaves of bread? Did I not raise the dead? With my voice, was I not able to calm the fiercest of storms and quiet raging seas? Did I not bring forth water gushing out of a rock? Did I not cause impenetrable walls to crumble into small pieces? Did I not heal the sick with my word? In my presence, was I not able to protect Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the fires of that raging hot furnace, so much so that they did not even have the smell of smoke on them? Did I not joyously forgive the most wretched of sinners? Did I not overcome all of the gods, the laws, the principalities, the spirits, and the powers of this fallen world? Do you see how the laws and rules of this fallen world are only lies; lies that are powerless to limit the true God in doing anything that he desires?
Ezekiel 39:7 “I will make my name known in the midst of my people, Israel; and I will not let them pollute my holy name any more, and the heathen shall know that I am the Lord, the Holy One in Israel”.
Colossians 2:15 “And he blotted out the handwriting of ordinances which was against us, and took it out of the way, nailing it on the cross; and having spoiled principalities and powers, he made an open show as he triumphed over them”.
I am sovereign in power over the heavens and the earth, over all nations and kingdoms, over all kings and rulers, over all powers and principalities, over all flesh, over all spirits, over all diseases and sicknesses, as well as over all of the circumstances and situations that arise in your life. There are no limitations or boundaries that can be placed on my power, nor on the love that I have for man. I will be your Lord and your God if you will let me. I will show you that I can be sovereign even in the “worst case scenarios” that Satan brings into the imaginations of your thoughts. I alone am sovereign, and all power is of me. It is easy for me to do those things which are impossible for any man to perform of himself, but I am only able to do these things for those who desire for me to be their God. I am able to love those who hate me; I bless those who curse me; and I forgive and forget all who ask of me. I reveal the secret counsels of the heart and the hidden things of darkness. I think, and it comes to pass; I command and it stands fast forever. I send my word and it always performs that which I purposed for it to perform. I can tame your tongue; I can establish your thoughts; I can transform your mind; I change your heart; and I am well able to make clear the understanding of all mysteries. I alone am the truth, and I alone am able to save you from all of the lies that you have believed that pertain to “self”. I am able to change your world”, says the Lord. “Your world that is full of fleshy desires and deceitful words. But what do you believe and desire for me to do for you?
Matthew 19:26 “But Jesus looked at them and said, “With men this is impossible, but all things are possible with God”.
Isaiah 55: 10-11 “As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it”.
Mark 9:23 Jesus said, “All things are possible for him who believes”.
II Corinthians 10:4 “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God, to the pulling down of strongholds, and the casting down of imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bring every thought into the obedience of Christ”.
“Even though I have boundless authority and unlimited power to do all of these things for you, I am still hindered from doing these things for you because of the limitations and boundaries that you have allowed to rule over the thoughts of your mind. Will you let me be your Lord and your God? Will you let me free you from these limitations and boundaries that compass your mind like the darkness that compasses the earth? Do you believe that I am able to do this for you? Prove me! Prove my love for you! I yearn to do all of these things because I love you all; but only those who are willing to ask for me to prove my love for them will be made to be partakers of my blessings and gifts. Prove me and see if I will not open the windows of heaven just for you! Only those who prove me, asking for me to show them those great and mighty things that they do not know shall see me perform those great and mighty things. Trust me; trust all of my words; for they were written just for you. If you do not ask for me to show you these things, it is because of your unbelief; the unbelief that says that there are no great and mighty things beyond that which you are able to think in your own vain imaginations. Do you see how you limit me because even your own imaginations place many limitations on me, as though there was nothing else beyond that which you can imagine? Only I can free you such lies; the lies that your limitations consist of. I am come to set you free from all the laws and the boundaries that the darkness has bound you up with. It is not possible for me to lie to you and neither is it possible for me to think evil of you by not performing my words for you. My love is not capable of thinking unfaithful things or to do you any evil.
Jeremiah 33:3 “Call unto me and I will answer you; and I will show you great and might things, hidden things which you do not know”.
Mark 4:22 Jesus said, “There is nothing hid that shall not be manifested, and neither is there anything in secret that shall not be made known”.
Malachi 3:10 “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith”, says the Lord of hosts, “if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it”.
It is impossible for those who are naturally minded to correctly interpret the desire and the love that I have for man. Not until a man is willing to believe my words, and then allow for me to prove my love for him, shall he be able to begin to comprehend the truth about the love that I have for him; until then, he shall remain captive in this world of darkness, continually breathing in these lies of Satan that keep life corrupted; lies that lead him to foolishly seek for life out of satisfying the desires of “self”. Unless a man allows for me to strip him of this garment of corruption, and then clothe him with my incorrupt Spirit, then his corrupted senses will always lead him down those paths that seem right but end in destruction and death. It is impossible for the natural senses to receive my incorruptible truth; for it is as it is written, “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither at anytime has it entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love him. But God is revealing them unto us by his Spirit. For no man knows the things that are of God, but they are freely given unto all those who seek to know him and who ask for his Spirit”. No man of himself can comprehend my love or my power. Will you let me open your blind eyes, your deaf ears, and your hard hearts so that you may come to know the truth about the love that I have for you? Do you desire to have my wisdom?” says the Lord. “Will you ask me for my Spirit that reveals my heart to you?
I Corinthians 2:7-15
Luke 11:13 Jesus then said, “If you, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, then how much more shall heavenly Father (who is good and faithful), give the Holy Spirit to them who ask for it?”
It is impossible for any man who walks in darkness to discern or comprehend the things that go beyond the boundaries of “self”. It is also impossible for any man to be made a partaker of my love who does not desire to receive the light of my truth; for what is truth in spiritual realm is not the truth in the realm of the darkness.”, says the Lord. “For my ways are not your ways, nor are my thoughts your thoughts, and neither do you see or hear as I do. But who has believed the testimony of my word? Who calls out for the light of my truth? Who is willing to take up his cross and die to the lies of “self”? Who is willing to decrease in the natural so that he might increase in the spiritual? Who is willing to deny his own righteousness so that the righteousness of my life might bear fruit in his life? Those whom I love, I correct; and those who allow for me to correct them of the lies of “self” are those who will walk in the peaceable fruits of righteousness.
Jeremiah 5:1 “Run to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem, and see now, and know, and seek in the broad places thereof, if you can find a man that executes judgment or that seeks for truth, and I will pardon it”.
I have seen the fruits that natural man bears, and these fruits are the effects that come forth from the nature of these lying spirits”, says the Lord. “I see that by reason of the darkness, men fruitlessly seek to find life from those things which have no life in them. Everyday I witness man living in bondage, trying to satisfy the same desires and the same pleasures that he tried to satisfy yesterday, that he will try to satisfy today, and that he will surely try to satisfy tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year. Again I tell you that it is impossible for life to come forth out of dead things. Yet, I continue to see the miserable effects that these lifeless lies produce. I have given my life for all who desire life; but who is willing to offer unto me his life; a life whereby he is always mindful of same old things, day after day. There is nothing new under the sun for those who do not seek for the abundant life that comes from above.
Ecclesiates 1:9 “The thing that has been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done; and there is no new thing under the sun”.
I see the effects that the darkness has on fallen man in his desires to be seen, to be heard, and to be recognized. I see the effects that these lies have on the children of darkness, who daily wait for the opportunities to glorify and to exalt “self”. I see the effects that the darkness has on fallen man, on those who wait daily to deceive others with their own opinions and judgments. I see the effects that the darkness has on those who lust to be right in all the words that he speaks as well as in all of the deeds that he performs of self. I see the effects that the darkness has on those who are offended and hurt when their “self-image” is injured by the words of others. I see the effects that the darkness has on the fallen man who is disappointed, frustrated, confused, and angered when he does not get his own will or when things do not go the way that he had planned. I see the effects that the darkness has on the fallen man who hates all those who contend with or that disagree with any of those things that he has made of “self”, or those things which do not measure up to his own “self” standards.
I see the effects that the darkness has upon fallen man in all of his arguments, his fights, his contention, and in his wars. I see the effects of the darkness in man’s pride as well as in all of his perversion and corruption. I see the effects that the darkness has on man when he slanders, finds fault with, and judges others. I see the effects of the darkness in the evil suspicions that men imagine about others. I even see the effects of the darkness among my own people, in all of their divisions and the strife. I see the effects of the darkness in broken marriages, in broken friendships, in broken treaties, in broken partnerships, in broken covenants, in broken promises, in broken relationships, in broken families, and in broken words. I see the effects of the darkness in those who do not know me intimately, doubting my words; not allowing their hearts to trust in me; and in disregarding my commandments because they have lost their love for me. I see the effects of the darkness on those who do not believe that I am able to supply their lack or to provide for their needs. I see the effects that the darkness has on those who tempt me with scorn because they take pleasure in holding on to the lies of “self”. I see the effects that the darkness has on those who refuse to draw near to me because of their fear of intimacy. I see the effects that the darkness has on all those who make light of my instructions as well as all of my counsels because they have no desire to have any fellowship with me”, says the Lord.
My heart is so grieved for all of my creation, the inhabitants of this fallen world. I love all men so greatly but I am only able to show favor to those who will believe on me. I came into this world as the truth of God; the truth that is able to set men free from all of their oppression and bondage to Satan’s lies. Remember the word that is written, “Satan, and all his angels were cast out of heaven and they came to deceive the whole world.”; but I came down from heaven as the truth that saves men from these lies that relentlessly seek to keep man in captivity to the sins of “self”. I came down from heaven as the truth that is able to make “self” void so that two may become one. Though man is not able to see the darkness, he is surely able to see the effects of Satan’s rule over the lives of men in their miseries, their troubles, their hypocrisies, their fears, their laws, rules, and doctrines, as well as in their corruptions and perversions.
I Peter 5:7 “Cast all your cares upon him because he cares for you”.
Psalm 34:17 “The righteous cry, and the Lord hears and delivers them out of all of their troubles”.
Just as you can see the effect that the darkness has over the lives of fallen man, so also can you see the effects of the light of my life in the lives of my remnant who no longer live unto the miseries and the torments of the carnal mind. My remnant are those few who have chosen to take up their crosses and crucify unto themselves the lies of “self”. For the effect of my Spirit is seen in their peace and quietness, in their humility and gentleness, in their joy and belief, in their liberty and power, in their love and fellowship, in their hope and patience, in their goodness and prosperity, in their contentment and kindness, in their strong faith in me, as well as in all of the other riches that are found in the light of my life. I am so grieved because I died for any, and for all who will come to believe on me. I yearn to bless all my creation with the gift of my Spirit; the gift that restores all that which Satan has taken from man; the gift of life that sets men free from their bondage to death and sin. So few understand and comprehend my love for them, that I stand daily ready and waiting to give unto any man the gift of life to those who desire to have it. I am so willing to send the light of my truth into this fallen world of darkness to rescue all who have been taken captive by Satan to do the will of “self”.
Romans 5:17 “For if by one man’s offense death reigned through the one, then how much more shall those who receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ? Therefore, as through one man’s offense death and sin (the death of the carnal mind) came upon all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one man’s righteousness shall the free gift of life come unto all men, resulting in justification of life. For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one man’s obedience many will be made righteous”.
Proverbs 12:28 In the way of righteousness is life, and in its pathway there is no death.
Romans 8:2 The law of the Spirit of life has made me free from the law of sin and death.
Many have heard of me, but only a few comprehend that “I am the being of life”; I am the nature of life, and apart from me there is no life. Only a few have stayed the course of that strait and narrow path that leads to life. Only he who walks this path will be he who finds me; and he who find me finds the nature of life. I am the Lord of life and I am the Lord of freedom. I am the Lord who loves you. I am the Lord who makes my mercies new everyday because of the great love that I have for you. I am not the lord who lies, or accuses, or condemns, and neither am I the lord who oppresses or that troubles; for these are the works of the prince of the air, the lord over the air that you breathe; the works of the one who hates you with every particle of his being. It is Satan who seeks to entice you, to deceive you, to flatter you, and to seduce you constantly with his lies so that he might continue to satisfy the lusts that he has to make your lives as miserable as he is able. Satan only lusts to have you 24/7/365 so that he can satisfy his hateful desires that he has against all men, but especially against my church.
John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth, and the life”.
John 10:10 “The thief comes not except to steal, to kill, and to destroy; I am come so that you may have life, and have it more abundantly”.
There is no man who is able to understand or to comprehend how I am able to rule over my kingdom without tyranny or intimidation; without laws or rules; without threats or force; or without the lies of “self” that corrupt all things. I do not rule, nor do I have any desire to rule over man in any such fashion. It is not so in my kingdom, for my love and my truth are the laws in my kingdom. Where my truth is, there is freedom and liberty; and where my love is, there cannot be found any evil thoughts or any evil words. Love and truth do not oppress, do not threaten, do not bring burdens, do not intimidate, do not force, do not work any manner of evil, nor do they bring in any manner of division or strife. Love and truth are my laws for abundant life, the life that I desire to write in the hearts and in the minds of those who will prove my love for them. Again, it is only the darkness that brings misery, that blinds, that divides, that oppresses, that troubles, that corrupts, and that alienates and separated men from the beautiful life of liberty that I desire for all to be partakers of.
Colossians 3:15 “Let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to that which you were called in one body; and be ye thankful”.
Though the darkness covers the earth with these spirits of lies, and though they have completely deceived all of the inhabitants of the earth, they still remain powerless to stop the move of my Spirit, the light of my life when I send it to those who call out upon my name, asking for my divine nature. The darkness is powerless to stop the word that goes forth out of my mouth, the word that always helps those who call on me in their time of need. The darkness has no power to hinder my grace from working in those who walk by faith, for even when the works of sin abound in them, my grace will abound in them even more. My word always accomplishes that which I send it to perform. I always come quickly to those who have need of my help. Is it not written that I am near unto you, as near as the words are that come out of your mouth? You are the object of my affection. I yearn to send my words unto you. I yearn to fill your heart with my Spirit. I yearn to bless you and to give you gifts. I yearn for you to give me the opportunity to show you my power, to reveal my truth to you, and to allow for my love to come to you. No matter what the circumstances, or the conditions, or the situations are that are in your life, I will always come to those who seek for me, as well as unto all those who call out on my name. I will come quickly, and I will show all of you a life that you have not known to this day; a life that is far greater than anything that your own imaginations are able to think of. I am that abundant, inexpressible, and everlasting life, and I will give myself unto any who are willing to give to me their life that has consisted of the lies of “self”.
II Peter 1:4 “Whereby are given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust”.
Romans 10:8 “..The word is near unto you, even in your heart, that is, the word of faith which we preach”.
I will give, and give, and give, and give; for my words are like a flowing river of the clear crystal water of life that never stops flowing, always accomplishing that which them to perform. Only my truth is able to set you free from the bondage of corruption. Only my word is able to set you free from your captivity to the vain thoughts that inhabit your mind. Only my word is able to save you from the dead works of “self”. Only my truth is able to sanctify you, separating your soul from the spirit of this world. Only my word is able to free your minds from the rules and the laws that Satan uses to oppress the inhabitants of fallen world with. Only my word is able to set you free from the wicked spirits, the powers, the principalities, and the rulers of the darkness that desire to take control over the intents, the desires, the purposes, and the pleasures of your heart.
John 7:38 “Jesus said, “He that believes on me, as the scripture has said, “Out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water”. But he spoke of the Spirit which they who believe on him should receive. For the Holy Spirit had not yet been given because Jesus had not yet been glorified”.
James 1:21 “receive with meekness the engrafted word which is able to save your souls”.
Be of good cheer, and believe on me, for I am your Savior. I am great and mighty in power; for I am sovereign over all spirits, over all flesh, over all powers and principalities, over all things seen and unseen, over all of the heavens and the earth, as well as over all things that inhabit the darkness. I am able even to subdue the most horrible and terrible imaginations that bring forth those “worst case scenarios” that continually seek to trouble you. I am willing to set you free and to make you partakers of the great love that I have for all of you. I am willing to give unto you my kingdom as well as all things that are of myself; but are you willing to first give to me those lies of “self” that have ruled over you? Offer yourselves unto me as a living sacrifice and I will breathe a new air into you; a new air that will continually be refresh and renew you through my Spirit of life; a life that goes beyond the limitations and the boundaries that you have constructed in your own dreams. Ask of me and watch me, for I yearn for you to give to me the opportunity to prove my love for you, and to show you the life that I desire for you to have”, says the Lord.
The light of life consists only of the truth about my love for all men; and the truth is that I love all men unconditionally. Even so, I am only able to show the truth about my love to those will believe my words and prove me. My will is the great desire that I have to make all men to be partakers of my love. My truth is the light of life for you, in you, being you. My truth is that powerful word that is able to separate your soul from the spirit of man; to alienate you from the spirit that keeps you in you in bondage to the lies of ”self”. My Spirit will never believe any of the lies that pertain to “self”. Do you have any desire to ask for me to send my words unto you? The natural understanding, knowledge, and wisdom that comes forth from the spirit of man, it is only corrupt, powerless, and it is never able to discern spiritual things. It delights in yielding and joining itself only to the lies of “self”. But in Christ Jesus, you will find hidden the heavenly treasures of my wisdom, of my understanding, and of my knowledge; gifts from your heavenly Father’s heart. It is impossible for these incorruptible gifts to join themselves to any of these lying spirits which inhabit the darkness. If any man is willing to take up his cross and reject all that which is natural in this realm of darkness; and if he will seek and ask for these gifts that I yearn so greatly to give from the treasury of my heart, then shall I bring him into the fellowship of my love; and all that he does shall be blessed. Then shall he find that abundant life that he was alienated and separated from; that life that only comes forth from my presence”, says the Lord.
Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts”.
Colossians 2:3 “In Christ are hid all of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge”.
Colossians 1:9 “For this cause we also, since the day that we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that you might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, that you may walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God…”
Matthew 16:24 Then Jesus said, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself (“self”), and take up his cross and follow me. For whosoever will save his life will lose it; and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it”.
I Corinthians 1:18 “For the preaching of the cross (Not the cross on Calvary, but the daily cross) is foolishness to those who are perishing, but unto us who are being saved, it is the power of God. For it is written, “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and the understanding of the prudent”.
Isaiah 11:2 “And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him: the spirit of wisdom and understanding; the spirit of counsel and might; the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord”.
I know that many times you have desired that which Job also desired when he said, “O, that my adversary would have written a book”. I know that you have thought that if Satan had written a book, then it would have been easy for you to clearly identify his deceitful works. I did not call you to reveal the works of Satan unto you, but rather to reveal unto you the works that I desire to do in your heart and in your mind; and neither did I call you so that you might know the Devil, but I called you so that I might reveal your heavenly Father unto you. Nevertheless, I say to you that Satan’s works are right before your eyes, plain and clear for all to see; for they are the natural desires and pleasures in the hearts and the minds of all those who have been corrupted by the darkness. I tell you that Satan has written a book, and its chapters are clearly seen in the lives of fallen man.
Job 31:35 “Oh, that one would hear me! My desire is that the almighty would answer me and that my adversary would have written a book”.
Every time you see a man sin or commit iniquity, then you are reading the words of Satan’s book written in the hearts and in the minds of that man. Every time you see worry, or doubt, or anxiety, or fear in the countenance of men’s faces, then you are reading a chapter from Satan’s book. Every time you see a man who does not know me, or believe on me, or trust in me, or that does not see any need for me in his life, then you are reading a chapter from Satan’s book. Every time you see a man in a state of depression or in a state of loneliness, then you are reading a chapter from Satan’s book. Every time you see a man justify his errors or make excuses before other men, then you are reading a chapter from Satan’s book. Every time you see men commit adultery, or murder, or rape, or steal, then you are reading a chapter from Satan’s book. Every time you see a man taking upon himself the burden of trying to do good and to be righteous of himself, then you are reading a chapter from Satan’s book. Every time you see a man thinking that he is able to understand the things of God by reason of the use of his natural senses, then you are reading a chapter from Satan’s book. Every time you see a man pretending to be something that he is not, then you are reading a chapter out of Satan’s book. Every time you see bitterness or unforgiveness in the heart’s of men, then you are reading a chapter out of Satan’s book.
I John 3:8 “He that commits sin is of the Devil; for the Devil sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the Devil. Whosoever is born of God does not commit sin; for his seed remains in him, and he cannot sin, because he is born of God”.
Every time you see a man boast of his own works or words, then you are reading a chapter out of Satan’s book. Every time you see corruption and perversion, then you are reading a chapter from Satan’s book. Every time you see a man stressed out because he has no control over the circumstances or the people around him, then you are reading a chapter out of Satan’s book. Every time you see a man distressed about the events of tomorrow, then you are reading a chapter from Satan’s book. Every time you see a man accuse, or slander, or judge, or find fault with another, then you are reading a chapter from Satan’s book. Every time you see a man announce his righteous deeds for all to see and hear, then are you reading a chapter from Satan’s book. Every time you hear a man express his own opinions about God, as well as the things that pertain to God, then you are reading a chapter from Satan’s book. Every time you witness arguments, or fights, or strife, or wars, or contention, then you are reading a chapter from Satan’s book. Every time you see a man who is bored, then you are reading a chapter out of Satan’s book. Every time you see a man seeking to satisfy any of these desires of “self”, then you are reading a chapter from Satan’ book. Satan’s book consists of nothing but the fiction of lies, but in this fallen world of darkness, the lies of “self” are accounted as non-fiction, seeing that they are the counsels and the instructions that the children of darkness live their lives according to. It is these very counsels and instructions, the words written in Satan’s book, that are played out every day in the lives of those who love the darkness.
Matthew 6:1 “Take heed that you do not do your righteous works before men to be seen of them; otherwise you have no reward of your Father who is in heaven. Therefore, when you do your righteous works, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have the glory of men. Truly, that is their reward”.
Proverbs 20:6 “Most everyone will proclaim his own goodness, but who can find a faithful man?”
Job 42:7 “…and the Lord said unto Eliphaz, “My wrath is kindled against you and against your two friends because you have not spoken of me the things that are right as my servant Job has”.
Psalm 1:1 “Blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scorners”.
When you see a man diligently seeking for me as though he was seeking for an hidden treasure, then you are reading a chapter from my book”, says the Lord. “When you see a man who takes up his cross to crucify unto himself the lies of “self”, then you are reading a chapter from my book. When you see a man who delights in doing my will as much as if he was doing his own will, then you are reading a chapter from my book. When you see a man whose faith is accompanied with my works and my power, then you are reading a chapter from my book. When you see a man forgive those who sin against him, then you are reading a chapter from my book. When you see a man whose belief is accompanied with joy, and hope, and peace of mind, then you are reading a chapter from my book. When you see a man who loves his wife as Christ loves the church, or a wife who is submitted unto her husband as though she was submitted to the Lord, then you are reading a chapter from my book. When you see a man going about to heal all those who are oppressed by the Devil, then you are reading a chapter from my book. When you see a man forbear with the sins of sinners and the weaknesses of his brethren, then you are reading a chapter from my book. When you see those disciples who love one another, willing to lay down their lives for one another, then you are reading a chapter from my book. When you see a man who is being evil spoken of because he speaks my truth in love, then you are reading a chapter from my book. This is the non-fiction that is truth in the spiritual realm.
II Corinthians 3:2 “You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men; clearly you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart.
It is just as I have spoken unto you, that all words are spirits, and they are all seeking a place to dwell. You shall know all men by their fruits, and their fruits are the nature of him whose words they have chosen to believe to be right. My book is the book that is read and understood through the blessings of my Spirit; the spirit of wisdom and understanding, and the spirit of the revelation knowledge that reveals the truth to those who seek to know my truth. Those who read my book are those who desire to know me and who desire to be changed into my likeness. Those who read my book are those who are always asking for me to reveal unto them great and mighty things which they do not know; for I hear them and I answer their prayers. In my book, I always perform that which is written because my book contains only the words of truth. Unto those who read my book, it is I who write my laws, the laws of truth and love, upon their hearts and their minds to be read of all men. To those who read my book, I daily renew their faith and refresh their spirit with that portion of living bread that I give unto them as they seek me; the bread of life that I have promised to give to those who would labor to gather it.
Matthew 13:23 “He that received seed in the good ground is he that hears the word and understands it; who then bears fruit and brings forth some a hundred-fold, some sixty, and some thirty”.
Galatians 5:22 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, faith, goodness, meekness, and temperance; against such there is no law”.
Matthew 6:11 “Give us this day our daily bread”.
Those who read my book are those who walk in my truth, and these are they who shall not willingly subject themselves to any of the lies of “self”, lest they depart from my Spirit which made them free from such lies. Those who walk in my truth are those who walk in my Spirit, and those who walk in my Spirit shall not fulfill any of the desires of “self”. My Spirit delights in doing my will, and my will for all men is that you live, move, and have your being in the abundant life that is in my Spirit; for this is my gift unto you, as well as unto all men. My Spirit is able to make my people holy; and the holiness that I require for my people to walk in is the likeness of my nature, and my nature is everlasting life. I am life; I am the life wherein there is no darkness nor shadows of death. I am what I am; and I do not change. I was life yesterday, I am life today, I will be life tomorrow, and I will be life for all of eternity. I am everlasting life. I am the tree of life, and he that eats of my tree shall be made life, and he shall bear the fruits of life. I am holy, and I desire for you to be holy; for my holiness is the law of life that I desire to write upon the hearts and the minds of all of my people. The desire for holiness is seen in those who desire to become my sons and my daughters, to be changed into my image. My book contains my words; and my words are life and they are spirit. My words are truth, non-fiction to all those who believe them. Though you are drawing closer and closer, you still do not yet know my truth; for if you did, you would be presently walking in my name; that is, in my nature, in my character, and in all of my authority and power.
I Peter 1:16 “Be you holy because I am holy”.
John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth, and the life”.
I cannot yet come into this present world that you inhabit, for in the glory of my presence all darkness, all evil, and all lies would be destroyed. I cannot yet come into this world because my people are not prepared to see me in all of my glory; for the temples of their heart have not yet been fully cleansed and sanctified of these lies of “self”. The love of “self” belongs to those who love lies. Those who are prepared are forthcoming, they are those who have overcome the darkness, hating the lies of “self”. These are they who will love my appearing knowing that at my appearing they shall be transformed into the children of light; children freed from all darkness. The word of my truth is so powerful that in its presence all evil is destroyed, and none of those lying spirits shall be able to dwell in the presence of my truth. You have not yet seen all of my truth, but I desire to send all of my truth unto you. All that which I have prophesied unto you, it has been centered upon my truth. How then can a man say that he is free if he is still in bondage to the lies of “self”?
Revelation 12:11 “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death”.
Proverbs 8:12 “The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride, arrogancy, the evil way, and the forward mouth do I hate”.
The words contained in Satan’s book are powerless until they are believed; but even then they only power that these words have is that which is supplied by the man. These are words that when they are believed have no power but to bring burdens and grievous works upon those who believe them. Satan’s lies always require for those who believe his words to perform those words because Satan has no power of himself to perform them. “Self” is a beast of burden. Can fallen man bring forth life out that which is dead? Yet Satan always seeks to deceive my people to worship those things which have eyes, but cannot see, and which have ears, but cannot hear; the lifeless idol of “self”. The holiness that Satan’s book instructs for men to walk in, it is just like their own righteousness in that it requires for men to put forth their efforts, the best works, and their own power”, says the Lord. “There is no love for me nor is there any trust in me among those who walk after this illusion of holiness”, says the Lord. “Those who walk after this illusion are they who are only holy unto “self”; and unto this world which loves the being of “self”, as well as the lies that have no life in them.
Psalm 115:4-9 “Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men's hands. They have mouths, but they speak not: eyes have they, but they see not: they have ears, but they hear not: noses have they, but they smell not: they have hands, but they handle not: feet have they, but they walk not: neither speak they through their throat. They that make them are like unto them; so is every one that trusts in them. O Israel, trust thou in the LORD: he is their help and their shield”.
Jeremiah 5:21 “Hear now, O foolish people without understanding, who have eyes but do not see, and ears and do not hear”.
Isaiah 44:9-10 “Those who make an image, all of them are useless, and their precious things shall not profit. They are their own witnesses; they neither see nor know, that they may be ashamed. Who would form a god or mold an image that profits him nothing?”
Those who walk in my Spirit are they who have overcome the desires of this evil world. Those who walk in my Spirit are those who love me, who think on me, and who keep my commandments, holding fast to my words. Through my Spirit, I am able to join the two who were once contrary so that they may become as one. I am the spirit of love, and it is my love that joins the two so that they may be one. Those who walk in love, they walk in unity, in fellowship, and in oneness with me/God. Do you now see why it is impossible for those who treasure, who honor, and who esteem the lies of “self” to enter into this relationship without me? I am truth; I am Spirit; I am love; I am life. He who is joined to me becomes all that I am; I in him and him in me. Who is prepared for my coming but those who have come to hate the lies of “self” through the truth of my love. Is it not written that when I come, I am going to change all those who have overcome Satan’s lies through the power of my Spirit, and then shall you become as I am now?
I John 3:2 “Brethren, it does not yet appear what we are going to be like, but we know that when he appears, we shall be like him. And everyone that has this hope purifies himself”.
Thus says the Lord, “I am high and mighty, but I am also humble and meek. I am health and I am everlasting life. I am good and I am holy. I am Spirit and I am powerful. I am truth and I am freedom. Those who worship me must worship me in Spirit and in truth. In vain, many have deceived themselves in their attempts to worship me according to their own desires, as though the Creator should worship the creature of “self”. I hate lying words”, says the Lord. “Especially those lies that are spoken in the manner of worship that is centered upon “self”. I love for my people to worship me in truth, for they seek to worship me in that manner that brings communion and fellowship between a Father and his child; the child whom the Father loves and greatly cares for. I know what you have need of. I am love, and it is my heart’s desire to supply for you all that which you lack, as well as to provide for you all those things which are necessary for you to find entrance into my kingdom. In my kingdom there is nothing that intimidates or torments; there is no oppression; there are no threats; there is no darkness; there are no standards or rules; there are no diseases, or sorrow, or death; and neither is there any kind of fear. The strength of my kingdom is the light of my love, and I am the everlasting regeneration of that light.
Remember, when my love is within you, you will delight in doing my will as though you doing your own will; and my will for you is the light of life. My will is not that which comes through the power or the might of man but that which comes only when my Spirit enters into your heart; for when my Spirit, which is my power, comes from above, then my will for you shall be fulfilled. I am that Spirit, and I am coming from above. But do you believe that I willing to give to you all of me, me without any limitations, without any measures, or without any boundaries? I am not only willing”, says the Lord, “but I am yearning and waiting on you to ask me for the many gifts of Me that I desire to give to you so that you might share in and be a partaker of my love. Do you desire me? If you believe and ask of me, then all the life that I desire for you to have shall come upon you. Receive my love and receive my power. Yes, my kingdom is filled with angels and saints that continually give me praise and glory, not because they have to, but because of the wonderful things that I continually provide for them as well as the many things that I continually perform for them. I am the Lord of life, and I am the God of the living, and not the dead. My love is an everlasting, but do you desire to be a partaker of my everlasting love. I am praised and I am glorified because of my love. Will you let me glorify you, so that you may then glorify me? I love you. Ask of me and see if you will not see much light come forth unto you from this band of light that circles the earth. I am that light of life, but so few desire to have me.
When the Lord finished speaking these things, I returned from his presence into my body.
II Corinthians 5:8 “We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord”.
Mitt Jeffords
Vision: Satan’s Surprise Attack On The Church: Cupid As Satan’s Hit Man.
Matthew 22:6 “Master, which is the greatest commandment in the law?” Jesus said unto him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all of your soul, and with all of your mind”.
John 10:10 “The thief comes not except to kill, to steal, and destroy…”
Just after I woke up one morning the Lord gave me this vision. In this vision, the Lord told me to go tell one of my brethren, as well as all of us, that Organized Crime has put out a “hit contract” on each one of us; and this contract has been put out on us for only one purpose, to spiritually destroy our “love” relationship with the Lord.
II Corinthians 11:14 “Do not marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his angels also be transformed into ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works”.
I then saw in this vision one of my brethren, and without any warning, he was suddenly compassed with many innocent and sweet looking little angels. It was not until I saw that each one of these angels was holding a little bow, aimed and ready to shoot their arrows towards my brother’s heart that I realized that these angels were little cupids. At first I thought that these angels were sent by God, and that when they shot their arrows at my brother, the love of and the love for God would somehow increase in him. Then just as on cue, they all began shooting their arrows towards my brother’s heart.
Psalm 11:2 “For, lo, the wicked bend their bow, they make ready their arrow upon the string so that they may secretly shoot at the upright in heart”.
As I watched this scene, I then realized that this was not some kind of love-fest from the Lord, but rather it more resembled the Mafia hits that I had seen at the movies or on TV, for as soon as these cupids finished shooting their arrows at my brother, they then all quickly fled, as though they were fearful that they were going to get caught. When I looked back at my brother, I saw that many of these tiny little arrows had hit their mark, for there were many of them that had pricked his heart. I saw pricked because these arrows were only about ¼ the size of small needle. Initially, my brother seemed as though he suffered no injury because he began to scoff, saying that it was not possible for any of these arrows to do any injury to him because they were all so small. Truly, it appeared as though these arrows were just barely able to prick the skin around his heart and there was of any bleeding at all.
Matthew 24:3 As Jesus sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came to him in private asking, “Tell us, when shall these things be? What shall be the sign of your coming and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said….., 11 “And many false prophets shall arise and deceive many. And because iniquity (self-righteousness) shall abound, the love of many shall grow cold. But he that endures shall be saved”.
I was still speaking to my brother when all of sudden I began to notice that his facial countenance had begun to undergo some kind of change, as though life itself was being drained out of him. I had no idea of what wrong with him other than it had to do with all those arrows that had pierced his heart. I just stood there helplessly watching him until all of the joy, and peace, and life that my brother once possessed just left him, leaving before me a man whose countenance was now hopeless, cold, and hard. I then realized that nothing could have brought about such a fast and drastic change in my brother except that those tiny little arrows must have all been dipped in some sort of poison. It was then that the Spirit of the Lord immediately told me that this poison was nothing but Satan’s lies.
Galatians 5:26 “Let us not be desirous of vain glory…”
James 1:14 “But every man is tempted when he is draw away of his own desires and enticed”.
Colossians 3:2 “Set your affections on things above, not on the things of earth (earthy man)”.
I then saw in my vision that all of these cupids then returned to my brother as though they wanted to see what the result of their attack was on my brother. It was then that I noticed that each one of these cupids had a banner wrapped around him, running from the top of his left shoulder down across his chest to the right side of his waist. I then saw that each cupid had a name written on his banner that was different from all of the other cupids. The first cupid that I looked at had a banner that read, "The desire to love self"; and I then understood that every time this cupid shot one of his arrows, it was nothing other than a lie that would entice one to set the affection of his heart on himself rather than on the Lord whom he had loved more. The next banner that I saw read, "The desire to exalt self", and the one next to him read, "The desire for one’s own glory"; and the next one read, "The desire to be right". I then saw another one whose banner read, "The desire for your own judgment (opinions) to be truth"; and the one next to him read, "The desire to be in control"; and yet another read, "The desire to trust self". Then there was another one that read, "The desire for self-justification"; and another read, "The desire to do your own will". It was then that I realized that the poison that all of these arrows had been dipped in was the lies whereby one is tempted by his own desires to be lord over his own life; the desire that soon steals away all affection and love that one once had for Jesus to be Lord. It is of these lies that his deadly poison consists of; lies whereby one sets his affection and love on “self” rather than on those things that come from above. Lies about “self” that at first seem to be so powerless that they could not possibly do any injury.
II Timothy 3:1-5 (Amp.) “But understand this, that in the last days will come perilous times of great stress and trouble [hard to deal with and hard to bear]. For people will be lovers of self and [utterly] self-centered, lovers of money and aroused by an inordinate [greedy] desire for wealth, proud and arrogant and contemptuous boasters. They will be abusive (blasphemous, scoffing), disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy and profane. They will be] without natural [human] affection (callous and inhuman), relentless (admitting of no truce or appeasement); [they will be] slanderers (false accusers, trouble-makers), intemperate and loose in morals and conduct, uncontrolled and fierce, haters of good. [They will be] treacherous [betrayers], rash, [and] inflated with self-conceit. [They will be] lovers of sensual pleasures and vain amusements more than and rather than lovers of God. For [although] they hold a form of piety (true religion), they deny and reject and are strangers to the power of it [their conduct belies the genuineness of their profession]. Avoid [all] such people [turn away from them].
It was then that I became fully aware that each one of these cupids, very stealthily disguised as innocent and cute little angels, were nothing other than Satan’s demons; so harmless in appearance that none of them seemed as though they could possibly not harm a fly. Yet, the deadly poison that each one of their arrows was carrying was nothing other than well-crafted lies designed by Satan to carry out his single purpose: to steal the affection of the saints by alienating them from the Lord. It was then also understood what the Lord had meant when said "Organized Crime" has put out a hit on each one of us, knowing that Satan, with all of the powers of darkness, with all unclean spirits, with all wicked spirits in high places, as well as with the rest of his demons, are all organized together for the single purpose of overthrowing the love, the faith, the trust, and the belief of the saints.
Revelation 2:4,5 “Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because “you hast left thy first love”. Remember therefore from where you art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto you quickly, and will remove your candlestick out of his place, except you repent…He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches…”
I then understood that these Cupid's shoot their arrows at all of us in the time of our temptations; seeking to seduce and to entice us with lies that turn our hearts away from the truth of God’s words. These arrows can come at us through the words of those who around us, just as when Peter was used by Satan to shoot arrows at Jesus, tempting Jesus to submit to his own will rather than to the will of his heavenly Father. Of course, the most common place for Satan to attack the saints of God is in the imaginations of their own mind; arrows that appear as thoughts that reason against the counsel of God’s word. Where else could it be easier for Satan shoot his arrows to deceive with desires of “self” than in the thoughts of one’s own mind; thoughts that tempt one to set his affection on “self” than on the Lord who saved you.
Isaiah 59:2 “Your iniquities (self-righteousness) have separated you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you so that he will not hear”.
For it truly is as it is written, that when we are all tempted, we are tempted by our own desires, and these desires are all aroused by cupid’s arrows, the lies of Satan that seek to alienate our love from God. If we allow for ourselves to be alienated from the love of God, then these cupids are able to carry out their contract, to kill, to steal, and to destroy the lives of those saints who have been enticed to leave their first love. It is only when we yield to these desires of “self” that sin begins to come forth; and when sin comes forth, it brings forth death; the death that dwells in the carnal mind. There is no affection or love for the Lord in the thoughts of the carnal mind, which is what the purpose of the “hit contract” that has been put out on each one of us; to bring us into death, the place where there is no longer any joy, or any peace, or any trust, or any fellowship with God.
Romans 8:35 “Who shall separate us “from the love of God”? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, “For your sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all of these things we are more conquerors through him who loved us. For “I am persuaded” that neither death, nor life, nor angels or principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us form the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord”.
As soon as the Lord brought this vision to an end, I then sat there meditating how Satan has no power against the love that God has for us, for his love for us is unconditional; but it is our love and affection for the Lord that Satan seeks to attack. I was still meditating on these things when the Spirit of the Lord quickened unto me to seek out and to understand just who "Cupid" was. According to Webster, Cupid was the Roman god of love and the son of Venus. Seeing that there is only one God, and he alone is love, then Cupid was in fact only a "demon" of lust and desire who was disguised to appear as love. Cupid was seen as a young boy who had wings, and he always carried a bow and arrows with him. Cupid then fell in love with a beautiful princess whose name was Psyche. Venus did not approve of her and placed heavy hardships upon her. But eventually she was reunited with Cupid, and supposedly she was then made immortal.
Psyche (that which Cupid has a desire for): the human soul or the carnal mind.
It is the carnal mind that "death" inhabits (Rom.8:6,7); and death is that state of mind where there is no fellowship with the Lord, nor any affection for the Lord, and neither is there any joy or peace in the Lord. It is here that you will find a great love for “self”, but no abundant life. Death is state of mind where you find all those who have lost their first love for the Lord. As I was writing this, the Lord then reminded me of a word that he had previously spoken to us about the lies of Satan are his poison; and the Lord said to us, “I am the antidote for Satan’s poison. I am the preventive medicine, I am the cure, and I am the antidote for all those who have lost their first love. Only turn back to me and set your focus only on me. Set your affection upon my words and let me send my truth to you, the truth that will heal you and set you free from Satan’s lies. Let my love minister to your wounds so that joy, and peace, and life may be restored unto you”.
Luke 22:31 And Jesus said, “Simon, Simon, behold; Satan desires to have you so that he may sift (separate) you as wheat. But I have prayed for you that your faith will not fail; and when you are converted, strengthen your brethren”.
I was praying one day when the Lord asked me, “Mitt, what is the only thing that Satan and I have in common?” I immediately answered without even really considering what the Lord had said to me, “Lord, there is nothing that you and Satan have in common”. Then the Lord said to me, “This is not true, for both Satan and I desire to have you”. I now know and understand that Lord desires to have me because he loves and Satan desires to have me so that he can destroy and kill me. We are "all" the object of his arrows; and his arrows are nothing but lies that arouse in us desires to love ourselves more than we love our heavenly Father.
Proverbs 4:23 (AMP) “Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life.
Mitt Jeffords
"The Vision of the Castle and the Castle guards"
I was riding down the interstate when the Lord gave me this vision: I saw a castle that was an exact replica of your typical medieval castle, except that this castle was much, much smaller. It's walls were only about 10 feet high, and the length of each wall was also about 10 feet; yet, it still had all of the features you would find on large castles. I then observed that there was door in the middle of each wall, and each door had a guard on both sides of it. l saw that each guard was completely outfitted with a full suit of armor just like you would expect to see on guards from medieval times. Each guard was holding in one hand a sword, and in the other hand a battle ax that was on a shaft that was about 8 feet long. I was able to observe this castle for several minutes, as I drove down the interstate. I stared mainly in awe at this castle, amazed at how a castle so small could have ail of the intricate details of castles that were much larger. Because of the armor that these guards had on, and seeing that there were eight guards, I then wondered why a castle so small needed to be so heavily guarded.
After I considered this for a few more minutes, I then asked, "Lord, what is in this castle that it needs to be so heavily guarded?"
The Lord then said, "Your righteousness; that is, everything that you believe and trust with your heart to be right. For all of the treasures of a man's heart are rooted and grounded in those things which he believes to be right and good: such things as your own name, your opinions, your fears, your abilities, your own will, your doctrines, your own strengths, your self respect, your own reasoning, your own works, your anxieties, your own abilities, your religion, your worries, your loyalties, your feelings and emotions, your own imaginations and dreams, your self-confidence, your secrets, your job, your own understanding, your traditions, your own interpretation of the scriptures, your judgments of other men, as well as all of your own judgments of what you think is good & evil, right & wrong, and truth & lies, and finally, the image that you have of your own self. What do all men guard more heavily than that which is the most precious to him, his life? But did you not know that your righteousness is the standard which you have set for yourself to live your life by?"
"Which one of these treasures would be able to dwell in the thoughts of your heart unless you first agreed that it was right for it dwell in the treasury of your heart? Do not all men treasure these same things? Do not all men treasure those things that he accomplishes for himself? Do not all men treasure the reputation, or rather, the name which he makes for himself? Do not all men believe that those things which he esteems, which he desires, which he respects, and that which he honors to be those things that are right for him to live his life by? Do not all men esteem their own opinions to be that which is of a great value to themselves? Do not all men believe that the way their eyes see those circumstances and situations around them to be the right interpretation of that which is seen? Do you not know that no man makes any decision unless is first believed on to be the right decision? Is it not written, that in this fallen world of darkness, all men are born blind? Do you not know that by reason of this blindness, men are only able to see their own decisions and their own judgments as that which is right? Does not my word testify of this very thing, saying, "Every way of man is right in his own eyes, but I consider the heart"? Does not every man live his life according to the way that he has chosen for himself? Do you now understand that the castle you saw, it is the heart of man; and it is according to the treasures of righteousness that dwell in his heart, that every man lives his life by?"
"Did not my children Israel believe that the righteousness that a man should live his life by was the standard which was set forth by the Law of Moses? Do you now understand why Israel so greatly treasured the righteous works and deeds that they performed according to their own interpretation of that law? If a man chooses a law to be the standard of righteousness that man is to live by, then does not that man use that law to do his thinking for him, to set the standards between that which is right and wrong; good and evil; truth and lies? But when men do not have this law to establish their standard for living, then do they not trust their own conscience and their natural senses to make these determinations for them? Do not these men also believe that they are righteous in all of their own decisions of what is right and wrong; good and evil; and truth and lies? Does not this man choose that his standard for living should be established upon his own judgments, his own feelings and emotions, his own abilities, his own desires, and his own pleasures? Do you now see that when men have no law, then each man will make that which he believes is right to be his standard for life? So do you see, that those who had the law, as well as those who have no law, they both fill the treasuries of their heart with those things which they esteem, they desire, they honor, they respect, and that they believe to be right. These are the treasures of a man's heart, his standard for living his own life".
"Do the words of a man's mouth testify of anything other than that which he believes is right? If a man judges another, does he not do so because he believes that it is right to do so? If a man gives you advice on your health, does he not believe that what he has told you is right? If a man has a fear of heights, does he not believe that it is a righteous thing to fear heights? What opinion does a man form for himself except that opinion which he believes to be right? The man who robs a bank, does he not so because he has determined that this is the right thing for him to do? Does not a man raise his children according to the manner that is right in his own eyes? The man who is anxious about tomorrow, or the man who worries about his future, do they not both do so because they each believe that it is right to do so? The man who is distressed, the man who corrupts, the man who argues and strives, the man who is lazy, the man who intimidates, the man who is insecure, the man who is depressed, the man who boasts of himself, the man who hates, the man who envies and is jealous, and the man who lies, do they not all do these things because they each believe that it is the right thing to do according to the circumstance of situation that they are in? Are you beginning to perceive just how great of a treasure is hidden behind the walls of every man's castle?"
"What does a man treasure more than those things which bring him pleasure and satisfaction? Do not men also treasure all of their hopes and their dreams because they believe that it is these things that will satisfy their desires for pleasure and satisfaction? Do men put their hopes and their dreams in anything other than that which they believe is right for them? Are not men always faithful and loyal to that which they believe is right? Yet, does not a man keep hidden in the depths of his heart; that is, behind the walls of his castle, the truth about his own feelings and emotions, his faults, his weaknesses, his lack, his sins, his mistakes, as well as any other hidden secret that he desire to keep hidden from the eyes of another? Why would a man hide any of these things in his heart for anything other reason than he does not believe that it would be right to expose any of these things?" Thus says the Lord, how hard is it then for a man to hear any instruction or counsel that would contradict that which he has treasured to be right; that standard which he has chose for himself to live by?"
I then acknowledged to the Lord that I understood. Then I asked him, "Lord, what then do these castle guards represent?"
The Lord then answered and said, "Your pride! Pride is your personal bodyguard that is always ready to defend and protect all those things that you treasure to be right and good. These guards of pride will count all to be adversaries and enemies who bring anything that is contrary to that which you have believed and trusted to be right. When any counsel, or instruction, or opinion, or any correction is heard spoken that even seems to attack the credibility and the soundness of that which you believe, then by reason of your pride, you will close your ears, stiffen your neck, harden your heart with unbelief, and doubt all that which was heard, so as to preserve all of that which your heart has treasured. One of these guards may defend your righteousness by making light of or mocking that which you heard; another guard may fight; another guard may get offended and angered; another guard may be afraid of that which was heard; another guard may argue and strive; another guard may blame circumstances or make excuses so that "self" is preserved; another may guard may have pretended to listen, but never heard; and another guard may simply just reject all that which was heard. These are the weapons that your pride will use to keep the treasures of your heart from suffering loss. Do you see how well equipped these guards of pride are for the purpose of saving your life?"
"Pride only has a desire and a love for "self". Pride takes great pleasure in the exaltation and the glorification of "self". Pride hates all things that are opposed to "self", and it works feverishly to keep "self" protected from all things that would bring harm, or injury, or a blemish to it's own "self" image. Pride is only conscious of "self", and is always mindful of those things which it considers to be beneficial to "self". Anything that is seen or heard that is pleasing to "self", or that seems to satisfy any desires of "self", it shall gladly allow to enter into the castle of your heart", says the Lord. "If anything is seen or heard that agrees with any of those things which you have already established to be right and good, then it shall be granted immediate entrance into your heart. If that which is seen or heard brings with it some hope, or promise of gain, or profit to "self", then it also shall be allowed to enter in. If that which is seen and heard agrees with your feelings, or with your emotions, or with any of your "self" desires, then it shall be esteemed as a friend, and shall be allowed co enter into the treasury of your heart. So do you see, that by pride, anything that agrees with "self", it shall be allowed to enter in; while those things which are contrary to self, they shall be refused entrance?"
"Pride only loves for "self' to be in control, and it always resists submitting to any authority, or any power, or spirit, or any flesh that seeks to exercise authority over "self". These guards of pride, they willingly allow for anything to enter in which seems able to provide "sell" with a sense of security, or with power, or with strength. Do you not see that all such things are only an illusion; a momentary illusion that deceives one into believing that he can be in control over the circumstances and situations that arise in his life? These proud guards, they love praise, and honor, and glory, and they love to be esteemed. and respected. Therefore, anyone who brings with them such gifts as these, regardless of his intention, is gladly received into the castle of the heart. Did you not know that there is no way easier for any adversary to enter into the castle of your heart than by the use of flattery; the lies that lift up your heart? Which one of these things does pride not esteem as a precious treasure seeing that all of these things are able to bring increase into the treasury of the heart? Do you now see, now understand why pride defends and protects all of the treasures of "self" righteousness? Is it not also by reason of pride that a man will always be envious when another man's castle appears bigger, or more attractive, or more prosperous than that which he has?
By now, my heart was trembling, seeing that the Lord was laying wide open my heart with all of it's intentions and desires. But then I then asked, "Lord, do these castle walls represent anything that you want me to know about?" The Lord then answered and said, "These are the walls of self-justification; for it is through the work of self-justification that a man will make right all of those things which he desires to have as a part of his life. There is no desire that burns greater in the hearts of men more than the desire to be right in all that you do. Therefore, there is no place in the heart that is busier than the workshop of self-justification. It is here that a man will make right all of his decisions, his opinions, his affections, his religion, his works and efforts, his relationships, his judgments, his desires and affections, his politics, and his traditions. For just as pride loves "self", so also does "self"-righteousness only believe that "self" can be right. Self-righteousness is the natural desire and affection of the carnal mind; and by nature, no man can believe anything to be right unless he first desires for it to be right. What does a man treasure more than that which he has a desire or an affection for?"
"It is through these works of self-justification that a man will bring increase, gain, and wealth into the treasury of his heart; that is, the more that he is able to make right of himself, the more of "self" there will be to be esteemed, honored, respected, praised and glorified. For when anything is seen or heard that is pleasing to his eyes, or if it is that which seems right or appears good, or if it is that which the heart desires, or that which is thought to bring pleasure, or that which may bring glory in any manner to "self", it will then be justified; made right so that "self" can believe on it. Is this not so with every decision a man makes as well as for everything that he does? Do you now see that once a thing has been justified, it then becomes that which is believed on and trusted in for righteousness; and once that thing is believed on and trusted in, it then becomes a part of the law that is written in that man's heart; that righteousness which that man will live his life by; that standard of life which his heart will always delight in doing. Do you now understand how continually the heart is given to the work of self-justification, always ready to give a reason when asked why do you do what you do? Do you now see clearly that there is no law that is any more precious to man than that which he believes is right for him to live his life by? Do you now understand why your standard for living must always be protected by these guards of pride and defended by the walls of self-justification? What could possible have a stronger hold over a man's life than those things which he has justified to be right and believed on in his heart?"
"Are you beginning to understand how precious each man esteems that which he believes to be right? Do you now see that there is no religion, no counsel, no doctrine, no opinion, no philosophy, nor any law that any man allows to rule over his heart other than that which he not only believes to be right but that which he also desires to be right? This is the tradition of this world, the illusion whereby all men believe that the way they see and perceive things is the standard that all should live their life by. Do you not know that your heart is filled with countless precepts that are contained in the law of self-righteousness? Precepts that have been established since your youth, according to all of those things which you have either been taught, or that you esteemed, or that you desired, or in those things which you have experienced right for yourself. Does not one man see that it is right to raise his children this way, while another man sees that it is right to raise his children another way? Do they not each trust and believe that their way is the right way? One man has a fear of heights while another man has no fear of heights, yet each man trusts that he is right in his belief? When men murmur and complain, is it not because things have not gone according to that which they believe is right? Do not men establish many of their treasures upon those things which satisfy their desires and affections? Do you now see how all of these precepts for life, they have all been established according only to those things which you have seen or heard, and then justified for yourself. Do you now see how and why your pride so greatly defends "self", just as any lover would defend his love? When anything or anyone sins against any of the precepts this law, is he not then evil thought of or even hated?” says the Lord.
Now hear and understand", says the Lord. "Know that it is only through the wicked works of self-justification that sin and death are able to enter and dwell in hearts of men? Did you not know that neither Adam nor Eve had any desire to eat of the fruit of that forbidden tree until the day that Satan brought his lies into the garden? Do you see how crafty Satan was with his words, speaking just a few words, but choosing the words that both Adam and Eve would desire to make right? Do you see how the lying words of the Deceiver both enticed and seduced them with lies that would seem to bring great increase to "self"? Do you see that it was not until after they justified Satan's lies that they then saw the fruit of that tree to be pleasing in the sight of their eyes and desirable to make them wise? Did Satan's lies focus on anything other than "self"? Do you now understand that they did not choose to disobey my word to them until; they first justified the lies that they heard? Then, after they disobeyed my word, sin and death entered into their hearts and minds and took dominion over their lives", says, the :Lord.
Is it not written that when a man is tempted, he is enticed by his own desires; and then when desire is conceived, it then brings forth sin; and when sin its finished, it brings forth death? Do you now see how through the work self-justification, Satan finds the entrance into the hearts and the minds of all men that he desires to have? Is not written that the carnal mind is death? Is it nor also written that I am God of the living, and not the dead?' says the Lord. "Do you now see how beguiling Satan is with his words, always speaking those words that the carnal mind desires to hear, and that which the heart desires to make right? From where comes all of your arguing, your divisions, your anger, your offences, your divorces, your hatred and malice, your disagreements, your slander, your unforgiveness, your strivings, your fighting's, and all of your hurt feelings other than from words spoken that offend that which you treasure to be right? Whose law then rules over the hearts and the minds of those who do such things", says the Lord. "Who set these standards to be right for men to live their lives by? I did not create man with any such wisdom that desires to do any of these evil things? Do you now see how “self-justification” is the workbench of the carnal mind and the labor that all men continually indulge in to satisfy their burning desires to be right in all that they think, as well as in all that they do? Are you now beginning to perceive just how greatly every man's righteousness is the standard that he lives his life according to?
Self-justification is not only the work of making that which you desire to be right, but it is also the work of self-preservation; that is, self-justification is that wall that defends all of these things which have been previously justified to be right. It is in defense of ones own righteousness that a man will refuse, or scorn, or reject, or make light of, or mock any and all counsels, instructions, opinions, doctrine, philosophies, wisdom, or knowledge that would bring change or correction to that which is believed and trusted to be to right; otherwise, "self' would suffer loss. Do you now see clearly how these guards of pride and these walls of self-justification work hand in hand to protect the treasures of your castle, the righteousness that you live by?
Now hear and understand", says the Lord. "Do you believe the testimony of my word, or do you believe the sight of your eyes? Does not my word testify that all men see themselves to be right in the decisions they make and the deeds that they do? Yet, I see that no man is righteous; No, not one. Does not man look at his own appearance, while I consider the heart?" says the Lord. "Does not my word testify that I see that the heart of man is deceitful above all things? But are you yet able to understand just how and why I see that the heart of man to be deceitful above all things? The deceitfulness of the heart is found in its ability to justify itself; the power to make all things right by use of reasonings and excuses. Where did man get this wisdom from that gives him the ability and the skill to justify all of his own ways, his own judgments, his own will, his own desires, and as well as the righteousness that he lives his by? Have I not asked my people not to be wise in their own eyes? When my people have justify themselves, doing that which appears right in their own eyes, then why would they find it needful to seek to know my righteousness in the matter?" says the Lord. "Have I not given to you good instruction which warns you to take heed that the light which is in you be not the darkness instead? Have you not wondered why you are not walking in fruits of abundant life? How can I rain the righteousness of life upon those who live life according to their own righteousness?" says the Lord.
"Do you now understand that the work of those who are wise in their own eyes, it is the work of self-justification; the work whereby men make themselves to be righteous according to the image that is pleasing in their own eyes? Do you not know that this image, it is every man's idol, seeing that men honor, and esteem, and glorify that which they believe is right? Did not my people Israel stumble, thinking that the righteousness that men should live their lives by should come by their own efforts and works to keep the law of Moses? In the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector, did I not speak this parable to give instruction and correction to all those who also think that they are righteous because of the works of their own hands? Did not the Pharisee think that the image that he had himself was an image that I also would find pleasing in my sight? He tithed and fasted, and the image that he thought of himself was an image unlike sinful man; but being blind, he looked on the righteousness of his outward appearance and did not seek to know that which was pleasing in my sight”, says the Lord. “Do you see how this Pharisee used this tax collector to measure and compare himself to? Yet, was it not the tax collector that I justified simply because he did not trust the sight of his eyes, but rather in the testimony of my word? Which of these two men had an appearance that was esteemed, and honored, and exalted in the sight of other men: the Pharisee who exalted himself by his pride or the tax collector who humbled himself in truth?
Do you not know that everyone who is proud in heart will also do as this Pharisee did; that is, he will exalt himself in his righteousness as he points out the faults and weaknesses of others? These are nothing but deceitful workers who profess to know me, but their self images are only abominations in my sight. So do you now see and understand just how deceitful and the beguiling the work of self-justification is, seeing that it is by this work, that a man will transform himself into images that are abominable and disgusting in my sight?", says the Lord. "How long will my blood cover you until your minds until you allow for me to purge from these same dead works; dead works that done to please dead idols which cannot be pleased? O how great are the treasuries of the heart of the blind who fill their castles with the riches of dead and vain works. Is there any shame or repentance in the heart of the man who thinks that his works are righteous? This Pharisee, did he come into my temple in humility, repenting for the abominable image that he had made himself to be? Is there any godly sorrow in the hearts and minds of those who delight in the treasures of their own righteousness?
This is the power of darkness; the power that deceives men into believing that those things which appear right and seem good in the sight of men, that they must also be right and pleasing in the sight of God. Why would my people choose to make themselves into an image that I am going to reject unless they were first deceived into believing that it was that which is right in my sight?", says the Lord. "Do you now see how this Pharisee's castle, it was only a temple that he has built for himself to guard and protect the riches and treasures of his own righteousness; that standard which he chose to live his life after? Do you also see that the tax collector, that humble sinner, was just and pleasing in my sight, even though he was an abomination in the sight of this Pharisee? If you just love those who measure up to the standard that you live your life by, then what love is that", says the Lord. "My love is unconditional, and I love all men regardless of their condition; and when my love dwells in the heart of my people, then their hearts will also love all men unconditionally.
Would this Pharisee have come into my temple boasting of these wicked works if he could see as my eyes see?" says the Lord. "Did I not correct my prophet Samuel when he also erred for being wise in his own eyes? Did I not say to him, "Samuel, do not look on appearances, because no man sees as I see; for man looks on the outward appearances, but God looks on the heart". Do you not yet perceive that you are living in a world of illusions; a world where those things which are highly esteemed and respected in the sight of my people, they are those very things which are an abomination in my sight?" says the Lord. "For in this fallen world of darkness, men are judged, measured, esteemed, and rejected according to the appearances; whether it be beauty, or wealth, or stature, or health, or by image that a man is able to transform himself into. Do you not understand that the work of self-justification, it manifest itself in the fashion of this world, hypocrisy. How great is this illusion that men live their lives by, confident that all things are just and good that are measured according to that which appears righteous in their own eyes? Do you really believe that this Pharisee was aware that what he was treasuring to be right, it was an abomination in my sight?" says the Lord. Are you now able to understand how great the illusions are that are created through the works of self-justification?"
"Is it not written that I see the heart with all of its intents and purposes; I see all of those illusions that disguise themselves behind the appearance of righteousness. I see all of those things which are hidden in dark places of a man's heart and mind. I see the origin of a man's thoughts, that which is birthed when the imaginations of his heart is joined with his wisdom. So then I ask you, "Why have you not proved me at my word? Why have you not asked me to show you why I see your heart to be that which is deceitful above all things? Why have you not asked me to unveil your heart so that you might know that my word is truth? Have you esteemed that which you see with your own eyes to be more righteous than my word?" says the Lord. "Do you not believe that I would have proved to you that my word is truth? Are you afraid that if you accepted my word to be truth, that it would bring a loss to your life; a loss to that image of yourself which is so precious in your own eyes? Do you not know that it is only by the blood of Christ that you are seen in heaven as precious? Are you afraid that my blood, my love, my grace, and my mercy would not be enough to cover you? Are you going to allow all that I suffered on your behalf to be done in vain? Did I not know the truth about the intents of your hearts and the thoughts of your mind when I died for you? How can you possibly believe my word unless you allow for me to open your eyes so that you might see that my word is right?" says the Lord.
"Do you now know that the most deceitful work of self-justification is when you have made your best effort? Does not the man who makes his best effort believe in his heart that he has fulfilled that was required of him? Do you not understand that the treasury of your heart is filled which such like works? Are you not offended and angered when your best effort is not acceptable? Look at the evil that filled Cain's heart when I rejected that sacrifice that he offered to me; that sacrifice that was righteous in his own eyes, but displeasing in my eyes", says the Lord. "Why do you not believe my word that testifies that your ways are not my ways, and neither are your thoughts my thoughts?" says the Lord. "Does not my word testify that I came into this world to give you life, yet are you not seeking for life in those things that you believe will give you life? Did I not come into this world to give you life, and to give it to you abundantly? But how can I do this as long as you continue to live your life according to that which you treasure to be right? Is death more righteous than life, or evil better than that which is good? Have I not asked you to first seek to know my righteousness? Did you not know that it is right in my sight that you should live life abundantly? Am I not as good as my word? Trust me"', says the Lord. "I am not like a man that I should lie to any of you".
"Are you now beginning to comprehend why your castle is so well guarded and defended against any and all things that disagree with that which you have treasured to be right? Only those things which have passed a strict set of standards set forth by your pride and your righteousness will be allowed into enter your heart. Then whosoever comes along that agrees those things which you have believed to be right, he shall then be esteemed as a friend. So also is an enemy and an adversary considered to be anyone who would offend you in any manner. Is it not a bitter thing to entertain one who has offended that which you have treasured in your heart to be right? Is not such a person who then is accounted as an enemy then he who is rejected, or despised, or hated, or scorned, or thought of as evil?" says the Lord. "Was I not rejected, despised, hated, scorned, and thought of as evil by my own people? Do you now understand why I was spit on, mocked, tortured and crucified? Do you now see that I was crucified for sake of their self-preservation?
"Was it not written of me, "And when we shall see him, there shall be nothing seen that is to be desired, for he is despised and rejected by men"? How then shall I be invited to enter into the treasury of a man's heart, seeing that I do not measure up to the criteria that your pride and your self-righteousness have set forth? Are you going to reject me also?" says the Lord. "Are you going to be like the many who I have called with my Spirit who have made light of their calling by reason of the ignorance that is in them? Are you not able to judge between the desires of the flesh and the desires of my Spirit? Is it not written that the fleshy mind, the mind that is ignorant of me, it is death; that is, it is full of fears, worries, pride, anxieties, vain thoughts, hatred, self-condemnation, strife, impatience, envy, doubt, slander, failure, unforgiveness, deceit, evil thoughts, anger, uncertainty, fault finding, unbelief, confusion, arrogance, guilt, disappointment, hypocrisies, and all manner of lies about yourself and about me? Where is life in any of these things?" says the Lord. "Why do you esteem your pride and your righteousness to be so great and so flawless, seeing that they let any and all of these things pass through into your heart? Do you now understand? As long as you desire to fill the treasuries of your heart with these miseries and torments, then you shall not have any desire to let me pass through into the castle of your heart", says the Lord. "The man who says that he has life, yet has any of these evil things dwelling within in, he not only deceives himself, but he defiles life? Is it not written that the spiritual mind is life and peace, and surely you know that none of these miseries or torments dwells anywhere in the thoughts of the Spirit of God? It will not be until you are able to discern the difference between the life of the spiritual mind from the death of the carnal mind, that you shall have any desire at all to allow for me to enter into your heart", says the Lord.
"When the Lord finished speaking these things, both my head and my heart were overwhelmed trying to comprehend these things that the Lord was speaking to me. Then after a time, I asked, "Lord, would you show me the difference between the righteousness of the carnal mind and the righteousness of the spiritual mind so that you may become the treasure of my castle? Would you show anything else that there may be that is hindering you from entering into the gate of my heart, and to fill the treasury of my heart with right things?” Then the Lord answered and said, "Since the day that I called you, I have been standing at the door of your heart, quietly knocking so as not to arouse the guards of your pride. I have been knocking and knocking, waiting for you to ask me in", says the Lord. "But you have not asked me in by reason of the work of self-justification. Do you not yet understand that as long as you justify yourself in your own sight, then you will not see any need to ask for me to enter into your heart. As long as you justify yourself by covering up your weaknesses and your faults with reasonings, unbelief, and excuses, then you never even think to ask for me to cleanse you. As long as you justify yourself as that Pharisee did when he compared and measured himself against the lives of other men, then you also will continue to be as blind as he was, exalting himself through his own work. Do you desire to keep the treasury of your heart filled with the honor and the praise that men give to you? As long as you lean to your understanding of my words, then you shall see no need to ask me for my understanding so that you may know that interpretation that is right in my sight", says the Lord. "As long as you justify yourself being wise in your own eyes, then you will surely believe that your judgments of good and evil, right and wrong, and truth and lies must be that which agrees with the judgment of God; yet, is it not written that all men are liars, that there is not one good nor is there who does that which is right in the sight of God? As long as justify yourself being satisfied with your efforts to make yourself to be the best Christian that you can be, then you will not ask me to make you my workmanship. Do you now understand?" says the Lord. "Do you now see that it is by reason of the work of self-justification that has hindered you from opening the door to your heart for me to enter in? I am the righteousness of life, but as long as you continue to live your life according to those things that seem right, then you will not even perceive that I have been continually at the door to your heart, knocking and waiting for you", says the Lord.
"Is it not written that I am the Lord your God, and that I alone should be exalted and esteemed? Is it not also written that I alone shall be glorified and praised? So how blind are my people who justify themselves in their own works and deeds? Even so, it is though these works of self-justification that the hearts of my people are carried far from me, though they continue to praise me with their lips and honor me with their mouth", says the Lord. "Do you yet understand what righteousness consists of? Did not Daniel declare that righteousness only belongs to God? Is it not written that your heavenly Father made me to be righteousness for you? Do you not believe my word which says, "I am the life of God"? Do you know that as long as you willingly remain ignorant of me, then shall you also remain separated from the life of God; the abundant life that my Father has promised all those who he has called? If you understand that I am the life that is exceedingly better than that which you have, then you would have long ago opened the door of your heart for me. You do not understand that your righteousness and your pride have worked together to do that which you no power, nor principality, nor spirit, nor flesh, nor things present, nor things to come, nor what Satan himself has been able to accomplish, keep you separated from promise of abundant life that comes through knowing me. I am the righteousness of life", says the Lord.
"If you will clothe yourself with humility, seeing that it is only by humility that the guards of pride shall be disarmed without a fight, and then open the door to your castle, then I shall come into your heart and reveal myself to you. Do you not understand that if I tried to enter into the castle of your heart without an invitation from you, then all of the armies of pride, and all of the defenders of self-justification, would both rise up against me, seeing that I am he who is an alien to "self"? I am the love that thinks not of it's "self". If your heart is not willing and proud, then it shall surely be impossible for me to enter in without force; and you know me, that I will not force myself upon anyone. For I am meek and humble", says the Lord. "You will not be willing to open the door to your heart unless you first believe in your heart my promise of abundant life is truth. Once you believe the promise of my word, then shall you gladly open the door of your heart and let me in", says the Lord.
"Then the Lord said, "I am he who has made you to be the object of all of my affection. I am he who only desires to do good things for you. I am he who has no evil thoughts '' towards you. I am he who desires to give you peace and life. I am he who desires to show you great and mighty things which you do not know. I am who is here only to help you. I am who desires to show you that I am willing to do impossible things on your behalf. I am he who died for you and shed my blood for you, knowing that you are powerless to change the intents of your heart and the imaginations of your thoughts. I am he who delights in showing you mercy everyday. I am he who has great delight when my people humble themselves before me, allowing for me to be your Lord and your God; for only then shall you allow for me to perform great things on your behalf. I am he who loves you unconditionally; that is, I love you when even when your heart is still proud; I love you when you have walked in the way that is not good, after your own thoughts and the sight of your eyes; and I love you even when you continually desire to justify yourself. If my love for you had been anything other than unconditional, then I would not have continued knocking on the castle door of your heart. Even though I have made you to be the object of my affection, I am powerless to show you my love as long as you keep the door to your heart closed to me. I am not only abundant life", says the Lord. "But I am that abundant life that my heavenly Father yearns to give to you. I am standing at the door of your heart ready to bring all of my blessings and gifts in with me. But do you desire to know me?"
"Again, you have not let me into your heart because you have not known me; because you have willingly not inquired to know that my divine nature is life. No death, no misery, no pain, no torment, dwells within me. I am the source of life because I am life. You have not let me in because you have not known nor believed that I desire to make you a partaker of my divine nature, to transform your hearts and your minds, to make them according to my image. Do you not believe that which is written, "I am the law of the Spirit of life who is come into this world to set you free from your bondage to the law of sin and death?" Surely you know that sin is the transgression of the law, but did you not know that death transgresses the law of life? Did you not know that anxiety transgresses my law? Do you not know that fear, as well as all doubt and unbelief, transgress my law? Do you not know that confusion transgresses my law? Do you not know that hatred transgresses my law? Do you not know that condemnation and guilt both transgress my law? Do you not know that worry transgresses my law? Do you not know that pride transgresses my law? Do you not know that disappointment and failure transgress my law? If then my divine nature is life, then whose nature dwells in the thoughts of death that continually inhabit the carnal mind? I see that you have made yourself to be that beautiful castle in sight of all of those who are wise in their own eyes, but I see that your castle is only a prison where all of your thoughts have been kept in bondage to death and sin. I see that you are captive in a prison where all of the doors are locked from the inside", says the Lord. "Do you now understand, that as long as a man loves death, being just in his own eyes, then he will in no way open the castle door to his heart to allow for me to enter in?" says the Lord.
"Do you now believe my word which testifies that I alone know the heart with all of its intents and purposes? "Yes, Lord", I answered. Then the Lord said, "Is it not written that when you allow for me to enter into your heart, then I will bring to light those things which are hidden in the darkness of your heart? Again I said, "Yes, Lord, that is written". Then the Lord said, "Do you now understand that everyday, your heart has worked diligently to guard and protect the sin and the death that has hidden itself behind the appearance of righteousness that agrees with wisdom of the carnal mind? Do you now understand why you have not been a partaker of my promise of abundant life, seeing that through deceit and ignorance, you have been justifying, defending, and protecting all of those things which only gave you the illusion of life? Do you now understand that none of these miseries or torments could have ever dwelled in the thoughts of your mind unless they had first disguised themselves with an appearance that your pride and your righteousness would agree with?"
"If a thought entered into your mind that instructed you to justify your faults and errors, would you not do so because you believed that it was the right thing for you to do? If a thought entered your mind that instructed you to condemn yourself for your faults and errors, would you not do so if you believed that it was the right thing for you to do? Yet, is it not written that there is never any condemnation on to those who are in Christ Jesus? Does the carnal mind have the ability to justify or condemn? Can either one of these works change the intents of the heart or imaginations of the thoughts? So then, how can you who are carnally minded bring forth any life out of that which is dead? Is it not also written that I will justify the ungodly? What decision do you make that is not influenced by fear, or by worry, or by your emotions and feelings, or by your pride, or by anxiety, or by your opinions, or by your fleshy desires? Do you now understand that which is written, that those who are fleshy minded, they regard those things which are of the flesh? Why do you not question the righteousness of these counselors that influence all of your decisions?"
"Thus says the Lord, "What wisdom is it that yields to these types of influences, seeing that none of these things are able to bring forth life? Do you not know that it is because of your belief that these influences are righteous that have kept you from opening the door of your heart to me? Do you not see that though your fears come in under the disguise that they are there to assist you in your decision making, deceiving you into believing that they are present to protect you from harm, in truth, they are only unclean spirits that are there to torment you in your thoughts? Do you not see that it is the same with confusion, with worry, with anxiety, with envy, with anger, that they all come in under the disguise of being righteous counselors, but they are there to daily bring misery to your life; to make your existence in this world to be as miserable as you allow them to. Do you not know that when you yield yourself to such counselors, you are only bowing your knee to worship and serve those demons who desire to rule over your thoughts with death and misery? Though the letter was addressed to the church at Laodicea, was it not written for who have ears to hear; for those who say in their heart that their treasuries are so rich in self-righteousness that they are blind. to see any need for me? I am still standing at the door of their hearts, knocking and waiting, because I see that which they cannot see, that they are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked", says the Lord. "I see that they are poor in spirit, far from being partakers of my promise of abundant life".
"Thus says the Lord, "I see that the carnal mind is as a haunted castle that is frequently visited by various types of unclean spirits whose only purpose is to haunt you with misery in the imaginations of your thoughts. Do you not yet understand that those who are carnally minded, they are always captive to obey these unclean spirits because of their appearance of righteousness? Is it not written that all men are unclean because of their own righteousness? Is it not also written that Satan is able to change himself into an angel of light, and his demons into ministers of righteousness? Do you now understand, that these demons, they are those unclean spirits who minister "self-righteousness" to all who are carnally minded? Is it not written that there is nothing unclean of itself? So then, who is it that is ministering fear to your thoughts? Who ministers impatience to your thoughts? Who ministers to you that you do not have any need for me today? Who ministers bitterness and anger to your thoughts when you do not get your way? Who ministers to you that it is right for you to find fault with your brethren? Who ministers to you to obey your lusts and desires? Who ministers anxiety to your thoughts? Who ministers depression and disappointment to your thoughts? Who ministers hypocrisy to you, instructing for you to pretend that you are righteous when only death is working inwardly? Who ministers bad memories and unforgiveness to you? Who ministers to you that you should protect and defend at all cost those things which you believe to be right as though it was not possible for you to err? Who is it that ministers division, strife, and arguments among my people? Do you really believe that the Holy Spirit would minister any of these things to your thoughts? Do you now understand why I see the carnal mind as a haunted castle where these unclean spirits continually visit to minister sin and death to the carnally minded?" says the Lord. Are you beginning to perceive that I truly to do see that which is hidden in the treasury of your heart?" says the Lord. "Do you now believe my word which testifies, "The Lord knows the thoughts of man, that they are all vanity"? Whose name are you going to call on?"
"Do you now understand that nothing is able to dwell in your heart except that you first believe that it is right? Now do you understand why all of these unclean spirits have disguised themselves to be as ministers of righteousness to your thoughts, seeing that nothing is able to have power over you except those things which you believe are right?, How hard was it for Satan himself to enter into the thoughts of Peter's mind when he tempted me? Who did I rebuke to get behind me, Peter or Satan? Once Ananias and Sapphira justified themselves by holding back a part of the price, how long did it take for Satan to then instruct them to lie to the Holy Spirit? Do you see how easy these unclean spirits move into your thoughts, yet I who loves you am left knocking and knocking at the door of your heart?" says the Lord. Do you not desire to be delivered from these unclean spirits who visit you with misery and trouble? Do you not desire the peace and the life that dwells in the spiritual mind? Does not my word testify that by reason of the great love that I have for you, I will gladly cast out all of your fears, all of your distresses, all of your own judgments, as well as all of your troubles? But my heart is grieved for you; for your prayers are before me, and though you have asked many things that are according to my will, you have not yet asked to know me; to know the divine nature of life. How long will you continue to deny me and grieve my Spirit?" says the Lord. "Is there any other name that you can call on who is able to deliver you and free your mind and your heart from these torments and miseries of death? What God are you worshipping and serving?"
"Now do you understand that which my word testifies of saying, "My people are foolish; they have not known me because they have no understanding? They are drunk in their own self-righteous judgments, having no vision to see where they are going. They are only wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge"? Do you not know that it is this wisdom alone that has a burning desire for you to yield to your fears, your hypocrisies, your hatreds, your envies, your pride, your impatience, your unbelief, your anxieties, your worries, and any other unclean spirit that ministers sin and death to your thoughts? How is it possible for any of my people to allow for me to enter into the treasury of their heart as long as this wisdom dwells within them, seeing that this wisdom blinds their eyes to all things spiritual? Is it not written that my own people crucified me because the wisdom of this world had blinded them and they did not know who I was? If a man's vision, that is, the way that sees, understands, and judges all things, is dictated to him by this wisdom, then how shall he escape from his bondage to sin and the miseries of death that are of the carnal mind? Have I not promised you a way to escape? Have I not promised freedom to all of those who would follow after me?"
Thus says the Lord, "Have I not instructed my people saying, "If any man will follow after me, then let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow after me. If any man seeks to save his life, he will surely lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake, they shall receive life"? Are you willing to deny me so that you can save your fears, or your impatience, or your unbelief and doubts, or your bitterness, or your anxieties, or your pride, or your unforgiveness, or your envy, or your arguments and strife, or your judgments, or your fault finding, or any other unclean thing that you have believed that it was right for you to live your life by? Who else but a fool would deny me choosing rather to live his life in a haunted castle? Do you now understand that the man who takes up his cross, he is the man who does not deny me, but offers unto me the treasures of his carnal mind, the righteousness that he has lived his life by? Do you not understand that those who take up their cross, they do so that I might redeem the death that is of the carnal mind with the life that is of the spiritual mind? Do you not know that I am that spirit of life that sets you free from the law of sin and death? Do you now understand that the cross that Paul daily took up, it was so that he could be a partaker of abundant life? Is it not written that you cannot bear the fruits of life until you first take up your cross, willing to die to the miseries of this world?"
"Did not my servant Paul take up his cross and suffer the loss of his own righteousness; that is, the loss of that righteousness which was of the law that he believed and trusted that was right for him to live his life by? What law has any power to deliver you from anything that ministers misery, unbelief, trouble, or torment to your thoughts? Do you not know that by your faith in me, I am there daily for you as you offer these things before me? I love you", says the Lord, "And it pleases me greatly when you draw near to me, asking for me to help you. I have called many, but only a few are willing to take up their cross to die to the righteousness that they daily live their lives by; that which is dictated to them by the unclean spirits of this world. Is it not written that the message of the cross is foolishness to them who are perishing, but unto those who are being saved, it is the power of God. For it is written, "I will proceed to do a marvelous work and wonder; I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and bring to nothing the understanding of those who believe that they are able to judge righteously". Do you not understand the message of the cross? Do you not understand the mystery of the gospel ?"
"Do you not know that those who take up their crosses, these were they who I called, and indeed, they praised me with their lips, and they honored me with their mouths, but their hearts were far from me by reason of the love that they had for their own righteousness But that love and affection only exists in the carnal realm. Is it not written that those who I call my own, these are they who have taken up their crosses and have crucified the desires and affections that are of the carnal mind? Where will sin and death dwell when there is no wisdom that desires or has affection for sin and death? Where will the desire to do what is right in your own eyes dwell after this wisdom has been crucified? Where will the desire to do evil dwell when the wisdom that yielded to such counsels has been crucified? What power will the unclean spirits have over you when their counsels are no longer believed to be right? When that wisdom has been crucified that yielded to them who ministered fear, hatred, anxiety, unbelief, pride, strife, uncertainty, stress, confusion, unforgiveness, envy, worry, and all manner of false hopes that never come to pass, then who shall they minister to? Do you now understand the way of escape for you?", says the Lord. "Do you not desire to be set free from your captivity and bondage to the carnal mind?" says the Lord.
"Has not my word spoken to you saying, "You have eyes, but you do not see"? Thus says the Lord, "I see! I see that which those who are wise in their own eyes cannot see. I see all of your treasuries of unrighteousness. I see all of the miseries that have haunted the castle of your heart under the disguise of righteousness. If you could see, then I would not be standing at the door of your heart, for you would have already gladly let me into your heart. If you could see, then you would know that I am he who ministers the righteousness of God to you; the righteousness which only brings peace and life into your thoughts. I am the righteousness of life, and my Spirit only ministers to all things that have the nature of life: love, gentleness, joy, kindness, contentment, peace of mind, belief, goodness, strength, forgiveness truth, power and might, happiness, and faith. I am a sound mind and perfect faith. I am he who gives increase. I am he who prospers you in the treasures of life. I am the gift that my heavenly Father has prepared for you. I am the hope of the righteous; those who know that abundant life is the hope of the gospel. I am standing at the door of your heart ready to fill your heart with the treasures of life. But I am grieved with my people; for my people have desired of me blessings, and power, and gifts, and ministries, but for the sake of self-perseveration, they have not desired to know me; for they do not know that I am life. Why would my people desire not to know me except that their hearts have been deceived into believing that they can find life through doing that which is right in their own eyes?"
"Until this time, you have only been able to interpret life according to those natural senses that are of the carnal mind; but is it not written that spiritual things cannot be discerned with anything that is natural? Do you not know that the carnally minded are always hoping to find life out of circumstances and situations, and not out of my spirit?", says the Lord. "Is it not written, "My Spirit gives life"? Have you not interpreted life as that which comes forth when you do those things which feel good, or that bring you pleasure? When things go according to your own will, or according to the way you planned for, then are you not satisfied, even though it is just for a moment, believing that what you experienced was life? When you think to yourself that you are in control over the circumstances and situations of your life, then are you not pleased with your life? When you feel secure in your own strength, in your finances, in your health, or in your own abilities, then do you not also feel like You are experiencing life? When you feel that you have made a right decision or done the best that you could, then again, are you not content in calling this brief moment as being life?"
"Have not some of my people even tried to find life out of the spiritual gifts that have given to them? But the gifts of the Spirit are not the fruits of the Spirit; for the gifts have only been given to you for the edification of my body, the church, says the Lord. "Have you also felt at times that you experienced life when you have praised me with your lips and honored me with your mouth? Yes, I love for you to worship me, and I adore your praises, but none of these things are able to give "life", says the Lord. "Life only comes to you after you have taken up your cross, offering your life to me in exchange for my Spirit; for when you receive the fullness of my Spirit, then shall you know what life is. Do you now understand that which I said, "Why are you looking for the living among the dead"? Do you not know that that it is impossible for life to dwell in the carnal mind. Do you not understand that in all of these things, you did not experience life, but rather you experienced that illusion of life that comes when your desires are satisfied. "Satisfied desires" is not life, but rather my divine nature is life, says the Lord. “He who seeks life from any of these things denies me because he does not seek life from me.”
"Do you now understand why the love of money is the root of all evil? Do you not understand that in this fallen world of darkness where life is unknown, the more money that you have, the more desires you are able to fulfill? Do you now understand that these "satisfied desires" they are the illusions of life that leave men just as empty of life as they were before they satisfied their desires. Do you now see that this illusion of life, it only exists as long as the circumstances and situations occur that allow for one to please and satisfy himself. Those who try to find life from their desires and affections, they shall always find themselves captive to the same affections and desires tomorrow. Do you now know why the hope of the carnally minded is that tomorrow is going to be a better day than today? Is it not because the circumstances that occur in today rarely satisfy the desires that one had for that day?"
"Do you now understand why you have not opened the door for me? You have asked of me, but have you not asked in error? Have you not asked, and hoped, that I would put forth my hand and work in the situations and the circumstances of your life? Have you not hoped that I would do these things so that might find life out of your desire to have all things done according to your will and that are pleasing in the sight of your own eyes? I did not call you to work in the circumstances and situations of` your life, but rather in the intents of your heart and in the thoughts of your mind; to give to you the spirit of life that would rule over your thoughts and hearts to give you life, regardless of the circumstances and situations? I did not come into this world to satisfy your fleshy desires, but rather, I came into this world to give you abundant life that is of my divine nature", says the Lord. "But how can this be when you are blind to see that there is anything in me to be desired? Do you not know that this blindness only exists as long as the wisdom of the carnal mind exists"?
"Am I not always faithful to my word?" says the Lord. "Do you not know that the rock that I am going to build my church on, it is those who hold to my word? For seeing that I am always faithful to my word, I will then always be faithful to those who hold to the promises of my word. If you do not have abundant life, is it because you have not taken up your cross to offer unto me the treasures of your heart, that righteousness that is your standard for day to day living? Would a wise man protect and defend that which brings stress, or fear, or doubts and unbelief, or hatred, or anxiety, or worry, or any other thing that brings misery and torment into his life? Would a wise man justify that which brings depression, or self-condemnation, or bitterness, or hypocrisy, or strife, or any other thing that would work death? Do you not understand what the cross is that I have asked you to take up? Do you not know that life awaits those who take up their cross, who are willing to die to those things which only give an illusion of life? When my apostle Paul testified of the cross that he had taken up, did he not declare that he had suffered the loss of his own righteousness; that treasure of the carnal mind which he had lived his life by? So, if he dies to his own righteousness, then whose righteousness did he live by; that which is of the carnal mind or that which is of the spiritual mind? Do you not understand that when you take your cross, it is only then that I will be able to redeem your life with my life?" says the Lord. "The cross is where I will redeem the death of the carnal mind for the life that is of the spiritual mind? But do you desire life?"
"yes, I delight in giving blessings, and power, and gifts, and ministries to you when you ask for them, but these things are only for your edification; that is, the building of your faith But that which my heart truly desires is to give you the .divine nature of life that dwells in my heart: I desire to give you that spiritual mind where only life and peace are able to dwell", says the Lord. "The spiritual mind is like a flowing river of life that never ends; a river where no fears, no confusion, no envy, no frustration, no disappointments, no depression, no desires for vainglory, no hatred, no anxieties, no evil thoughts, no doubts, no loneliness, no impatience, no pride, no bitterness, no worries, nor any other evil desire are able to enter in because there is no death in the spiritual mind; for out of my heart flows all of the issues of life. The congregation of the dead, those who refuse to open the door of their hearts to me, they only do so because they do not know how to interpret life. Is it not written that I came unto my own, and my own did not receive me because they did not know how to comprehend life?
"The consciousness of the spiritual mind is belief and faith; that belief and faith that stands only in the power of God. It is this belief and faith that is right in the sight of my heavenly Father. It is also by this belief and faith that peace and joy will be multiplied in your hearts and minds by the power of my Spirit. The spiritual mind is like a clear crystal river of flowing water that continually brings forth life out of it's wisdom and understanding. The realm of those who are spiritually minded is the realm where all things are possible because I am the one who is believed upon to perform all things In the spiritual realm my word is believed upon to perform all things. There are no circumstances, nor situations, nor spirits, nor flesh, nor illnesses, nor sicknesses that I cannot speak the word of life to. I spoke the heavens and the earth into creations; so what is too hard for me to speak?" says the Lord. "My word will always perform that which I send it to perform. The spiritually minded believe on me, and these are they who will witness me perform mighty works on their behalf".
"The carnal mind is very limited because it is only able to believe that which the natural senses are able to comprehend. What man is able to trust and believe that which he cannot understand? The carnal mind is full of walls, boundaries, and limitations that have all been established upon those things which you believe to be right. There is a righteousness in the natural realm that is not the righteousness of the spiritual realm", says the Lord. "For that which is possible for me perform to perform by my word is not only impossible for man to perform, but it is also impossible for man to even understand. Do you now see why the righteousness of the carnal mind is established upon those things which flesh is able to think or perform for itself?" Thus says the Lord, "I inhabit eternity, so what castle will you give to me to inhabit? I say to you, give me the castle of your heart, and watch me tear down the walls, the boundaries, and the limitations that you own righteousness has me placed on me', says the Lord. By reason, of your righteousness, you have only limited my power, my mercies, my works, my forgiveness, and my love from coming to you. You have bound me up with the laws of your expectations and imaginations, If you were backed up to the Red Sea, and the Egyptian Army was racing towards you, you would limit my power from helping you because you would be expecting me to part the sea for you; but I might be telling you to just walk across the water. The spiritual mind has no laws to direct me with, neither are there any walls that built to keep my power and my love from working in you", says the Lord. "All power is in that which you believe; let me be that which you believe upon.
"In the spiritual realm my power is natural", says the Lord. "But in the carnal realm, my power is supernatural. In the spiritual realm, abundant life is the natural, but in the carnal realm, abundant life is that which is alien. Just as the waves of the oceans cannot go beyond the boundaries that have been set, so also cannot the righteousness that you live your life by go beyond that which you believe is right. This boundary divides that which you believe from that which you do not believe. Only I, the Lord your God, am able to tear down these boundaries. Only I can give the increase the boundaries of life in your minds; but are you willing to decrease so that I may increase?" says the Lord. "The realm of the carnal mind is the realm of unbelief. In the carnal realm, men are only able to believe the illusions of life, that life consist of satisfying it's own desires and affections. In the carnal realm, death continually visits man in his thoughts. In the realm of the spiritual mind, freedom rules and life works. In the spiritual realm, snake bites are powerless, in the spiritual realm, it is possible to walk across water; in the spiritual realm, one morsel of food is able to feed thousands; in the spiritual realm the dead are raised; in the spiritual realm, iron is able to swim; in the spiritual realm, the sick are healed; in the spiritual realm, the winds and the oceans obey my voice; in the spiritual realm, the sun can move backward; in the spiritual realm, there is no beginning, and neither is there an end; in the spiritual realm, I will always make a way for you, even though there may not appear to be any way, in the spiritual realm there are no worries, no fears, no disappointments, no doubts, no sorrow, no anxiety, no hatred, no pain, no bitterness, no ignorance, no failure of any kind, nor is there any of the miseries or torments that visits the thoughts of the carnal mind. There is no murmuring or complaining in the spiritual realm. In the spiritual realm wretched sinners, lost sheep, miserable men, and the broken and contrite are able to find love, forgiveness, mercy, and life. In the spiritual realm, there is no condemnation, no guilt, no shame, no fault finding, nor any judging of another; only love. In the spiritual realm, the impossible is the possible because it is that which is natural in the spiritual realm. Yet, for all of this, I am not able to help those who choose to protect and defend the treasures of their own righteousness, that illusion which is believed upon to bring life".
"Thus says the Lord, "When I came into this fallen world, I came just as you are now, in the likeness of sinful flesh. All that I had was belief in my Father's word, and faith in his power; but it was through that belief and that faith that I overcame all of the. powers of sin and death, the will of the carnal mind. This faith and belief is not that which can be birthed by any of man's wisdom or desires, but rather, it is the gift of, God. I am the One. I am that gift of God. I am that belief, and I am that spirit of faith that overcomes the world. I am that belief that makes all things possible. Those who walk in belief, they walk in power because they walk with me", says the Lord. "Those who walk in me, they walk in the power of life because my nature is life. Ask for me, and I will be that belief and faith in you that my heavenly Father will be well pleased with. Ask for me to be your belief and your faith, and watch the impossible come to pass", says the Lord of Glory. "If you can believe, then you shall see me come in all of my glory, and I will take your heart and your mind, and I will make it to be beautiful and glorious in my sight", says the Lord. "And you shall walk in the newness of life".
"The spiritual mind is joined to me in life; and it is continually regenerated and renewed through the Spirit of life. The spiritual mind is always conscious that I alone am the Lord your God, knowing that I am always there for you to help you according to that which you have need of. The consciousness of the spiritual mind knows that I am the only sources of 1ife. The spiritual mind knows that it is the delight of my heart to supply all of your lack and provide for all of your needs. The spiritual mind knows that it is my delight to freely give you my kingdom. It is not so in the consciousness of the carnal mind; for the carnal mind cannot believe that you are truly the object of all of my affection. The carnal mind is so miserable, that it counts all that it does not believe to be right and true. This is the righteousness of the blind; those who are only, mindful of their own treasures; the treasures of false hopes and the illusions of life that never come true. Do you now see how great the boundary is that divides life from death; the spiritual mind from the carnal mind?" says the Lord. "Only I can tear down these boundaries, but unless you begin to open the door to the castle of your heart, nothing shall be possible. The spiritual mind is always conscious that there is no problem, no circumstance, no trouble, no fear, no situation no spirit, no weakness nor, any evil work of the flesh that I not able to overcome for you. The spiritual mind is always at rest and peace, knowing that I am your security, your provider, your Lord and your God. The spiritual mind knows that I do not condemn nor accuse, but rather I save, I deliver, I give peace, I forgive, and I will always do you good. The spiritual mind knows no death, no darkness, no evil, no lies, nor any self-righteousness, for I am that Spirit, and I know no such wickedness. I am life", says the Prince of Peace".
"Those who are spiritually minded, they love me with all of their heart, their soul, and their minds because this is the heart of my Spirit", says the Lord. "The heart of my Spirit is the love that never thinks of "self", nor does it ever seek to satisfy any desires and affections of 'self', because such thoughts do not exist in the mind of my Spirit. Those who are spiritually minded, these are they who asked me for the gift of my Spirit. These are they who trust for me to perform all of those things which are required of them, because these are the thoughts of my Spirit. Those who are spiritually minded understand all secrets and mysteries, because it is the mind of my Spirit", says the Lord. "Those who are spiritually minded love my words and delight to doing my will because this is the mind of my Spirit. Those who are spiritually minded, they love to receive my gifts, my power, as well as all of my blessings, because this is the mind of my Spirit. The thoughts of those who are spiritually minded are filled with joy and peace, because this is the mind of my Spirit. Those who are spiritually minded are filled with love, and forgiveness, and compassion, and mercy, because this is the mind of my Spirit. For only by my Spirit shall you find escape out of your captivity to the death that dwells in the carnal mind. My Spirit will set you at liberty from all of the desires of the carnal mind to accuse, to slander, to judge, to compare, to find fault with, to condemn, or to speak evil of any man. Those who are spiritually minded, they not only love their brethren, but they also love their enemies and do good to those who hate them, because this is the mind of my Spirit You know that my word declares that you will know that you have passed from the death of the carnal mind to the life that is of my Spirit when you love your brethren. How then shall you pass from death to life unless you ask for my Spirit? When your mind has been freed, then love shall fill your heart; the love that is fulfilling of the law that is of the Spirit of life", says the Lord.
"Thus says the Lord, "The end of all things is at hand. You think that you have been waiting for me, but it is I who has been waiting on you. I have been standing at the door to your heart, waiting for you to invite me in. I have many, many blessings and gifts that have your name on them, but until now you have not asked for them by reason of your self-righteousness". Thus says the Lord, "Do not be afraid to open the door of your heart to me. Do not be afraid to let me show you the secrets of your heart. I love you", says the Lord. "I went to the cross for your sins, and by reason of the blood which I shed for you, you have been under the power of my grace and mercy. So why are you so afraid to allow for me to enter into the treasury of your heart? Are you afraid that I might find out that which I already know, that you are nothing more than a man? You have been afraid to let me come into your heart because you do not know me, nor have you known the manner of the Spirit of life. I am not like a man who would accuse you, or judge you, or condemn you, or lie to you, or mock you, or belittle you in any way", says the Lord. "I am he who only knows love for you. Do not be afraid, for I will not deal with your weaknesses and your faults in the same manner that a man would treat you? Did not my servant Paul say that he delighted in seeing these things because he knew that he was about to witness my great power working on his behalf? Do you truly desire to let your pride and your righteousness keep you in bondage to the illusions of this life?'
"I am asking you to consider the woman who was brought before me who was caught in the act of adultery. Did I respond to her according to the desires of the flesh like the rest of Israel did? Did I point out her faults or judge her? Did I accuse or condemn her? Did I act like I was disappointed with her? Did I speak harshly to her? Did I even loose respect for her? Do you not perceive that I responded to her according to the desires of the of Spirit of Life? Did I not deal delicately with her? Was not love, and compassion and forgiveness and mercy shown to her? Did she not depart from my presence with joy and much hope in her heart? So why would you believe that I would respond to you, or to any man, any differently than I responded to her", says the Lord. "Do you not know that this is my heart, and that I change not? Be not afraid to let me unveil your heart, to reveal these lies of Satan that have hidden themselves behind the appearance of righteousness. I have no desire but to do you good, to exchange your righteousness of life for my righteousness of life", says the Lord. "But are you willing to let me into the kingdom of "self", the castle of your heart?"
Thus says the Lord, "If you perceive that life is lacking in your heart, is it not because you have not asked for my Spirit? Does not my Spirit give life? Why will you not prove me at my word", says the Lord, "Do you not know that all these blessings of abundant life are of the spiritual mind, and they will only be able to manifest themselves to you when the fullness of my Spirit enters into you. Prove me, seek for my life, and life will be given to you. Ask of me, and I will freely give you that part of my Spirit which you lack. You have no need of anything other to believe my words, and have the faith that I will perform these blessings for you. Only take up your cross and deny the life of your own righteousness; your fears, your boastings, your unbelief, your good intentions your worries, your pride, your cares, your confusion, your control, your doubts, your works, as well as the sight of our eyes. Do you not know that if the seed sown in you is to live then you must ask for my life, and see if I will open up heavens for you. Do you now understand that it has only been by reason of these guards of pride and these defenders of self-righteousness, that abundant life has been withheld from you. The windows of heaven have been knocking quietly at your door, but out of ignorance you have refused to open", says the Lord. "I have knocked, and I have knocked, and even though you have tasted of my Spirit, and you know that it has always been nothing but life and goodness, still you have chosen to submit yourselves before the unclean spirits who haunt the castle of your thoughts.
"Why have you esteemed your pride so much, seeing that it is your pride that has allowed all of these miseries free passage into the treasury of your heart? When I preached freedom to my people Israel, were they not also blind to see the truth concerning their hearts, proudly boasting that they had never been in bondage to anyone? I see what you do not see", says the Lord. "On the outside, you see yourself as that beautiful castle in all of it's glory and goodness, but that is not what I see", says the Lord. "I see that your castle is nothing but a prison, keeping you in bondage to the commands of unclean spirits who continually visit your imaginations with all manner of fears, anxieties, pretenses, heavy burdens, worries, perverted judgments, unrest, hopelessness, insecurity, bitterness, disappointments, vain opinions, grievous works, depression, envy, impatience, distress, vain glory, hate, uncertainty, doubts, and unbelief". I ask you again, "Where is the life in any of these things?" says the Lord. "If these things are not life, then what would name these things that are contrary to life?"
"If then the law of my Spirit is life, then do you not see that all things which are not of life, they are those things which transgress the law of life? Do you now understand why all have sinned, seeing that all are born carnally minded, and death transgresses the law of life? Do you now understand that the death that came upon all men through Adam and Eve, it is the death that dwells in the thoughts of the carnal mind? Do you understand that which is written, that the carnal mind is enmity against God and it is not subject to the law of God, and it is impossible for it to be? Death will be always be contrary to life, and no matter how much a man gains in this fallen world, it will always be impossible for him to experience anything other than death, though it may give that momentary illusion of life", says the Lord. "I am now, and will always be the source for life. There is a strait and narrow path that leads to life, and just as it is written, only a few will find it; because only a few will seek for life through me rather than through the illusion of life that comes through satisfied desires.
"It is the last time. It is time for you to take up your cross and put off the garment of your righteousness, and put on the cloak of humility. Offer yourselves unto me and allow for me to make you my workmanship", says the Lord. "Have I not promised-To be your God and to make you to be my people after my own likeness? Give yourself to me, for I will not disappoint you; for I love life, and I love to give life to those who desire to be a partaker of my divine nature. You must be willing to give yourself completely to me so that I can give myself completely to you. Have I not promised you a new heart and new mind where death would no longer be your desire, or your affection, or your bondage? Those who turn to me, these will be those who desire life; and life is that which I desire to open the windows of heaven to freely give to you".
"Does not my word testify that I am only looking for those who are willing to worship me in Spirit and in truth? How can death worship life? Do you understand that it is impossible for you to worship me in any other way than by my Spirit? How shall you worship me in the way that is pleasing to me unless you first receive the fullness of the Spirit of Life? Does not my word also say, "Walk in my Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the desires of your flesh"? Do you now see that it is only by my Spirit that you will escape your captivity to this haunted castle that is filled with unclean spirits who appear as righteousness you? I am grieved because many have chosen to worship me in the manner that only pleases "self"; in the manner that is right in their own eyes, according to the traditions and commandments of men. Why would any man choose to worship me in a such me in such a vain manner that would allow such things as anxiety, envy, bitterness, worry, loneliness, jealousy, fear, hopelessness, anger, evil imaginations, hypocrisy, unforgiveness, depression, hatred, or doubts to continue to haunt the castle of his thoughts?"
"Those who love their own castles have lost the love and affection that they have for me", says the Lord. These are they who have not taken up their crosses but have chosen rather to save the righteousness they desire to live their lives by. Do you now understand why the windows of heaven have been shut up, seeing that as long as my people love themselves, then none will call out for me to open the doors of heaven to rain upon them the righteousness of life? Do you now understand that it was for the sake of self-preservation that my own people spit on me, mocked me, whipped me, and had me crucified? Will you also do the same to me, choosing rather to be lord over your own castle?" says the Lord. "Do you not know that the man's castle that is filled with fear, anxiety, worry, pride, bitterness, is not a lord but a servant to the spirits that haunt the castle? There is no greater love in my sight", says the Lord, "than that which those have who are willing to take up their crosses and die to their own righteousness so that they may be made partakers of my divine nature", says the Lord. "Turn your heart, for I am not asking you to do anything other than to trust me and come to me. Is it not written that the redeemed shall return to me with everlasting joy; a joy that that no circumstance, or situation, or power, or spirit has any power to take from you? I inhabit eternity, but I cannot inhabit your heart while it is bound up behind these walls that you have built for yourself. I cannot be bound up", says the Lord."
"Thus says the Lord, "It is the last time. I am now putting before you a choice this day; you can either make your religion church, and remain among the congregation of the dead or else you can choose to make your religion life, and become a part of my family. But remember that which my word testifies of, says the Lord, "Not all they which say that they are of Israel are of my family; for I am a God of the living, not the dead. Remember that which is written, you must take up your cross and die so that you can live. I am only going to build my church from the living; all else is vain", says the Lord. "Those who take up their crosses, they seek and they ask, and they wait for me. My eyes go to and fro through the earth, and I see all things; but I am only looking for the asking. Where is the pride in the heart of those who ask of me, who have a need for me? Do not be afraid my people, for I am still at the door, knocking and waiting. Awake, my people; arise from the dead, and I shall give you the light of life", says Lord.
The Change
The Lord has blessed me with many visions, revelations, and dreams all for the purpose of revealing even the thoughts of my heart or the thoughts of his heart. I used to believe that the instruction of that which is written in I Thessalonians 5:21 "Prove all things, and hold fast to that which is good", meant for me to prove that all things that I heard was written in the scriptures. But then one day the Lord quickened unto me how much that he said was written in the 4 gospels, but that he also said John 8:43 "Why can you not understand speech? Is it not because you cannot hear my word?” The Lord then opened my eyes to see that just I hear someone speak a verse of scripture, the very words that Jesus spoke, it is not proved just because it was written, for my interpretation of that which I heard may be of my own understanding, and not the truth of the Lord. The truth can only be revealed by his Spirit. So I began to ask the Lord to prove to me that what I was hearing was his truth. The following is a testimony of how the Lord led me.
First of all, it is written in Galatians 3:26 “For you are all the children of God by faith in Jesus Christ”; and it is also written in I Corinthians 2:4-5 “And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God”. I following testimony is how the Lord changed my faith from that powerless faith that stands in the wisdom of men to that faith which stands in the power of God.
The carnal mind only has the ability its own understanding to those words spoken by Jesus; and carnal understanding has no ability to bring forth truth, only an opinion of what seemed right. Therefore, it was not the word of the Lord that was heard, but rather word of the man who formed the opinion of that which was heard. There is nothing carnal that is able to understand anything that is spiritual. God himself even testifying of this when he said, "Your thoughts are not my thoughts". Yet, which one of these Jews would not have been confident that he understood the truth of that which Jesus spoke of? If fact, he was speaking of their bondage to sin and death, and they answered by saying that they had never been in bondage. It was here that the Lord opened the eyes of understanding to see that what I had need of, it was to prove for my own self that the words that I heard, that it was truth according to God, and not that which was interpreted by my own understanding; otherwise, everything spoken would have been spoken in vain.
The Lord confirmed this for me with that which is written in Job 33:14 (KJ) "For God speaks once, yea twice, yet man does not perceive it". It was with this word that I realized what that strong delusion was that Paul spoke of in II Thes. 2:11; for what could give a word more appearance of the truth that the word of God spoken according to man's understanding? Yet, who would not defend with all of his heart that interpretation of the scriptures which he has believed to be right? Jeremiah also warned the people of God of this error when he told the people to not to take heed to the words of the false prophets; but in Jeremiah 23:18 he said, "For who has stood in the secret counsel of the Lord, and has heard his word? Who has marked his word and heard it?" I myself know well the shaking that takes place in the heart when something is heard that suddenly contradicts that which is believed on and trusted to be right. For many times I have seen the proud guards rise up to defend my own self-righteous opinions, scoffing at and refusing to hear that which was spoken to me. I even had had a prophet speak to me concerning hatred that was in my heart towards one of my own daughters. In my heart I said, "Surely this man is not a prophet of God because I know that I do not have any hatred towards my daughter". A few days later, the Spirit of the Lord moved on me saying, "Ask God to prove this word to you". I then realized that there was no way possible to know if this word was true unless I asked the Lord to prove this for me. So I asked him, and lo and behold, the Lord showed me that I had been harboring this hatred towards my daughter because she had refused some instruction that I had given to her several months before. I then took up my cross, and offered that hatred to the Lord. He then healed my heart to where I could not even remember what my daughter had done. Thanks be to God. Hatred for love; death for life, what a deal, Lord! Show me more that you desire to change.
Many times the Lord has proved the truth of his word to me, and that which I have experienced has been incredible. The scriptures truly came alive to me; it became like nothing that I had experienced when I had applied my own understanding to the scriptures for my own personal and private interpretation. The Lord has amazed and awed me by his faithfulness; for it has surely been nothing which I have done of myself. How much more simpler can it be than that? If man does not desire to know, then he will not ask but to the man who truly desires to now the Lord, all he has to do is ask. The thing that I have marveled at the most is the simplicity of the life that comes when the Lord has increased his Spirit in me. It is amazing what your eyes see when they are no longer blinded with impatience, or fears or by pride, or by anxiety, or the lust to be right in your own opinion especially that fear of what you think other men are thinking of you.
It was a fearful thing for me to take before the Lord my interpretations of his words; to open the door to my heart and let him expose the truth about those things which I had believed and trusted in to be truth. But I reasoned that if what I was believing was the truth, then the Lord would only confirm it for me; and if what I was believing was not, the truth then the Lord would correct me by showing me the truth. I remember the first thing that I took before the Lord concerned some of the works that I thought were righteous, and I asked, "Lord, is my understanding of these scriptures the truth?" The Lord then said to me, "Have you asked me to teach you the truth concerning these words?" I then answered, "No, Lord, I have not?" Then the Lord said, "Then it is not the truth. I have given you the Holy Spirit to teach you "all" truth, but if you do not ask for the truth, then your ears will hear and you will not understand; and your eyes will see, but they will not be able to perceive. Do not be afraid; ask, and it shall freely be given to you". So I asked the Lord if he would show me the truth concerning those scriptures that I had asked him about, and he did. After the Lord had corrected me, he spoke to me one morning while I was praying and he said, "Mitt, where is your pride in this matter?" After I thought for a moment about what the Lord had asked me, I then answered, "It is gone, Lord!" Then the Lord said, "Where is that which you believed and trusted to be right in this matter?" Again I answered, "It is also gone Lord". Then the Lord said, "But you not still Mitt?" "Wow! Yes Lord, I am!" That short conversation with the Lord has never departed from my heart. Until that day, I thought that a man's life really did consisted mostly of his pride and those things which he believed to be right. I then realized that if I was still Mitt, then what, or rather, whose righteousness and pride was that which had departed from me, seeing that it did have such a stronghold over my life?
I was in place in my walk where I was very self-righteous; and I was doing all of the things which I felt the scriptures instructed us to do. I fed the poor, I had a prison ministry, I visited those who were sick, and so forth; and I did not tell anyone what I was doing, just as Jesus said. I was doing all of the things which I felt would allow for my heart to grow closer to Gods, but the more I did those things, the farther I felt like I was going into some kind of spiritual wilderness where there was no life or presence of God. Now I know that when you walk by faith that many times you do not feel the presence of God, but I also knew that the Lord called us to establish a relationship with us; and it was that relationship that I felt was being strained. My heart was still filled with a zeal for God, and I was doing more "righteous" works than I had ever done before, but I felt like something was missing; things like joy, peace, and love.
I seemed to be fine as long as I was around my brethren, or as long as I was involved in some "righteous" activity, but when I was alone, I felt so empty, and lost, and completely out of fellowship with the Lord. Joy and peace had really become more like words of some alien language, because all of these things seemed to be far from my heart. The thought even came into my mind to try to pretend like I had these things, but it did not take long before that thought was completely disgusting for me to even think about. Those lying pretentious thoughts had become to me like as a man who was in the desert; one of a man who had run out of water, and then he saw a mirage where someone was trying to deceive him into believing that the lies of hypocrisy (play-acting) would be able to quench his thirst. Yea, right. In fact, I was in a place that felt so empty and void of life that I knew that if something did not happen soon, then it was going to be very difficult for me to walk in my faith much longer. I also knew that something was wrong with my walk, but what? How can a man understand what is error is if all that he is doing he believes to be right and true? It was then that I felt the Spirit quickening to me to pray that which is written in psalm 67:1 "God be merciful to me, and bless me; and cause your face to shine upon me so that your way may be made known to me". So I did.
Then, for the next several weeks, every time I read the scriptures, it seemed as though the Holy Spirit was somehow daily leading me to James 2:19 "You believe that there is one God, you do well. But the demons also believe and tremble! But do you not know, 0 vain man, that faith without works is dead". "Vain man?" "Is my faith dead?" "Lord, what are you trying to tell me? I was in a place where it would be a perfect time for those proud guards to come to defend me, to guard for me that which I believed to be right; but I was so weak, there was not much in me to try and defend myself against what the Lord was trying to show me. Feeling like I was in this spiritual desert, this word that the Lord was leading me to in James 2:19 did little to refresh me, but on the contrary, they angered me and frustrated me. I had just come to find out that I was still carnally minded, which is death, and now was the Lord also trying to show me that my faith was dead also? Without realizing that it was the Lord, I began to question those things which I had believed; thinking within myself, “Is my faith established on the word; but the interpretation of those words comes from my own understanding?” If that was the case, then truly, my faith may be dead. It was at this time that I do not believe that I had ever been so happy to know and have the belief that my errors and faults, no matter how great or small they may be, were all covered by the blood of Jesus Christ. I was so desolate of life, that I was really quite willing to hear anything which the Lord had to say, as long as it might quench my thirst and fill my emptiness.
It seemed like the Lord was using a tactic similar to a tactic that my dad used to use on us when he fixed supper. My dad was an excellent cook, but still, he would always wait until it was late before he served us supper, making sure that the food was the only thing on everyone's mind. He knew that even though his food that he had prepared for us was really good, it would always taste even better when it was served when we were hungry. Now here I was, all hungry and thirsty for life, and I knew that this was a meal that only the Lord could prepare and serve.
It was uncanny; for at least three weeks, every time I read the scriptures, even if I went to read somewhere like Exodus, somehow, without me ever being conscious as to how, I would always end back up at James 2:19; I found myself daily getting more frustrated and agitated with the Lord, feeling as though the Lord was somehow bringing me back to this scripture to make me miserable; but I knew not why. Here I was asking the Lord to show me the truth concerning the scriptures, desiring to know if I was understanding them correctly, and here was the Lord speaking to me daily, saying over and over to me, "Faith without works is death...Faith without works is dead...Faith without works is dead".
I was at my wits end when one morning, at the height of my frustration and confusion, I prayed saying, "Lord, I have done all of the works that I know how to do; the works that I feel should be accompanying my faith, and I still feel desolate of life. And besides that Lord, I now realize that I am not a smart man, for I cannot even discern between the works of the law, which puts a man under the curse, from those works which should accompany my faith. Lord, how will I know the difference between these two works if you do not show me?" No answer. Nothing. Nada. My frustration continued. I then prayed, "Lord, if you are willing, would you show me why you keep leading me to this same passage of scripture in James? For I perceive that there is something in this passage of scripture that you want me to see, but I am totally blind to see it; otherwise, why would you not keep leading me back to this same passage? It was just as Jesus said, "The light was shinning in the darkness, but the darkness could not comprehend it"; and my understanding of the darkness.
Later that same day, without realizing just how broken and contrite my heart had become, I went to pray, and before I even had a chance to say a word, the Lord spoke to me and said, "If I am not working in your faith then your faith is dead". My first response to this word was, "Did I really hear what I just thought I heard the Lord say?" During the previous weeks' I must have entertained several thousand different imaginations that were trying to correctly interpret what works should accompany my faith, but not one time had it even entered into my thoughts that it was the Lord’s works which should accompany my faith. This revelation concerning James 2:19 was so powerful to me that it completely stopped me dead cold in my tracks.
I then found that I was actually having a hard time even believing that what I had just heard was from the Lord because it was so contrary to everything that I had believed to that point; yet, I knew that it was surely the truth. The more I sat there considering James 2:20 and the word spoken to me by the Lord, the more I became astounded and amazed at what I had just heard. I then realized why I was feeling so empty and dead in my walk, because everything that I had been doing was only works be done by me, and that nothing I was doing was being done by the hand of the Lord. I then realized that my entire walk had been in error because of my misinterpretation of this “one” verse. Thanks be to God for his persistence in bringing this verse before me daily.
Suddenly, a flood of anxiety and fear swept over me as I considered the reality of this truth. Is this so? How could I be so blind? I then realized that I had just experienced for myself that which Jesus had spoken of, "Why do you not understand my speech? Is it not because you cannot hear my word?" Then the Sprit quickened to me that which was written in Isaiah 29:11 (NKJ) "The whole vision has become to you like a book that has been sealed, which one delivers to one who is literate saying, "Read this for me, please". And he says, "I cannot, for it is sealed" ...13 "Therefore the Lord said, "Inasmuch as these people draw near to me with their mouths and honor me with their lips, but they have removed their hearts far from me; and their fear towards me is taught by the commandment of men. Therefore, behold, I will do a marvelous work among this people; a marvelous work and a wonder; for the wisdom of the wise shall perish and the understanding of the prudent shall be hidden. Woe to those who seek deep to hide their counsel far from the Lord, and their works are in the dark! They say, "Who sees us?" and "Who knows us?" Surely you have things turned around! Shall the potter be esteemed as the clay?" "Turned around"? Upside down and inside out? This was exactly how I was feeling at this moment. Could this be? Could it be that the truth of all the scriptures are just as hidden from my eyes as James 2:19 was? At that moment in time, nothing could have turned stopped me so dead cold in my tracks as this word did. At that moment, I also knew one thing was for sure; and that was this understanding that had come to me concerning James 2:19, it did not come from any of the imaginations of my thoughts; for none of my imaginations had even come close to interpreting this word in this manner.
Then the Lord opened my eyes to see how this interpretation of James 2:20 could no nothing but allow for my heart draw closer to God. The more I sat there meditating on this word, the more I realized just how much my walk had been filled with vain and dead works because of my misunderstanding. I became fearful as I realized that the entire time that I had misunderstood, I felt so positive that I was doing that which is right in the sight of God. I was so confident that the Lord was pleased with those things which I was doing, thinking that I was really “in tight” with the Lord through my works. I then felt so ashamed before the Lord, like I had suddenly been stripped of all my righteous works, of my righteous name, of my righteous wisdom, and the pride of what I had done of myself; as well as all of my own understanding that I had been leaning on to be truth. But then the compassionate Lord, knowing that I was greatly troubled in my heart, spoke to me and said, "Mitt, do not be afraid of that which your eyes have seen, but remember this one thing, I am real good at raising the dead". Immediately, all of my anxieties and fears just melted away, and a peace and a calm that I had not experienced in a long time came upon me. I was out of that desolate and dry wasteland; and the presence of the Lord had returned to me.
Even though my fears and anxieties were gone, I still sat there stunned at the magnitude of my error, but thankful that the Lord had persisted on correcting me of my error. I felt so stupid for not being able to discern what the Lord was trying to show me. Surely it is true just as it is written in Job 33:14, "God speaks once, yea twice, (and in my case 20 times), but I did not perceive". This was all so new to me that the only thing that I knew to do was to pray and ask the Lord to prove for me that it was truly him that had just spoken to me. I asked, "Lord, this understanding of this word is so contrary to all that I have believed that I know that I am going to need your help in believing that this word was truly spoken to me from you. Would you prove to me that this is really you? Would you prove to me that it is your works that are to accompany my faith?"
Then the Lord said to me and said, "The books of the gospels, of whose works do they testify of? Was it not I that healed the sick? Was it not I that forgave sins? Was it not I that gave sight to the blind? Was it not I that raised the dead? Was it not I that cast out demons? Was it not also written of me that I opened the ears of my disciples so that they could understand the truth of the scriptures?" With much excitement, I then answered, "Yes, Lord, you did perform all of these works!" Then the Lord said, "After I performed anyone of these works, what would I always say to those who had come to me asking for help?" I then considered for only a moment before it suddenly came to me, and I answered saying, "Lord, I see, for after you performed anyone of these works, you would always say either, "Your faith has saved you"; or, "Your faith has made you whole"; or "Your faith has healed you". Now I see Lord. Now I believe this truth, that if my faith is not accompanied by your works, then my faith is dead. Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer; thank you for making your words plain and clear for me to understand.
Then the Holy Spirit gave me another word to confirm this truth, with that which is written in I Corinthians 2:3 where Paul said, "And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling; and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God". The Lord really opened my eyes to see that the faith that I had, that faith that stands in the wisdom of the carnal mind, it is that faith where man demonstrated his power, his works, his zeal, and his determination; it is this faith that produces nothing but self-righteousness, that way which seems right in his own eyes. How could the Lord demonstrate his power and his might any clearer than in the works that he performs for himself? I then understood that this faith was only new to me, for it has always been the faith that exists in the spiritual realm; the realm where the Lord, he is God, and he does all of the works, All of a sudden, I found myself becoming totally revived, excited and refreshed with the belief that the Lord was going to take over and do that which was impossible for me into do; change me into his divine nature of life. I could not believe how clear I could see, nor how foolish I was, having that faith which is of the carnal mind; for that faith totally denies Jesus Christ seeing that it only worked to produce my own works, my own righteousness, my own power and strength, and my own self-confidence; the same things that are produced by all of the false religions of the world vanity. I also saw that when this man stood in this faith, I saw no need to draw near to God, seeing that my faith called for me to do everything. What greater evidence could a man have that he was walking in the strait and narrow path with God than for him to have God doing for him things that were impossible for him to do? I then saw that the Lord destroyed my wisdom and brought my understanding to nothing by opening my eyes to see the foolishness of the faith I had that stood in my own wisdom.
I could not believe how much this new understanding immediately affected my entire walk, seeing scriptures that I had read for years in an entirely different light. For ignorance appeared as the darkness, and the darkness appeared as the light when I applied my own understanding to the scriptures, confirming that which is written, "Take heed that the light that is in you is not darkness for if any man thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing as he ought to know". But now that the light had come, the scriptures then returned to being that fountain of life again. Many times I was scared to read the scriptures, being afraid that my carnal mind might find something to condemn me for or that I may interpret a word to be that God was in me to perform something that was impossible for me to perform, or that he might instruct me to that which I had no heart to perform. All of these things were suddenly gone. Instead, I now found myself with an entirely different focus, seeking to find what the scriptures might reveal as those works which the Lord desired to perform for me. Immediately I began to see verses that I had read, or had seen, or that I had heard preached many times, but I had never had ears to hear that these were truly works that the Lord desired to do for me. How can a man that is blind, having only eyes that are only able to see what is right according to his own wisdom, understand the truth of that which has been spoken?
Even though the Lord had said to be, "Do not be afraid" I was still afraid; How could I not be seeing that all of those things which I had put all of my confidence, my faith, my trust, and my belief in, suddenly perished before my eyes? But the Lord, knowing the trouble in my heart, again comforted me when he led me to read that which is written of apostles concerning the time they all got caught in that storm with Jesus. Each one of these men was afraid, thinking that he was surely soon to surely perish. But when they woke Jesus up, he said to them in Mark 4:40 "Why are you so fearful? Why is it that you have "no" faith?" Wow, I thought. Here were these chosen apostles, those who had heard all of the sermons that Jesus had preached, as well as having witnessed just about every miracle that Jesus had performed; and still, they had no faith, just like I was at that, moment. I then knew that having "no faith" was not going to stop Jesus from working in, my faith, seeing that these same disciples would have their faith greatly increased in due time.
Still, I continued asking the Lord to prove this truth of James 2:19 to me, until I had no doubts or unbelief in my heart. The more I as the Lord to prove this thing for me, the more he taught me, leading me to such verses as psalm 57:2 (NKJ) "I will cry out to God Most High who performs all things for me", and Job 23: "For he performs the thing that is appointed for me; and many such things are with him.". f God is going to perform "all things" for me, then that does not leave much work for me to do. Then the Lord opened my understanding to comprehend more clearly that which Paul spoke of in Romans 4:4 'Now to him that works is the reward reckoned of debt, and not grace. But to him who works not, but believes on him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is accounted for righteousness" “20 "Abraham staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God, being fully persuaded that what God had promised, he was also able to perform". It was then that the Holy Spirit quickened to me that the promises that the Lord has given to his church; they are all those works which the Lord has promised to perform for us
It was then that I really began to perceive what John the Baptist meant when he said, "I must decrease so that he might increase". How could the Lord do any work in me if I was the one doing all of the work? How could one increase in spiritual understanding and spiritual wisdom unless he asked the Lord to first destroy his own wisdom and bring his own understanding to nothing? How could Jesus become the righteousness of life in those who lived their lives doing that which was right in their own eyes? I suppose I was like other men that I liked the idea of "increasing", but it was the "decreasing" that I was fearful of. But then the Lord opened my heart to see that no man has power to decrease himself, but that this was a work that the Lord would do if that man would just humble his heart and ask the Lord to perform that which his word testified that which he said that he would do; "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and I will bring the understanding of the prudent to nothing"; "I will destroy the house of the proud"; I will open the eyes of the blind"; "I will change your garments". Is it possible for a man to be carnally minded and to be spiritually minded; for how could a man be fearful, anxious, and worry and have peace of mind at the same time? I then understood that if I desired to have all of those spiritual blessings and gifts that the Lord has promised to his people, then it was going to first be necessary to prepare pare a place for those things; that is, take up my cross and die to those treasures that my carnal mind had esteemed; "self". But when I thought about what I was going to receive in exchange, it was a no brainer: "I must decrease in sin and death so that he might increase abundant life in me".
I then said, "Pinch me Lord, so I will know this is truth; for it seems so easy". Immediately the Lord quickened to me that which is written in Philippians 1:6, that which I had heard so many times before but was now seeing in that new light, the belief that the Lord was going to actually do it for me; "Be confident of this very thing, for he who has started a good work in you, he will finish it until the day of Jesus Christ". I then remembered that which the Lord had previously spoken to me, "I am meek and humble, and I will do nothing for you unless you ask; for I see your asking the evidence of the belief that you have in my word; and I see your faith as the evidence at you believe that it is I who will perform the promises of my words for you", say the Lord. "If you lack, it is only because you did not ask; for my eyes go to and fro through the earth, but I only stop for those who are asking for , says the Lord. "For those who need me. Then the Lord said, "Before I can work in your heart, I must first work in your belief and faith", says the Lord. "You must first believe my words, and you must also trust me that I will perform my words for you them in due time".
Then the Lord reminded again of that which was written in Romans 4:19 "Abraham was not weak in his faith, considering not his own body which was "dead", nor the "deadness" of Sarah's womb, for he did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; and was fully persuaded that what God had promised, God was able also to perform" How ironic the Lord had just proved to me that I was dead because I was still carnally minded, and because I did not have the right faith, but here was Abraham, who also had the promise of a new life coming, and he did not once consider the "dead" things, but rather, he focused on the Lord God who performs impossible things. No doubt, if the apostles and I had no faith and Abraham was strong in faith, then somewhere and somehow, God is able to work in that which his weak and dead, and make it strong and living. I then remembered what the Lord had spoken to me when he said, "Do not be afraid, for I am good at raising the dead". I then thought, "Wow, if God could forth life out of Abraham and Sarah when the natural circumstances dictated that it was not possible, then how much more will the Lord bring that which is living out of me when I believe?" I then said, "Lord, even though my faith has been dead, would you raise me up to be strong in faith and perfect in belief". Then the Lord said, "As long as you are looking for me to perform the promises of my words in you, then your faith is not dead", says the Lord. "Open the door to your heart, and ask me to work in you, and I will prepare your heart to receive the kingdom of God; the kingdom that no castle is able to contain". I then said within my heart, "If that is all that it takes is the believing and the asking, then truly this yoke that Jesus spoke of, it is truly light and easy; but if we do not ask, then we will certainly not receive.
I suppose that of all the verses that the Lord used to confirm the truth of James 2:19, the one that had the single biggest impact on me was Matthew 13:58, "And Jesus could not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief". I then understood that you could have that belief spoken of in James 2:19, but without if you do not have any belief that the Lord has called you to perform his work in, then your faith is dead. It is written in Psalm 105:2 "...Talk ye of all his wondrous works". What works could any man speak of if he has no belief that the Lord is going to perform any works in him? How could a man call himself the workmanship of the Lord if he had no belief that that the Lord would actually do anything for him? It is written that the Lord will perform for all things that are required of us, but who is able to believe this? Though the Lord used many verses to confirm for me that I was only to be the work of his hands, I still had a lot of fears, unbelief, and doubts as to what and how the Lord was going to actually perform all of these things for me. The thing that troubled me the most was not the unbelief and the doubts within that were within, but the fact that I believed that those unbelieving counsels were right. Imagine that, being confident that you are right in not believing the works that the Lord desires to perform for you? But I began to pray and ask the Lord to help me overcome my unbelief and doubts.
It was also with this word in Matthew 13:58 that my eyes were opened to see that unbelief and doubt works in a Christian like kryptonite works in superman; for it separates him from the source of his power and strength. The Lord confirmed this with that which is written in James 1:7 "Let not that man who doubts think that he is going to receive anything of the Lord". He that has no faith, God does no work; he that doubts, God gives nothing to. "But Lord, how do I get from no faith and doubts to faith and belief, seeing that you will do no work where there is unbelief and doubt?" Then the Lord led me to read the story written in Mark 9:17 where a man had brought his son who was afflicted with a dumb spirit before Jesus asking him for help. Then Jesus said to him, "If you can believe I will do this for you; for all things are possible for those who believe. And immediately the father fell down and cried out with tears saying, "Lord, I believe, but help me with my unbelief". I then said, "Lord, what is that? How can a man say that he believes but also say that he needs help with his unbelief?" The Lord then said to me, "This man believed that I was the Son of God. He also believed that I had power and authority from heaven to deliver and heal his son. But what this man did not have was the belief that I would actually do this just for him. But when he humbled his heart, and asked for me to help him, this opened the door of my heart. For I then saw that he needed my help, to do that which no man can do of himself; increase his faith. I then healed his sin and increased his belief when I gave to him that which he had asked for". I then said, "Lord that is me. I believe with all my heart that you are the Son of the living God, and I believe that you have the power to perform all things that you have promised us in your words; but Lord, help me to believe that you will perform "all" of those promises and blessings for me.
It was then that I felt like I was awakened to an entirely different calling that was unlike anything that I had ever perceived; for I perceived that the Lord had just worked in me like that which is written in Romans 15:13 "Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in "believing" that you might abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Spirit". One moment, I am asking the Lord to help me with my unbelief and doubts, and the next moment I am experiencing this peace and joy because the Lord gave me the belief that is of the Holy Spirit. I was so excited not only to be a partaker of this peace and joy, to be a partaker of the Lord's faithfulness; for all that I had done was humble myself and ask for help, and boom. It was then that the Lord opened the eyes of my understanding to comprehend that there are actually two kinds of belief that God has called his people to experience. First, there is that belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God, the Messiah, and the Christ. It is under this belief that we are to believe that we are under grace and that his blood covers our sins. It is also under this belief that we believe that Jesus Christ was crucified and raised from the dead; and having overcome the world, he then received all power and authority from his heavenly Father. This is the belief that James testified of saying that a man would do well to have this belief. But it is also this belief that the demons also have, that Jesus is the Son of God, the Christ, and the Messiah. It is necessary for the demons to have this belief seeing that it is they that Jesus has all power and authority over. Jesus came into this world to save men and to give abundant life to men; Jesus did not come to save demons or to give life to any unclean spirits. So though a man does well to have this belief, he does not have any belief that differs from that which the demons have.
It was this first belief that brought this father before Jesus, but it was the belief that was in Jesus that healed the son; the belief that all things are possible with God. So when this man asked for Jesus to help him, Jesus, having all belief, then performed that which was impossible for this man to do for himself. It was then with this hope, accompanied with a humble heart, that then allowed for Jesus to perform that which Jesus desired to do for us all, give life. It was then that I knew in my heart, that even in times of unbelief, and fear, and doubt, when I did not have that belief that all things were possible, that I could ask him who is perfect in faith and full of belief, and it is his belief that will perform that which I have need of. I then understood why Jesus said in John 15:5 "...without me, you can do nothing". Jesus is that Spirit, and it is in that Spirit, when we ask for it, that we will receive that belief that all things are possible, so that in all things, he is glorified and praised. Suddenly, I was no longer afraid, knowing that if I lacked any belief, Jesus was there to provide for me that which I lacked; the belief that all things are possible with God.
It was then that the Lord allowed for me to understand that when the Lord called me, he only gave to me that which was spoken of by the apostle Paul; the earnest of the Spirit. But with that earnest, or deposit of his Spirit, came all things that pertain to that first belief; that Jesus is the Son of the living God; the Messiah and the Christ. That other belief was going to be given to me as I humbled myself and asked for the Lord to help me. I then asked the Lord to expound more on this belief that he has when he led me that which is written in Mark 16:16,17 "He that believes and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believes not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name they shall cast out demons; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover". This was one of those verses that I had always been scared to read, knowing that we do well just to believe that Jesus is the Son of God; but unless my eyes were deceiving me, that belief might not be enough to save me from damnation, for I would be the first to admit that I had none of these signs following after me. Suddenly, I felt like that man who brought his child before Jesus, for I found knees getting weak, and fell on my face, also crying out, asking the Lord to help me with unbelief; to help me get to that belief whereby all things are possible.
I then asked, "Lord, I have seen some healings, and I have seen demons cast out; but only some of the time. Why is it that I have not seen anyone walking in this belief, that faith that Paul spoke of that is accompanied with your authority and power, having these signs following after them?" I continued in this prayer, asking the Lord to make clear to me this belief that is accompanied by these supernatural signs. It was then that the Holy Spirit led me to that which is written in John 6:28 "Then the disciples said to Jesus, "What shall we do that we might work the works of God?" And Jesus answered and said, "This is the work of God that you believe on him whom he sent". Then the said, "Do you now see? Do you now understand? Is it not written that I will not give my power or my glory to another? I will not give to you my power nor my glory, no matter how much you plead or ask, but I will give to you Jesus; for he is my power and my glory. He it is that has these signs following after him, he it is that has me abiding in him; he it is that has asked for me to be the faith and the belief that he has need of; the belief of my words, and the faith that I will perform all things that you ask of me, believing on me", says the Lord. "How can you expect to see these sign following after those who have not humbled their hearts and asked for me, the author and finisher of your faith, to work in your unbelief and increase your faith? I am the belief that performs all things", says the Lord. "I am that which you lack and that which you have need of. Prove me; ask of me, and see if I will not perform my words for you. Focus only on me". My heart then trembled at the simplicity of these things that the Lord was showing me.
With all of my heart, I now wanted that belief that would allow for Jesus to come into my heart that he might perform all things for me. I was then praying one morning when the Lord spoke to me and said, "Mitt, I am not going to make you great in my sight, but I am going to become great in your eyes", says the Lord your God". I then sat up on my knees trying to grasp and comprehend that which the Lord had just spoken to me. My knees first, then all of the rest of my as body then grew weak as I realized what the Almighty God had just spoken to me; he who has created and performed all things by the word that proceeds forth out of his mouth. A chill then ran from the bottom of my feet up to every hair on my head; for I then realized that if God was going to become great in my eyes, then it was going to necessary for the Lord to do great things for me. Then the Spirit brought into my remembrance that which Elizabeth said to Mary in Luke 1:45 "And blessed is she who has believed; for there shall be a performance of those things which were told to her. And then Mary said, "My soul does magnify the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior. For he has regarded the low estate of his handmaiden; for behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. For he who is mighty has done great things for me; and his name his Holy". I then fell down and said, "Lord, help me to believe that you truly desire to do great things for me. Come into the castle of my heart and remove from me any pride, or self-righteousness, or unbelief and doubt, or anything else that there may be that would hinder you from making yourself great and mighty in my eyes". I had no clue as to what the Lord was going to do, but I was about as excited as I had ever been in my life.
A few days after the Lord had spoken this thing to me, I was reading the story of the woman who had that menstrous condition for 12 years. She pressed through a great crowd to get to Jesus, and when she got to him, she just touched the hem of his garment, and she was immediately healed of her uncleanness. I had just finished reading this story when the Lord spoke to me and said, "How many people were there among the multitudes who knew what I had done for this woman?" I then answered, "None but her, Lord. For I perceive that you did not even know, seeing that you turned and said that you just felt power go out of you". Then the Lord said, "It is so, and so shall the work be that I am going to do in you. For the work that I desire to perform is in your heart and in your mind, that place where the eyes of man cannot look into. I am preparing my bride; a bride who will love me, be faithful to me, who will trust me, and who will let me be her husband and her Lord. For the church I am preparing is for me to spend all of eternity with. I need not work in your heart to make you beautiful and esteemed in the sight of men, but rather, it is needful for me to work in your heart so that you may be faithful to me and beautiful in my sight", says the Lord. "I desire that which every husband desires of his bride, that she love and trust him with all of her heart, her soul, and her mind. This is the heart that is beautiful in my sight", says the Lord. "When I am finished with you, I will make you to be a witness of the works that I have performed for you. I am preparing your heart to receive the fullness of my Spirit, and I am that Spirit. I am preparing you to receive the kingdom that I have won for you; that kingdom that is full of power, glory, honor, riches, strength, wisdom, goodness, and blessings.
When the fullness of the Spirit of life enters your heart, then shall you be free from all of your captivity to the carnal mind; then shall the kingdom of sin and death be destroyed", says the Lord. "Give me your heart; let me prepare your heart, lest you be not found ready at my appearing. Believe on me; do not limit me with your doubts, and your fears, and unbelief, but rather ask for help. I will not fail you", says the Lord.
It was not until the Lord spoke these things to me that the reality of my calling suddenly hit me; that Jesus Christ came into this world to prepare the church to be the bride of the Lord; a church without any spot or blemish. If I had continued believing that my works was evidence of my faith, then how could have Jesus prepared my heart and my mind seeing that I had no such faith to ask him to do so? I was humbled when the reality hit me, for I did not want to be one of those virgins in that parable who was not prepared and left behind; left behind forever.
When the Lord said to me that he was going to make himself to be great and mighty in my sight, I had just assumed that the Lord would be doing great and mighty works for all to see; but who can truly discern the heart that trusts the Lord, loves the Lord, waits on the Lord, believes the Lord, and is faithful and loyal to him with all of their heart and mind. In fact the Lord told me himself that he could walk right past me on the street, and I would not be able to recognize him by his appearance. I was thinking that the Lord was going to do great and mighty things like he with Elijah, or that I would be casting out demons and healing the sick before multitudes; but then I remembered what Paul said, "Who has believed our report?" I then knew that Paul was speaking of those works that the Lord had done in his heart and in his thoughts. Then the Lord opened my heart to understand that this woman who had the menstrous condition, the Lord could not have done for her any work that was greater than that which he had done. But who could she really share her joy with. Then the Lord brought into my remembrance that she was cleansed of her uncleanness; and that we are all unclean by reason of our own righteousness.
At least with this word, it narrowed my focus as I began to seek through the scriptures crying to find those works that the Lord desired to perform for me; or rather in me. One of the first verses that the Spirit led me to was that which is written in Deuteronomy 30:6; and as I read this word, the Lord spoke to me and said, "If you believe that I am willing to do this for you, then let this word become your prayer". I had never looked at this word like that before, but I was obedient to that which the Lord said, and I began to pray, "Lord, would you help me to believe that you are going to circumcise my heart so that I may love you with all of my heart, all of my mind, and all of my soul". Again, by reason of my own expectations, I thought that the Lord was going to work in me to love him in a manner similar to the love that exists between a man and a woman; but the Lord again did the unexpected. The Lord began to change my heart into the heart of a child; but the child who trusts, who believes, who adores, and who loves his father with all of his heart. Of course, the Lord proved that this was his will for me when he confirmed this work with that which is written in Matthew 18:3 (NIV) "And Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become as little children, you will never enter into the kingdom of heaven'. Talk about having your walk turned upside down, well mine was. Here I went from being this man, a self-righteous Christian, strong in my own self-confidence and faith, with many, many self-righteous works following after me, to becoming like the little child who watches and adores all of the works that his Dad does for him. In no time at all, the Almighty God, made himself to be my Lord, my Abba, my Daddy. It was here that I learned that I could bring before him all of my fears, all of my anxieties, all of my heart wounds, all of my unbelief and doubts, all of my worries, all that troubled me, as well as any other miserable thing that my pride had protected and that my righteousness had kept hidden behind the castle walls of my heart.
If the most important commandment is for us to love the Lord our God with all of our heart and mind, then would it be surprising that it should be the first work that the Spirit led me to ask for the Lord to perform in my heart? Jesus was a man who loved his heavenly Father with all of his being, and there was no one in Israel who recognized the love that he had for his heavenly Father. How could those who are captive to the love of "self" be able to discern this love? All I can say is this, I love the Lord because of what he changed in my heart. You cannot imagine the burdens, the fears, the worries, the reasonings, and the griefs that one daily carries about trying to keep up with the image that one thinks a Christian should present himself to be. It is only a pretense, an illusion of an image that all men have of themselves that they fell like they must project before others. I would never have known just how heavy this burden was unless the Lord had not freed me from it. Have you ever seen a child that is 4 or 5 years old that tries to walk in pretenses? When the Lord changed my heart into that of a child, he freed me from those daily worries, anxieties, and cares. I do know this, my love for the Lord has increased at least a 1000-fold; and whatever is not complete, I am confident that he will finish it. I then became aware that in just a short period of time, the Lord had delivered from all of my doubts and unbelief that he was going to perform all things for me. It was no longer a question of if the Lord would perform his word for me, but rather when; but is it not the when that always tries our faith. Thanks be to God; for he is able. When I continued to ask the Lord to show me the next work that he desired to perform in me, he then led me to that which is written in Proverbs 20:12. Just like Deuteronomy 30:6, it also became my prayer; "Lord, would help me to believe that you are going to open my eyes to see as you see and that you are going to open my ears so that I may hear your words and understand the truth of that which I hear?" Then, just as the Lord had opened my eyes to see James 2:19 in an entirely different light, so did he also open my eyes to see the rest of the scriptures in an entirely different light. I was now very desirous to see and hear all things as interpreted by the Holy Spirit. It was not long after I started praying this prayer, that the Lord had me add to my prayer that which is written in Jeremiah 33:3; and I began to pray, "Lord, would you open my eyes to see, and give understanding to my ears so that I might you will be able to show me those great and mighty things which I do not know". As I was praying this prayer one morning, the Lord said to me, "Who alone is great?' I then answered, "You Lord". Then the Lord said again, "Who alone is mighty?" Again I said, "You Lord". The Lord did not say another word, and I perceived that he was going to reveal himself to me in a great and mighty manner which I had never before perceived. What I did not know was that for him to show me that he was great and mighty, it was first going to necessary for me to see that I was not as great and mighty as I once thought; but that was okay with me, for it was here that the Lord began to show me that his divine nature is his life; life in the spiritual realm. This about blew this poor old boy's mind.
It was then that the Lord led me to Luke 8:17 "For there is nothing secret that shall not be made manifest, and neither is there any thing hidden that shall not be made known". I did not know of any other way for the Lord to prove this for me than to ask of him concerning that which is written in Matthew 13:11; where the disciples had just asked Jesus why he always spoke in parables, and Jesus answered and said, "Because it is given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but unto them it is not given... Therefore I speak in parables because they seeing, see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand". When the Lord corrected me of my understanding of James 2:19, he did so because I asked him to; and all the Lord had to do was to open my eyes to see and give understanding to the hearing of my ears, and it was done. I knew that was nothing written in the scriptures that was too hard for the Lord to reveal; but it was going to take humility, belief, and asking on my behalf. So I started asking the Lord to teach me these mysteries, and I quickly found out with God that the intelligence of man was only a hindrance to me, because when God teaches, it is by revelation: it is just boom, a revelation, and suddenly that which you did not know, you then know.
The Lord then showed me that when Daniel interpreted King Nebuchadnezzar's dream, he did that which none of the soothsayers, or magicians, or mediums, or wise men thought to do, he simply asked God for the dream and its interpretation; and boom, it was suddenly there, without any assistance from man's intelligence. In I Corinthians 2:13 there is the mystery of wisdom, which I asked the Lord to teach me, and he did. Then in II Thessalonians 2:7, there is the mystery of iniquity, which I asked the Lord to teach me, and he did. Then in I Corinthians 15:51, there is the mystery of the resurrection, which the Lord taught me because I asked him. There is also the mystery of Babylon, the mystery of godliness, the mystery of his will, the mystery of faith, the mystery of the gospel, and the mystery of God; all of these things I asked the Lord, and all of these things he has taught me. Is it not written, "The Lord gives wisdom, out of his mouth comes knowledge and understanding"? Of course, the biggest trial was in the waiting; that which tries whether you believe that God will actually perform for you that which he has promised. But even in those times, God will strengthen those who are weak because of unbelief, fear, and doubt; that is, if you ask him for help. Boom, suddenly, it is there. How simple? In none of these things do I have anything to boast of, seeing that I was totally ignorant of all these things before I went to Jesus. In fact, I am still very much the man who acknowledged before the Lord, "Lord, I am not a smart man". I asked and he who is faithful to his word, he has done all of the works. It is written in Jeremiah 2:31 (NKJ) "0 Generation, "see" the word of the Lord!..." But how can any man see unless he first asks the Lord to open his eyes?"
I suppose of all the works that the Lord has done for me, none has been more of delight for me to watch God perform for me than that which is written in Proverbs 16:3 "Commit your work unto the Lord, and your thoughts shall be established". It is written in Romans 8:5 "For they that are of the flesh do mind (regard; obey) the things of the flesh...", and when I found out that all of my anxieties, hurt feelings, unforgiveness, worries, anger, covetousness, depression, bitterness, jealously, unbelief, confusion, pride, loneliness, hatred, etc. were all evil thoughts of the fleshy mind, I then knew what to do. So when I saw any one of these miserable thoughts making their entrance into the hallways of my mind, I would simply acknowledge my belief that Jesus Christ was the sovereign Lord over me for life, and I would then commit my thoughts into his hands, asking him to cast out these unclean spirits and establish my thoughts. It is amazing, that once you have the belief that Jesus will do it for you, he will do it every time because of that belief, without fail. Most of the time, the Lord does it immediately, but there are other times that I have had to wait on the "when"; but in every case, the Lord Jesus Christ has performed his word for me and established my thoughts by his Spirit, which then gives me life and peace, regardless of the circumstances or situations. Freedom and redemption from the dead thoughts of the fleshy mind to the life of the spiritual mind.
It is absolutely incredible what God can do after you believe on him. He has given me a life that has far exceeded anything that I could ever imagine for myself. I now look forward to finding some miserable thought trying to sneak into my thoughts, knowing that when I call on the Lord, I will soon see his power working on my behalf to establish my thoughts. Jesus has surely become my knight in shinning armor as I have seen him kick butt as he has cast out all imaginations that have opposed "life". It was with this word in Proverbs that the decreasing that John the Baptist spoke of has become a pure joy; decreasing in such things as fear, worry, pride, unbelief, anxiety, bitterness, evil thoughts, and hatred while at the same time increasing in the fruits of life and peace, as well as fellowship with the living God.
"I was seeking the Lord one morning when I read Psalm 110:3 "In the day of his power, his people shall be made willing..." Immediately the Lord brought into my mind that which Jesus went through when he went into the garden before his betrayal. For Jesus, having not a will that agreed with his heavenly Father's will, then began to pray, and he continued in prayer, waiting for the "when"; when the power of his Father was to come to overthrow all of the unwillingness to do his Father's will. When Jesus went into that garden, he was filled with great agony because his will was so contrary to his heavenly Father's will. But when he came out of that garden the last time, all agony was gone because God had delivered him from all of the thoughts of his fleshy mind, and he was free from the will of the flesh. For the Father had given him to his power, and being made willing, he never once complained, nor did he try to justify himself, and neither did he in any way, try to save his life after that time. It was then that I began praying asking for the Lord to help me with my unbelief, that I might be made willing to allow for the Lord to work his will in me; according to that which is written, "It is God who works in us to do his will and those things which please him".
There was a man who owed me several thousand dollars, and refused to pay me. Malice, anger, bitterness, and vengefulness immediately rose up out of my heart, for there was no just cause for this man not to pay me. In the sight of my eyes, it seemed right for me to bring some manner of injury to this man in way; whether by slander, or threats, or bringing a lawsuit, or whatever else seemed right in my own eyes. My imaginations became a river of dead waters, tempting me to make right anyone of its suggestions of what I ought to do to this man. The Lord says that a man is as that which he thinks; well, then I am murderer, because I even had those thoughts enter in through my imaginations. But I began praying about this matter, hoping that the Lord would somehow work in this matter according to my will; that is, that he would help me get the money that was rightfully owned to me. But as I was seeking the Lord's will in this matter, I heard that voice of the Holy Spirit, that voice which the word of the Lord warns us not to harden our hearts in unbelief when we hear, for the voice spoke to me saying, "Lord, forgive us of our debts as we forgive our debtors". Aaaaaaaagh. That was the last thing that I wanted to hear from the Lord, for that word had no agreement with any of those things that I esteemed to be right in this matter. I was even offended at what the Lord had spoken to me. All of my emotions, all of my desires, all of my feelings, all of my own righteousness, as well as all of my own imaginations, they all burned within me to agree with my own will in this matter.
It was here that I realized the agony that Jesus suffered when he went into that garden; the taking up of his cross to die to the will of his flesh. So I, also being in much agony, took up my cross and laid down the righteousness of my own will, not to do that which was right in my own eyes. I started crying out, "Father, not my will be done but your will be done". I do not know if I had ever experienced as much agony as I did then. I was truly a death to "self". Then the power of God came; not like some huge volcano erupting, but in the quietest of ways. I woke up one morning, and everything was new; for I my thoughts that had been pounding me telling me what I ought to do, were gone, as well as all of the emotions and desires that had accompanied my will. Even when this man's name was mentioned, I had no evil thoughts towards him. It was incredible. Later on, I found out that I was not the only one that this customer owed money to, but everybody that had done work for him. Then I received a letter from the attorney of that customer, asking me to come to his office. When I got there, the attorney had a check for me; and even though it only covered half of the amount that was owed to me, I was the only vendor that the customer wanted to be sure got some money; and the reason was because I was the only one who had not threatened with a lawsuit or that did not try to intimidate them in any way. Glory be to God, for he used that circumstance to change my heart for the good, and he restored half of the money that was owed to me; but it really did not matter whether I got paid or not because of the great work that the Lord had done in my heart.
Then the Lord quickened to me that which is written, "Husbands love your wives"; and he also quickened unto me that this was God's will for me. So I started asking the Lord to work in me to do his will, so that I could love my wife with the love that is according to his will. That was all that I did, and the work that the Lord did, well I reckon that this testimony really belongs to my wife, seeing that she is the beneficiary of the Lord's work here. If every man had this faith, there would be no need for any marriage counselors or divorce attorneys. It was amazing, I did not have to try to love my wife, for when the Spirit came, so did the love that the Lord wanted me to love my wife with. Incredible is all that I can say. Simple and inexpressible.
It is amazing all the works that the Lord has performed for me, and it all started when he changed my interpretation of James 2:19. Shortly after the Lord changed my interpretation of James 2:19,20, he led me to Matthew 11:28 where Jesus said, "Come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and light". While I was considering what the Lord was trying to reveal to me, I started wondering what was this yoke that Jesus was speaking of. Then the Lord spoke to me and said, "My yoke is my Spirit, and my Spirit believes that all things are possible with my heavenly Father. If you believe that I am the Christ, the Son of the living God, then whatever you ask in my name, I will then ask the Father to do it for you. Come to me", says the Lord, "For I am the belief that you lack. That which you ask of me that is according to my Father's will, I will then ask the Father to perform it for you; for my Father always does that which I ask of him, because my Father and I are one", says the Lord. "Rest from your own works, and believe my word to you; let me be the yoke of your faith, and I will bring you into that land of promise where you will see all of the promises of my Father fulfilled. Take my yoke upon you, and I will give you life more abundantly than anything that you could ever imagine of yourself". Abraham believed God's word, and his belief was accounted for righteousness. Abraham was also strong in faith because he believed that it was God who would perform all of those things which had been promised to him, and this faith was accounted to him to be righteousness in the sight of God. It is written, "There is not one righteous; no, not one".
When we all received the earnest of the Spirit, we all received the belief that Jesus was the Christ and the Messiah, but none of us believed the word of God because we all leaned to our own understanding when we read the scriptures; and opinions are powerless words, idols with no life in them. Yet, by our own works, we gave life to our own interpretations of the scriptures because of the works and efforts that we did of our self. This word is not the word of God, but the lifeless word once it is believed, it then makes the living word to be worthless; laws and ordinances that men must live by. When men live under such laws and ordinances, the only fruit that comes forth is self-righteousness and hatred. Self-righteousness because of your works, and hatred because the law is used to judge others with.
Daniel declared, "Unto you alone, 0 Lord, belongs all righteousness". Jesus is not the righteousness that comes forth of those who live their lives making their best efforts to do good, and neither is Jesus the righteousness that comes forth in those who say that they believe, but their faith is dead. Jesus is the righteousness of abundant life that God has yearned and desired to give to his people; and if you desire to find those who [are] nothing fancy, nothing that the flesh would esteem or admire, and nothing that any man would be able to boast of himself. Jesus said he was lowly and meek, which is not the kind of life that those who desire to be great of themselves would aspire to. Those who walk in the righteousness of Jesus Christ, they have the heart of child; the heart that believes that all things are possible with God. It is a child-like heart that is free from care, worry, bitterness, fear, evil conversation, self-condemnation, loneliness, depression, yet full of peace, quietness, and faithfulness while they are patiently waiting on the Lord.
Though this life has no appearance that many would desire, it is truly a wonderful experience for those who have been made partakers of the Lord's righteousness of life, The cross is the biggest mystery of all; for though the cross has an appearance of death, in truth, it is only death to those things which have brought nothing but misery and torment into the lives of men. The cross is where a man dies to those illusions of righteousness whereby he thought that he was going to find life. The cross that Jesus asked us to take up, it is somewhat like the story of brer fox and brer rabbit. The fox, being sly and crafty, only has one desire in this story, to inflict as much pain and misery on the rabbit as he can. Of course, the fox represents Satan, who is also crafty and beguiling, and his only purpose is to destroy, steal, and kill the lives of the saints, as well as all men. But when the rabbit gets caught on the tar baby, that snare set for him by the fox, the rabbit then pleads before the fox asking him to do anything except throw him into the briar patch because of the great pain that it would bring upon him. But seeing how that is exactly what the fox desires to do, he throws the rabbit into the briar patch. Of course, this is exactly what the rabbit wanted, and while the fox was waiting to delight in the pain and the injury that he caused the rabbit, instead, the next voice that he heard was the rabbit calling out to him from the top of the hill saying, "Born and bred in briar patch! I was born and bred in the briar patch".
It is written in Romans 8:3 that God sent his son Jesus Christ in the world in the likeness of sinful flesh; that is, he also was subject to all of miseries that all flesh is subject to, just like when he went into the garden subject to the fears and the anxieties that the fleshy mind is subject to; and through faith in his heavenly Father's power, he called out to him who was able to save him from the death of the carnal mind, as well as Death itself. And when the Spirit of life came down from on high, Jesus overcame all death through the Spirit of life. It is written that so it is with us, that in the same circumstances that Satan desires to inflict injury, misery, displeasure, pain, or torment on us, they are the same circumstances that the Lord desires to give life and peace in. It is written in I Corinthians 10:13 "There has no temptation taken you except those things that are common to all men; but God is faithful, who will not allow for you to be tempted above that which you are able to stand; but with the temptation also make a way to escape so that you may be able to bear it".
I used to think that Christians should be above the circumstances and situations of this world, but the Lord sure changed my mind. Even Jesus said, "I pray that the Father will not take you out of the world, but that he will keep you from the evil". Christians get sick, go through marital problems, lose jobs, have dreams that never come true, get into arguments and quarrels, have false hopes, forbear with rebellious children, suffer injustice, feel lonely, have financial problems, or suffer through many of the other miseries that also come upon the rest of this world; for this is the manner that Satan, the god of this world, rules over the lives of all those who are held captive in this fallen world of darkness. But God, desiring to give abundant life to those who would believe on him, set forth a plan by which he would make a way of escape to those who desired a life free from the miseries and torments of sin and death. Though the way would be strait and narrow, those who followed after it would surely find that abundant life that Jesus promised his people. So God then sent his son Jesus into this world clothed in the likeness of sinful flesh; for having become like man, he could show what God is able to do for those who believe on him.
So Jesus, having taken upon himself the same weaknesses as man, then suffered through the same temptations that are common to all men. But each time he was tempted, he took up his cross, offering up his captivity to the will of the flesh. Well, his Father in heaven, the God who says to his people, "You shall have no gods before me", sent unto him the Spirit of life, to set him free from the fears, emotions, pride, anxieties, evil suspicions, doubts, worries, unbelief, or any other evil imagination that sought to exalt itself to be as a ruler over Jesus' thoughts. The cross is nothing more than the offering of one's captivity to all the idols of the carnal mind, the sin and death that have hidden themselves behind the appearance of righteousness and the illusions of life. When the- Lord God hears and accepts such an offering, he then sends forth the Spirit of Life that sets one free from the powers and the principalities that have rule over the carnal mind that have always worked nothing but death, vainglory, misery, confusion, rebellion, and unbelief.
When Jesus took up his cross and went into that garden to offer his life to his Father, he exhorted his disciples when he said to them in Matthew 26:41 "Watch and pray that you do not enter into temptation; the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak". If the nature of the saints was spiritual, then there it would not be necessary for the saints to take up their cross and follow after Jesus. But seeing that we are still in bondage to the wisdom that always yields itself to self-justification, pride, and self-preservation, it is needful to for us to humble ourselves, and take up our cross when we find ourselves being tempted to yield to our weaknesses; our fears, our emotions, our pride, our anxieties, our doubts, our unbelief, our worries, and our dreads; for that which we yield to becomes our will; and whose will we submit ourselves to, it will be the lord that we have chosen to rule over us, whether it be Satan who rules with all these miseries, torments, and death of the carnal mind, or the Lord Jesus Christ, who is that Spirit of life and peace. What man has power to deliver himself from the gods of the carnal mind?
The apostle Paul took up his cross daily, ready to take to the cross all of the miseries and torments that Satan is always ready to bring upon all men. Paul knew that the escape that the Lord has prepared for his people, the escape from the death of the carnal mind to life of the spiritual mind, it was through the cross that Jesus asked us to take up. It is written in II Corinthians 12:9 that Paul said, "And the Lord said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you; for my strength is made perfect in weakness". Most gladly therefore will I glory in my weaknesses that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in weaknesses, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then am I made strong". Paul said in I Corinthians 1:18 that those of us who are being saved, we are being through the cross that Jesus asked us to take up, dying daily to the death of the carnal mind that the life of spiritual mind may be resurrected in us by the power of God through Jesus Christ our Lord and our Savior.
I remember the first time that I read this passage where those words "I take pleasure in weaknesses..." jumped off the page at me. I said to myself, "Man, I am totally blind to see or comprehend how anyone could possible take pleasure in any of these things". I said within my heart, "Paul walked a walk that I am totally unfamiliar with, seeing that I try to avoid all of these things like the plague". What I did not know then that I understand now is the cross that Jesus asked us to take up. Paul did not go out of his way to for these things to happen to him, other than some of the persecution that he may have received for preaching the gospel. Paul took up his cross everyday, ready to take to Jesus every imagination that sought to give birth to any of the works of the carnal mind. All of our temptations come through the same events that occur in the lives of all men; events that tempt us to argue or fight, or to justify our self, or to get offended when someone disagrees with us, or worry about tomorrow, or when an occasion may rise to speak evil of, or to find fault with, or to judge others, or the temptation to lie, or facing those anxieties when we feel like we are not in control, or one of those many circumstances that we face daily that brings out those fears that are hidden in our hearts. If then we are wise in our own eyes, then we have no choice to mind those dictates of the carnal mind that are given to us. Yet, in all of these things, does not the carnal mind seek to hide its own weaknesses behind the cloak of hypocrisy; pretending that nothing is wrong and that you need no help from anyone? Those who are wise in their own eyes, who do not understand the mystery of gospel, not knowing the power of God will say, "Well, this is life, and that is that". These have no hope. But those who do understand, they will simply acknowledge their weakness before the Lord, just as Paul did, and ask the Lord for the Spirit of life that redeems them from their captivity to sin and death. Once a man understands the simplicity of these things, he will understand why Paul took pleasure in taking up his cross daily, dying to sin and death without doing anything more than believing on Jesus and asking him to perform it.
The message of the cross is like that which brer rabbit said to brer fox, "Whatever you do, brer fox, do not throw me in the briar patch, for it will cause me great pain and suffering". So also would have Paul said to Satan, "Whatever you do, Mister Satan, do not bring upon me those things which would allow for weakness, or reproach, or necessity, or persecution, or distress to come upon me, seeing how it could cause me great pain and suffering"; all the while believing the word that is his hidden in his heart that says, Ps 34:19" "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers them out of them all'. Or maybe, "Whatever you do mister Satan, do not bring upon those things which torment my thoughts with fear, or anxiety, or panic, or distress, seeing that these things would torment me"; all the while believing that word which is hidden in his heart (Ps.34:4) "I sought the Lord, and he heard me and delivered from all of my fears". Or maybe, "Whatever you do mister Satan, do not bring upon me anything that would cause me confusion, or frustration, or sorrow, seeing that would cause me great trouble; all the while believing the word that is hidden in your heart that says, (Ps. 34:17) "The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears and delivers them out of their troubles".
Jeremiah describes the natural state of man as "being accustomed to evil (Jer. 13:23) ", that is, we are so accustomed to the miseries and false illusions of life, that we do not even realize that this is Satan's power over daily lives. Paul knew that our briar patch, that which we are born and bred in, it is the carnal mind that is always filled with imaginations that do nothing but bring daily affliction into our lives. Paul also knew and believed that which is written in II Timothy 4:18 "And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom". How can the briar patch of our carnal minds exercise anymore death over us than the death that by nature inhabits the carnal mind? Paul knew, and believed in his heart, that when he called on the Lord when he saw these thoughts coming to afflict him, that he was soon to see the power of God that would free him from his bondage to sin and flesh. For in the very same circumstance that Satan seeks to haunt in, that circumstance or situation that seems certain to bring affliction and misery, God is able bring forth life through the gift of his Spirit that is given to those who call upon him.
The captivity of man is in his mind; the liberty of God comes to set you free from this captivity. The Lord Jesus came into this world to give us life, to give us a spiritual mind, but who desires to have the mind of the Lord, to give up their own way of living? When we are carnally minded, by nature, we either try to hide our weaknesses in the dark places of our castle, or we try to justify them; yet, it is in our weaknesses that God desires to display his mighty power, if we will just believe on him, asking him for the spirit of life. The cross that Jesus has asked his followers to take up, it is that which separates the chosen from the called; for those who take up their crosses, they bear the divine nature of God in life, and it is nothing that they have done for themselves other than have the belief to ask God, and the faith to wait on the Spirit of life. No matter how you cut it, or reason it, or analyze it, if you do not have abundant life, it is because you have not asked him for it. God is always faithful to all those who believe on his word.
"In the book of Revelation, the Lord took the apostle John out of his body and into the Spirit so that the Lord could show unto him certain events that God desired for him to testify of. It is written, "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord", and this is exactly what the Lord God did with John. These were not visions or dreams that John experienced but he was actually taken in the Spirit to witness these events as they occurred; for this is the power of God. This is also what can happen to anyone who dwells in the spiritual realm; the realm where all things are possible. It is written that Jesus is the Beginning and he is the End, and that is exactly what John witnessed when the Lord took him. For in the beginning, John witnessed Satan's fall from heaven as it took place. He witnessed Jesus' arrival in heaven as the Lamb of God who was slain. He also witnessed Jesus receiving the kingdom of God with all authority and power from God. In the end, John also witnessed the great white throne judgment of God.
As per the request of the Lord, I write of these things to you to testify of those things that I have seen and heard of the Lord. Five times the Lord has taken me in the Spirit just as he did with John, to show me what is soon to come to pass. The first time I was taken in the Spirit, I was taken into heaven where I witnessed the being of God as the Light of "Life". This Life is unlike anything that could ever be imagined, reasoned, or that I can properly explain. I saw God as a river of liquid light, and though he was as a river, he was not like a river that flowed from left to right, or from west to the east, but rather he was as a lake that was always in constant motion; a whirlpool of many different streams, each one having a different color from the stream next to it. It was from out of this river that I knew that all life proceeded. Then the Lord opened my eyes to see that which appeared as a river of water was actually a river of liquid light; which then explained to me why all of these streams in this river where different colors, the colors of the rainbow. The beauty of this visible life cannot be described with any of my understanding. I then saw that each stream represented a different part of the nature of life. I saw a stream of love, a stream of peace, a stream of truth, a stream of power, a stream of joy, a stream of righteousness, a stream of goodness, a stream of judgment, a stream of wisdom, a stream of glory, a stream of faith, and a stream of holiness which seemed to keep all of the other streams flowing together as one river. I was in the presence of pure life, and I did not even understand how to interpret it. I was speechless.
I was then taken to see the most beautiful of landscapes, which would have been so awesome for anyone to see, but even more so for me, seeing that my earthy occupation was a landscape designer and contractor. If someone told me that they had seen trees that were living, then my imaginations would be limited to understand that they were living like trees in the earthy realm, or like trees that I have seen in animated cartoons that had eyes and a mouth. But again, I saw animals, trees, waters, flowers, and grass alive in a manner that is not possible for me interpret, other than they say, they were all of the same colors that I had seen in the river of the light of life. There was no sun, but light was everywhere. There was absolutely no darkness anywhere, not even in the form of a shadow, for this beautiful, living light was everywhere; and I then realized that it was the light that was continually giving life to everything that I saw. The light of God was not only the source for life, but it was also the source of newness. I then realized that I saw nothing that had any appearance of being old, which then explained to me why I saw no presence of death or injury, or anything that could even cause death or injury. I even noticed that there no sharp edges on anything; for those things which you would normally expect to find edges on, they had edges like a fuzzy cotton ball.
On this earth, when we see the light from the sun, we really do not see the light, but rather we see everything around us because the light shines on it. But even the light that comes from the sun cannot be correctly interpreted with our natural eyes; but if you hold a prism in the sunlight, it will interpret the same light into many different colors. This is the best definition that I know how to describe what I saw in heaven. I can assure you of this, if you could take all of the best imaginations that could come from men of they thought heaven was like, what I saw and witnessed was far better than all of our imaginations put together. He is coming and he is coming in the hearts and minds of the sons of God.
The second time I was taken in the Spirit, I was also taken into heaven. I immediately found myself at the entrance gate of the house of the Lord, and I was standing in a line that was leading into the throne room where the heavenly Father was sitting. As I drew closer to the throne room, I found at the end of the entrance hall was angel. And I noticed that as each person before passed by the angel, he would lean over and whisper into their ear, and they in turn would whisper something in return; then they would be allowed to enter in. When I approached the angel, he leaned over to me and asked, "What is your name?" I then realized that no one was allowed past this gate except those who had received their new name (Rev. 2:17). I then told him the name that the Lord had given previously given to me about a month before the Lord took me into the Spirit. After I spoke my name to the angel, he smiled at me and greeted me so warmly, and said, "Your Father is waiting for you". I then turned and saw my heavenly Father sitting on his throne with a choir of angels behind him. His throne was not high and lifted way up like I had imagined, but rather, it was on a platform that was not very high off of the floor at all; but I immediately understood why his throne was at this height when I saw the next person past before him. Then the Father would slide right up to the edge of his throne so that when he would slightly lean forward, he would be face to face with his children as they came before him. It was the most lovingly, intimate, and friendly manner that any child could ever expect to be greeted by his Abba, Daddy; for it was in this manner that his glory was revealed to his children. The closest description that I could give to you would be how a loving father would look upon that three year old son that had just fallen asleep in his arms. It was not only a moment of rapture for the child, but also a moment of rapture for the Father, as though there was no other creature that even existed other than the two as one.
Yet, the Father greeted everyone of his children in this same manner; for all of the heavenly Father's complete attention was on that child that was before him, and the joy, the fellowship, the care, and the love between the two was so incredible. There was absolutely no fear in me as I approached my Father for the first time. When I stood before him, he leaned over until we were face to face with each other, and he first asked me, "What is it that you desire?" That was all that I was allowed to remember from that conversation, for the Lord later revealed me that the reason that I was not allowed to remember any more of these things was because they were heavenly things that no man on earth that is able to know and understand.
The next thing that I remember was that when I turned to depart from the Lord, I then saw that his throne room was actually the most beautiful of gardens that stretched out endlessly in all directions. I then saw all of the children of the Lord who had been standing in front of me in line, and they were all praising and glorifying God the Father because he had already performed for them that which they had asked of him.
The third time I was taken in the spirit, I did not enter heaven, but rather I was still on earth, but I was with the Lord. I was taken to a place that if I was in the flesh I would be to terrified to go; but instead, there was absolutely no presence of any fear, or dread, or panic, or terror, but rather peace, and trust, and joy, and life. It was then I saw that I was arrayed in a living garment of a light just like all of the rainbow colors like that which I had seen in heaven. I then also realized that the Lord was not physically in my presence, but I was in the Lord and the Lord was in me; and we had constant communication with one with another, though there were verbal words being spoken between us we communicated telepathically; as though he was in my mind and I was in his. I was communicating with the Lord when in an instant, I found myself to be many, many miles away from where I had just been standing, and it happened in the quickest of moments. I then said, "Lord, how did that happen?" And the Lord answered, "Because it was the will of Father for you to be here". This was the first time that I was a partaker of how all travel in the spiritual realm; at the speed of thought. Again I was showed things that the Lord said that I would not be able to remember until the time came where it would be necessary for me to remember.
The fourth time that I was taken in the Spirit, I thought that I was being taken into hell; a place where I witnessed all of the inhabitants filled with nothing but insane thoughts; and as I watched I saw there insanity turn into pure madness; a madness that the even the worst madness in this world has not experienced. The weeping, the hopelessness, the screaming, the torment, and the pain from the unbearable sorrow were all worst than anything that I could have ever imagined. When Jesus spoke the story of the rich man and Lazarus who died and went beneath the earth, the rich man (the man who was full of the treasures of his own righteousness), being in torment, then asked Abraham if he could go warn his family, Abraham then answered him by saying, "If they will not hear Moses, then they will not hear one come out from hell either". The Lord gave Moses the law to reveal sin unto man, but many, many will not hear but will instead pervert the law as though it is plan and a guide for how one ought to make himself to be righteous; or that it is law where God has given permission for one to judge and accuse his brother with. All those who judge others account their own judgments of others to be more righteous than the love and grace of God. Just as the rich man was told that his family would not hear one arose from the dead, so also are their many who will not hear to know the Lord. Many will make light of the words of the Lord and walk in that wide and easy path that leads to destruction by walking in the way that seems right in their own eyes.
The fifth time that I was taken in the Spirit and returned, and did not have any remembrance of anything that I saw or heard; but I knew the Lord had taken me. So I prayed and asked, “Lord, what, where, why, did you take me in the Spirit, yet I cannot remember anything that occurred?” The Lord then answered me saying, "There is no knowledge or understanding in the thoughts of the human language that can properly interpret that which you heard and saw; for if there was, then you would surely have been able to remember all that which you just experienced. Because you cannot understand the knowledge of these things, you have no words for them; and because you have no words for them, it is not possible for you to remember any of these things. But you will remember that I showed you these things when they come to pass".
A couple of years ago, I was in a harp and bowl type of worship service when the Lord spoke this word to us, "Why are you looking for me to come from above? Do you not know that I am coming in your brethren". At first, I really did not have clue as to what the Lord was talking about. When I asked the Lord about this word, he led me to that which is written in II Thessalonians 1:7 "And to you who are troubled, rest with us when the Lord Jesus Christ shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that do not know God (his divine nature being life), and that do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ; who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power, when he shall come shall come to be glorified "in" his saints, and to be admired in all them that believe". Then the Spirit quickened to me that which is written in Romans 8:18 "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creature waits for the manifestation of the sons of God". Of all the key words that Paul spoke of in this word, the word that jumped out at me was the word "reckon"; and I immediately understood that Paul was testifying of an event that was to come that he "reckoned" would make all of the sufferings of this life to be nothing. Then I knew. I have heard so many "opinions" as to what, when, and how Jesus is going to return, but I had never seen that he was coming to be "glorified in his saints", and I knew that this was the same event that Paul was speaking of, "the manifestation of the sons of God". And when I asked to Lord to expound on these things, the Lord said, "The manifestation of the sons of God is the revelation of Jesus Christ. The revelation of Jesus Christ is the life that was showed you in heaven, the life that I am going to manifest in all those who have taken up their crosses and prepared for me a place; for that which is carnal cannot receive that which is spiritual. I am coming to those who have believed my words and are looking for me to perform that which I have promised. These are they who I will redeem from their captivity to the carnal mind; and there shall be no more death. I am coming to make a new heaven and a new earth; and a new mind and a new heart, wherein the righteousness of life shall dwell", says the Lord. "I am coming to bring heaven on earth. In the twinkling of an eye, you shall be changed; and rivers of life shall flow forth from you. In another twinkling of the eye, shall all of my creation be changed; for all of creation has cried out to me, to be free from the death that has ruled over all.
It is the last time. Be ready. Five were wise in their own eyes, and they had no faith, and they were left behind on the first earth. But the five whose hearts were filled with the wisdom that comes from above, they were found as the faithful bride who has waited long for the marriage feast. Therefore, humble yourself before me", says the Lord. Be not afraid to open the castle door to your heart. Ask me", says the Lord, "Ask for me to prepare your heart and your mind, to make it ready to receive the kingdom that is coming. Watch; for the end of all things is at hand. Watch; for the kingdoms of sin and death are soon to be destroyed. Watch; for the darkness shall turn to light. Watch me work", says the Lord. "Do not be left behind on this first earth which shall burn with fire. Watch".
I have done that which the Lord has asked of me; that which I have seen and heard of my heavenly Father, I have written to you for your encouragement and edification. Not long ago, the Lord sent a woman to me who the Lord had called 30 years ago. For 30 years she sat in church, and though she had a zeal for God, she had absolutely no faith that the Lord would perform anything for her. She had some deep wounds in her heart that had been afflicted on her as a result of her zealous, but faithless religion. My wife and I began to encourage her to turn to the Lord, to worship the Lord by asking him to heal her; for one of the most wonderful passages of scripture that the Lord has ever taught me is that which is written in Matthew 15:25 (KJ) "Then she came and worshipped him saying, "Lord, help me". For is it not also written, "Vain is the help of man in time of trouble"? On of the greatest wounds that this woman suffered was that she had three grown children, and they had all told her that they did not want her to be a part of their family. Through prayer and worship, and without any effort of her own, God completely healed her relationship with her children. The Lord had done for her would she thought was impossible. She opened the door of heart, and she found out that truly, Jesus had been standing there knocking for 30 years, but because of ignorance and unbelief, she had never asked him in. This woman has no desire for that door to ever be closed again. For 30 years she was dead, but now she is alive. I myself was amazed to see the Lord's faithfulness; surely the Lord is very good at raising the dead, whether be after 4 days with Lazarus, or 30 years with Carey Sue. The cross is nothing more than believing on the Lord Jesus Christ to perform all things for us that God has promised us, thus denying the pride of our power that we should receive no glory or praise of ourselves.
It is written in Ephesians 5:14 "Wherefore he says, "Awake you that sleep, and arise from the dead, and "Christ" shall give you light (of life) ". Whose is asleep but those who the Lord has called unto himself. Many who are asleep have accounted their zeal for the Lord to be their faith, but that zeal only produces their own works and their own righteousness. When Jesus told his disciples that last day that he was going to be betrayed, then suffer at the hands of the Pharisees, and then be crucified. Peter then said, "Lord, I will follow you anywhere. I will go to prison for you and I will even die for you". Then Jesus answered and said, "Tonight, before the cock crows, you will deny three times that you know me". Peter had confused his zeal for God, that which stands in the wisdom of men, to be his faith. This house of faith appears good in the sight of men, but under pressure, this faith will fall as that house whose foundation was built on the sand. Peter deceived himself by reason of the pride that still dwelled in his heart, and he was overcome by those powers and principalities that rule over the heart with fear, dread, and worry. With those things that are shortly coming upon the earth, all of those who try to stand in this faith will fall just as Peter did, and they will surely deny any relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the faith of the five who were foolish.
But those who have taken up their crosses, having brought before the Lord these same fears, dread, and worries, Christ has accepted their sacrifices, and burned these evil things up. In return, he has given unto them his heart and his mind where there is no presence of these fears, or dreads, or worries. This is the faith that stands in the power of God; the faith that stands against the most fiercest of storms, where the counsels of doubt blow as a hurricane, and the waves of fearful imaginations continually beat against you, and the seas of unbelief roar in their attempt to overthrow the hearts and the minds of the people of the Lord. Do you now see how Peter's faith, being nothing but an illusion of his own strength and confidence in himself, miserable failed that storm arose to try his faith?
And Jesus said, "And it shall be as it was in the days of Lot". Lord, if I can find 50 righteous men, men whose faith stands in your power, and not in their own confidence, will you destroy? Lord, if I can find 45 righteous men whose faith does not stand in their religious doctrine, will you destroy? Lord, if I can find 40 righteous men whose belief exceeds that of the demons, will you destroy?... Lord, if I can find 35 righteous men whose faith does not stand in their own self-righteousness, will you destroy? Lord, if I can find 30 righteous men who talk of your wonderful works rather than those works they do in your name, will you destroy? Lord, if I can find 25 righteous men who love you with their hearts rather than with their mouths, will you destroy? Lord, If I can find 20 righteous men who have taken up their crosses to follow after you, will you destroy? Lord, if I can find 15 righteous men whose faith does not stand In 10 commandments or 12 steps, will you destroy? Lord, if I can find 10 righteous men who have not leaned to their own understanding or been wise in their own eyes, will you destroy? Lord, if I can find 5 men who have trusted you rather than their pastor or teacher, will you destroy? There is only one faith that God accounts for righteousness, that which stands only in the power of God and his accompanied only with his works. How can any man know the love that God has for him; or how can any man prove the faithfulness of the Lord; or how can any man receive this faith from the Lord unless he asks the Lord to do these things for him? But who can hear the voice of the Lord? "ask me. prove me. Ask me. Prove me. Ask me. Prove me. ASK me. Prove Me. ASK Me. Prove Me. ASK ME. PROVE ME. I am as good as my word", says the Lord." It is the last time; come out of the congregation of the dead, and I will be your Lord, and your God. Ask me and prove me".
A Warning
The Lord is coming for his bride. In every house, there are vessels of honor and vessels of dishonor. The Lord is coming for those whose hearts have been prepared to receive the kingdom of God in their hearts and minds. As it is written, "We do not know what we are going to be like, we just know that when he appears, we will be like him" At that time the Lord is going to send forth his angels to separate the wheat from the tares, the wise and the faithful from the foolish and self-righteous. At that time, it shall be as it was in the parable of the 10 virgins. Five will be found wise and faithful, vessels of honor that have been purged and cleansed from all of the filth and uncleanness of self-righteousness. But five, as vessels of dishonor who have delighted and taken pleasure in the treasures of their own righteousness, will not be ready. Five will be found to be prepared as the bride who is not blemished with the uncleanness of unfaithfulness, while five will be found to be as the harlot who desires to be the bride, but there is no love for the groom in her heart, only a love for "self. Five will be ready, having the faith that stands in the power of God and is accompanied by his mighty works. Five will be foolish, having that faith that stands in their own zeal, strength, and wisdom, and is only accompanied by their own works and best efforts. Five will found clothed in the garment of humility and five will be found clothed in pride. Five will be found walking in the Spirit of life, having crucified unto themselves the sin and death that inhabited the carnal mind; and five will be found outwardly appearing righteous, but within are found to be in bondage to the miseries and the torments of the carnal mind.
God is only a God of the living, but according to that which is written in Romans 4:19 "Jesus is the Lord of the living and the dead". Jesus is the Beginning and the End, and he will be the Lord of the dead and the living right up to the very end. Therefore, if any man judges himself and finds sin and death abiding in him, then Jesus is standing at the door of your heart waiting to be let in. As it is written in Ephesians 5:14 "Wherefore he says, "Awake you that sleep, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give to you the "light of life". But who is able to discern the righteousness of the carnal mind from the righteousness of the spiritual mind? He is able to discern the difference between the death that appears as the illusion of life from the abundant life that is of the Spirit of life. Where is your joy? Where is the belief that is accompanied with hope and peace of mind? Who is able to hear his voice? It is written in Hebrews 9:14 "How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit, offered himself without spot to God, to cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?" Who is able to hear that he may repent of those dead works which appear right and seem good?
Many times God has raised up his prophets, and many times his people have rejected the message of the prophets. Many times the Lord's people have not turned to the Lord because they mistook the message of God's love for an attack on their castle. Many times the Lord, who always tries to correct those whom he loves, has sent the message of repentance to his people, and many times his prophets have been treated in the same manner as God's own Son was, being despised, rejected, persecuted, and slain; all for the sake of self-preservation. Who is prepared to receive a new heart and a new mind when all of his efforts are spent in preserving all those things of "self"? God is at this very moment raising up his prophets, a priesthood of believers who not only believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God, the Messiah who was crucified and raised from the dead, but they also have written in their hearts the belief that all things are possible with God. God is raising up this priesthood for one purpose, to turn the hearts of the humble to heart of their heavenly Father, to prepare the way for the coming of the kingdom of God that is soon to come upon earth. The Lord is equipping this priesthood with the authority to minister life, hope, love, and healing to those who will hear them. These will be equipped to minister to the needs and the lack of the Lord's people just as God raised up Joseph to do the same for Israel in the time of famine. These will turn the hearts of the people unto the Lord, who will in turn, will heal the land of all of its uncleanness. This priesthood of believers will carry with them the same message that has been carried by all of the prophets: "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, and open the door to their hearts, and pray, and turn from their wicked ways and seek for my life, then l will forgive their sins and errors, and I will heal their land"; says the Lord". Many shall be made strong in faith and perfect in belief, and there land shall be healed, and they shall love the Lord their God with their hearts and minds, and not with their words. These are they who shall be prepared as the bride who waits for her groom.
Take heed, my brethren, for many do not have the faith that is accompanied with the works of the mighty God; that is, that the people of God will turn to the Lord, and ask him, then HE will heal the land without any assistance of man. Many, having not this understanding, will preach to the church that they prepare their hearts and make themselves ready. These, having no belief in the faithfulness of God, nor understanding his mighty power, will deny him, and instruct many to heal their own land. But who is able to deliver himself from the powers of pride? Who is able to turn from his own desire to be right in all that he does? Who will not turn from the Lord to honor the spirits of fear, and worry, and anxiety when they appear? Who is able to transform that which is carnal into that which is spiritual? Take heed, my brethren, for we are living in that time where Jesus promised to us that many false prophets would come in his name, saying that they are Christians. These false prophets, being wise in their own eyes and leaning to their own understanding for interpretation of the scriptures, will deceive everyone who is wise in his own eyes and leans to his own understanding. These will preach against sin, against the world, against injustice, and against the lusts of the flesh, but their message will be, "Repent, and do the best that you can". It is this message that will kill the hope of God's people, the hope that Jesus, the physician sent by God, will heal the land. The message of the false prophet will only minister unbelief and doubt that God will perform his word for his people. All they who minister such things, they do so because they have no belief or faith within themselves that the Lord will do any of these things for themselves. Let us not be robbed of the hope that the Lord has given to us; for we have a great hope in that even if our own heart would condemn us for our sins and errors, the Lord is greater than our heart.
I myself know the heart of the false prophet very well, seeing that I myself had such a heart before the Lord showed me mercy. For I also testified against sin, that a man should put forth his best effort to heal himself; then the Lord opened my eyes to see the complete vanity of this work, that there is no freedom from sin, and no glory to Lord for a work that he desires to do. I testified against the world, that it was evil and wicked, and that it should be condemned; that is, until the Lord removed the veil from my heart, and I saw that the world was in my own heart and mind. I preached that the cross that Jesus wanted us to take up was that we should try to deny the desires of our flesh by the strength of our own will power; until the Lord said to me, Where is the abundant life in this type of life?" Then the Lord opened my eyes to see that the cross is our belief of his word, and the faith that he is going to perform all of the work. I not only preached against the sinners of this world, but the desire in my heart was also to see fire come down from heaven to consume all who did such things; then the Lord spoke to me one morning and said, "Why do you desire for destruction to come upon those who l suffered and died for? Were you not of the same?", says the Lord. I then knew that I truly did not know what manner of spirit that I was of. I was one of those who preached the letter of the word, confident that my interpretation of the scriptures was the truth; but my words were not accompanied with truth nor grace. I even thought that if I could arouse enough guilt or self-condemnation in the people thinking that by doing so that the people would then try to do better at trying to heal their own hearts. I know the heart of the false prophet well, the heart that would lead the people to throw stones, accuse, judge, and condemn those weak to sin; the heart that has no compassion, or forgiveness, or love towards my enemies, towards any of those who had offended me, nor towards those who did not agree with me.
I know the heart of the false prophet well, the heart that delights in seeing fear in the hearts and the eyes of those who you have preached to. I also know the words of the false prophet well, those words that are preached that make men believe that God is like unto that prophet; that the Lord has no patience with sin and weakness, thus making men afraid to approach the heavenly Father in the times that we need his love and care the most, in the times of weakness and sin. I know the heart of false prophet well, the heart that is extremely zealous for God because God himself has given to him visions and dreams, and taught him the mysteries of God; and though his heart knows the severity of God, it has not yet been filled with the love that God has for his people. I know the shame that a false prophet feels when suddenly he realizes that all that he has heard from the Lord has been interpreted carnally. I have seen the greatness of my errors and mistakes, and if I had not erred so greatly by reason of my pride and my self-righteousness, then I would not have known how great God's mercy is all those who have erred in the same manner. Years I lived in error, always confident that I was in the right path, yet I was way out in left field; but the Lord never left the door to my heart, always there knocking and waiting. When the day came that I opened the door to the Lord, guilt, shame, self-condemnation, doubts, and fear have just melted away. Truly, God corrects those whom he loves, dealing gently, patiently, and delicately with us in the times of error and weakness. I found out that when I asked the Lord to come into the castle of my heart that he comes in with life, love, mercy, grace, as well as every other good and wonderful thing that a man would like to be corrected with. I am one who is thankful that Jesus never left my door, but loved me even I was dead in my carnal thoughts, confident in my own righteousness, and dead in my faith. I know the heart of the false prophet who was dead, but is made alive through the Spirit of life; the cure from God which heals every sickness that proceeds forth from that terminal disease known as the carnal mind.
I was blind, but now I see. I see that all healing belongs to Jesus, the only physician who can heal the land of its miseries and torments. I see that life only comes after God gives to a man his Spirit. I see all truth comes through the spiritual understanding and knowledge that comes from above. I see that all power belongs unto God, that he alone is truly sovereign over all things, and that he alone has the power to make a difference because he alone has the power to change the heart and the mind. I see that no matter how much my heart abounds in the sins of unbelief, doubt, fear, pride, and self-righteousness, the Lord still delights in showing me grace and mercy when I turn to him. I see that God takes great pleasure in giving abundant life to his people. I see that it is impossible for any man to see as God sees until he first receives wisdom from above; and then this precious wisdom teaches your heart that this walk is all about what God desires to do for you and it is not about what you are going to do for him; for as it is written, "The Lord is pleased with the works of his own hands" ..and if we will believe and turn to him, then he will make us his workmanship". I see that I know nothing of (God) myself, nor that I can do anything of myself that is pleasing in the sight of God. I have seen with my eyes that I am a sinner, and nothing but a man, and that God alone is Holy. Yet, for all this truth that I have seen, I have not yet seen what is still the biggest mystery to me, how we can all be the object of God's affection; how we are that which is always in his thoughts; a God who has continued to love us so greatly, even when we have not loved him. I have seen the Lord deliver me from every fear that I have asked him to deliver me from, as well as all of my anxieties and worries.
I have seen that only God is able to interpret dreams, correct me of my self-righteousness, humble my pride, and heal my land of the unbelief and doubts when they arise. I have taken up my cross and died to myself, allowing for Jesus, that Spirit of life to become wisdom, and strength, and love, and understanding, and power, and truth, and life for me. I see that only the Lord is able to open the eyes of the blind and to give hearing to ears. I was blind, but now I see, and I was deaf, but now I can hear and perceive. That which I see and that which I hear, it is only because I asked the Lord to open my eyes so that I might see that which I was blind to see. It is impossible for any man to see those things which he is blind to see, but Job said it best when he prayed, "Lord, open my eyes to see those things which l do not see". I proved the Lord by asking the Lord to do the same for me that he did for Job, and the Lord did. My eyes have seen and my ears have heard that the Lord, he is God, and there is no other; and the Lord has proved that this is truth by performing his promises for me. You can hear said every day that there is only one God, but unless you ask the Lord to prove that for you, your heart will not believe it. It’s that simple, thanks be to God.
The time is at hand where each one of us is going to have to give an account before the Lord for the gift of the Holy Spirit that has been given to us, and we all know that, like the 5 foolish virgins, the ones who God is going to be angry with are they who never increased beyond measure of the earnest of the Spirit that was given to them. As Paul said, “It is God who gives the increase”. Is there anything that God would withhold from his people that he promised to give to them? Is it not as it is written, “You have not because you asked not”? Is it not also written that God says, "My people shall be destroyed for "a lack" of knowledge'? Is it not also written in parable of the talents that the Lord says to those who were afraid to come to him, "You wicked and slothful servant.. Cast out this unprofitable servant into the outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth". Have you ever neglected a simple task, and then it blew up to be a problem of many times worse than you thought it could; and then you gritted your teeth when you saw how foolish you were for not taking care of the matter when it was a simple task? Yet, if we lack on that day, will it not shameful to hear the Lord say, "You do not have because you did not ask; and you did not ask because you were afraid I would not answer you. Had you asked, I would have gladly given to you; for what loving Father does not freely give all things to his children?" What wisdom would instruct a man not to take heed to that which is written in Hebrews 2:3 "How shall we escape if we neglect great of a salvation?" Would not all those servants that lack only do so because they neglected to prove the Lord at his word and not ask him for those things that the Father instructed us to ask for?
Many have asked, and have not received because they asked for those things that would bring pleasure and satisfaction to "self", as though God should bow before their will. Many have asked for those things that come from above, and they have not received any of these spiritual treasures because they did not first prepare their hearts to receive them; that is, you cannot receive the love from God that thinks not of itself as your head's desire is the love of "self". You cannot receive peace of the spiritual mind unless you are first willing to lose your fears, your anxieties, your worries decreased. You cannot receive any spiritual wisdom or understanding of the truth unless you are first willing to ask the Lord to destroy your wisdom and bring your understanding and knowledge to nothing. If you desire to have life, then you must be willing to lay down all of the treasures of righteousness that you have lived your life by. You cannot be the works of God's hands until you are first willing to cease from the works of your own hands, trying to make yourself that which your heart does not agree with. All of those who increased in the Spirit, they did so because they first decreased to "self". All of those who do not increase, they simply do not understand the treasures of life that dwells in the gifts that only God of heaven and earth desires to give them. No man that is led by counsels of fear, or doubt, or unbelief is a man of a sound mind. But if a man desires to have a sound mind, and is willing to offer unto the Lord his fears, doubts, and unbelief, then the Lord will accept that offering also, seeing that you offering of those things of "self".
God is not able to show himself to be great and mighty unto any man who desires for "self" to be great and mighty. The only way that Jesus, who is that Spirit in which all of the treasures of life dwells, is able to fill our hearts and our minds is that we first be willing to disown all things carnal, .Redemption is nothing more than the you asking the Lord to trade all of the sin and death that dwells in the thoughts of the carnal mind for the life and peace that dwells in the spiritual mind. "Lord, I will trade you the wisdom that blinds my eyes for your wisdom so that I may see as you see"; "Lord, I will trade you my worries about tomorrow for life and peace today"; "Lord, I will trade you the darkness of my ignorance and confusion for light of the knowledge of God"; "Lord, I will offer unto you the bitterness and the unforgiveness that is in my heart for your kindness and forgiveness"; "Lord, I will trade you the faith that I have in myself, for the faith that you have in God; Lord", "Lord, I will trade you the pride of my heart for the humility of your Spirit". "Lord, I am willing to trade all things flesh that are contrary to you for all things spiritual so that I may walk with you". The remedy for the terminal disease of the carnal mind is life, and Jesus is the physician that ministers this life and healing to us who desire to delivered out of our bondage to sin and death.
Jesus said that he would never leave us or forsake us, even though we have refuse to open the door to our hearts unto him. Jesus has no desire to come into our hearts to condemn us, or to belittle us, or to find fault with us, or to accuse us, or to judge us, or to mock us, or to declare how disappointed he is with us; Oh no, this Jesus has none of evil intentions dwelling in him at all, but rather he is there to deliver us, to heal us, and to save us from all of the miseries, the errors, the torments, as well as from all of the illusions of sin and death; the darkness of this fallen world. Our turning unto our Lord Jesus Christ is nothing but blessing and life, for there is nothing there that the Lord our God does not desire to do for us, if we believe that which we ask. There is nothing that the Lord our God will restrain from us if we ask according to his will, and his will is that we be made partakers of his life, which is divine nature. I was praying one morning when the Spirit prayed these woods for me, seeing that these thoughts or words had not been in my mind: 'Father. I desire to be just like you. Immediately the Lord answered me back speaking in an audible voice saying, 'Every father desires for his son to be like him". I then trembled with fear when I realized That I actually heard the Lord speaking audibly to me. Then the Lord said. Can John Doe teach Mitt Jeffords Jr. to be like Mitt Jeffords Sr.? I then answered, 'No Lord Only the Father is able to teach the son to be like the Father. It was then that I understood why the Lord is always desirous fo